

 今回は、Sucharit Bhakdi博士からのメッセージをお届けする。Bhakdi博士によれば、良いニュースと困ったニュースが届いている。まず、Bhakdi博士は知っているかな?簡単に紹介しておこう。彼は、医師であり、微生物及び感染症・疫病学の博士である。ドイツの「ヨハネス・グーテンベルク大学マインツ」(通称はマインツ大学)の病理微生物及び衛生学研究所の主任教授である。

 BitchuteにアップロードされたBhakdi博士の映像の説明によると、Oracle Filmsは、ドイツのOval Media社と共同で、Bhakdi教授のインタビューを、今後のドキュメンタリーのために制作した。



(v important DK)

v. imp. IgG IgA response to mRNA vacc. +++

(key spike and IgG after vacc)

(third IgG response to vaccine paper)











Sucharit Bhakdi教授のお話




 さて、ここからは、図を使って説明してみましょう。これが免疫システムです。免疫システムは多くのコンポーネントを作ることができますが、そのうちの1つが抗体です。免疫システムは、新しい敵、つまりウイルスに出会ったときに抗体を作ります。さて、免疫システムが以前にこのウイルスに出会ったことがあると記憶しているかによりますが、免疫の反応は遅いです。最初の反応は常に遅く、抗体が作られるまでには約4週間かかります。この抗体は、免疫グロブリンM(Immunoglobulin M)であり、IgMと呼ばれています。でも、免疫システムが以前にこのウイルスに出会ったことがあり、それを記憶している場合は、速やかに別の抗体を作ります。この抗体は、IgGとIgAと呼ばれています。これらの抗体は主に2つの機能を果たします。1つ目の機能では、抗体が戦うべきウイルスの場合、抗体はウイルスが皆さんの細胞内に侵入するのを防ごうとすることができます。これが、コロナに対して抗体が果たすべき役割です。細胞がウイルスに感染しないように保護することから、保護抗体と呼ばれています。でも、もし細胞が感染してしまった場合には、裏方として、リンパ球が登場し、細胞が感染していることを認識します。そして、リンパ球は、キラーリンパ球として、細胞を殺す責務があります。よって、細胞が殺されると、ウイルス工場が破壊されてウイルスが作られなくなるので、皆さんは起きて仕事に戻れるようになります。


 抗体のもう一つの主要な機能は、抗体が細菌(バクテリア)や真菌に立ち向かっている場合、この抗体が細菌に結合し、免疫システムの別の腕を活性化させることです。これは、抗体と白血球の働きを補完するので、補体と呼ばれています。白血球は食事をする細胞です。 白血球は血液中に常に循環して存在する細胞です。白血球は、細菌が血液中に入ってきて抗体によって包まれるのを待った後、この細菌を食べてしまいます。このようにして、皆さんは皆さんの抗体によって細菌から守られているのです。つまり、私達の免疫システムには2つの主要な腕があります。1つめの腕は、ウイルスやウイルスに感染した細胞に立ち向かうリンパ球で、もう1つの腕は細菌に立ち向かう白血球です。 これらは、海軍と空軍のようなものです。海軍と空軍のどちらも本当に命がけです。海軍と空軍は、皆さんが直面している全てのウイルスと、全ての細菌を普通に処理してくれます。そこで問題となるのは、私たちの免疫システムは、新しい、いわゆるコロナウイルスのことを本当に知らないのか(コロナウィルスに出会ったことがないのか)、ということです。この質問には、非常に簡単に答えることができます。そのためには、このウイルスあるいはウイルス遺伝子を体内に注入し、免疫システムがこの遺伝子に対する抗体を作るのにどれだけの時間がかかるかを確認しなければなりません。そして、このことは、先週、米国の独立した3つの研究グループによって行われ、その結果が公表されました。誰もがこの論文に目を通すことができますし、誰もがこの論文に目を通すべきです。その理由は、2つの問題が生じているからです。1つ目の問題は、抗体の反応は速かったのか遅かったのか?抗体の反応は、速い場合と、遅い場合が考えられます。30日なのか、10日なのか、5日なのか?そして、抗体の反応が速いなら、抗体は正しいラベル(IgG, IgA)を持っていたのか、または、そうでないのか?



