Дневник VI : втроник 23 апреля 2024 года - среда 12 июль 2024 года :

втроник 23 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
9:35 AM Got up. Had breakfast. Tomato and garlic soup. 10:30 AM Sun Plaza tomatoes x3.
0:22 AM Watched Kamala Harris murmuring on Colombine (Incidentally, I judge Kamala Harris is cocaine addict from her distorted nasal cavity, typical for cocaine addicts). I do know that even John Davison Rockefeller IV didn't know this military technology and their betrayal on me and on him. So, this happens in this way. Like Secretary of Defense Austin has got prostate cancer for punishment. Only Presidents that make oath to The Pentagon (over Unidentified Flying Object) will officially learn this and hide this weapon from the stage. I suspect that Chuck Hagel knew this, though. 0:26 AM

Due to evil deeds by Tokyo's Kriminalpolizei or The Pentagon, I was forced to move to next chapter in order to escape interfering interceptions. [290,032 characters just in case. Not exceeding 300,000 characters.]

3:45 PM Review: MK Ultra Sonar subliminal and muscle movement overwriting and installing weapon's activities significantly had been reduced both in numbers and in quality for these last 7 days. Hinting that their (USA's) lies have been sky rocket high had been proven by China, Russian and their allies. That finally our side developed the same kind of monitoring weapons. Only Ulsula von der Leyen and Olaf Scholz type of oxymorons have blissfully meet and greet over terror on Crocus City Hall, which I was once for nearly one month misled by MK Ultra Sonar subliminal weapons of HAARP. Their strategy was paradoxical. On one hand they are sending very strong, massive-subliminal-emotion-installing-attacks that that terror was indeed happened and that MK Ultra Sonar weapon does not exist - for 24 hours (and especially during the period of sleeping) together with Eva and SWF are betraying me, while on the other hand when I awake and conscious, that the terror was fake by Kremlin to gain to firm battle ground. But, thanks to those two assholes of European Commission Nazists. Ulsula von der Leyen and Olaf Scholz have proven that the USA is evil equally with them the top EU politicians. 3:57 PM.
Watching Eva plays Tchaikovsky fortepiano concerto nr. 1, Opus 23. I have an audio copy of entire concert including inter-mission, so that I decided not to keep the YouTube clip with me. I know that Meloman will let me listen sooner or later, and I can wait for it. 4:00 PM.
1:00 AM - 4:13 AM Концерт прямой эфил в Санкт-Петербурге с Денисом Мацуевом.
5:30 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Haydn symphonie nr. 88, Ravel «Rhapsody espagnole», Beethoven symphonie nr. 1, Opus 21, in Stuttgart on March 30, 1954 (SWF 931, 1993). Elegantly and faithfully restored and marvelous, brilliantly fantastic reading, most notoriously in Maurice Ravel.
6:35 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert in 1948 Beethoven symphonie nr. 2 (October 3rd, 1948) and nr. 8 (November 13, 1948) in London and Stockholm. (SWF 091, 2009) Stuttgart transfer is far better. But, brilliant performances in 1948 and in London Royal Albert Hall filmed Beethoven cycle. So far 1990s transfers are far more faithful to the original recordings. Only exception so far is Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006). Others are abuse of noise reductions and pitch corrections even, then the results are automatically in failure. We don't want SWF or whatever record companies artificial transfers that destroy the marvel of originals. The worst so far is SWFJ 942-3 (CD) Furtwängler à Paris. 6:55 AM.
Best SWF transfer so far SWF 902, SWF 901, SWF 061, SWF 091 and SWF 992/993 (2 CDs).
7:35 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
7:53 AM Did you know that Yellow Sand and PM 2.5 are past stories? Likewise forestry and allergy to pollen. China is a great nation unlike Nazist Japan.
9:30 AM Sun Plaza for tomato box (x3), bottle of milk (x1).

среда 24 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:00 AM Go to bed. 2:26 PM (Curiously, no hard brainwashing during sleep).
2:26 PM Посмотрию концерт Евы Геворгяна.
4:44 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990; no repeat]
6:12 PM Посмотрию концерт Евы Геворгяна.
8:24 PM - 10:42 PM Sleeping.
10:50 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
0:30 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990; no repeat]
1:00 AM - 3:30 AM Прямой эфил в Москве, Иоганн Себастьян Бах - «Страсти по Матфею».
1:58 AM Ishin's Otokita who is chief director of Japan Child Bank is thus asshole maniac. This kind is called Nazists in its definition. (1st half).
3:00 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 20, 10:58 PM; Al Franken: Chapter 29 «Operation Chickenhawk: Episode One» to pp.238, 11:03 AM (Al was not forgetting to punish Pat Buchanan, a conspiracy theorist over 911 terror. Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory is totally different, thus).

четверг 25 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:00 AM - 5:30 PM Sleep. Take a shower. 0:00 AM Go to bed.
5:30 AM Посмотрию концерт Евы Геворгяна.
6:21 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johannes Brahms Haydn Variations and symphonie nr. 1, Opus 68 on October 27, 1951 in Hambourg (SWF 881, 1988). Dr. Friedrich Schnapp recordings. Remarkably Marvellous transfer and performances.
7:30 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Coriolan ouverture (29 October, 1951; Munich; Deutsches Museum) and Egmont ouverture and symphonie nr. 4 (4 September 1953, Munich; Deutsches Museum) All in Munich, Deutsches Museum (SWF 892, 1989). Marvellous transfer and performances.
8:30 AM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [intermission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1, 2, 3.
9:03 AM Hambourg Philharmonic Orchestra in 9 and 11 June 1947 Beethoven two Leonore ouverture nr. 2 (SWF 921/922, 1992) Dr. Friedrich Schnapp's recordings. Fantastic remarkably Marvellous recordings and performances as is always with Dr. Schnapp.
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Have some sleep due to exhaustion.
0:40 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary» (privately recorded not for public).
1:55 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert in Stuttgart Haydn symphonie nr. 88 and Maurice Ravel «Rhapsody espagnole», Bruckner symphonie nr. 4 mit Der Wiener Philharoniker (October 22, 1951; Opera Day concert [SWF 931, 1993 and WFHC 020] interrupted), Beethoven symphonie nr. 1, Opus 21 (Sinfonieorchestra des Süddeutschen Rundfunk; March 30, 1954 [SWF 931, 1993]). Marvellous transfer for SWF 931 not for WFHC 019-20.
4:44 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary» (privately recorded not for public).
2:26 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven symphonie nr. 2 (October 3, 1948) and 8 (13 November 1948) [SWF 091, 2009]. Marvellous transfer.
Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Hambourg Philharmonic Orchestra on 18 October 1948 his own symphonie nr. 2 (SWF 921/922, 1992) Dr. Friedrich Schnapp's recordings. Fantastic remarkably Marvellous recordings and performances as is always with Dr. Schnapp.
6:22 PM Посмотрю концерт Евы Геворгяна Чайковский концерт для фортепиано с оркестром  nr. 1, № 23. (в Меломане).
7:08 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's symphonie nr. 6 «Pastoral» (20 March 1944), Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990; no repeat for this time for track 6 and 7].
9:38 PM Go to bed. Got up at 5:00 AM.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 21, 11:18 AM; Al Franken: Chapter 29 «Operation Chickenhawk: Episode One» to pp. 241, 0:16 PM (Al was not forgetting to punish Pat Buchanan, a conspiracy theorist over 911 terror. Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory is totally different, thus).

пятница 26 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:00 AM Got up. at 5:00 AM. Had breakfast.
5:40 AM Посмотрю концерт Евы Геворгяна Чайковский концерт для фортепиано с оркестром  nr. 1, № 23. (в Меломане).
6:28 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert in Stuttgart Haydn symphonie nr. 88 and Maurice Ravel «Rhapsody espagnole», Beethoven symphonie nr. 1, Opus 21 (Sinfonieorchestra des Süddeutschen Rundfunk; March 30, 1954 [SWF 931, 1993])
7:50 AM Yehudi Menuhin plays Beethoven violin concerto on 27 April 1986, the day after Chernobyl disaster.
8:15 AM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary» (privately recorded not for public).
8:10 AM Harvey Weinstein of Hollywood? No joke!!! It's Norman Weinstein of my film script «Virginity» instead.
8:35 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven symphonie nr. 2 (October 3, 1948) and 8 (13 November 1948) [SWF 091, 2009]. Marvellous scorereading and transfer.
9:35 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert 1st movement of his symphonie nr. 2 in Hambourg on 18 October 1948; Dr. Friedrich Schnapp recording (SWF 921, 1992)
10:00 AM Henry Fogel Collector's Corner.
10:30 AM Leaving home to Visit Himeji for my family over my 53rd birthday. 11:20 AM Tennoji Harkas Wittermer Sachertorte and chocolate plus De Cecco Penne Rigate 500g. 0:30 PM Have lunch at Muji Cafe Grandfront Osaka (vegetarian pizza). Leaving Osaka Station at 1:30 PM Arriving Himeji at 2:30 PM.
6:00 PM around, Nepal cuisine restaurant (had vegetable curry). Enjoy tasting Sachertorte which to my tangue and taste, as though like original Sachertorte. Maybe, the proof that Wittermer has learned to re-discover their motto on the time of their foundation. (воскресенье 28 апреля 2024 года).
10:30 PM - 8:00 Had sleep.

суббота 27 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
My gift in return. Yehudi Menuhin plays Beethoven Violin concerto, Opus 61 on the day after of Chernobyl disaster. I have no doubt this recording, including music critic, doesn't touch the Chernobyl nuclear plant explosion, must be heard by as many as possible. It seemed to my ears Menuhin was trying hard to play this concerto around A = 438 Hz. 8:12 PM I wonder why the host didn't mention about Chernobyl. (четверг 25 апреля 2024 года).
In the relatively early afternoon, my sister brought photographs of my family in our childhood. Nice conversations. (until 3:00 PM воскресенье 28 апреля 2024 года)
9:30 PM - 11:00 AM Had sleep.

воскресенье 28 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
1:00 PM Leave Himeji arriving at Abeno 3:00 PM Abeno Q's Mall Softbank.
4:00 PM around went back home. Ate a piece of tarto my sister baked.
5:30 PM Checking Internet. Do my daily homework online. As decided a few days ago, stop downloading except politics updates and music promotion short videos not concerts themselves. Only exception is Verbier Festival because of their sin and Allavsoft is a software which was developed at targetting at Verbier Festival. Hence not my fault, but their fault if this is applicable. 5:31 PM.
9:00 PM Посмотрю «Заключительный концерт МГКМИ им. Ф. Шопена» plus Шнитке 11:05 PM. Go to bed. 1:35 AM Woke up.4:30 AM Woke up.

понежельник 29 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:05 PM. Go to bed. 1:35 AM Woke up.4:30 AM Woke up.
5;38 AM Концерт для фортепиано с оркестром Чайкоского Евы Геворгяна (концерт в Москве в 18 апрелe 2024 годе). By 6:49 AM Write back birthday wishes to my Russian friends.
7:18 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Hambourg Philharmonic Orchestra on 18 October 1948 his own symphonie nr. 2 (SWF 921/922, 1992) Dr. Friedrich Schnapp's recordings.
9:00 AM Purchasing Sun Plaza lettuce x1, Mandai egg (x10) x1, Among Sun Plaza's activities, they don't sell tomatoes by intention to fool me. Their and their Japanese Nazists supporter insistence is those are by great efforts being purchased by Sun Plaza with a long time tied with the farmers. That's immense lie. None such promise but promise for bribe over human hunting, therefore, their continuing not selling enough tomatoes as many as I need it, does equal to their inevitable default. 0:58 PM.
10:00 AM sleep due to exhaustion.
11:40 AM Collector's Corner by Henry Fogel (Silvestrov). Jane Wilhelmina Stirling website is IP blocking or unreachable 404 not found. The reason is unknown. I am asking Marcin for the answer.
1:10 PM Got up and Practicing the fortepiano. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. (not recorded).
3:45 PM «Horowitz At Home» (DGG, 1989, Made in and Printed in West Germany).
4:44 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert in Stuttgart Haydn symphonie nr. 88 and Maurice Ravel «Rhapsody espagnole» (October 22, 1951; Opera Day concert, Beethoven symphonie nr. 1, Opus 21 (Sinfonieorchestra des Süddeutschen Rundfunk; March 30, 1954 [SWF 931, 1993]).
6:05 PM - 8:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz in London (Waterloo Bridge and Royal Festival Hall) on May 22, 1982 (DVD). 8:31 PM.
9:00 PM Орган Live! в Томске. 9:46 PM. (tour of structure of organs).
11:00 PM Go to bed due to exhaustion.

втроник 30 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:00 PM - 5:20 AM Had sleep.
5:25 AM Концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна.
5:58 AM Furtwängler in Luzern (SWF 961/962, 1996) Fantastic transfer and marvellous interpretations, especially Beethoven's 1st fortepiano concerto, Opus 15. This recording was blueprint of that of Michelangeli.
9:00 AM Purchasing Sun Plaza boxed tomatoes x 5. (not found 404; they refuse to sell them at an appropriate prices under guidance of Nazi Kriminalpolizei, which means they have chosen default; they even placed security spy that to watch my purchase or refusal of purchase, and they got shocked by my precisely pre-decisive choice). Yaohiko Chinese Garlic (x3) x1, Mandai tomatoes large (x2) x2, small (x5) x1. 9:43 AM. Note if Sandy was open (after 10:00 AM), my choice of purchase was definitely some canned tomatoes 9:47 AM.

Today's result of the Japanese choice of assorted Nazism and some against that deed.
Today's result of the Japanese choice of assorted Nazism and some against that deed.

