



Thank you for watching. (╹◡╹)♡
This is a video made by recording a song with my own lyrics and composition using GarageBand. Illustrations I drew are matched with the song.
⭐️As for the whistle, I couldn't find the sound source, so I blew it myself and recorded it. 😅
⭐️The illustration at the end of the song is "Bali".
A long time ago, I traveled alone to Bali, and drew what I experienced at that time on a single picture. I put it in the video because it matched the lyrics of this song, "Where should I go next?" (The dolphins on the way are also from this picture🐬)

The hot summer has come, after the “ban on going out” during the corona disaster.
Have you all gone out somewhere?
Or where are you planning to go~?
Even if you don't go out, please feel like you went to the beach with this song 🤗
Please be careful not to get heatstroke and have a great summer.

*The English translation of the lyrics has been listened to by a friend. It may not be perfect... but 😅
♦️The lyrics are subtitled in English, and small Japanese and Chinese are added below, so I hope you can use them to study languages.


 昔、バリへ一人旅したことがあり、その時、体験したことを一枚の絵にしたものです。 ちょうど、この曲の「次はどこへ行こうかな〜」の歌詞と、海のイメージにあったので(╹◡╹)/ 動画に入れてみました。

コロナ禍後の”お出かけ解禁”にもなり、すでに暑い夏がやってきていますが、 皆様は、どこかお出かけになられましたか? または、これからどこへお出かけになられますか〜? 出かけない方も、どうぞ、この曲で海に行った気分になってくださ〜い🤗

