
Isabelle Huppert "MARY SAID WHAT SHE SAID"@Barbican Theatre 11 May 2024

  多くの映画に出演し、フランス映画界の最前線で活躍するベテラン俳優イサベル・ユペール。カンヌ映画祭もまじかの5月10日から3日間、ロンドンの舞台に立った。"MARY SAID WAHT SHE SAID"は、16世紀を生きたスコットランド女王、エリザベス1世によって断頭台に送られ44歳の命を閉じたメアリー・スチュワートの人生の最終章を描く独白ドラマだ。中世ヨーロッパの歴史は多くの国の王族の複雑な権力争いによって色塗られているが、その時代に翻弄され生きたメアリーの人生は多くの関心をそそり、これまでそれは多くの文学や戯曲、映画のテーマにとりあげられてきた。





Veteran actor Isabelle Huppert has appeared in many films and is active at the forefront of the French film scene. She took to the stage in London, just before the Cannes Film Festival. "MARY SAID WAHT SHE SAID" is a monologue drama depicting the final chapter of the life of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, who lived in the 16th century. The history of medieval Europe is colored by the complex power struggles of the royal families of many countries, but Mary's life, which was tossed about in that era, has attracted much interest and has been the subject of many literary works, plays, and films. The director of this work is veteran American director Robert Wilson. This time, the plan was to move the performance, which was held at the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris, to the Barbican Theater in London for only three days. How will Isabelle play the queen who lived this turbulent life alone? Will the stage, which is almost a solo performance, be visually impressive? With these feelings in mind, I went to the performance.
The stage begins in almost complete darkness. At the back of the stage, Isabel was hidden as black silhouettes in the dim light. The script is said to be based on a letter she wrote before her guillotine. She looks back on her life and pours out her feelings from different eras. Her relationships are highlighted through her emotions. Her husband, mother-in-law, and others cross her mind. Time and again, she is reminded of her love and feelings for the four Mary, her lady in waiting. One can imagine that her life as a queen must have been isolated in a world colored with all sorts of political plots.

The lines are fast-paced. At times they run wild like tongue twisters. The lines also have a musical rhythm, and sometimes the same sentence is repeated over and over. They are like lyric poetry and opera lyrics. She also sang to the beat like rap. The stage began in near darkness, but as the monologue gained steam, blue lights were turned on and Isabelle zigzagged back and forth across the stage like a marionette. Finally, she appeared across the entire stage, the lights highlighting Mary's white face. There were hardly any props on the nearly, so the white shoes on the floor looks striking and play great significance.

It was a stunning performance, with an intense portrayal of the solitary end of a reclusive queen. There was a Mary that only Isabelle Huppert could play. She has shown excellent acting in a variety of films, and this magnificent performance proved her acting abilities far beyond her film performances.
