











My salary.

 It's getting hot and sweaty after spring. How is everyone doing? Even though it is the end of the year, I am busy with my business trip schedule.

 Today, I would like to think about the salaries of university teachers. If you become a college teacher, you probably have an image that you get paid a lot. I've seen articles on the Internet that you can receive 10 million yen a year, but I don't know if you can really receive that much. Because I don't get that much. I can't tell you the exact amount, but I'd like you to think it's almost half of 10 million yen.

 With this amount of money, some people may think of quitting becoming college teachers. To become a university teacher, you need to invest a lot to go to a doctoral course. In fact, I am still paying back my scholarship. I'm not writing this to discourage you from becoming a university teacher. However, I would like you to make a decision after you fully understand the reality.

 I used to do business, but I have to say that the process of becoming a college teacher is very cost effective. I think the fact that the number of people who obtain doctoral degrees in Japan is decreasing year by year shows this.

Now that I think about it, I might have failed as a businessman. Now, however, we cannot change the direction significantly. I have given up thinking that I have no choice but to complete my current job for a while.

 In addition to your salary, there are monthly payments such as housing allowance, family allowance, commuting allowance, etc., and travel allowance, etc., which you can receive each time. Also, you can receive research expenses separately as a different money from other jobs. However, the use of research funds is unexpectedly limited, so it is not a money that can be used freely.

 On the other hand, there are regular expenses such as living expenses and rent, but in addition to that, there are quite a lot of expenses associated with teachers and students. Because of this kind of income and expenditure, I feel that I can do my best not only to save money but also to repay my debts.

 I don't have enough time to live, and if I fail something, it is a job that is subject to social sanctions, so I am at a loss to recommend it to everyone these days. I wish my salary would go up dramatically from year to year, but that kind of lottery is unlikely to happen. I was an associate professor who thought of working seriously even though he was old with such delusions.

 (I was an associate professor who shouts money in the car to work every day. Money!)



