

Valentine's Day is coming close. Are you planning anything for it this year?

In Japan, we have Valentine's day and then White day. On Valentine's day, women send chocolate or some sort of gifts to men however serious they are about each other. And then, men are supposed to return something three times more valuable. 

This system is quite unique to Japan because many other countries do not have a similar culture. For example, in the United States, there is no White day. Even though gifts on Valentine's day could mean serious or casual, both men and women send gifts.

In the case of Japan, there seems to be too much going on about Japanese Valentine's day. It is never clear why men have to return something bigger than they receive. Some people would assert that this is a part of gender inequality, wouldn't they? In time of Reiwa, why do we keep this system?

Mental pressure about return is also inevitable. Even if women do not intend to expect a return, men would think about it. Men are like that. I know. Even if they say, "This is a casual gift (or Giri '義理' in Japanese)", men feel that they have to do something. 

Therefore, now can be a time to make it fair for both men and women! If we abolish White day, people will be just giving gift to ones that they really want to, and that's all. This looks pretty simple and more suitable for today's society. 

In short, the debate question goes: should we combine Valentine's day and White day?

Just to note, we only consider the case of Japan. Also, if we combine these two days, there would be no return of gifts later on.

If you have any other questions, please let me know!