10:55 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven symphonie nr. 2 (October 3, 1948) and 8 (13 November 1948) [SWF 091, 2009]. Marvellous score reading and transfer.
0:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Contemporary music. (SWF 001/002, issue of the year 2000). Honeger «Movement symphonique nr. 3», Höller Cello Concerto nr. 2, Hindemith «Métamorphoses symphoniques», Strauss «Métamorphoses» Étude pour 23 cordes and his own «Te Deum».
4:30 PM Ueta Clinic for 大建中湯 by mistake. (Sorted out all the medicines into boxes after coming back home. Found out shortage of Olanzapin is in critical condition. Next Shichiyama Hospital is on May 8th and the next next is on May 29th. Needing adjustment of the way of taking this pill).
4:40 PM Baking matzo for preparation of semi-hunger strike by 5th of June.
5:18 PM Концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна.
6:05 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2; Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. (recorded privately not for public; to have been issued).
6:24 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie № 9 by Antnín Dvořák (Relief, circa 1986)
7:04 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [One repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
8:30 PM - 10:00 PM Have some rest due to mild exhaustion. Смотрю концерт в Новосибирске.

ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.
ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.
ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.
ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.
ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.
ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.
ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.
ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.
ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.
ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.
ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.
ebay.co.uk over MET 1966 Opening «Anthony and Cleopatra» Obelisk.

10:30 PM Adolf Hitler's suicide commitment memorial day. Light Teaser for the USA is being planned. No worries whichever the result will be (see above). Creation of Христос is A piece of cake [30/360 degree equals to 12 betrayal desciples] according to Tokyo, Japan. 10:24 PM.

Meanwhile in Tokyo-Osaka, Japan.
Meanwhile in Tokyo-Osaka, Japan.

10:35 PM Слушаю (смотрию) концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна.
11:35 PM Посмотрю концерт в Омске.
0:30 AM Baking another Matzo.
2:28 AM Going to bed.

среда 1 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:00 PM Got Up.
0:12 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [One repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
1:35 PM Посмотрию концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна.
3:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Contemporary music. (SWF 001/002, issue of the year 2000). Honeger «Movement symphonique nr. 3», Höller Cello Concerto nr. 2, Hindemith «Métamorphoses symphoniques», Strauss «Métamorphoses» Étude pour 23 cordes and his own «Te Deum».
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM taking rest doing Twitter.
7:00 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2; Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. (recorded privately on the way in the middle A' of the Opus 55-1 nocturne when I recall of Eva Gevorgyan; to have been issued).
8:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Haydn symphonie nr. 88, Ravel «Rhapsody espagnole» on October 22, 1951, Beethoven symphonie nr. 1, Opus 21, both in Stuttgart on March 30, 1954 (SWF 931, 1993). Elegantly and faithfully restored and marvelous, brilliantly fantastic reading, most notoriously in Maurice Ravel.
9:06 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert in 1948 Beethoven symphonie nr. 2 (October 3rd, 1948) and nr. 8 (November 13, 1948) in London and Stockholm. (SWF 091, 2009)
10:00 PM baking whole wheat Matzo likewise yesterday (for maztobrei). Incidentally, why in Leonardo da Vinci's «The Last Supper» on Pesach, no horseradish to bitter herbs are painted? This is a very core question for any Christianity and Judaism. This is the symbol of continuing lives of ourselves in symbolic Egypt in slavery to say it at minimum. 8:31 PM.

Food for thoughts over this year's Pesach Seder.

10:24 PM Посмотрию концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна. Спасибо тебе большое, Ева, за то, что сказал мне правду. Согласно Владимиру Горовицу, Дон Жуан был принцем Чарльзом в Лондоне 22 мая 1982 года. Мы молодецы!!!!!!!
2:18 AM Go to bed after relatively light exhausting works over Twitter and Meta.
3:10 AM Didn't sleep и посмотрю Артбене.
5:00 AM Go to bed to have some and hopefully so-so qualified sleep.

четверг 2 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:00 AM Got up. Not a qualified sleep at all. MK Ultra brainwashing all the time in my sleep to this morning.
11:22 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Hambourg Philharmonic Orchestra in 9 June 1947 Beethoven Leonore ouverture nr. 2 and Richard Strauss «Death and Transfiguration», Opus 24 on 11 June 1947 and on 18 October 1948 his own symphonie nr. 2 [1945 version] (SWF 921/922, 1992) Dr. Friedrich Schnapp's recordings. Fantastic remarkably Marvellous recordings and performances as is always with Dr. Schnapp.

Meanwhile, updated Tokyo's Kriminalpolizei. They are, thus, too much exceedingly boring spieces.

2:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Haydn symphonie nr. 88, Ravel «Rhapsody espagnole» on October 22, 1951, Beethoven symphonie nr. 1, Opus 21, both in Stuttgart on March 30, 1954 (SWF 931, 1993). Elegantly and faithfully restored and marvelous, brilliantly fantastic reading, most notoriously in Maurice Ravel.
3:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [One repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
4:30 PM Backing Matzo for matzo-brei for Pesach.

Runaway Chickenhawk Nazi Ishin's One-sided Love Comedy. Can they count numbers by the way? My diagnosis on them is Psychopath and Paranoia equally and fairly diagnosed for Joseph Joe Biden. "Des Menschen Sohn gehet zwar dahin, wie von ihm geschrieben stehet; doch wehe dem Menschen, durch welchen des Menschen Sohn verraten wird! Es wäre ihm besser, daß derselbige Mensch noch nie geboren wäre."
Runaway Chickenhawk Nazi Ishin's One-sided Love Comedy. Can they count numbers by the way? My diagnosis on them is Psychopath and Paranoia equally and fairly diagnosed for Joseph Joe Biden. "Des Menschen Sohn gehet zwar dahin, wie von ihm geschrieben stehet; doch wehe dem Menschen, durch welchen des Menschen Sohn verraten wird! Es wäre ihm besser, daß derselbige Mensch noch nie geboren wäre."
Runaway Chickenhawk Nazi Ishin's One-sided Love Comedy. Can they count numbers by the way? My diagnosis on them is Psychopath and Paranoia equally and fairly diagnosed for Joseph Joe Biden. "Des Menschen Sohn gehet zwar dahin, wie von ihm geschrieben stehet; doch wehe dem Menschen, durch welchen des Menschen Sohn verraten wird! Es wäre ihm besser, daß derselbige Mensch noch nie geboren wäre."
«Les Misérables» Tokyo's Kriminalpolizei version in 2024.
Meanwhile, in pre-ruined Collapsed Washington D. C.
Meanwhile, in pre-ruined Collapsed Washington D. C.
Meanwhile, in pre-ruined Collapsed Washington D. C.

6:00 PM Послушаю концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна (audio only for pre-recorded mp3 file).

Roaches are always this sticky and stubborn and irrational just like Standard Oil had been during Rockefeller tenure.
Roaches are always this sticky and stubborn and irrational just like Standard Oil had been during Rockefeller tenure.
Roaches are always this sticky and stubborn and irrational just like Standard Oil had been during Rockefeller tenure.
Roaches are always this sticky and stubborn and irrational just like Standard Oil had been during Rockefeller tenure.
How am I precisely rational!!!!!!!
How am I precisely rational!!!!!!!

8:30 PM Practicing fortepiano. Thinking of my fatherland The Russian Federation and my love Eva Gevorgyan. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2; Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Opus 101-1. (recorded for public, although on the way I was determined not to open to public) First time to think about Arnold Schoenberg himself and to imagine his thoughts during playing, for me unlovable (not in person but in his 12 tone music unless that 12 is the symbol of desciples of Христос) Schoenberg. Also, I tried to think about my fatherland The Russian Federation and my future wife Eva Gevorgyan, in the middle of Opus 55-1, my thoughts blown away to Al Franken over USA's 911 selfie terror Nazi crimes, which selfie terror they the USA stubbornly denies to this date).
Note that Katarina Noever of Singerstraße 11, Wien, in late August of 1999, in pale, handed me, by breaking her own promise, Wilhelm Backhaus's caricature facsimile for apology on Michelangeli in likewise facsimile. I for the first time learned that Wilhelm Backhaus was Nazi sympathiser (Curt Riess: Furtwängler: Musik und Politik). For me, Backhaus seems less Nazi sympathised to Klemens Krauss or even Karl Böhm. 0:44 AM.
1:30 AM Концерт Верди «Реквием» в Москве. 4:00 AM
5:27 AM Baking Matzo for matzobrei.
6:00 AM Cмотрю концерт в Москве в 18 апреле 2024 годе Евы Геворгяна (в Меломанe).
7:00 AM Go to bed for some sleep. Hopefully, qualified one.

/it (Past operation strategy (see above): MET 1966 Opening object «Anthony and Cleopatra» at USD 500; or, slightly below to USD 480. Depends on the exchange rate of the day. In case of USD 500 would exceed JPY 100,000, I will use a hat trick over empty purchase payment.) /it 

Why I decided never to read or write down single note of Yuji Takahashi in his life time as he surely acknowledges it as he proves so in this month's note of him on "Baffalo" in despire. He took a wrong path around 1993 to the way from which never to be safely recovered. And, from the first +66 Thailand's International Calling Code and Frédéric François Chopin's "Black Mass" etude, Opus 10 № 5 bar 66 in single white key of F or Ф as sputnik on October 4, 1957 signaled to Our entire world from Our satellite. I think, however, would I play his «Gwangju; 1980, May» after his decease, as prayer for his wounded soul meaninglessly by his own stupid repeatedly likewise meaninglessly most inhumane words and likewise deeds. If he were Bulgakov, Yuji Takahashi's choice was «Master and Margarita» clearly by hiding his own deeds from his own history. He could have bet on «Heart of Dog» instead, but he couldn't and failed in it by his own self-made trap. His piano reduction of «Erbarme dich» is the vivid proof of his betrayal.

Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse [22, 23 has been read already not recorded on this diary, of course, not by intention] 24, 0:38 AM; Al Franken: Chapter 29 «Operation Chickenhawk: Episode One» to pp. 241 (re-read this page for 3:30 o'clock and 21 and 27 as 21st century end of the humanity in Al Franken's reading at the time of his writing) 0:57 PM (Al was not forgetting to punish Pat Buchanan, a conspiracy theorist over 911 terror. Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory is totally different, thus).

пятница 3 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
7:00 AM Go to bed. 0:30 PM Got up. Not that qualified sleep could I have.
1:00 PM Kashiwara Central Post Office to withdraw money at amount of JPY 90,000. Prepare the money for Toyotsu Orthodox Church and Shichiyama Hospital. Skip payment to Softbank (an appropriate punishment on them and Masayoshi Son for their abuse of my privacy for profit making and self-defense, except Ms. Ririko Isono) for Obelisk 1966 Metropolitan Opera Opening. (I was completely involved in my hard work and didn't notice that yesterday was Friday, May 2nd and not a holiday). Payment for gas and NTT bills and Rakuten cheese at 7-eleven.
1:30 PM Mandai for eggs (x10) x1 for matzobrei. Sun Plaza box (x6) x 4 plus lettuce x1. Moderate version of human hunting by Nazists Tokyo-Osaka. AKASO-OSAKA, [123]4-0-4[321], NATO-OTAN. 1:44 PM.

eBay update. You can only observe how irrational Tokyo and Washington D. C. is.
eBay update. You can only observe how irrational Tokyo and Washington D. C. is.
Meanwhile in Nazists Tokyo over their infaithful Nazi manipulation in vain on USD and JPY TTS with likewise Nazists Washington D. C.
My Fatherland is The Russian Federation never have been Nazists Japan or the USA or even UK or France, let alone Germany. (they, all of them, call their own nation Motherland instead: Food for thoughts for illogical species still around on this planet of Ours).
eBay Update: Operation Chickenhawk. They admit their defeat. What's the insults, by the way?
eBay Update: Operation Chickenhawk. One sided-landslide defeat of the USA. Not that far-away from now on. CIA is brainless. USA's hegemony of this entire world has been one step closer to its very end. Truth that they are all Chickenhawks: Their long awaited killing of the last descendent of Христос has been thus in complete failure and in panic in national debts over USA 10 years bond. which has been never to be recovered. In short, the USA's been dead state.
This is the USA. The arrogant threat nation to the entire rest of the world. However, in their mind in deep. there only exists fears of one step closer to national default.

1:46 PM JPY 20,000 for deposite either eBay or Softbank and water payments. I know this item will be my posession, and hence, deposited in a museum in Moscow, but it is still better to be legally purchased by myself in oath to my Fatherland, The Russian Federation. 2:00 PM.
4:18 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Haydn symphonie nr. 88, Ravel «Rhapsody espagnole» on October 22, 1951, Beethoven symphonie nr. 1, Opus 21, both in Stuttgart on March 30, 1954 (SWF 931, 1993). Elegantly and faithfully restored and marvelous, brilliantly fantastic reading, most notoriously in Maurice Ravel.
5:46 PM Practicing fortepiano. Thinking of my fatherland The Russian Federation and my love Eva Gevorgyan. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2; Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Opus 101-1. (recorded for public) Think about Arnold Schoenberg himself and to imagine his thoughts during playing, for me still unlovable (not in person but in his 12 tone music even having been revealed as its 12 is the symbol of desciples of Христос) Also, I tried to think about my fatherland The Russian Federation and my future wife Eva Gevorgyan. Trying hard not to be kidnapped by USA's 911 selfie terror during playing, but it was impossible I have been blown away to 911 and Al Franken (a nice guy also, even a nice Christian even though his is Judaism). At least, I did my best.
6:45 PM bakig Matzo for matzobrei.
7:17 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944)
8:00 PM Taking shower. 8:22 PM
8:22 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
8:45 PM Go to bed. 1:45 AM Got up. So-so qualified sleep.
2:00 AM Концерт в Москве. «"Нам нужна одна Победа!"». 3:30 AM.

Whole Wheat Matzo.

