


Hello everyone! How are you all doing? I’ve been so lazy this week I’ve just been keeping at my own pace. Because is fall coming? or Am I tired?  I don’t know why though, anyway I will update about my life recently.

こちらアップルキャラメル🍎秋によく食べられるらしい!毎週金曜日に行われるinternational dinner にて。
This is Apple Caramel, it is one of dished for fall season🍁

驚くことにこっちに来てからもうすぐ2ヶ月が経とうとしています。本当に信じられないです、時の流れが早すぎて。9月色んなことができました!念願のAmerican football game, sunflower field, shopping mall, Cane’s(ファストフード店)などなど!色んな景色を見て、色んな話を聞いて、色んなことを教えてもらって充実しています!クラスの方もだいぶ慣れてきました。特にspeaking/listenningクラスが凄く楽しいです::)) 先生がとにかく良くて大好きです!授業の内容は桜美林(わたしの日本の大学)の形式と似ているのでストレスは全くないです。基本ペアワークやグループワークがほとんど。グループで意見シェアしてからクラス全体に発表という感じ。Alabicなど色んな地域から来たクラスメイトの意見がそれがまた面白い、文化が違いすぎて全く話が噛み合わないときもあれば、"私もそう思うー!"って意見が合致するときも。みんなの様々な意見を聞いて、"正解なんて存在しないんだ、自分のペース大事にしてこ。また自分のまわりをステレオタイプに当てはめるのはやめよう"とよく思います。(じぶん成長してるって感じる瞬間…)

So surprisingly, it’s been almost 2 months! I really can’t believe it, really. Time is so fast. I had lots of experiences in September!! I watched an American football game, went to the sunflower field, shopping mall, Cane’s (fried chicken fast food shop) etc…!!!! I’ve had a great time that I saw lots of views, heard lots of stories, told and learned lots of things. On the other topic, I am getting used to my classes. For me, it's especially fun in my speaking/listening class!! I love my teacher!! She is so nice, she cares so much about us! Her class is always so much fun:) The class style is kinda the same as Oberlin (my home university), so I don’t have any stress on it. There are lots of pair workings and group workings, then we share our opinions with the class after discussion. It’s so interesting for me to hear the opinions of my classmates from Arabic or other areas. Sometimes, I totally cannot understand what they said because we have completely different cultures, but other times I really can agree with them. It’s so funny! Sharing opinions from other cultures, I think “There are not any exact right answers in this world, I just keep my pace and focus on myself. And it’s not good to have stereotypes to fit into others.”

さてさてこっちに来て感じる、嬉しいことが実はあって!それが自分が19歳ということ!!!こっちで出会うほとんどの人が私よりも年上で、みーーんな可愛がってくれてお世話してくれて気にかけてくれて、それが嬉しいんです。三姉妹の長女で生まれ、今まで部長とか委員長ばっかやってきたので甘えるのには慣れてないけど、こっちに来てからみんなにだいぶ甘えて頼らせてもらっています。大学院生とかにも関わる機会が多いんです。クラスメイトから "Hi sweetie!"とテキストが来たり、周りのみんなから"You're still a baby!"と言われたり。あ、でもでも同い年や年下の子でも自分よりも物知りでしっかりしてるなって感じることが多いので、もう年関係なくみんなに甘えて頼って生きてるっていうのも事実ですかね :) 20歳になったらもう少し大人になろうと思うので、残りわずかの10代はたっくさんみんなに甘えようと思います:)

Well, I have one thing that I’m so glad about since I came here…That is I am still nineteen!! I am so so glad that everyone is fond of me and cares about me so much, almost all of the people I met here are older than me. Honestly, I don’t get used to playing as a younger sister because I am the oldest of my siblings, and I was always the leader of my club and school activities. But everyone has been fond of me since I came here, so I am playing as a younger sister, and rely on them so much!!! I often meet the graduate students. For example, I got a text “Hi sweetie!!” from my classmates, I was told “You’re still such a baby!” by my friends… But honestly, I rely on EVERYONE because I feel my friends who are even younger than me are smart and independent, they know lots of things much better than me really. I will be more mature after I turn 20, I will be having fun and playing a younger sister while I am 19:))


And on another topic, I often think I am a delegate from Japan!!! Everyone asks me about JAPAN, such as the current situation in Japan, culture, lifestyle, and lots of other things… (I talked with American friends about WW2 last week.) Not only do I teach japan to others, but also I am taught about other cultures. Personally, I feel the people I met here have so much international knowledge. I don’t know about Africa and South America very well, but my friend who is from a country I’ve never heard of before knows JAPAN. I feel so sorry for myself because I don’t have enough knowledge. At the same time, I usually think JAPAN falls behind other countries. Then, one thing I realized from everyone here since I came here is JAPAN is the World of JAPAN. Japanese culture, such as manga, anime, and Japanese cuisine are loved by more people than I expected!! Also, Japanese cars, computer sciences and technologies are evaluated as well!! (I often see Japanese manga or anime at shops) My friends from India gave me compliments about “DORAEMON” and “Crayon Shin Chan”, and also my friend from Nigeria did about Japanese cars!! Even though I didn't realize it, JAPAN is one of the nicest countries!! Everyone around me has taught me:) I will keep introducing Japan more and more as a delegate;)


These are my updates recently:) Thank you for reading this time as well. (I’m thinking about what to write next…)

9月最初の金曜日!American football season has started! 念願でめちゃくちゃ嬉しかった🥹Tailgate(試合前のフェスティバル)もハーフタイムもタッチダウンが決まったときの応援とかとにかく感動!one of my dreams came true🔥🔥🔥
i enjoyed tailgate, half time show, wave the wheat(KU tradition)
pampkin cream cold brew! this is soooo good
どのお店にもハロウィングッズがとにかくいっぱい!すごくワクワクします:) LOTS of Halloween stuff in every shops! i can’t waitttt🤩🤩
