


 しばらく記事を書けなかったのは、オンラインでのオープンキャンパスがありそこでの模擬授業を担当したり、対面授業が部分的に開放されて対面と遠隔のハイブリット授業を実施したり、全く初めてのことではないのですが部分的に初めてすることがあって、何となく余裕のない毎日を過ごしていました。 特に学生が登校するようになってから研究室に来る学生がまた増え、しばらく遠ざかっていた学生対応に追われることも記事を書く時間を失った要因の1つです。








Fight an invisible wall.

 It's said that the rainy season has started, but I don't think it's raining that much. How is everyone? (As I was saying, there was a shower.)

 The reason I couldn't write an article for a while is because there was an open campus online and I was in charge of a simulation class there, and because the face-to-face class was partially open, I had a hybrid class between face-to-face and remote, and although it was not my first time at all, I had a part of my first time, so I was spending my days with no time. In particular, the number of students who come to the laboratory once they start going to school has increased and they have to deal with students who have been away for a while, which is one of the reasons why they have lost the time to write articles.

 And there's another reason I couldn't write an article. It's an internal meeting. You might think that faculty members are doing their favorite research at their favorite time. Of course there are such parts, but there are other work related to education and management. Education is about teaching students, and management is about university management. Today, I'd like to talk about some of the operations.

I was the head of an organization before I became a college teacher. So, I have some experience in management. Also, since my specialty is management, I think I have a certain amount of management as knowledge. There have been a number of times recently that I have come to realize that it is fairly difficult to overcome the barriers of college management even with such experience and knowledge.

 The first wall is the length of the meeting. How long is your organization's meeting? When I was at the top, I did it within two hours at the longest. People don't have the ability to concentrate even if we talk more. However, the conference at the college I work for is about four hours long. During that time, there is no break or at least 5 minutes. That's at least twice a month. In college, I'm a low-key person, so I spend all my time in silence, but sitting in a conference room for more than four hours in silence is a job that requires a lot of energy. If there is a constructive discussion, you can still hear it, but there is no such discussion, and you are just forced to continue reading various reports. And I'm stunned that the most stressful things are often not decided at the meeting, but decided somewhere else. (I hope it's just our university, not other universities ...)

 The next hurdle is the quality of faculty who can't find a compromise. As a result of considering whether there is anything that can be gained from these seemingly useless meetings, I have recently been observing the ecology of university teachers. There are various kinds of people called university teachers. But generally speaking, many of them are out of touch with the world. First of all, in order to become a university teacher, you need to go to a graduate school and get a doctoral course. And luckily after the post-doc period? These are people who got university teaching positions, so I think they are people who have a good financial environment. (Actually, bonuses are paid at this time of the year, but some cars were changed to new cars. I have been driving a small car for more than 10 years.)

 The preamble is a bit long, but the point is that it is difficult for ordinary people to become university teachers. That kind of out-of-the-way people are teaching students who are ordinary people, so it is inevitable that there will be some gap. Of course, nothing has been decided because it is a meeting where people with such qualities gather. They hold their ideals and keep insisting until the other side gives in, so the fruitless discussion continues for nearly four hours.

  We tried many things to overcome these two barriers, but none of them worked, so we stopped fighting for a while. I've come to the conclusion from my experience and knowledge that the hardest part of management is how well I can exit. So I got into the habit of always thinking about things with withdrawal. Shinsaku Takasugi of the Choshu clan is said to have secured an escape route during the battle, and legend of Milky Way Hero, Jan Wenley, also made an excellent retreat with minimal casualties. (https://gineiden-anime.com/) it takes a lot of force and timing to stop what's moving and point it in a different direction, but now I think it's not the time, and I'm forgoing to get over the invisible wall. During that time, I will look at the beautiful scenery and refresh my energy for the next match.

 (But today, I'm locked in a lonely battle in an empty college lab.)
