
Quarantine Diary 4/28/20










Day 41! We managed to wake up at 6:30, and had a short run. It’s so hard... I walked little. We will keep trying!

When we woke up early, the day feels long.
Had shower, did laundry, and had breakfast. My husband had a lot of meetings today, and I had to write many emails. As we share the same computer we are coordinating, and it’s good. Because in that way, we have to have leave from the front of PC. We had a short nap before noon. We cuddled whole time, and it felt so good.

On my Twitter timeline, there’re so many posts about pentagon... I was so confused and went to CNN and then found a small news about UFO. It says that pentagon officially confirmed the video of UFO. But the video is from 2004 and 2015. Why now? And why many Japanese are excited but no Americans? (No posts on my English account) It's so interesting. 
I guess it is because of the religion. For the culture with monotheism, alien or/and UFO had been a taboo for long time. Japanese are polytheistic or not practicing any religions seriously. We jokingly say that we go to shine for new year, have funerals at temple, and have weddings at church. And it is true. We mixed them because we are not serious. The idea of religion is so different in Japan. Japanese people is very flexible to the new things. I'm sure they will accept aliens in a sec.

Micheal Moore's new documentary is on YouTube. And he had two podcast episodes about it. Did you watch that?? It was very shocking. It says that all the "green" energies are actually not green at all... wow. We are still attached to fossil fuels.
I guess all the secrets are coming under the light.
What's next? I am kinda enjoying this.

When I feel overwhelmed, I watch Joe Pera's show. His joke is very clam. It somehow soothes me. 

We spent 40 min on the rooftop. The sun is getting stronger. All the trees in the backyard has new and fresh leafs. We heard a woodpecker. Despite everything, the earth is still going forward.

LOVE, Yuko

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