3:45 AM Посмотрю концерт Евы Геворгяна в Москве в 18 апреля 2024 года.
7:30 AM Baking Matzo for matzobrei. Did some work on eBay.co.uk (eBay USA = NSA-CIA). They are all free-falling except a faithful gentleman like Al Franken and common citiezen (Fanfare for Common citizen by Aaron Copland comes to my mind conducted by Leonard Bernstein).
8:30 AM Go to bed.
Preparation for Tomorrow's Easter at 8:30 PM Leaving home to Toyotsu Orthodox Church vigil starting at 11:30 PM. (iPhone, Orthodox Church Bible with memos, Wallet, Rachmaninoff and Chopin scores). Христос Вот Воскрес!!!!!!!
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 25, 25:18 逆 [あらかじめ] 7:13 PM; Al Franken: Chapter 29 «Operation Chickenhawk: Episode One» to pp. 246 7:03 PM [Dickless Cheney's 18 nitroglycerin pills and 12 feet on pp. 246 (L'Ascention de Иисус христос 4[321]-[123]4. Спасибо Вам, Турци. Спасибо Вам, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Türkiye, having sent me back over UK's order under USA's tremendous pressure by enroute via Hong Kong to be changed to Haneda, Tokyo not directly to Osaka as London promised via Hong Kong to betray me over governmental order by 10 Downing Street and Tory ruling (I suspect Their Labour Party did the same) Parliament and Backingham Palace!!!!!!!) I learned Mel Gibson's taxi as well, its Turkish translation to transport as we are making the USA into complete flop with Nazists Tokyo [4]321]. (Al was not forgetting to punish Pat Buchanan, a conspiracy theorist over 911 terror. Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory is totally different, thus).
74.2 kg.

суббота 4 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
No practice. No reading. Perhaps no listening and watching (reversed).
8:30 AM Go to bed. 9:51 AM Got up.
11:18 AM Post Office and 7-eleven payments for Softbank and water.
11:22 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
1:05-06 PM Go to bed until 5:25 PM o'clock. Taking shower.
5:46 PM lettuce and tomato salad for supper. Matzo for midnight.
5:50 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Haydn symphonie nr. 88, Ravel «Rhapsody espagnole» on October 22, 1951, Beethoven symphonie nr. 1, Opus 21, both in Stuttgart on March 30, 1954 (SWF 931, 1993). Elegantly and faithfully restored and marvelous, brilliantly fantastic reading, most notoriously in Maurice Ravel.
6:56 AM Посмотрю концерт Евы Геворгяна в Москве в 18 апреля 2024 года.

Stupidity by the Pentagon Roaches not Nazists Toyko judging from their past deeds.
Stupidity by the Pentagon Roaches not Nazists Toyko judging from their past deeds.

8:30 PM leaving home. Arriving Toyotsu at 10:30 PM.
9:00 PM Leaving home to Toyotsu Orthodox Church vigil starting at 11:30 PM. (iPhone, Orthodox Church Bible with memos, Matzo, water, psychiatric pillls including sleeping, Wallet, Rachmaninoff and Chopin scores). Христос Вот Воскрес!!!!!!!

воскресенье 5 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
6:54 AM arriving home.
7:00 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]
8:00 AM Go to bed. 1:18 PM Got up.
7:00 PM Mandai sakura eggs (x10) x2, 7-eleven V Preca JPY 10,000 for Mengelberg 1939 newly transfered edition of Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» BWV 244 on ebay.co.uk.
7:18 PM I still want you all to know how I had had to suffer by Torah translated by Iwanami and issued on my birthday April 26 of 2004, which exactly says, "Pleasure of Sex" because such activity is nothing to do with me until this date of my life".
2:00 AM 7-eleven V Preca 15,000, order Wilhelm Furtwängler «Zauberflöte» Tahra on July 27th, 1949 and Orfeo on August 6th, 1951 both Salzburger Festspiele. Uladislav Khandokhi Chopin Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturne Opus 55-2, etc on Lawson-HMV.

понежельник 6 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
8:00 - 0:28 PM Sleep. Slightly saw an MK Ultra Sonor dream.
0:35 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [One repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
2:04 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Hambourg Philharmonic Orchestra in 9 June 1947 Beethoven Leonore ouverture nr. 2 and Richard Strauss «Death and Transfiguration», Opus 24 on 11 June 1947 and on 18 October 1948 his own symphonie nr. 2 [1945 version] (SWF 921/922, 1992) Dr. Friedrich Schnapp's recordings. Fantastic remarkably Marvellous recordings and performances as is always with Dr. Schnapp.
4:18 PM Family Mart Kashiwara for payment of Uladislav Khandokh's CD. 7-eleven Rakuten none cored toilet papers (x4) x 6 complete payment before rainy weather. 4:46 PM. Full of self-exposing Nazists on the way to and back, especially those who quite intentionally interferred my path over traffic.
5:06 PM Practicing fortepiano.Thinking of my fatherland The Russian Federation and my love Eva Gevorgyan. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2; Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Opus 31-1 exposition fragment to teach how it should be played not this music a cheap chaos of (if however) humorous stupidity of Beethoven, Opus 101-1. (recorded for public) Think about Arnold Schoenberg himself and to imagine his thoughts during playing, for me still unlovable (not in person but in his 12 tone music even having been revealed as its 12 is the symbol of desciples of Христос) Also, I tried to think about my Fatherland The Russian Federation and my future wife Eva Gevorgyan. In my understanding by this date, that Arnold Schoenberg's 12 tone music was invented that Schoenberg detected that Rockefellers' America was killing of the last direct male descendant of Христос over phoney claims to conquire this entire world of ours so that 12 complicated in mind desciples was invented so precise order to this killing of Христос would be most difficult and in the meantime no Diaspora would be triggered again as it happened in A. D. 30 or slightly aftermath of it. So, I decided last night, I will play Arnold Schoenberg music as tonal music not atonal music or 12 tone music (as breaking every rules of Arnold Schoenberg indicated by freely interpret them as Glenn Gould did on the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart), which should have been Arnold Schoenberg's true wish (Maurizio Pollini would have been proven this very truth of our human history by music itself not by scores as NHK FM lied over Arturo Benedetti Michelaneli's music making). Look at Leonard Bernstein's Ernest Bloch's «Schelomo» with Misha Maisky and Israel Philarmonic Orchestra and compare it with Emmanuel Feuermann with Leon Barzin on Connoisseuir Society 1986 CD (recorded in the Carnegie Hall on November 10, 1941. And, look at Emmanuel Feuermann's Antonín Dvořák cello concerto recording date, which is Auschwitz Extermination Liberation date of January 27th in the year of 1940 that suggests Rockefellers phoney freemasonary, Christianity, or Judaism, whatsoever) by 3:10 PM. Trying hard not to be kidnapped by USA's 911 selfie terror during playing. At least, I tried my best. I would call, unlike sttuborn Daniel Barenboim, Johann Sebastian Bach's «Das Weltempered Klavier Volume I und II» as New Testament [meaning Orthodox Church version of New Testament because of «Matthäus-Passion» BWV 244] and Beethoven's 32 Complete Fortepiano Sonati ending Opus 111 as Torah as Old Testament. 7:48 PM.
6:00 PM Connoisuer Society Emmanuel Feuermann Antonín Dvořák Cello Concerto recorded on January 27, 1940 and «Silent Woods» «Rondo» and Ernest Bloch's «Schelomo [King Solomon]» recorded on November 10, 1941 both in the Carnegie Hall issued in 1986 made in Japan by Denon.
7:40 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler in Hambourg interview with Dr. Friedrich Schnapp.
8:00 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян в концрет в Москве в 18 апреля 2024 года.
9:00 PM Орган Live! в Томске (Маэстра Дмитрия Феликсовича Ушакова)!!! (cancelled). I made that range of time for reading of Orthodox Bible and Al Franken's witty but self-revealing book.
0:30 AM 7-eleven for Yahoo Auction payment Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «De Nozze di Figaro» August 6, 1953 in Salzburger Festspiele. On foot due to rainy weather. (decided not to go and postponed for tomorrow morning in precise order to criticize and embarrass Tokyo).
11:00 PM Посмотрю Концерт симфонической музыки ко Дню великой Победы.
1:00 AM Посмотрю «Пасхальные встречи в кругу друзей» Бенефис АНАТОЛИЯ АНТОНОВА.
Today is Masako Suzuki's birthday, who is my second love in life. It lasted until the funeral of Mutsumi Tsuge, when I learned that she had her fiancée and was waiting for her marrige to him (it was a rainy day and she opened the same salmon pink umbrella which colour has been her favourite from her childhood). My first love was at 7 years old if excluding Bolishoi Circus at 5 (hint: Nasstasja Kinski's filmography in the previous century), Yukiko Hashimoto over pencil eracer (which Risa Suzuki repeatedly and stickingly implied). Yes, and of course, my today's and yesterday's schedule was founded on this very truth. And, here is my doubt. Why March Travel arranged with Tsutada Family of Seiryo Kurashiki high school for my first USA travel starting at Hotel Hilton International Americas Avenue to start at on this very date of 1990? Today is my first landed day on JFK and New York City as well. Of course, I was determined in the fight against the USA. Thus, that why James Sheldon got such deep moody depresssion after my rejection of him and saying, after he offered me Turkey hamburg, "I didn't understand this when I was at your age" by recalling his bi-sexuality in his life always troubled me, because it was to me not rational one. I mean, it could have been Sheldon's entire deed was aiming at traumatizing me over sexual deed under order by his boss, Rockefellers and his NBC.
10:00 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 26, 26:15-18 9; 26:20-22 9:26 PM; Al Franken: Chapter 29 «Operation Chickenhawk: Episode One» thoroughly to pp. 251 7:03 PM (Al was not forgetting to punish Pat Buchanan, a conspiracy theorist over 911 terror. Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory is totally different, thus).
втроник 7 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:46 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [One repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]].
9:30 AM Hojo Post Office to send this month box parcel to The Embassy of The Russian Federation. Arrival date will be May 8th (because May 9th is national holiday to commemorate victory in Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germnay).9:45 AM.
10:30 AM 7-eleven payment Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «Marriage of Figaro» K. 492 recorded at Salzburger Festspiele on August 11, 1953 (birthday of Johannes Brahms and Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli's last re-cite-all [concert] in 1993 in Hamburg [birthplace of Johannes Brahms and issue of my birth certificate recorded date; imagine Gospel of Luke Verse 25 as «Aeolian Harp» as being Vladimir Horowitz's Testament]) over Yahoo Auction.
Go to bed as early as o'clock for preparation to Shichiyama Hospital.

Drum muß uns sein verdienstilich Leiden recht bitter und doch süßt sein. Killing as the last direct descendant of Христос is a simply a greatest honour one can desire of. No fear at all against Tokyo-Osaka Japanese Nazists. They are under USA's order just in vain trying to trap me, and that's all. 1234-4321 (Gospel of Judas), NATO-OTAN, AKASO-OSAKA is in all, greatest honour one can deserves in life. Proof of your devinity. Chickenhawk Yuji Takahashi and his people could never understand it: how deeply and confidently am I despise them over drinking wines in their true nature of Nazi biased being aiming at depriving of my credit as the last direct descendant of Христос for self-protection to forcibly make me Boris Yeltsin in the corrupted land of Japan (I am not criticizing Toyotsu Orthodox Church. If not feeling comfortable for my faith that ruling people should never drink alcohole except for cuisine by Audrey Hepburn, «Penne alla Vodka». Maybe, however, back into my Fatherland the Russian Federation, I would only on special occasions I would drink red wines with my tovariches to celebrate our winning against terrorist countries topped by the USA that has made NATO-OTAN nations as its deposites with NATO Charter article 14. John Williams? No kidding, please. Is he a fan of Donald Reagan? Of his Star Wars project with Lockheed Martin? I reject him from my human beings list, unfortunately for all of us human beings. What's the funny with unscientific encounter with the unexisting Third or Fourth kind? Fight agaist USA's Nomenclature is of the necessity if you find such a time to waste of your precious life. This is why I am loving the idea of being killed by Nazists Tokyo or their corrupted desciples in entire Japanese homeland. That's the greatest honour one can receive on this planet earth all around the world, if not successfully return to my Fatherland, The Russian Federation. BWV 161. The Alfred; 17 F, 161 West 61st Street, New York, NY 10011.

Now we are fighting against Nazi Japan and somehow government level likewise in Das Vierte Reich Germany (keen musicians outside of Deutsche Welle [German Waves; I do continue to download their concerts because they are not concerts but political propaganada of Das Vierte Reich (exactly likewise for Poland's Dwójka - Program 2 Polskiego Radia) by Ursula von der Leyen and Olaf Scholz over Paul McCartney and Hé!ène Grimaud to Northern Rock with relatively mild earthquake in Britain scandals on Sky news whatsoever from all UK English broadcast on September 11 to 13, 2007 in Ibis, Dresden to fool me unconstitutionally broke Bonn Constitution by Angela Merkel; [I have sympathy to David Bowie for KaDeWe, though] are fighting against their national Nazism led by EU Chairman Ursula von der Leyen and Olaf Scholz - two of the most unlimitedly corrupted Nazi politicians after Adolf Hitler) and France (over Emmanuel Macron's Clara Buijs scandals and threats over Klaus Barbie's Lyon Opera [the name of Klaus Barbie was refused to be told by the mouth of Aaron Z. Snyder when I was hunting him. Mr. A to Z and Z to A +972 in the year of 1972 untimely visit to Osaka as Music & Arts engineer only to get a Ginkgo leaf for memorial of his stupid and unfaithful deeds]). Brits have lost its independence by conceeding everything to do with diplomacy and completely depends their fate and destiny on me and on President Putin in precise order to let or not let them the Brits be survivied as a nation if in misery and vain hope (current Labour party is still deceiving me except Jeremy Corbyn (hint: the fate of Gordon Brown who had abused Hélène Grimaud on the Last Night Proms in 2008 with Roger Norrington), who is also being a betrayer in his heart).
11:30 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]].
0:50 PM Practicing fortepiano. Thinking of my Fatherland The Russian Federation and my love Eva Gevorgyan. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2; Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Opus 101-1. (recorded for public; however due to lack of concentration and unnatural movement at the keyboard, I only have Opus 31-1 open to public) Freely paraphrase Arnold Schoenberg Opus 11-1. Also, I tried to think about my Fatherland The Russian Federation and my future wife Eva Gevorgyan. In the middle of the course, not to let my thought is to be blown away to Al Franken over USA's 911 selfie terror Nazi crimes, which selfie terror they the USA stubbornly denies to this date). Beethoven Opus 31-1 1st movement exposition (fragment) although I am not satisfied at all with the result, still, however, slightly better played than yesterday (gift, especially to Daniel Barenboim).
3:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie № 9 by Antnín Dvořák recorded live on November 30, 1941 (Relief, circa 1986).
3:45 PM Washing clothes by washing machine to be done by next morning.
4:18 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла бис в концерт в Москве в 18 апреля 2024 года.
5:00 PM Посмотрю очередное восхождение на пост президента Прежидента Владимира Владимиловича Путина.
6:54 PM Go to bed due to relatively slight exhaustion and preparation for tomorrow's Shichiyama Hospital. Maybe, get up for evening concerts.
None readings for today.