 お分かりのように、このウイルスはいつも最初に玄関から入ってきて、喉に入り、何日もかけて増殖していきます。喉で増殖した場合には問題はありません。肺に入ってきた場合にのみ皆さんを死に至らしめます。しかしながら、現在では、皆さんや私、あるいは誰にとっても、これだけの時間があれば十分だということが分かっています。なぜならば、デンマークの研究者が明らかにした内容によれば、世の中の99%以上の人が役割を果たす宝物を持っていて、その宝物を使用して、喉にしかウィルスがいなくとも、IgG抗体とIgA抗体を働かせることができるのです。 さて、これは素晴らしいニュースではないでしょうか。私達がこのパンデミックの恐怖を捨て去り、素晴らしい世界に戻り、友人や最愛の人のもとに戻り、皆なと手を取り合って喜ぶことができる、ということをニュースは私達に気付かせてくれたのです。パンデミックは、控えめに言っても新しい危険な疫病として存在しているわけではありません。


 さて、2つ目のニュースですが、このニュースによれば、ワクチンの接種が不要になるだけでなく、ワクチンの接種に少しでも危険が伴う場合は、メリットがないので中止しなければならず、もし危険が伴うだけならば、ワクチン接種を行わないようにすることが医師や当局の責務です。さて、非常に憂慮すべきことをお伝えしましょう。このニュースは、非常に憂慮すべきことなので、良いニュースと同じくらい重要なものです。これは、先日公開された出版物からも言えることです。 では、このグラフに戻りましょう。皆さんにお伝えしたように、研究者達は、ワクチンを接種すると、IgG抗体とIgA抗体がすぐに出現することを突き止めました。研究者達は、そして、2週間か3週間待ってから、2回目のワクチン接種を行いました。すると、IgGとIgAの値がすぐに上昇し続けました。これがブースターの役割です。

 でも、ここからはとても注意して聞いて下さい。これを見て下さい。これは血管壁で、これはあなたの血液です。今では、体内に注入された遺伝子が血流に入りこむことが分かっています。また、今ではこの遺伝子が血管壁に並ぶ細胞に入り込もうとすることも確実に分かっています。 なぜなら、これらの細胞は遺伝子が接触する細胞だからです。血管壁に並ぶ細胞がこれらのスパイクを作り始めるとどうなるかというと、スパイクは、細胞表面から血流に向かって突出していきます。分かりますね?そして、これらの細胞は、皆さんのリンパ球によって認識されることになります。リンパ球は、ウィルスやウィルスタンパク質を作っている細胞を殺すために発生し、神様(Dear Lord)が皆さんに与えてくれたものです。そして、リンパ球は、血管壁を攻撃しようとします。これが、私達が知っているような、世界中のあちこちで起きている血栓の形成の最初の一歩です。そこで、1回目のワクチン接種後の最初でも、キラーリンパ球が皆さんを殺し始めようとしていれば、危険性は高く、既に恐ろしいものとなっています。でも、その時は、最初の7日から10日の間は、まだ抗体が存在しません。まだ抗体ができていないのです。でも、3~4週間後には、血液中に抗体の塊があちこちにできています。そして、もし皆さんがこのようなワクチンを接種するという行為をあえて繰り返し、このようなスパイクを血液中に出し始めてしまったら・・もう、神に助けてもらうしかありません。なぜなら、今度はキラーリンパ球が攻撃しようとするだけでなく、抗体と、補体および白血球も、このスパイクを作っている皆さんの細胞を細菌だと思って皆さんの血管壁細胞を食べようとするからです。




Prof Sucharit Bhakdi

Prof Sucharit Bhakdi 00:00

The good news today is that scientific publications have just appeared that put an end to the whole narrative. What one has been made to believe up to now is that the SARS- CoV-2 virus is so new, that our immune system will not recognise it. And therefore, when the need arises, the immune system will not respond in time with the production of antibodies, that they could save our lives. And that’s why we need to be vaccinated. That’s why the whole world needs to be vaccinated. Now, scientific publications that have appeared in the last weeks, as I said, put an end to this narrative because it turns out that the Corona, SARS-CoV-2 virus and its descendants are not so different from the old normal coronaviruses that it would not be recognised by the immune system.

