

The advertisement about cosmetic surgery that targets teenagers has gone viral on SNS, questioning if it is ethical to keep such a thing in public.

In recent years, the plastic surgery industry has experienced significant growth, and the age of patients seeking cosmetic procedures has become increasingly younger. It is not uncommon to see advertisements targeting teenagers to consider cosmetic surgery. However, the question arises as to whether advertisements of plastic surgery targeting teenagers should be allowed in public. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of allowing such advertisements.


  1. Increased Awareness: Allowing advertisements of plastic surgery targeting teenagers in public can increase awareness of the available procedures and their possible outcomes. This increased awareness can lead to better-informed decisions when it comes to cosmetic procedures.

  2. Boosting Self-Esteem: Teenagers who have insecurities regarding their physical appearance may find solace in cosmetic procedures. For some, it may be a way to feel better about themselves and improve their confidence.

  3. Access to Professional Advice: Plastic surgery advertisements can also provide teenagers with access to professional advice on what procedures are suitable for them. This access to professional advice can help teenagers make informed decisions about whether or not to undergo a cosmetic procedure.


  1. Mental Health Concerns: Adolescence is a time when teenagers go through various physical, emotional, and mental changes. Teenagers who are exposed to plastic surgery advertisements may feel pressured to undergo a cosmetic procedure to fit in with societal standards. This pressure can lead to mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.

  2. Unrealistic Expectations: Teenagers may have unrealistic expectations of the outcome of cosmetic procedures. This can lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction with the results, which may cause psychological distress.

  3. Lack of Maturity: Teenagers may lack the maturity to make an informed decision about undergoing a cosmetic procedure. They may not fully understand the risks and implications of the procedure, and they may not be emotionally ready to handle the physical changes.

In conclusion, the issue of allowing advertisements of plastic surgery targeting teenagers in public is a complex one. While there are potential benefits, such as increased awareness and access to professional advice, there are also significant concerns about mental health, unrealistic expectations, and lack of maturity.

With this background, the debate question goes: should cosmetic surgery that targets teenagers be banned in Japan?

In this topic, we define "teenagers" as those who are up to high school students, living with and taken care of by parents. Yet, if you wish to bring some other definitions, it is up to you. When you begin your statement, make sure to clearly define this term.

If you have any other questions, please let me know!