среда 8 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:15 AM Got up. Taking shower. 7:40 AM Leaving home for Shichiyama Hospital for today's session (1, 2, 3, 4 these numbers for the recordings don't matter at all for me because it was just co-insidental but for Tokyo and Osaka, for most notorisouly for the Nazi Diet and Ishin's visual-kei Chickenhawk child Japan Bank chairman, Otokita). I have learned Mr. Tamai's kindness to open the door upon the first meeting, which I misunderstood. 3:30 PM prescription drags at Plaza Pharmacy O'hta branch. 4:00 PM Fujiidera maniciple city hall to meet Mr. Tamai till 5:00 PM. Desk work with Ms. Kiyomi (tried hard to tempt me over and over again in her [she is a Nazist pretending a good and kind natured person [proof is that she allow to use the same photo as it was used for the last time for the certification of psychiatric desease patient. However, here is her Nazism, trumpetting, "just in case of his being the killer of Yuri Yoshikawa" likewise for line to line lying order to writing on the certification applying paper (but, Mr. Tamai's supervising because Mr. Tamai was not trusting Ms. Kiyomi. This is why I didn't write down about this until this date of 7:33 PM next evening of May 10th, 2024, 34th and 14th double sexual victimisation by James Sheldon)], and even friendly, just like insists Masahiko Shimada and Lawyers committee of Japan and let alone Justice Ministry of Japan's insist of illogical narcolepsy] in vain ways of checking of my memory lapse, who was fighting against MK Ultra Sonar massive attacks at the very moments of Ms. Kiyomi's intentional Nazi misleadings) however under Mr. Tamai's supervising on to her Nazi deed. 5:30 PM. Back home at 5:45 PM.
As told to Mr. Tamai, AKASO-OSAKA 1234-4321 (Osaka-Tokyo) Nazi Kriminalpolizei in assist of military satellite tried hard to arrest me by stickily and most aggressively ever stalking me twice on the way to the city manicipal then Ms. Kiyoimi's sticky Nazist deeds followed to achieve falsified version of Gospels (not Orthodox edition of Holy Bible). I must in full confidence attest that if Ms. Kiyomi's type of torture would cease, no psychiatric medicines in need. However only single truth was spoken from Ms. Kiyomi's mouth, that was 100 percent of Nazi Japanese (it turned out when I told her my revised Japanese Constitution to give Emperor to refuse to approve a cabinet over national voting of minimum of 80 percent of votes) are involved in this phoney criminal trial against me by receiving kick-back money to spend gorgeous daily lives of themselves.
Go to bed around 1:30 AM (after completion of preparation of Operation Chickenhawk Reversed for tomorrow at 5:00 мск).

четверг 9 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. (Днём Победы).
The Day after Arrival date of this month's box parcel to the Embassy of The Russian Federation.
1:30 AM around Went to bed. 10:00 AM Got up.
11:00 AM Operation Chickenhawk Reveresed: Purchasing MET Opera 1983 centennial memorial medal in its sample from Canada resided agent, after making oath to the national anthem of The Russian Federation. Will be shipped on June 10th to sweeping June 11th, 1983 nightmare of Vladimir Horowitz under perfect control by David Rockefeller at NHK Hall starting 20:00 PM [MET Opera Starting Time] JST (aired on June 12th, 1983 to celebrate David Rockefeller's 68th birthday in The Metropolitan Opera's centenary season 1983 - 1984. that is, of course, sabbatical season for Vladimir Horowitz and the origin of current National Independence Day of The Russian Federation). [Why I purchased this medal on this date, if not yesterday? Yesterday is theirs and today is Ours. And, in the case of newly made forgery, The Russian Federation can easily sweep Nazi USA, France, NATO, EU, and Japan in their earth-planet scale of forever unabolished embarrassement; if in the case of original sample, another glorified victory against Nazism. I am no fool to them, the lesser spieces].

Metropolitan Opera Centennial (1883-1983) Large Coin/Medallion,Silver Plate RARE
Metropolitan Opera Centennial (1883-1983) Large Coin/Medallion,Silver Plate RARE
Metropolitan Opera Centennial (1883-1983) Large Coin/Medallion,Silver Plate RARE
Metropolitan Opera Centennial (1883-1983) Large Coin/Medallion,Silver Plate RARE
Metropolitan Opera Centennial (1883-1983) Large Coin/Medallion,Silver Plate RARE
Metropolitan Opera Centennial (1883-1983) Large Coin/Medallion,Silver Plate RARE

Receiving Uladislav Khandoki's CD at Lawson O'i district nr. 4. (Ms. Ikehata was the truly good natured casher). Also, visiting Mandai for eggs (x6) x1 . Hojo Post Office to send a letter to Our The Russian Federation to Japan in Tokyo. 11:40 PM
11:44 AM Vladimir Horowitz May 9, 1965 Historic Return recital at Carnegie Hall. CD 1, 2 rehearsal on January 7 and 14, 1965, CD 3 January 26, 1965, 4 April 7, 1965, CD 5 and CD 6 April 14, 1965, and CD 7 and 8 recital on May 9, 1965 to commemorate 20 years anniversary of Russian victory against Nazi Germany.
9:00 мск (3:00 PM JST) Посмотрю 9 мая в Москве на парад в честь Дня Победы (прямая трансляция в России 1.)
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Yamato (cheese) and Japan Post Parcels (from my sister and from Tokyo's Kriminalpolizei).
7:40 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «Le Nozze di Figaro» August 6, 1953, Salzburger Festspiele (Tokyo-USA's Nazi Kriminalpolizei pre-invented edition including its liner note of remarks in Furtwängler's post war was insisted to have been started in Italy (in reality it was in Switzerland). They the Kriminalpolizei of Tokyo and Osaka to NATO, EU, and let alone USA have tendency even to such an act can be part of their compensations and may be escaped from national default). However, it had their long tradition since the many centuries back. (updated 12:40 мск пятница 10 мая 2024 года). Well, however it may be true that it was from the first August 7, 1953 performance because Tahra says so. Just likewise the case of English grammar book issued in 1953 in its forward the author describes that he researched in several languages the English term "massage" as the proof of Seoung-Jung Ko's Conspiracy back in 1999".
10:00 PM - 1:00 AM Had some so-so qualified sleep.
1:00 AM Посмотрю концерт Маэстра Федсеева в Москве.
3:04 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert «Le Nozze di Figaro» on August 6, 1953, Salzburger Festspiele Act 3 track number 8 to the end.
5:00 AM Go to bed.

пятница 10 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Going bed around 5:00 AM. 8:55 PM Got up for Post Office and City Hall.
9:00 AM Going to Hojo Post Office for a letter to The Embassy of the Russian Federation.
10:00 AM Visit Fujiidera CIty Maniciple to meet Mr. Tamai for showing Eva Gevorgyan's photos with President Putin, and dispose un-rechargeable battery (that was packed when I purchased some electronic device years ago). Also, I have stressed on that Mayor of City of Fujiidera should sue (make a law case against) Governor of Prefecture of Osaka Yoshifumi Yoshimura and Mayor of City of Osaka Hideyuki Yokoyama over their demands in City of Fujiidera to carry out militarily supported human hunting against me by Nazipolizei of Prefecture of Osaka. The Mayor must demand arrest of these two figures and all the members of Fumio Kishida Cabinet. 10:40 AM.

Baked Whole Wheat Matzo. Mainly for maztobrei. This month, eggs, tomatoes, and Matzo and cheese. Starting next month almost completely basically, eggs, tomatoes, and Matzo only. No more cheese, escaping waste of money.

10:42 AM Calling my sister for accusing of her and of Tokyo's Justice Ministry's decades of deceptions.
11:22 AM Listening to Uladislav Khandoki's fortepiano playing.
2:00 PM YouTube subscription default changes.
3:00 PM Practicing fortepiano. Thinking of my Fatherland The Russian
Federation and my love Eva Gevorgyan. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2; Freely paraphrase Arnold Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Opus 101-1. Opus 31-1 1st movement exposition (fragment, gift, especially for stunbbornly childish Daniel Barenboim) [recorded for public]. Also, I tried to think about music itself or Jane WIlhelmina Stirling and my Fatherland The Russian Federation and my future wife Eva Gevorgyan; and, In the middle of the course, my thought not be blown away to Al Franken over USA's 911 selfie terror Nazi crimes, as well as James Sheldon's traumatizing sexual offence. This date is the 34 years memorial of this incident of the USA crime and 14 years from to have gotten real victim of James Sheldon's sexual slavery due to Emi Hariyama and Molly Yeh's betrayals, which with selfie terror of 911 they the USA stubbornly denies to this date. And, this operation of fortepiano practice was impossible, particularly for James Sheldon's assaults and betrayals. But, I did my best, especiallly in Opus 31-1 exposition).
3:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert his own symphonie nr. 2 in E minor on February 22, 1953 revised version. Premièred on George Washington Day of February 22nd, 1948 in Berlin. (Orfeo/ORF).
5:09 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Hambourg Philharmonic Orchestra on 18 October 1948 his own symphonie nr. 2 (SWF 922, 1992) Dr. Friedrich Schnapp's recordings (in some reasons played in 1945 manuscript version; it is said, "After the end of the war the work was then completed in Switzerland during an enforced break from conducting" on Orfeo C 375 941 B). Fantastic remarkably Marvellous recordings and performances as is always with Dr. Schnapp.
6:55 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert in 1948 Beethoven symphonie nr. 2 (October 3rd, 1948) and nr. 8 (November 13, 1948) in London and Stockholm. (SWF 091, 2009)
8:06 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Haydn symphonie nr. 88, Ravel «Rhapsody espagnole», Beethoven symphonie nr. 1, Opus 21, in Stuttgart on March 30, 1954 (SWF 931, 1993).

This advertizement is symbol of current Hollywood's (Oscar's) Nazi corruption. Read it from here. This guy and Haruki Murakami and Hideaki Anno («Evangelion» is on MK Ultra Sonar movie by stealing my privacy based on from Nazikriminalpolizei's secret service information) all must be arrested for their piled up Nazi crimes.

9:30 PM Go to bed. 5:20 AM Got up.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола thoroughly from Verse 27 to 28; 7:20 PM; Al Franken: Chapter 30 «Fun of Racism» to pp. 252 8:39 PM (Al was not forgetting to punish Pat Buchanan, a conspiracy theorist over 911 terror. Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory is totally different, thus).

суббота 11 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
9:30 PM Go to bed. 5:20 AM Got up.
5:35 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie № 9 by Antnín Dvořák recorded live on November 30, 1941 (Relief, circa 1986).
6:22 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [One repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
9:00 AM email updates (unsubscriptions from unwanted contacts). YouTube notification changes from unrequired contacts.
10:01 AM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2; Freely paraphrase Arnold Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Opus 101-1, Opus 31-1 1st movement exposition (fragment, gift, especially for stunbbornly childish Daniel Barenboim), [recorded for public]. Concentrate in music itself. Stopped earlier than I had originally planned due to finger nail injury.
11:00 AM Vladimir Horowitz plays Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky concerto for fortepiano and orchestra nr. 1, Opus 23. April 25, 1943 in the Carnegie Hall at 3:30 o'clock.
0:00 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла бис в концерт в Москве в 18 апреля 2024 года. Having made a list of invitations for our wedding in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg: Ririko Isono, Mr. Saiga, and Mr. Uota from Japan (finalized); Henry Fogel and Teresa and John Bruce Yeh, Joe Yeh, Rickey and Marsha Boxer, from the USA, Gianadrea Noseda from Italy. I invite Marsha and Ricky Boxer and Teresa Reilly with John Bruce Yeh to my Moscow and Saint-Petersburg home. Other figures as Jamie and Alexander and Nina Bernsteins as the children of Leonard Bernstein, Shiely Gabis Perle, Cornelia Foss to be invited to my home along with Gianandrea Noseda to our house in Moscow upon my purchase.
2:18 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]].
3:00 PM Completed Proof of contents mail to Mayor Kazuki Okada to be posted Monday in its copy with Proof of delivery option. And, the hand written original will be sent simultaneously to Our The Embassy of The Russian Federation in the meantime.
3:33 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Haydn symphonie nr. 88, Ravel «Rhapsody espagnole», Beethoven symphonie nr. 1, Opus 21, in Stuttgart on March 30, 1954 (SWF 931, 1993).
4:38 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert in 1948 Beethoven symphonie nr. 2 (October 3rd, 1948) and nr. 8 (November 13, 1948) in London and Stockholm. (SWF 091, 2009).
4:56 PM Have cleaned up annoying promotion emails in my inbox of main gmail account.
6:58 PM Have some sleep. Till9:55 PM.
10:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [One repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
11:09 PM Maurizio Pollini from «Chopin» Opus 55 Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes, 3 Mazurki Opus 56, Berceuse, Opus 57, Sonata Opus 58. (DGG, Germany, 2019).
0:10 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла бис в концерт в Москве в 18 апреля 2024 года.
Kriminalpolizei's vain hope (insulting Vladimir Horowitz's high art by manipulating the original sound).
1:00 AM Vladimir Horowitz plays Ludwig van Beethoven sonata for fortepiano nr. 21. Opus 53 «Waldstein» recorded on December 20, 1972 and sonata for fortepiano nr. 23, Opus 57 «Appasionata» recorded on October 25 and 30, 1972 (recorded in 1972, CBS; Made in Austria, Printed in Netherlands, Sony Classical, 1993; The Complete Masterworks Recordings Volume VI, issue of 1993).
2:00 AM Прямой эфил в Санкт-Петербурге.
4:00 AM Making 2 copies of Proof of contents mail to City of Fujiidera Mayor Kazuki Okada to be posted Monday at 9:00 AM in its copy with Proof of delivery option (After backing home, it turned out there need 3 copies one for the Mayor Kazuki Okada, another for Post Office, and one another to myself so that I was forced to visit 7-eleven once again amidst miserable but violent Nazists and Nazi Jügend unconstitutional operations). Its original hand written copy is to be sent to Our The Embassy of The Russian Federation to Japan in Tokyo.
6:05 AM My current idea for the gift to Eva Gevorgyan in her recital at Kobe on 7 September 2024 are Handwoven scarf purchased at a half price around Euro 250 at Sofitel Department in Wien at Stephansdom. And Спрессованный цветок (unfortunately that beautiful Hydrangea was disposed into dust in despairation) or Red Rose buquet, and ask Eva for signing on the 2017 Chopin Competition CDs (it never to be newly released Altus CDs because Altus must send me a dozen plus one of sealed copy) in Russian and Armenian with pre-determined message and also pre-determined page of liner note and colour of the pen [I prefer silver to gold] with date and place; and I beg Eva for hand shake. (to be reconsidered in details to make it at best).
6:29 AM Current confident condition in Serbia, I believe, should have been my exposure of Klaus Barbie in his Military Tribunal on May 11, 1987(?) in that Barbie demanded repeatedly for hospitalization to interrupt the Mililtary Tribunal, which story has been intentionally associated to unexist such claims falsifiedly commited by EU accused of Slobodan Milošević. NATO-OTAN is such evil. 6:50 AM.
7:24 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Bible Послание Иакова Verse 1, 2, 3, 4; 11:51 AM; Al Franken: Chapter 30 «Fun of Racism» to pp. 253 11:19 PM (Al was not forgetting to punish Pat Buchanan, a conspiracy theorist over 911 terror. Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory is totally different, thus).
71.5 kg.