Prof Sucharit Bhakdi 00:58

Now, I’ll try to explain this with this chart here. This is the immune system, and the immune system can make many components, one of them are the antibodies that the immune system will make, when it meets a new opponent – a virus. Now, depending on whether the immune system recalls that it has seen this virus before or not, the response will be slow. The first response is always slow, takes about four weeks for the antibodies to be made, and these antibodies are called IgM Immunoglobulin M. If, however, the immune system has seen this virus before, and remembers it because the immune system has a memory, then it quickly makes other antibodies, which are called IgG and IgA, these are recall antibodies. Now these antibodies serve principally two functions. One function is that if it’s a virus that the antibodies are supposed to combat, the antibodies can try to prevent the entry of the virus into your cell. This is what the antibodies to Corona are supposed to do. They are called protective antibodies because they protect the cell from getting infected by the virus. If, however, the cell does get infected, then lymphocytes are there behind the scenes that will come out and recognise that the cell is infected. And these killer lymphocytes have the duty to kill the cell. So once the cell is killed, the virus factory is destroyed, the virus can’t be produced anymore, and you get up and go back to work.

Prof Sucharit Bhakdi 02:58

The other function of antibodies, a major function, is that if the antibodies are directed against a bacterium, or a fungal, then these antibodies will bind to the bacteria, and that will cause another arm of the immune system to be activated. This is so called complement because it complements that the action of the antibodies and leukocytes. Leukocytes are the cells that eat. These are cells that are in your blood and they’re circulating all the time, and they’re waiting for these bacteria to come into your blood, be coated with the antibodies, and then they will come and eat them. And thus, are you protected by your antibodies against bacteria? So, we have aptly two major arms of the immune system, one, the lymphocytes that are directed against viruses and virus infected cells, and the others are leukocytes that are directed against bacteria. It’s like the Navy and the Air Force, Air Force, Navy, and both are really deadly. They take care of all the viruses that you are confronted with and all the bacteria normally. So, the question is now is our immune system really blind to the new so called new SARS-CoV-2 virus question. Now this can be answered very simply. And for that, what one has to do is one has to inject this virus or the virus gene into the body and see how long the immune system takes to make the antibodies against this gene. And this was done by three independent American research groups in the last weeks and published, so everyone can go and have a look at these papers, and everyone should look at the papers because two questions arise. First, was the antibody response fast or slow? This would be fast, and this would be slow. 30 days, 10 days or five days? And if it were fast did the antibodies carry the correct label IgG IgA are there only.

Prof Sucharit Bhakdi 05:30

So, what do you think, I’m going to ask you? the Americans measured in the blood the appearance of the antibodies every day. The people [who] are telling you that you should get vaccinated are going to say, of course, they were IgM antibodies because this was blind to them. But the fact is the opposite. All groups found out that everyone who had been vaccinated responded with IgG and IgA antibodies within days after the vaccination, which is absolute proof that it is a recall response to something that the immune system has recognised. You may ask me how can this be? The answer is very simple. Look, this is the hand, the grasping hand of the virus, this is the spike. And the spike is that to grasp the handle of the door to yourself to get in. The antibody comes and forces itself into the jaw like the crocodile, the mouth is open, it stops the crocodile from closing its mouth. Of course, this is not completely correct. But it will do as a picture for you, all right. Now, this key that enters into the mouth, of course it’s not a perfect fit, so you could change a finger or two and it will still go in. And this is the difference between coronaviruses and influenza virus, influenza flu viruses, the real flu, alright, which has really caused pandemics because flu viruses can completely change the whole hand so that the hand looks like this suddenly. Okay. And then your antibodies don’t fit into that. But this is something that the Coronaviruses can never do. They can’t. And so, they can only change the shape of the fingers. And that’s not enough to fool the immune system. It’s not simple. And this applies to all the variants. So, forget it if someone tells you that you are not immune against the variants. The fact is, of course, that the immune system doesn’t splurge. It keeps its antibodies in a locker, just like you have money in the bank, you don’t go around throwing your money out of your pockets, you get the money out of the bank when you need it. And that’s what happens to the immune system. And wonderfully enough, another publication coming from Denmark, another one, showed that true infections with the SARS-CoV-2 do exactly the same, meaning that everyone who has had an infection, even if he’s asymptomatic, you know no symptoms, the virus just gets into your throat, multiplies a bit and gets thrown out again. But even then, the immune system responds by making IgG and IgA antibodies, meaning that you have the money in the bank. This means dear fellow citizens, that the herd immunity is already present, but kept under lock and key like a treasure. But it can be mobilised at any time you want. This is like a dog and his master. The dog is the immune system. The master, in this case, would be the virus. All right. So the moment the virus comes near to the house, it gets back [and] the dog senses that the virus is coming, begins wagging his tail, begins barking, throwing out the antibodies to say hello to the master.

