

Our 21-Day Journey into Minimalism



Background バックグラウンド

In the fall of 2009, soon after his mother died and his marriage ended (in the same month), Joshua stumbled across Colin Wright’s website. Colin said he was a “minimalist,” but Joshua had no idea what this meant. However, the world he soon discovered showed him he could be happy without trying to accumulate more stuff. Although he didn’t fully embrace minimalism at first, Joshua opted to dip his toe in simplicity’s waters instead: he began simplifying his life with experiments like paring down his stuff, getting rid of his TV, living with enough, and questioning what he owns.

In time, Joshua realized most of his stuff—about 90% of it—was weighing him down, keeping him from the freedom, happiness, and fulfillment he so desperately wanted.

So he let go. Over the course of eight months, Joshua jettisoned approximately 90% of his possessions. As he let go, he began feeling freer, happier, lighter. As the external clutter was removed, so was the internal clutter: emotional clutter, mental clutter, stress, anxiety.

Soon, Joshua’s best friend of 20 years, Ryan, asked him a question: “Why the hell are you so happy?”

Joshua told Ryan about minimalism.

“What’s minimalism?” Ryan asked.

Joshua explained: “Minimalism is the thing that gets us past the things so we can make room for life’s most important things—which actually aren’t things at all.”

Joshua told Ryan that consumption isn’t the problem—compulsory consumption is the problem. We all need some material things, but minimalists actually get more value from their possessions because they own only things that add value to their lives. As a minimalist, everything you own serves a purpose or brings joy—everything else is out of the way, which allows you to focus on what’s truly important: health, relationships, passions, growth, and contribution.

With this revelation, Ryan decided to become a minimalist, too, and document his journey alongside Joshua—a journal of their journey they both hoped would help other people simplify their lives. This is that journey. The following 21 days were the impetus for this website, which we began sharing with the world on December 14, 2010. (If you find value in this website, please consider supporting it by donating a dollar.)