воскресенье 12 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:59 AM Got up.
0:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
1:23 PM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Robert Schumann's «Winterszenen» Opus 68 nr. 38 «Winterszenen I» and 37 «Matrosenlied», «Carnaval», Opus 9 and «Winterszenen», Opus 68 nr. 39 «Winterszenen II» (January 15 to 21, Thun, EMI)
2:22 PM Vladimir Horowitz plays «Late Russian Romantics» Alexander Scriabin (recorded on April 27, May 4, and May 31; CBS 30th Street Studio), Nicolai Medtner (recorded on June 12, 1969 on the David Rockefeller's 54th birthday together with «Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ» BWV 639 [/3 =213 in its anagram equals to 123; and sold on «Great Songs of Christmas» for Christmas 1969 by Goodyear Tyres (Tyre is Israeli currency with Shekels)]; CBS 30th Street Studio), and Sergei Rachmaninoff's fortepiano sonata nr. 2, Opus 36 and Prelude in G Sharp minor, Opus 32 nr. 12, and Moment musical in B minor, Opus 16 nr. 3 (recorded on December 15, 1968 in Carnegie Hall, and Étude Tableau in E flat minor, Opus 33 nr. 5, Opus 33 nr. 2, and Opus 39 nr. 9 recorded on December 10, 1967 in Constitution Hall, Washington D. C.) (The Complete Masterworks Recordings Volume IX, Made in Austria and printed in Netherlands, Sony Classical, 1993)
2:30 PM Baking Matzo for matzobrei for branch. Cleaning up kitchen. Washing dishes, etc.
4:38 PM Have some sleep until 8:00 PM. (Cancelled).
5:00 PM around: Stirling 900 years birthday on April 26, 2014 on BBC Scotland.
6:50 PM Vladimir Horowitz Live! at 3:45 PM NBC TV broadcast on September 24, 1978 in Avery Fisher Hall conducted by Zubin Mehta [הודי] with The New York Philharmonic Orchestra (Sony Classical).
7:40 PM Посмотрю Концерт оркестра из Воткинска - фестиваль "Гений места" дирижер Валерий Гергиев.
10:00 PM Go to bed. 4:00 AM Woke up, and then Got up.
Orthodox Bible Послание Иакова Verse 5 (why Pentatonic scale in Japan) 2:41 PM; Первое послание Петра Verse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (why Pentatonic scale in Japan and Ieyasu Tokugawa's isolationism for nearly 400 years tell it all with the evidence his descendants Yoritsune and Yoriaki Matsudaira were contemporary music composers, thus, proof of centuries of national crime with Yoshihiko Nonomura [symbolized by his not having come for Luigi Nono's «Prometheo» Japanese première in Akiyoshidai in 1999] and NHK educational Kimiko and economist Shunpei Takemori [as alternatives for Yoshihiko Nonomura at Riken] and Jun'ichi Ishizuka with Suigyu led by Yuji and Mie Yamaki]; It' s not at all "Greek" to me); Al Franken: Chapter 30 «Fun of Racism» to pp. : PM (Al was not forgetting to punish Pat Buchanan, a conspiracy theorist over 911 terror. Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory is totally different, thus).

понежельник 13 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:00 PM Go to bed. 4:00 AM Woke up, and then Got up.
4:06 AM Watching Who is Felicia Montealegre Bernstein? twice by Jamie Bernstein.
5:00 AM Connoisuer Society Emmanuel Feuermann Antonín Dvořák Cello Concerto recorded on January 27, 1940 and «Silent Woods» «Rondo» and Ernest Bloch's «Schelomo [King Solomon]» recorded on November 10, 1941 both in the Carnegie Hall issued in 1986 made in Japan by Denon.
6:12 AM Vladimir Horowitz plays Sergei Rachmaninoff concerto for fortepiano nr. 3, Opus 30 with Eugene Ormandy and the New York Philharmonic on January 7, 1978 at 4:00 o'clock to celebrate Orthodox Church Christmas and meantime his Golden Jubilee concert.
6:56 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]].
8:06 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie № 9 by Antnín Dvořák (Relief, Made in Japan by Denon Printed in Switzerland circa 1986).

Garbage pretention: not to be sent Proof of contents mail to the City of Mayor, Kazuki Okada.
Garbage pretention: not to be sent Proof of contents mail to the City of Mayor, Kazuki Okada.

9:00 AM At Hojo or Fujiidera Central Japan Post branch office. Sending Proof of contents mail to Mayor Kazuki Okada was sent in its copy with Proof of delivery option. And, the hand written original was sent simultaneously to Our The Embassy of The Russian Federation later to The Our Russian Embassy to Japan in Tokyo. 11:30 AM. Recorded proofs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. and 6.
11:38 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла бис в концерт в Москве в 18 апреля 2024 года.
0:30 PM Go to bed taking doubled sleeping pills to have some sleep hopefully until evening around 8:00 PM.
3:08 PM Got up meaning sleeping pills do not help if otherwise slightly under current condition of national Nazism in Japan.
3:30 PM Hojo Post Office, a letter to Our The Embassy of The Russian Federation to Japan in Tokyo (Ms. Mukai). And, Mandai for eggs.
4:38 PM Complete Payment on Merucari for Celibidache «The Russian Repertoires» (Made in Germany, DGG, 1999).
8:00 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла бис в концерт в Москве в 18 апреля 2024 года.
9:00 PM Орган Live! в Томске. 15:00 мск.
10:00 PM Reading Al Franken. Read through thoroughly and intensively from the first page of chapter 30 «Fun of Racism» to the end. George Walker Bush's SAT score was 920 (pp. 259).
11:01 PM Vladimir Horowitz «The Private Collection Volume One» Starting with Johann Sebastian Bach «Toccata» BWV 911 [touche (in French), touching (in English)]. Issued in 1994 by BMG Classics; recordings 1945 - 1950 at Carnegie Hall. Producer Thomas Frost.
0:05 AM Vladimir Horowitz «The Private Collection Volume Two» including 2 New York Premières; Dmitri Kabalevsky Sonata Nr. 2, Opus 45 and Samuel Barber «Excursions», Opus 20 Nos. 1, 2, 4. Issued in 1995 by BMG Classics; recordings 1945 - 1949 at Carnegie Hall. Producer Thomas Frost.
1:00 AM Концерт Народныи артиста России Николаи Луганския в Московскае Консерваторие.
3:30 AM Vladimir Horowitz «The Private Collection Volume Two» includiong 2 New York Premières; Dmitri Kabalevsky Sonata Nr. 2, Opus 45 and Samuel Barber «Excursions», Opus 20 Nos. 1, 2, 4. Issued in 1995 by BMG Classics; recordings 1945 - 1949 at Carnegie Hall. For the rest. Producer Thomas Frost.
3:40 AM Концерт Народныи артиста России Николаи Луганския в Московскае Консерваторие. (for audio recording).
5:30 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Bible Второе послание Петра 1, 2, 3; 1;5-6, 2:1, 2:11, 2:17, 2:20-21, 3:1, 3:3, 3:7-10, 3:16-18; (why Pentatonic scale in Japan and Ieyasu Tokugawa's isolationism for nearly 400 years tells it all); It's not at all "Greek" to me; 5:50 AM; Al Franken: thoroughly from the first page Chapter 30 «Fun of Racism» through the last pp. 260 10:36 PM (Al was not forgetting to punish Pat Buchanan, a conspiracy theorist over 911 terror. Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory is totally different, thus).

втроник 14 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:50 AM Go to bed. 10:00 AM Got up.
10:35 AM Vladimir Horowitz «The Complete Masterworks Recordings Volume V»; Made in Austria and Printed in Netherlands issue of 1993. Clementi sonati, Johann Sebastian Bach Chorale Prelude «Ich ruf zu dir. Herr Jesu Christ» BWV 639 (recorded on June 12, 1969), Domenico Scarlatti sonati, Joseph Haydn sonati, Ludwig van Beethoven sonata nr. 28, Opus 101. A Thomas Frost production.
11:19 AM I humbly demand President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to issue a syncronized version of this concert of Nikolai Lugansky, for which I only audio recorded.
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Have some sleep.
1:31 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]].
2:45 PM Vladimir Horowitz «The Great Comeback» 1966 Nikita Khrushchev memorial recital; CD 1 (Rehearsal: November 9, 1966!!!!!!! (Vladimir Horowitz first Sabbatical years was extended for 12 years, the number of desciples of Христос; and his second Sabbatical years was extended to 4 years (1970-1971 to 1973-1974 seasons), the number of Gospels); also known as Black-out [April 26, 2001 by Enron] concert), CD 2, 3 (Rehearsal on April 5, 1966), CD 4 and 5 (Re-cite-all [Concert] on April 17, 1966 to celebrate Nikita Khrushchev's birthday: Part 1), 6 (Re-cite-all [Concert] on April 17, 1966 to celebrate the birthday of Nikita Khrushchev: Part 2).
3:50 PM Reading of the liner note for «Vladimir Horowitz: Great Comeback» (Sony Classical, 2019) pp. 151, Tricky 56th Street to enter the Carnegie Hall Green Room (for Artists).
Reading Al Franken till 8:46 PM thoroughly its Chapter 31 «I'm a Bad Liar», and here are some example of his likely lies.

«What are Lies And Who are the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?»
«What are Lies And Who are the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?»
«What are Lies And Who are the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?»
«What are Lies And Who are the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?»
«What are Lies And Who are the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?»
«What are Lies And Who are the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?»
«What are Lies And Who are the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?»
«What are Lies And Who are the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?»
«What are Lies And Who are the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?»

Orthodox Bible Первое послание Иоанна 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; [3:2, 4:1, 4:3, 4:12, 5:1, 5:3, 5:4, 5:8, 5:9-15] 3:33 PM; Второе послание Иоанна; [1:7-9] ; Третье послание Иоанна 3:45 PM; Послание Иуды 3:36 PM; Al Franken: thoroughly Chapter 31 «I'm a Bad Liar» to its end of pp. 276; 8:46 PM (Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory is totally different, hence).

среда 15 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:00 PM - 7:00 AM Sleeping.
7:50 AM Vladimir Horowitz «DIe Letzte Aufnahme» (CBS Records/Sony Classical, Spring 1990; SK 45818).
8:45 AM Leonard Bernstein «The Final Concert» (Made in and Printed in Germany, DGG, 1991)
9:50 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла бис в концерт в Москве в 18 апреля 2024 года.
1:00 PM Посмотрю Концерт оркестра из Воткинска - фестиваль "Гений места" дирижер Валерий Гергиев.
4:00 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла бис в концерт в Москве в 18 апреля 2024 года.
5:00 PM - 6:45 PM Go to bed to have some sleep, hopefully qualified as was this morning. Rejected but the quality of sleep was so true!!!!!!!
6:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [One repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]].
Reading Orthdox Church edition of Holy BIble.
8:30 PM Baking Matzo. Cooked matzobrei. And, washing tablewares.

Whole Wheat Matzo.

