'The Bear' Season 3 finally came out in Japan after turning around the 'Corner'ー「一流シェフのファミリーレストラン」が好きすぎて紹介記事を書きました。そして英訳もしましたという話

Heard chef!! I'm grateful to be able to contribute the article to recommend 
'The Bear' enthusiastically.In addition to the article written in Japanese,I struggled to translate in English in order to share what I was being attracted,inspired by this incredible show for millions of fans from across the world.
English version is the below of this note.Stay tuned!!!

ポップカルチャーメディア「THE RIVER」にて「一流シェフのファミリーレストラン」S3配信記念紹介記事を執筆しました。そして、英語バージョンもここに掲載します

ドラマシリーズ「一流シェフのファミリーレストラン(原題:The Bear)」のシーズン3がディズニープラスにて2024年7月17日からとうとう配信開始となりました。本国アメリカでは同日(現地時間)第76回エミー賞での23部門ノミネートがアナウンスされたところです。

本国から遅れること3週間、待望の国内配信開始を記念して、シーズン1&2の紹介を中心としたオススメ記事を、長らくお世話になっているポップカルチャーメディア「THE RIVER」で執筆させてもらいました。オススメ記事を書きたいと打診したところ、手厚く協力、バックアップしていただきました。改めて感謝申し上げます。


Let me just talk about how much I love 'The Bear' which is being titled 'ichiryu chef no family restaurant' in Japan

Yes chef!! Season 3 of 'The Bear' is out now in Japan.
The series had gained so many awards including American Film Institute Awards, Golden Globes, Primetime Emmy Awards since the first season was released on FX on hulu in 2022.According to FX, the first season was the most-watched comedy series in the network's history and the second season was the most-watched season premiere in the network's history until FX limited series “Shōgun” broke that record.

Scoring 23 nominations for 2024 Emmy Awards this year, breaking the record of 22 set by the NBC hit “30 Rock” back in 2009, the series definitely will draw attention furthermore.
To celebrate the anticipated S3, this article features the outline of S1&S2, various adorable characters, the core of the show I have been eager to push personally just as a fan.

I thought it was a family restaurant but it was just a kitchen almost everyone is yelling

First of all, this show doesn’t have any relaxing, pleasant mood at all as the Japanese title “ichiryu chef no family restaurant” evokes. Some people might be confused about the enthusiastic lines which constantly are not distinct because of overlapping or the number of swear words accompanied by the story which develops hectically on the show. Most of characters oftentimes yell, shout, or bellow. Having known that it’s supposed to be a screwball comedy, I actually was overwhelmed by the enormous number of F-words. I was even wondering if the reputation as a masterpiece was true. Still hard to keep up with what the potential of the series at the early stage. I didn’t even know if this vibe was kind of common in the dining industry and normal in Chicago. It's all Greek to me how the show is going to be.

As the story goes on, I got to know the complexity of this world gradually. Every single character has their own background which sometimes bothers and suppresses them. Carmy, the protagonist guy experienced the power harassment from the former boss and his volatility partly stems from the past he was raised in the dysfunctional family. Besides, he is not good at expressing his words, sometimes disappoints the visionary chef Sydney despite being convinced that he found a best buddy, owing to discommunitcation. The way Carmy is thrown into despair is too painful but somehow reminds us of similar issues we tend to fall into.
That’s how we can’t stop feeling sympathy to him.

Sympath for the charcters and stomachache-inducing immersion make us as if I were a part of the show

Talking of sympathy, Richie, a veteran employee at The Beef as well as Michael’s bestie, must be the one whose transition will impress you drastically. At first, large numbers of viewers would feel he’s such a sarcastic, cynical guy, definitely. Some people might doubt if he’s just a thankless role or what kind of achievement he will realize during the show. He is sometimes hostile to Carmy and Sydney, who try to change the place because that plan was obviously threatening to Richie who loved the Beef run by his bestie. As the story goes on, we also got to know how Richie has struggled with various kinds of sufferings like a midlife crisis, depression, grief or so. He actually wants to be unlike him but be in stuck. His impatience eventually causes a harsh attitude especially to Sydney.