Prof Sucharit Bhakdi 09:35

So you see, this virus always first enters through the front door, goes into your throat and it takes days to multiply, it takes days to multiply, and if it multiplies in your throat, it doesn’t matter. It only kills you if it gets to your lungs. But now we know that this is enough time for you and me or anyone because the Danes showed that over 99 percent of all people running around have this treasure in that role, they have the treasure, and they could mobilise the IgG and IgA antibodies even when the virus was only in the throat. Now, isn’t this a piece of wonderful news, I think it causes us to realise, it causes us to realise that we can cast the dread of this pandemic away and return to a wonderful world, return to our friends, our beloved ones, join hands with them, and rejoice. The pandemic is not existent as a modally dangerous new disease.

Prof Sucharit Bhakdi 10:59

Now, the second piece of news I have for you is that this will not only cause vaccination to be unnecessary, but also says if the vaccination carries any danger whatsoever, it must be stopped because there is no benefit, and if it only contains danger then it is the duty of the doctors and the authorities not to undertake vaccination. Now, let me tell you something very, very alarming. So alarming that this piece of news is just as important as the good piece of news. And this comes also from the publications that have just appeared. So we’ll go back to this chart here. And I told you, the vaccinated, they found that the IgG and IgA antibodies came immediately. Then they waited for another two weeks or three weeks, and then they gave the people a second shot. What did they see, they saw that the IgG and IgA levels immediately continued to rise, which is what a booster is supposed to do.

Prof Sucharit Bhakdi 12:25

However, now, listen very carefully, look at this. This is a vessel wall; this is your blood. It is now known that the genes that are injected into your body will enter the bloodstream and it is absolutely certain now that these genes are going to enter the cells that line the vessel wall. Because these are the cells that they contact. Now what happens when the cells that line the vessel walls begin to produce these spikes, the spikes will then be produced by the cell and protrude from the cell surface into the bloodstream. Alright, now, these cells are going to be recognised by your lymphocytes that are born or given to you by the Dear Lord, to kill those cells that are making the virus or the virus protein, any virus protein. So, these lymphocytes are going to mount the attack on your vessel walls. This is the first way towards clot formation that as we know is happening all over the place all over the world. Now at the beginning after the first vaccination, this danger is bad and is already terrible in itself if your killer lymphocytes start trying to kill you. But at that time, during the first seven to ten days, there are still no antibodies. They are not yet any antibodies. However, after three or four weeks, there are masses of antibodies all over the place in your blood. And if you dare to repeat this performance and start to put those spikes out into your blood, God help you because now not only the killer lymphocytes are going to attack antibodies and complement, and leukocytes are also going to attack thinking that your cells that are producing these spikes are bacteria, and they are going to try to eat your vessel wall cells.

Prof Sucharit Bhakdi 14:55

Now, this attack of the Air Force and the Navy on a single cell target has never been seen before. There is no situation because either you’re combating a virus, or you’re combating a bacteria, mixed infections that go through the body are actually virtually unknown. So, we have the unique situation that has been created by the vaccination. That is, in a way, extremely interesting because no one knows what the outcome will be.

Prof Sucharit Bhakdi 15:35

However, the vision is so horrible, and so awful and terrifying, that I, myself, don’t really want to know the answer. And I don’t want this answer to become known. I want you to decide to not take the second shot, not only the second shot, but any shot thereafter is going to place your life in danger. That is what I am convinced of now, especially because of the publications that have just appeared. So I think that was the most important thing I have to say today. And I hope people will sit down, look at these papers, talk about them. And I hope that my colleagues, physicians and scientists will do the same and get together to see whether this may have a grain of truth. Because if it does, the consequences are absolutely endless or the consequences are very simple, we just have to stop everything now.

総括 今回のNOTEは、Bhakdi博士の話を伝える(Bhakdi博士のプレゼンテーションの日本語訳を載せる)だけで終わってしまった。Bhakdi博士の話は、少し科学的な内容だったが、Bhakdi博士は、世間一般の人に理解してもらいたくて、できるだけ簡単に伝えているのだろう。








