
Quarantine Diary 7/3/20





日本語で移民一世と言えばわたしみたいな、外国で生まれて移住してきた世代のことだけど、英語でfirst generationと言えば、アメリカで生まれた最初の世代(アメリカ国籍)ってこと。一世のことはimmigrants と呼ぶ。この辺りの認識もイギリスでは違うのかもしれない。入りづらい、かたいイメージのある国。

それぞれの物語を安心して書くことができる場所が必要で、わたしのzine "garden 庭"はいつだってそういう場所でありたいと願っている。


Day 107. Had once a month counseling session. I started to seeing him because of my PTSD when I ride the subway. Now I don't ride so I don't really need the counseling, but it is always good idea to have someone who you can talk to. Everyone should try it at least once.

Last night I was sinking in a deep thoughts. I felt lonely. 
While I was writing on my notes, I realized that I just needed to focus on myself. On my projects. When it's in need, people and information would come to me.

Things happening in US and Hong Kong are leftover curse from what UK did in history. There's a lot things they have to look back, but they don't seem like being ready or willing to do so. Old countries like UK (Japan too) have long and dark lists they have to pay back one day. The due day is coming.

We couldn't cook, too hot. He made us sandwiches and we watched Netflix about UFO. It was last July fourth or before that, we saw it here.

I finished reading this book in Japanese. It is anthology by immigrants and first generations in UK. They didn't have any book about themselves. It must be so hard. It is really different being immigrant in US and UK. 

We always need to write our story. Because there is no other person who shares mine. So are you. 
We all need some place to write while feeling safe and comfortable. 
I hope my zine is a place like this to everyone.

LOVE, Yuko

zineの制作やその他いろいろな表現、発信のために使わせていただきます。 自由な気持ちでこの世界を楽しんでいます。 ゆうこの庭に遊びにきていただければ嬉しいです!