The 7th episode in the 1st season “Review” depicts the inclement kitchen overwhelmingly in one consecutive take. Richie has been so uncomfortable to Sydney who gained a very positive review from the food critic that offences her menacingly. When she has dropped the cakes which she was just carrying by bumping Richie, he stressed her out “You didn’t say 'Corner'??” (“Behind” or “Corner” is a warning phrase to avoid the troubles in the kitchen thus this word means” It’s your fault the cakes were ruined.”). However, Sydney never is intimidated and tells Richie “F**k you”,” You’re a loser.” resolutely. Not only Richie vs Sydney but also other characters’ behaviors work in a negative way on that day and Carmy finally gets deteriorated. The anxiety that ripples through the chaos is stomachache-inducing and contagious to us viewers and we feel as if we also are a part of the show. Such an immersive and unprecedented moment was worth to the highlight of S1 which I was completely blown away. So were millions of fans all over the world.

Throughout the events of mayhem, every character grows step by step. So does Richie, of course. The 7th episode in the 2nd season “Forks” teaches the importance of the idea “Respect” not only to Richie but to everyone who got involved in the show. We are able to find a silver lining if only we can be open-minded and stay true. That’s definitely a significant message from the show and why this is a masterpiece.

No consideration,no hesitation.How endearing their struggle are.

Basically, their interactions don’t have too much consideration, and beyond age, experience, role, they are not hesitant to state their opinion, even afraid of any conflicts. Meanwhile, so flat that they call colleagues “chef” with each other.
It might be somehow strange for us Japanese who got used to follow the seniority system and hierarchy in the working environment. Their noisy but honest discourse is literally what I was shocked at first and attracted the most about the show. Though this show is named “ichiryu chefu no family restaurant” in Japanese, they don’t romanticize any families on the show and every character wrestles with their issues mainly related to the family and portray it bothersome.
I'm never going to call out how wonderful the family or household is no matter how I love the show because we totally understand that relationship always requires hardship and how fatiguing the kinship is.
Especially for Carmy, it’s even much tougher to accept the reality without running away from the awkwardness through the process to confront with the pain of the past. We sometimes witness procrastination assassinates him relentlessly.

The way they try to struggle through challenges and step forward is incredibly brilliant and endearing even though they really know how troublesome the entire relationship is. The show which themes cross over team building, running the business, even mental health, has been focusing every single character of the “family” beyond blood relatives. That definitely would strike a lot of people and push them gently whether they are engaged in the dining industry or not.

From Wilco,Pearl Jam to Taylor Swift.Good music vibe is worth binge-wathing

I love to recommend mesmerizing music aired in the show. From the artists or songs which relate to Chicago, such as Wilco based in Chicago, Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder of which frontperson, is well-known for being from the State of Illinois and is a huge fan of local sports teams like Chicago Cubs, Sufjan Stevens’s “Chicago”, to The Beach Boys, AC/DC, R.E.M., Radiohead and Taylor Swift, various and fascinating tracks make each episode vibrant. You can binge-watch the series since one episode has a runtime around 30 minutes. It’s also possible to catch up with S3 soon if you get to start S1 now.

The anticipating S3 follows Carmy and his family’s new chapter. According Jeremy who performs Carmy, we will see Carmy makes some similar mistakes this year even though we expect everything’s going to be fine as the bond. Besides, a couple of special guests will as same as previous seasons.
Why don’t you join to the frenzy and passionate kitchen? Let it rip.

                                                                       text by Yuka Shingai

東野幸治さんが、THE RIVERの記事をシェアしてくださって、歓喜しています

実は非常に光栄なことに、THER RIVERでの記事を東野幸治さんがXにてシェアしてくださっていました。東野さんもファンなんですね。ぜひ語り合いたいです…
Thanksfully,Koji Higashino,a Japanese legendary comedian shared my article.
I really appreciate it.