]10:09 PM Take an early sleep after unreversed victory against Nazis and Nazists.
8:06 PM.- 3:25 AM Sleeping.
4:00 AM 7-eleven making copies for tomorrow. Some works on Twitter.
6:10 AM Why on earth did France (who were colonist and Imperialism) and The Russian Empire (Alaska) sell to the current USA? The answer is the current NATO-OTAN conditions. Over by threat?
6:22 AM Go to bed. 8:08 AM.Got up.
Послание к Римлянам Verse 1, 2, 3, 4 [2:3, 3:13]; 9:36 AM. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 [5:7]; 11:59 AM 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 [13:4,13:21] ; 7:29 PM (thus read through); Al Franken Chapter 32 to pp. 281 «Thank God for Jerry Falwell»;

четверг 16 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:22 AM Go to bed. 8:08 AM.Got up.
Instead of heavy dose os sleeping pillls, it didn't work. Still sleepy, though. I trust this is the MK Ultra Sonar force wake-up.
8:14 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) [SWF 901, 1990]].
9:00 AM Hojo Japan Post office. WIthdrawal of money JPY 3,334, and sending envelope to Our The Embassy of The Russian Federation. Kashiwara Sandy Oil x4. Yaohiko three bulbs x3 of Chinese Garlics. (postponed due to bad weather).
9:48 Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [One repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3.
11:30 AM Around, Mandai sakuara eggs x4, Kashiwara Sandy Oil x6, Yaohiko Chinese Garlic bulbs (x3) x5, Sun Plaza box tomatoes (if there was such) (x6) x2 + (7) x2. 0:17 PM. Human hunting is being continuing, not to mention, but, meantime, there were some good natured citizens who were prohibited to encounter with me until this date; even if they are, of course, and unconstitutionally, still being paid kick-back money for human hunting cause. (reference: Just in Case of intentional lies (I basically felt pity to her including publishing this recorded document) as in the case of City of Fujiidera's deceptions by Ms. Kiyomi).

Proof of above mentioned. Unconstitutional use of military satellite and does conduct this deed is Nazism and Nazi stalking (regardless it was done by City of Kashiwara).
Proof of above mentioned. Unconstitutional use of military satellite and does conduct this deed is Nazism and Nazi stalking (regardless it was done by City of Kashiwara).

3:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]].
3:30 PM What is USA? 1 Dutch West India Company, 2 French colonization of the Americas, 3 Alaska Purchase, 4 Annexation of Hawaii, 1898. Who and how the Dutch oxymorons under the name of «Dutch West India Company» had been misled to the West and not found India in the East, instead of the American continent as at-the-time formal India? There was a compass on the ships (Polaris) And, there is no possibility for the «Dutch West India Company» to find the future USA in their search for Indians [הודים] instead of Jews [יהודים] in the East. As we have learned, the USA is a nation that is almost completely consisted of lies. For instance, let us take a look at TV drama «Start[z]sky and Hutch». There is an episode in which Hutch incidentally to protect a Russian Prima Ballerina and helped her to make an asylum to the USA. Watch it here «A Body Worth Guarding» (Episode aired Jan 25, 1978, TV-14, 1h). Because any samples of this particular episode available on YouTube in its entity or in its parts were all forged lies. Truth is that, in the end of the show, Hutch kissed with the ballerina and the kiss was so sweet for the actor and the actress that their kiss was coming to the end with long thread of mucus of both of the players' lips with aftermath. This is another symbol of every lying of the USA. Not only Klaus Barbie by Barbie's insistance in Military Tribunal (coward Barbie demanded for interruption of the Tribunal by insisting illness and medical treatment) in evil intentional swapping with Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milošević. The USA, in short, consists of threats, lies, and self-order-made-scandals. Let us reveal their lies from its cradle to its grave starting this date of May 16, 2024 to commemorate the end of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. 3:50 PM.

«The New York Times: Guide To Essential Knowledge, First US edition October 2004; ISBN 0-312-31367-5»
«The New York Times: Guide To Essential Knowledge, First US edition October 2004; ISBN 0-312-31367-5»
«The New York Times: Guide To Essential Knowledge, First US edition October 2004; ISBN 0-312-31367-5»
«The New York Times: Guide To Essential Knowledge, First US edition October 2004; ISBN 0-312-31367-5»
«The New York Times: Guide To Essential Knowledge, First US edition October 2004; ISBN 0-312-31367-5»
«The New York Times: Guide To Essential Knowledge, First US edition October 2004; ISBN 0-312-31367-5»
Tokyo's Nazism (Let us remember for Mercari Wakumi Yoneda's phoney spoiled Nazi figure, who doesn't know how to handwash even).
Tokyo's Nazism (Let us remember for Mercari Wakumi Yoneda's phoney spoiled Nazi figure, who doesn't know how to handwash even).
Tokyo's Nazism (Let us remember for Mercari Wakumi Yoneda's phoney spoiled Nazi figure, who doesn't know how to handwash even).
Tokyo's Nazism (Let us remember for Mercari Wakumi Yoneda's phoney spoiled Nazi figure, who doesn't know how to handwash even).
All has been set just perfectly. It's about high-time to make Justice on chickenhawks and chickencowards. Sergiu Celibidache's Stravinsky «Fire-bird» suite was the last must because nobody else could have conducted like him.
No need to explain. It's Self-evident.

7:05 PM Sergiu Celibidache conducts SWR Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra in Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov's «Sheherazade» recorded on February 18, 1982 and Igor Stravinsky's «L'Oiseau de feu [Firebird] Suite» recorded on October 26, 1978 (Opera Day: Domenico Scarlatti's birthday in the year of the USA's Plutinum year). Note that it was not in original sound, especially towards the coda, in which original, the music should sound with the most sophisticated tremolos [in this Japanese Nazis edition the tremoli come in sophists as the current Japanese are] that Klaus Mäkelä immitated the other day (was available on medici.tv)
8:14 PM And, Leonard Bernstein. Amberson's weakness (who are afraid of being target of FBI not even of CIA; read well Joan Peyser's biography Jamie's younger sister was frightened to be paparazzed by The Time) has been symbolized in DVD edition of «The Unanswered Question» (Harvard Eliot Norton Lecture in 1973 - years of Richard Nixon and Henry A. Kissinger with Diane Sawyer). Anyhow, Leonard Bernstein's doppelgenger is accusing yesterday's terror in Boston - another foot-fault by the USA only to protect David Rockefeller's fame (Note that 911 terror was selfie as Al Franken, even if he is an Xai, tells, and its proof is Federal Reserve Bank's panic selling of the Gold at the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2008 to make historic falling of Gold in commodity market in the meantime of Lehman Brothers bankruptcy all to make an excuse for David Rockefeller and to have Barack Obama elected. Takahiko Soejima knew this trick-making on hear-say level so that he spread absurd conspiracy theory by using Yasuhiko Nakata of Yomiuri Newspaper and Takashi Asahina's fan in precise order to observing and in meantime threaten Rockefellers and David Rockefeller's America, the USA, for profit making). 8:21 PM. revised at 8:33 PM.

«What are Lies And Who are the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?»
«What are Lies And Who are the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?»

9:00 PM Два концерты в России.
3:00 AM Simon Rattle from Hamburg conducting the BRSO (reportedly live).
Orthodox Church version of Holy Bible; Первое послание к Коринфянам: Verse 1, 2; 9:01 PM; Verse 3, 4, 5, 6; 10:45 PM; 7, 8, 9, 10; 11:28 PM; 11; 11:57 PM [11:26]; 12, 13; 1:54 AM [13:13], Al Franken Chapter 32 thoroughly to the end pp. 282 «Thank God for Jerry Falwell» 2:12 AM.

пятница 17 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
2:12 AM Go to bed. 10:30 AM Got up.
11:05 AM Vladimir Horowitz Golden Jubilee Concert on January 8, 1978 to commemorate Orthodox Church Christmas. (issue of BMG Classics, 1993; 09026-61564-2)
0:54 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]].
1:23 PM Concert of The Century on May 18, 1976 (CBS Sony CSCR-8285-6; In its first Japanese issue on CDs with stupid liner note by the worker at Sony who was invited to and witnessed the concert. I mean that this kind of assholes had collapsed the Japanese economy. Rockefeller's way of crash their enemy. But stupid are the Tokyo and the Japanese who had been thus easily deceived). Let Us remember why Mikhail Gorbachev listened to the report on coup d'état in Moscow on Sony's radio.

The USA has been already morally in total corruption. Proof above,
The USA has been already morally in total corruption. Proof above,
The USA has been already morally in total corruption. Proof above,
I forwarned the USA and its allies in their earth-planet scale of forever unabolished embarrassement; especially when this is not made of .999 Silver over forgery, which Our The Russian Federation will inspect. Proof of forgery is that Vladimir Horowitz had never been treated like this in his lifetime in the USA in his fight against Rockefellers' dominant world. I demanded the agent that they should have treated this medallion as precisely and exactly as they treated Vladimir Horowitz as their national treasure. So, here is another lie by the USA, and another glorified victory against Nazism. I am no fool to them, the lesser spieces.
I forwarned the USA and its allies in their earth-planet scale of forever unabolished embarrassement; especially when this is not made of .999 Silver over forgery, which Our The Russian Federation will inspect. Proof of forgery is that Vladimir Horowitz had never been treated like this in his lifetime in the USA in his fight against Rockefellers' dominant world. I demanded the agent that they should have treated this medallion as precisely and exactly as they treated Vladimir Horowitz as their national treasure. So, here is another lie by the USA, and another glorified victory against Nazism. I am no fool to them, the lesser spieces..
I forwarned the USA and its allies in their earth-planet scale of forever unabolished embarrassement; especially when this is not made of .999 Silver over forgery, which Our The Russian Federation will inspect. Proof of forgery is that Vladimir Horowitz had never been treated like this in his lifetime in the USA in his fight against Rockefellers' dominant world. I demanded the agent that they should have treated this medallion as precisely and exactly as they treated Vladimir Horowitz as their national treasure. So, here is another lie by the USA, and another glorified victory against Nazism. I am no fool to them, the lesser spieces.
I forwarned the USA and its allies in their earth-planet scale of forever unabolished embarrassement; especially when this is not made of .999 Silver over forgery, which Our The Russian Federation will inspect. Proof of forgery is that Vladimir Horowitz had never been treated like this in his lifetime in the USA in his fight against Rockefellers' dominant world. I demanded the agent that they should have treated this medallion as precisely and exactly as they treated Vladimir Horowitz as their national treasure. So, here is another lie by the USA, and another glorified victory against Nazism. I am no fool to them, the lesser spieces.
I forwarned the USA and its allies in their earth-planet scale of forever unabolished embarrassement; especially when this is not made of .999 Silver over forgery, which Our The Russian Federation will inspect. Proof of forgery is that Vladimir Horowitz had never been treated like this in his lifetime in the USA in his fight against Rockefellers' dominant world. I demanded the agent that they should have treated this medallion as precisely and exactly as they treated Vladimir Horowitz as their national treasure. So, here is another lie by the USA, and another glorified victory against Nazism. I am no fool to them, the lesser spieces.
I forwarned the USA and its allies in their earth-planet scale of forever unabolished embarrassement; especially when this is not made of .999 Silver over forgery, which Our The Russian Federation will inspect. Proof of forgery is that Vladimir Horowitz had never been treated like this in his lifetime in the USA in his fight against Rockefellers' dominant world. I demanded the agent that they should have treated this medallion as precisely and exactly as they treated Vladimir Horowitz as their national treasure. So, here is another lie by the USA, and another glorified victory against Nazism. I am no fool to them, the lesser spieces.

1:25 PM Vladimir Horowitz plays 18 (Tsedek [צדק]) Sonati by Domenico Scarlatti from «The Complete Masterworks Recordings 1962 - 1973» Volume II issued by Sony Classical; Made in Austria and Printed in Netherlands.
2:45 PM 10 minutes of Execution of Practice at the fortepiano. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», Freely paraphrase Arnold Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment, annoyed by MK Ultra Sonar Weapon but basically best take ever), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (becoming better), Beethoven Opus Opus 31-1 1st movement exposition (fragment, becoming better played as any pianists with professional ears and skills can comprehend what I am trying and it must be sounded convincing), [recorded for public].
Fixing Twitter video downloading with allavsoft. Sending them a demanding email.
4:14 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла бис в концерт в Москве в 18 апреля 2024 года.
6:16 PM Go to bed to have some sleep till around 7:55 PM around for concert from Our The Russian Federation starting at 11:00 PM JST.
9:22 PM «Horowitz Plays Liszt» (BMG-Victor, issue of the year 1993)
10:50 PM Blocked some annoying figures on Facebook; Daniel Barenboim, Staatskapelle Berlin, Krystian Zimerman, Martha Argerich, Norman Lebrecht, Jessica Duchen. András Schiff, Maria João Pires (last night, Donald J. Trump, Bill Clinton, Joseph Biden [x2], Bernie Sanders).
11:00 PM Прямой эфил кончерт Ваша Оперы. (interrupted).
11:30 PM complete payment for Schubert D. 960 by Pollini (3 CDs) at 7-eleven.

Google's Standard.
Yandex Standard.
It's different in the case of enemy's loss. The rest is Casanova's Carlos Kleiber Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Maurizio Pollini's Beethoven last 3 sonati on West Germany first CD edition (this dishonest seller shown in the photo above would send US edition (or, tailor made forgeries) instead, but I can verify them with my own West Germany editions on residues), and May 22nd, 1982 Royal Festival Hall, London, United Kingdom Vladimir Horowitz recital to celebrate Princess Diana's pregnancy upon Kamila's attendance. No more needs and requirements unless Standard Oil Headquaters spills like that candlesticks fully handcrafted in Romania on April 19, 1986 (This time for myself and for my wife to be).
True Lying Liars Who Tell Them!!!!

1:00 AM Прямой эфил Концерт в Московскаи Филармонии. Александр Рамм!!!!!!! Спер и Чудесно!!! 3:09 AM.
3:30 AM Go to bed to have some qualified sleep.
Orthodox Church version of Holy Bible; Первое послание к Коринфянам: Verse 14, 15, 16; [15:39, 15:52-54, 15:58. 16:5-6, 16:15, 16:22-24] 8:29 PM. Orthodox Church version of Holy Bible; Второе послание к Коринфянам: Verse 1, 2, 3 [2:11, 2:17] 8:48 PM; 4, 5 [5:15-16] 0:32 AM; Al Franken Chapter 33 thoroughly to the end pp. 286 «Abstinenee Heroes» 0:15 PM. pp. 287 Chapter 34 «Abstinenee Heroes II» at around 3:30 PM.

