
You might be wonder why I write this ariticle in English.

I study about food allergy because I have that diease.

I'm allergic to
Pisum sativum
Kidney beans

Yeah, where I eat outside would be Sushi restaurants or Steak houses.

There are many words I see for the first time and learn how to say, thus I will write here for myself.

Refering to this ariticle,
Food Allergies: What to Eat, What to Avoid | The Iowa Clinic

Many food products and meals contain ingredients you’d never expect —or they’re cross-contaminated by allergens in the production or cooking process.

And study up on your allergen to find all the unexpected ways it can crop up in your diet.

Tree nuts cover a wide variety of nuts, including snacking favorites like almonds, pistachios and cashews. Similar to shellfish allergies, when you’re allergic to one type of tree nut, there’s a good chance you’re allergic to another.

Swimming creatures with fins and not shells are also common allergens. Salmon, tuna and halibut are the most likely culprits. Unlike the tree nut-peanut connection, fish allergies and shellfish allergies are not linked. Being allergic to fish does not increase your odds of being allergic to shellfish. It does make you more likely to have an allergy to another type of fish.
Seafood and sushi restaurants should be placed on your “Do Not Go” list. You should also be wary of supplements, which are not regulated by the FDA. Omega-3 comes from fish oil and it’s commonly added to all kinds of products.

That all for today.
I hope you have a nice day!

January 5th 2023
