

Our 21-Day Journey into Minimalism



(Happiness Is a Curious Thing)

And then, as our lives were spiraling downward in ever-diminishing circles towards an empty oblivion, we inadvertently discovered minimalism. It was a beacon in the night. We lingered curiously on the limbic portions of its perimeter, scouring feverishly through Internet page after Internet page, looking for more information and guidance and enlightenment, watching and learning and attempting to understand what this whole “simple living”? thing was all about. Through months of research we traveled further and further down the rabbit hole, and over time we discovered a group of people without a lot of things but with myriad happiness, passion, and freedom. We yearned for the same.

We embraced minimalism as a way of life and discovered that we, too, could be happy. But it wasn’t through owning more stuff; it wasn’t through accumulation. We took back control of our lives so we could focus on what’s important—so we could focus on life’s deeper meaning.

Happiness, as far as we’re concerned, is achieved through living a meaningful life: a life filled with passion and freedom in which we grow as individuals and contribute beyond ourselves. Growth and contribution: those are the bedrocks of happiness. Not stuff.

This may not sound sexy or “marketable,” but it’s the cold truth. Without growth, and without a deliberate effort to help others, we are simply slaves to cultural expectations ensnared by the trappings of money, power, status, and perceived success.

Minimalism is the tool that helped us simplify our lives by stripping away the excess so we could focus on what’s truly important.

We invite you to join us. Membership is free. And you deserve to be happy: you, too, deserve to live a meaningful life.