суббота 18 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:30 AM Go to bed. 7:15 AM Got up.Taking Shower.
7:24 AM Vladimir Horowitz The Complete Masterworks Recordings Volume I. recordings between «The Studio Recordings 1962 - 1963». Chopin, Beethoven, Schumann, LIszt, Scarlatti, Schubert, Debussy, Scriabin.
9:45 AM 7-eleven merucari complete of payment for Maurizio Pollini Beethoven last 3 sonati Made in and Printed in West Germany. 2 more to go. Casanova's Carlos Kleiber in Chicago in 1978 and May 22nd, 1982 at Royal Festival Hall in London Vladimir Horowitz recital for pregnancy of Princess Diana (attendee: Kamila who had already had sexual relationship with current King Charles III) Programme booklet.
10:00 AM Phone Call to Mr. Saijo for Futaba Music Instrument Inc. for tuning of the fortepiano on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 as had been decided.
10:50 AM - 0:00 PM Have some short but qualified sleep.
0:00 PM «Concert of The Century» recorded on this date of May 18 which is Mahler's deceasing date and in 1976, USA's bicentenary (Sony Classical, 2013). "For Rent: Complex of Six Acoustically Charming Auditoria. Apply J. Rockefeller" - pp. 332; Glenn Gould Reader (Vintage, 1984)

Lying Liars "Al Franken" in his order-made conspiracy.
Lying Liars "Al Franken" in his order-made conspiracy.
Lying Liars "Al Franken" in his order-made conspiracy.
Lying Liars "Al Franken" in his order-made conspiracy.
Lying Liars "Al Franken" in his order-made conspiracy.
Lying Liars "Al Franken" in his order-made conspiracy. Ivanka is tasty for Donald. J Trump.
Lying Liars "Al Franken" in his order-made conspiracy. Here comes Wakumi Yoneda, who insists of himself as "a very ordinary Japanese citizen", which can only be translated into that he is a Nazis, and especially over Iranian Stew with Eggplant. And, this Wakumi Yoneda, or a photographer, even doesn't know how to handwash. Such are the most Japanese as Wakumi Yoneda described of himself. I am no fool to those lesser speices, let alone those Nazis and Nazists trying hard to survive over that nasty Yellowish emojis of handshakes all over the world. We shall never forget or forgive these Nazis figures and their Nazists deeds.

2:45 PM 10 minutes of Execution of Practice at the fortepiano. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», Freely paraphrase Arnold Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment. My life-long time doubt on Schoenberg and his kinds was that it was not for the reason that tonal music had lost its way of developing as Arnold himself has proven in his «Verklärte Nacht» [a.k.a. «Transfigured Night»]), Opus 4 also Alban Berg wrote semi tonal music (ref. Pierre Boulez recorded Alban Berg's Lieders with Jessie Norman on Sony Classical upon special contract edition so was its packaging) so that there should have been other outer reasons Arnold Schoenberg abandoned himself from tonal music even writing Johann Sebastian Bach's Choral transcriptions, if in mildest statement, Arnold had feared repeated Diaspora in the beginning of 21st century over killing of Христос; and, this only explains why Arnold Schoenberg withdrew himself to 12 tone music on his invention, as in the case of Chance Operation music by John Cage while some courageous figures like Leonard Bernstein had bet himself in the once again fertile future of tonal music (George Orwell's 1984 recording and video taped recording sessions of «West Side Story» tells it all). Well, both were right, but LB and Alban Berg were better and more honest and courageous to Arnold Schoenberg and his kinds; Bach Prelude BWV 846 (becoming better), Beethoven Opus Opus 31-1 1st movement exposition (fragment, becoming very slightly better played than yesterday as any pianists with professional ears and skills can comprehend what I am trying and it must be sounded convincing; more reduction of the use of vibrate pedal is being of absolut[e] necessity), [recorded for public].Note that I won't try out Opus 31-3 because Daniil Trifonov played very best in his Carnegie Hall recital a few years aback and I don't think that I can play better than he does but Opp. 31-1 and 31-2.
3:55 PM Go to bed to have some qualified sleep until around 9:00 o'clock evening in JST. Woke up at 8:15 PM.
8:24 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]].
9:50 PM «Concert of the Century» held on this date in 1976 (48 years ago from this date in 2024) at Carnegie Hall at 8:00 PM in EDT; issue by Sony Classical, 2013.
11:00 PM Prepared for tomorrow's Orthodox Church by preparing clothes with Saint George and The Russian Federation ribbons.
11:40 PM around Taking shower and washing clothes with bleach.
2:00 AM Drying the washed clothes and Go to bed.
Orthodox Church version of Holy Bible; Второе послание к Коринфянам : Verse 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; [8:8, 9; 9:6; 10:4, 7, 15] 1:33 PM. 11, 12, 13; [11:3] 8:47 PM; Al Franken Chapter 35 thoroughly to the end pp. 303 «By Far the Vast Majority of My Tax Cuts Go to Those at the Bottom» 1:02 PM.

воскресенье 19 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. Visiting Toyotsu for Liturgy and Panakhyda leaving home at 7:00 AM o'clock JST, starting 10:00 AM o'clock JPY 3,000.
понежельник 20 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:50 AM Go to bed, and 9:36 Get up.
9:45 AM Make a call to City of Fujiidera for their intentional neglect (it turned out to have been my and the city worker's [who had let me know] misunderstanding) not to pick up recyclable cardboard on the last Saturday. And, order them to come to pick up!!! (so that next third Wednesday!!!)
9:50 AM Hojo Japan Post branch office for JPY 30 deposite due to unconstitutional and irrational Nazi demands by Softbank. Let them count this cupper JPY 30 as 30 Silver Shekels for Judas, that made profit by selling Христос. 9:45 AM.
10:09 Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky symphonie nr. 5 conducted by Evgeny Mravinsky and Leningrad Philharmonic rehearsals on CD 1, 2, 3 (CD 2, 3 was listed by error on my side I heard the CD 2 but CD 3) on April 25 and 26, 1973 and concert in Leningrad on CD 8, 9 on April 29, 1973 and June 11, 1982 (Altus)
2:12 PM Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky symphonie nr. 6 conducted by Wilhelm Furtwänlger mit Der Berliner Philharmoniker in Cairo, Egypt recorded on April 19, 1951.
3:00 PM Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky symphonie nr. 4 conducted by Leonard Bernstein (Made in the USA, DGG, 1989) with The New York Philharmonic recorded in October, 1989.
3:50 PM Evgeny Mravinsky conducts Tchaikovsky symphonie nr. 4 with Leningrad Philharmonic (recorded in Leningrad on April 8th, 1957; BMG-Victor).
4:31 PM Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky symphonie nr. 5 conducted by Wilhelm Furtwänlger plus Wagner pieces in Turin on June 6, 1952.(Music & Arts)
5:55 PM Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky concerto for fortepiano and orchestra nr. 1, Opus 23 by Vladimir Horowitz and The New York Philharmonic at the Carnegie Hall on April 25, 1943 (Sony Classical, 2013) and April 19, 1941 (only for the fortepiano concerto nr. 1 with orchestra; Music & Arts).
6:58 PM Концерт в России Валерия Гергиева. Синфорния № 5, соч 64 в воскресенье 12 мае 2024 годе.
9:00 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
11:00 PM Gianandrea Noseda conducts Opernhaus Zürich in Richard Wagner's «Das Rheingold» from «Ring des Nibelungen» on Vimeo.
1:00 AM Прямой эфил в Москве. Exposed true James Sheldon's and David Rockefeller's America's nature purposely upon enemy's error incident.
3:30 AM Go to bed.
No Practice of the fortepiano.

«Failed Buy-out of The Russian Federation upon Conspiracy by the collective West topped by the USA over this tailor-made betraying book of forgery»
«Failed Buy-out of The Russian Federation upon Conspiracy by the collective West topped by the USA over this tailor-made betraying book of forgery»

Orthodox Church version of Holy Bible; Послания Павла: Verse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; [5:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 15] 4:46 PM; Al Franken Chapter 36 thoroughly to the end pp. 312 «The Waitress and the Lawyer a One-Act Play» Chapter 37 «The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus» thoroughly to pp. 323 5:22 PM.

вторник 21 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:30 AM Go to bed. 9:00 AM Got up. Had a relatively short but qualified sleep.
9:11 AM Vladimir Horowitz «The Private Collection Volume One» Starting with Johann Sebastian Bach «Toccata» BWV 911 [touche (in French), touching (in English)]. Issued in 1994 by BMG Classics; recordings 1945 - 1950 at Carnegie Hall. Producer Thomas Frost.
10:10 AM Vladimir Horowitz «The Private Collection Volume Two» including 2 New York Premières; Dmitri Kabalevsky Sonata Nr. 2, Opus 45 and Samuel Barber «Excursions», Opus 20 Nos. 1, 2, 4. Issued in 1995 by BMG Classics; recordings 1945 - 1949 at Carnegie Hall. Producer Thomas Frost.
1:00 AM Концерт Народныи артиста России Николаи Луганския в Московскае Консерваторие.
11:22 AM Vladimir Horowitz plays Tchaikovsky fortepiano concerto with orchestra nr. 1, Opus 23 recorded on March 30th, 1940 and Sergei Rachmaninoff fortepiano concerto with orchestra nr. 3 conducted by Sir John Barbirolli and The New York Philharmonic recorded on May 4th, 1941 (Apr 5519 [made in England, 1997]).
Blocked Berlin Staatsoper Unter den Linden and Reiwa-Shinsen on Facebook, yesterday, last night and this morning.
0:38 PM Vladimir Horowitz «The Complete Masterworks Recordings 1962-1973 Volume VII: Early Romantics» Frédéric François Chopin and Robert Schumann. As Wanda Toscanini Horowitz recalled the photo taken at the age of seventeen is on the backside of its front cover of liner note, saying, "At the age of seventeen, Horowitz hears a striking resemblance to the young Chopin". (Sony Classical in 1993; Made in Austria Printed in Netherlands: S2K 53468 ADD)
2:31 PM Vladimir Horowitz «Discovered Treasures (1962 - 1972)» (Sony Classical, 1992; SK 48093; A Thomas Frost Production; ©Sony Music Entertainment Inc, Commisioned by Steinway & Sons, 1992; Made in USA [Printed also in USA, most likely]).
3:45 PM Horowitz In Concert 1967 - 1968 «First Recorded Performances» (CBS Sony, 1989, 30DC 5318 ©CBS Records).
4:38 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «Die Zauberflöte» K 620 recorded in Felsenreitschule in Salzburger Festspiele on July 27th, 1949 (Tahra FURT 1019-1051, Made in France by dureco, 2000)
7:38 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72 a [SWF 901, 1990]]
8:45 PM Концерт в России Валерия Гергиева и Оркестры Мариинского и Большого театров. Сюита «Щелкунчик» Соч 71 а, Сюита «Ромео и Джульетта» Соч 64 бис, Синфорния № 5, соч 64 Пётра Ильича Чайковского в воскресенье 12 мае 2024 годе.
10:30 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
1:00 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Church version of Holy Bible; Послание к Ефесянам: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 [2:11, 4:18, 19, 5:14] 0:16 PM; «The Orthodox Way» by Bishop Kallistos Ware to Chapter 1 pp. 29 7:22 PM; Al Franken Chapter 38 [degree line in Korean Peninsula; Standard Oil into 38 companies with its Headquarter in Cartel] thoroughly to the end pp. 327 «I Challenge Rich Lowry to a Fight» cancelled).

среда 22 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:15 PM Got up.
4:30 PM Watched and Listening in Jane Stirling project «An hour with Frédéric Chopin - Anna Dębowska: piano» twice.
0:30 AM [3:30 PM London time; although I am trusting the actual recital started at 4:00 PM o'clock or 4:30 PM as in the case of his 2nd John Fitzgerald Kennedy's birthday recital of May 29, 1982 was - a punishment on unfaithful British Royal Family and UK Parliament] Watch thoroughly «Horowitz in London» at Royal Festival Hall on May 22nd, 1982 to celebrate Charles and Kamila for pregnancy of Princess Diana. 42 plus years of dishonesty and shame of the Royal Family and the United Kingdom, that protected James Sheldon with the USA just in precise order to keep David Rockefeller's face (by now everything is upside-down).

Vladimir Horowitz May 29th, 1982; 2nd Royal Festival Hall recital on John Fitzgerald Kennedy's birthday which started, very unusual for him Vladimir Horowitz at 4:30 PM London time [symbolizing the ascention and the last of Adolf Hitler, which is quoted in that unabolished World War II; that's why two works by Frédéric François Chopin dedicated to Rothchilds' family].
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN»

2:30 AM Прямой эфил в Москве!!!! Орера «Идоменей» Моцарта в концертном исполнении.
5:00 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Church version of Holy Bible; Послание к Филиппийцам 1, 2, 3, 4 [3:3, 4] 4:23 PM; «The Orthodox Way» by Bishop Kallistos Ware to Chapter 1 thoroughly to pp. 34 7:35 PM; Al Franken Chapter 38 [degree line in Korean Peninsula; Standard Oil into 38 companies with its Headquarter in Cartel] thoroughly to the end pp. 327 «I Challenge Rich Lowry to a Fight» 6:42 PM.

