




※これは先にアニメ派(声優さん好き)の人間がテレビ放送を見ながらとったメモを元に作成した記事です。原作はまだ読んでいないため内容の一部に間違いがあるかもしれませんがご了承下さい※ これまでのは… その続きです! ストーリー013 Tatiana タチアナはクリード、ファンと戦っていた。 アンディと風子が初めて円卓の間に来た頃、ジーナを殺したアンディが気に入らず喧嘩を売ってしまう。 ニコの実験場で戦い始めるが、アンデットがアンラックを守ったことに動揺する。 その隙にタチ


「『砂の器』と木次線」をお読みいただいた方からお手紙をいただきました。便箋6枚にわたってきれいな文字で丁寧にしたためられたお手紙です。送って下さったのは、長年『万葉集』などの研究をされてきた京都大学名誉教授の内田賢徳先生です。 内田先生は1974(昭和49)年に映画『砂の器』のロケが行われた島根県大東町(現・雲南市)の下久野地区のご出身で、なんとその年の夏は下久野の生家に滞在されていて、映画のロケもご覧になったとのことです。本書を読んで「懐しさという感傷を意味する表現では蔽い

seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #07 prisoner 303

#07 prisoner 303 Inogashira Park, Kichijoji, midnight. Absolutely silent, no wind, no one but one. A drunken businessman on his way home lying under a newspaper on the bench. With a sudden whirlwind, discharging of electricity, appeared

seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #13 from the V3

#13 from the V3 Again, the earth is watched even this moment for a chance to get by evil invaders. It is not only Japan but every nation that could be watched. Certainly, Japan seems more likely to be attacked than any other nation, I d

seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #15 go west: 2nd

#15 go west: 2nd A few seconds before the final blow, the day's first sunbeam hits the robot. After a momemt of staggering, KING JOE splits back into four floating cubes, disappearing out of sight into the dark. The light and heat from

seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #14 go west: 1st

#14 go west: 1st The Youth has come to be called by other names, sometimes referred to as Paranormal Phenomena Investigation Team or Ultra Security Guard. prologue The hot topic these day is that HAYATO, a Japanese space probe succeed

seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #17 go underground

#17 go underground Seven years before KIRIYA assembles the Youth members, one afternoon, near N Station, Suginami, a pair of robbers forced their way into a small post office. The robbers, the faces of whom were covered with black mask

seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #04 where's the Max

#04 where's the Max Because of the series of the members' energetic activities and MOROBOSHI's unsung ones, the existence of The Youth became more and more widely known to the world. Also at the same time, some aliens planning to INVA

seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #19 project blue

#19 project blue Do you remember USHIMA diode (#05)? It is set up on the mother computer in the Youth hideout, incredibly improving the radar performance. In USHIMA Laboratory, Noda, Chiba Prefecture, a new project is developed, as co

seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #01 invisible challenge

#01 invisible challenge The earth is watched even this moment for a chance to get by evil INVADE aliens. Is life long or not? Some say yes and some say no. Some live hard and some die hard. Some are killed and some are killing. Some are

seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #03 secret lake

#03 secret lake prologue "ELE KING! ELE KING!" A lot of young people nowadays are screaming madly at beautiful triplets, what you call super singers, fashion models. The sisters are by far the most poqular entertainers, taking over the

seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #05 time eraser

#05 time eraser prologue Alien VILLA was weaker than any other alien, so always being attacked. True that the alien was physically weak, but it has extreme mind power. In turn, its strong frustration enabled the bully magnet to control ti


こんにちは、三太です。 本日は中学校の卒業式です。 3年生にとっては、義務教育最後の晴れ舞台です。 「たかが卒業、されど卒業」ということで、最後を良い形で締めくくってほしいと思います。 では、今日は『ウォーターゲーム』に出てきた「愛人/ラマン」を見ていきます。 『ウォーターゲーム』に出てくる映画3作のうちの1作目です。 基本情報監督:ジャン=ジャック・アノー 出演者:少女(ジェーン・マーチ)     中国人青年(レオン・カーフェイ) 上映時間:1時間55分 公開:199

seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #08 targeted town

#08 targeted town Once upon a time, Kotobuki-cho, a small block in the small city in the south of the prefecture in the north of Kanto Region, FUJIU, an old penny candy shop, was full of little children. At the back of the shop, there we