










 ​The limits of public education.

  ​It was a very mild day today. How are you? ​Even though it's a three-day weekend, I'm still walking around in my work clothes.

  ​​​Well, I had a meeting with the principal of an elementary school today. ​I wanted to visit her as a guest of my class next time, but she said it was only if it was a three-day holiday, so I rushed to her house regardless of the holiday.

 ​The principal is very energetic, and he is doing many things in elementary school. ​I feel like I'm doing everything I can, including involving people in the community and opening my house, because I don't have enough support from students within the school.

 So isn't there anyone who opposes me if I keep doing new things? ​When I asked, in fact, my closest teacher told me that he would oppose it the most, so I nodded strongly saying, "I thought so.". ​After all, it was very impressive to hear that relatives were the biggest enemy. 

 ​Teachers who say "Take on more challenges." don't challenge their children the most, not only at universities, but also in elementary, junior high and high schools. ​Especially in elementary schools and junior high schools, the teaching guidelines are very strict, so teachers can't move. ​So, the principal had already done everything that could be done in public education, and this time he wanted to try in a different field, so I involuntarily said, "Let's make a university that everyone can enter.".

​ Universities are not yet subject to as strong regulations as the teaching guidelines. ​However, since university teachers are more interested in research than education, and teacher evaluation is based on research results, both teachers and universities often lack enthusiasm for education.

  ​I don't mind if there is only one university specialized in education in Japan. ​Here, regardless of age, sex or gender, I would like to transcend the frame of being a teacher and a student, and aim to have a relationship where people grow up with each other through interaction with each other. ​That's why I want to make it possible for students to choose a teacher and also for teachers to choose a student. ​When you are with this person, you will be asked to choose the criteria based on the person's intuition such as "cozy" "delightful" or "I might be able to grow.". ​Of course, if you don't get along with them, you can break them up and start a new relationship with a different person.

 ​When I told this story to the principal, he really sympathized with me. ​Recently, I've been talking about the delusion of creating a new university here and there, but it was the middle day of a three-day holiday when I felt a small possibility that I might actually be able to do it.

​(On the way home, there were only cars on the way back from the excursion, so the associate professor rode while singing loudly in the car. GET OVER THE LIMIT!!)
