
英語日記 - Day 11

In English

My younger son and I spend some time together every week while my older son is taking piano lessons.

Yesterday, I made Onigiri (rice balls) with my younger son. We thought that we could have lunch right when they got home.

We were doing it while on a video call with his grandparents, and he seemed to be having a lot of fun making Onigiri.

Since I set up Amazon Echo Show 5 at my parents' house at the end of the last year, we can make video calls with them easily. It's great to be able to interact with my parents more.

In Japanese




年末帰省したときに、Amazon Echo Show 5を実家に設置したので、気軽にビデオ通話ができるようになった。祖父母との交流が増えてうれしい。