четверг 23 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:12 PM Got up upon door bell by Post man for 2 parcels.
1:22 PM Listening in Elliott Carter Clarinet Concerto American Première on April 26, 1998 by John Bruce Yeh and Chicago Symphony Orchestra conducted by Pierre Boulez. It's been 26 years since the last supper at the Greek restaurant with two band musicians from Defense Ministry of Japan in Tokyo.
2:22 PM Pierre Boulez conducts Gustav Mahler symphonie nr. 1 (recorded in late April, 1999, in the Orchestra Hall, current Symphony Center, sound slightly awful). [I found the liner note was being swapped and the original marking by Gustav Mahler by himself for the troublesome 3rd movement, "Feierlich und gemessen, schleppen" in to "ohne zu schleppen" [Solemn und measured, without dragging (with intentional mis-translation from its original [without too much dragging])] and recording date from April, 1998 to May, 1998 - symbol of Tokyo-Osaka's Nazism coinspired by NATO-OTAN (except Turkey as not being flop) and EU (with some exceptions) all led by the USA. Pierre Boulez ordered Gustafeste, the principal cellist of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, suddenly in the recording session (Boulez let Gustafeste play freely in Jewish folksong tradition of "dragging" in the previous 4 concerts out of 5 before this recording) but in the recording session held in Orchestra Hall in the morning. Pierre Boulez suddenly insistentingly ordered Gustafeste not to drag because it was the rule and his fury which only Boulez knew from the time of the Music Director of the New York Philharmonic; all due to his maximum protest against David Rockefeller ruling world. Poor Gustafeste didn't know this and protested against Pierre Boulez in his fury to the end of the recording session in his being a proud Jew and a likewise musician. This movement is a Jewish Funeral march in its tradition].

Exact recording date is should have been in the morning of April 27 in the morning in 1998. So was actual performing dates were 23 (Thursday), 24 (Friday), 25 (Saturday), 26 (Sunday morning), and 27th (Monday; extremely unusual for the CSO) in 1998.
Swapped programme book with signed original by Henry Fogel is being stolen by Nazi Tokyo. Calendar date is correct. So dates of performances were being swapped and the marking of the 3rd movement of Mahler symphonir nr. 1 into "Feierich und gemessen, ohne zu schleppen" (translated into "Solemn und measured, without dragging" by ommitting "zu") from its original.
On April 26, 1998 was Sunday (there should have been another subscription concert of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and which was a morning concert, and in its afternoon, John Bruce Yeh held a post concert lunch to which I was being invited in a house at which collapsed upright Steinway was being installed. And, I tried hard to play Ludwig van Beethoven's sonata for fortepiano nr 31, Opus 110 3rd movement (in vain enoumous effots, after which Marsha Boxer kindly told me, "Next time come to my house for Steinway [grand] at my house"). There was another performance on April 27, 1998 when I met Marianna Karavan at 59th Street, Storney Island bus stop. I invited Marianna to come to the very this evening concert of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. I remember very well that Marianna was very patiently heard the complicated contemporary music, which was very first evening performance of the next subscription series. On the other opportunity to which Marianna and I were attended was double dating with Teresa Reilly and John Bruce Yeh for a contemporary music small concert led by Pierre Boulez on May 3, 1998 afternoon.
This is seemingly also swapped programme booklet by Nazi Tokyo.
The concert of The Chicago Chamber Musicians in the afternoon not (at 19:00 o'clock as this swapped edition insists) being held upon French Embassy in the USA.
Well, Daniel Barenboim sticks to Fukuoka while Pierre Boulez conducted «Tristan und Isolde» on this date in Osaka International Festival in 1967 with Bayreuth Festival topped by Brigit Nilson.
Liars are always of this kind.
Liars are always of this kind.
Liars are always of this kind.
My calculation table against Nazism led by Tokyo and Washington D. C. with immense helps by NATO EU nations.

3:30 PM Pierre Boulez conducts Gustav Mahler symphonie nr. 9 (recorded in early to mid December, 1995 at Medinah Temple, in Chicago). Recorded sound was awful. I don't think that this is an original CD for this edition. Original CD issued in 1998 sounded fabulous .
6:54 PM Go to bed due to relatively (if not maximum) extreme exhaustion.
9:26 PM Got up. Short but had qualified sleep. Reading books.
9:32 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6, opus 68 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
0:00 AM emails to Henry Fogel and John Bruce Yeh.
1:00 AM Reading Al Franken book chapter 40 «Vast Lagoons of Pig Feees: The Bush Environmental Record» thoroughly.

«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»

2:09 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Church version of Holy Bible; Послание к Колоссянам 1, 2, 3, 4 [2:3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 19, 20, 21, 23, 3:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 20. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 4:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] 2:52 PM; «The Orthodox Way» by Bishop Kallistos Ware to Chapter 2 to pp. 38; 6:54 PM; Al Franken Chapter 39 thoroughly to the end pp. 335 «Vast Lagoons of Pig Feees: The Bush Environmental Record» 1:35 AM.

пятница 24 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
7:06 AM Got up. Have a cup of coffee.
7:08 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «Die Zauberflöte» K 620 recorded in Salzburger Festspiele August 6, 1951 (Orfeo-EMI, 1994, Made and Printed in Netherlands; most likely in the original authentic edition as issued in 1994 although this sounds to me rather Walter Society version LPs issued in 1984, which latter recorded on July 27, 1953 [reissued in Tahra in 2000 but sounded differently to the authentic original Columbia Walter Society edition issued in 1984]).
9:49 AM Read thoroughly Al Franken Chapter 40 to the end pp. 341 «I Meet Former First Lady Barbara Bush and It Doesn't Go Well».

«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent or xAI at best. This last page was being detected previously; long time ago down in the middle.»

10:22 AM Послушаю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
0:30 PM eggs (x10) x4 stocks till June 5th. Nazi human hunting was on its way as always (in particular by vehicles plus one mad man acting over bribe [how stupid for Elon Musk (not only Nazi Tokyo) to provide his own cash for these kind of Nazists activities], but I met a pure souled foreign blond haired beautiful young female in her later 20s [I thought she was a USA citizen] at the exit of Mandai).
1:35 PM Finish reading and taking photos on Al Franken thoroughly to Chapter 42. Only two more pages to go (but, that juicy part is for tomorrow). Then, the book will be sent as gift to Our The Russian Embassy to Japan in Tokyo on June 10th, 2024 arriving next day June 11th, 2024. The world has been totally upside down, by now.
3:45 PM Read thoroughly Первое послание к Тимофею Verse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
4:16 PM Read thoroughly Второе послание к Тимофею Verse 1, 2, 3, 4.
4:47 PM Read thoroughly Послание к Титу 1, 2, 3 [1:5, 10, 13; 2:5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13; 3:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15].
4:52 PM Read thoroughly Послание к Филимону [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24].
7:08 PM Richard Wagner «Die Walküre» aus dem Opernhaus Zürich dirigent Gianandrea Noseda.
8:34 PM Read through Verse 10 of Послание к Ефесянам.
8:38 PM Reading liner note for Willem Mengelberg conducts Johann Sebastian Bach's «Matthäus-Passion» BWV 244 thoroughly to 8:54 PM.
10:01 PM Willem Mengelberg conducts Johann Sebastian Bach's «Matthäus-Passion» BWV 244, recorded in Concertgebouw Amsterdam on Palm Sunday, April 2, 1939.
10:30 PM around Taking shower and Go to bed.
* * * * Important fact notice 9:06 PM * * *
After I created a YouTube playlist called, "Newly Force Re-building of the USA and Japan", the continuing MK Ultra Sonar attacks against my brain has been significantly decreacing. But, in the reality, those force conversations with them, especially over taking photos (and force interruption [auto-shut down if against their will but not twice in a row is the proof of their concessions] of taking pictures and auto-focusing) has been continuing. So, this is not Joseph Biden's President order on The Pentagon but The Pentagon's self-defensive chicken fore-moves comprehending the USA-Japan (NATO, EU) diplomatic defeat to The Russian Federation and People's Republic of China and Islamic Republic of Iran and BRICS and their allied nations. The President can order The Pentagon to stop the operation, but they the USA Presidents have made oath to The Pentagon upon their appointment over a.k.a. UFO.
* * * *
Orthodox Church version of Holy Bible; Первое послание к Фессалоникийцам Verse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; [1:1-10, 2:1-20 (except 15), 3:1-13, 4:1-18, 5:1-28] 8:09 AM; Первое послание к Фессалоникийцам Verse 1, 2, 3 [1:1-12, 2:1-17, 3:1-18]; 8:24 AM; Первое послание к Тимофею Verse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 [4:8, 5:1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 22; 6:6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20]; 3:45 PM; «The Orthodox Way» by Bishop Kallistos Ware thoroughly to the end of Chapter 2 to pp. 60 [pp. 46 line 11 and 12, pp. 47 line 2, 11; pp. 54 line 4, 5; pp. 57 line 11-15; pp. 58 line 3, 6; pp. 59 line 1, 2] 3:45 PM; Второе послание к Тимофею Verse 1, 2, 3, 4 [1:4, 8, 13, 14, 2:3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 21, 23, 24; 3:11, 16; 4:18] 4:16 PM; Послание к Титу 1, 2, 3 [1:5, 10, 13; 2:5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13; 3:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15] 4:47 PM; Послание к Филимону [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24] 4:52 PM; Послание к Ефесянам 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 [1:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; 2:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18; 3:11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19; 4:3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15; 5:3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14; 6:2, 5, 6, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20; 7:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28; 8:6, , 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; 9:7, 12, 13, 14, (19, 20, 21, 22), 23, 24; 10:15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 31, 38; 11:1, 11, 13, 15, 28, 29, 31, 34; 12:13; 13:1, 2, 4; 13:12, 13, 16, 20, 21, (23), 24, 25] 8:34 PM; Al Franken Chapter 40 thoroughly to the end pp. 341 «I Meet Former First Lady Barbara Bush and It Doesn't Go Well» 9:49 PM; Chapter 41 «My Personal Search for Weapons of Mass Destruction» Chapter 42 «The No Child Left Behind Standardized Test» through pp. 351; 1:35 PM.

суббато 25 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November
9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:35 AM Got up.
6:48 AM Read thoroughly Chapter 43 of Al Franken. Packed in the box parcel which will be sent to Our The Embassy of The Russian Federation to Japan on June 10th arriving on June 11th to celebrate June 12th, The Russia Day, beyond David Rockefeller memorial day for Vladimir Horowitz's sake June 12, 1969 (Nicolai Medtner: «Сказка (Fairytale)» Opus 51 nr. 3 and Johann Sebastian Bach «Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ» BWV 639 [if devided by 3 and anagramed equals to 123]) also as Leonard Bernstein's «A Quiet Place» "June 12th. To whom it may concern"……. From Russia with Love

To Kremlin to President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: Please publicly disply this as another sample of 鹵獲 [captures].
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent or xAI at best. This last page was being detected previously; long time ago down in the middle.»
«Thus, dishonesty will never be praised or paid off as Joe in the White House does comprehend this extremely very well. Even Donald J. Trump to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to Jimmy Pee-nut Carter of the CNN. Who is Al Franken? A flop NSA-CIA agent or xAI at bestI. This last page was being detected previously; long time ago down in the middle.»

10:35 AM Read thoroughly Откровение Иоанна Богослова to Verse 22.
11:00 AM Willem Mengelberg conducts Johann Sebastian Bach's «Matthäus-Passion» BWV 244, recorded in Concertgebouw Amsterdam on Palm Sunday, April 2, 1939.
2:00 PM Go to bed.
* * *
Orthodox Church version of Holy Bible; Откровение Иоанна Богослова 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 [1:7, 12; 2:1, 2, 3, 10, 23; 3:1; 4:5; 5:1, 5:5, 12; 6:1; 7:10, 12, 17; 17:6, 14; 18:2, 6, 7; 13:8, 18; 14:8, 12; 19:7; 20:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10; 21:1, 7, 9; 22:1, 6, 7, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21] 10:35 AM; «The Orthodox Way» by Bishop Kallistos Ware to Chapter 3 to pp. : PM; Al Franken Chapter 41 thoroughly to the end pp. 354 «What is A Lie?» 6:48 AM.

воскресенье 26 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Get up at 4:30 AM. Taking Shower. Visiting Toyotsu for Liturgy and Panakhyda leaving home at 7:00 AM o'clock JST, starting 10:00 AM.
6:00 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.

I just want to say. "Ich will hier bei dir stehen; verachte mich doch nicht!"

3:04 PM Came back home. Even Orthodox Church was a terrifying place today in Nazi Japan. If not Rabbi himself but deputy Rabbies were awful (they could only show me their hatred and hostility against me) let alone other visitors except Russians and a gentle soul. Unfortunately, the Rabbi is a dishonest person, at least, a sort of, who has been frightened upon my open-mindedly showing the Rabbi of Eva Gevorgyan's photos with President Putin. Those who have welcomed to be shown these photos are genuine humans as I have already proven long time ago as case closed (finalized).
3:30 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
4:26 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's «Egmont» ouverture in F minor, symphonie nr. 6 «Pastoral» in F Major, Opus 68, symphonir nr. 5 in C minor (to C major) Opus, 67 on his historic return concert on May 25, 1947 [AG 47, on May 25 and September 17, 55 delegates in Philadelphia for USA Constitution in 1787]. (Japan Polydore POCG-2362 for «Egmont» ouverture Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789).
6:30 PM Трансляция концерта из Шанхая Филармония Шостаковича.
3:30 AM Go to bed.

понежельник 27 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Got up at 5:40 PM.
6:45 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
7:52 PM Some are insisting that am I being a liar and accusing of me on any thing and any words spoken by me as proven in the Japan Orthodox Church in Toyotsu (not Russian Orthodox Church as its Rabbi has insisted. And, they forged the Holy Bible and passed it on to me in their (Japanese) order to tempt me and to fool me. Meantime deputy Rabbies are irrationally holding strongest hostility and arrogant antipathy against me for their own tailor-made most inhumane deeds. Well said, deputy Rabbis. But, first of all, whichever religion do I choose should never be a problem to anybody on this earth (and even protected by constitution); or, even I can convert into Islams or into even Judaism as well (Japanese Synagogues are being limiting their audiences only to Jews or Israeli Jews, but in the Christmas of 1995, and in Boston, its central Synagogue was open to general public. I wanted to visit their prayer because of LB's Boston Latin, but the young gay guy with flute I met in the Youth Hostel there prevented me from visiting Synagogue but misguided to me to Krishna) or being secular (which I hate but on Constitution level, it is guaranteed as legal right). Also having been being detected is the truth that nobody today's Japan is working that too hard and no 8 hours per day works for the ordinary people. 6 hours per a day is an approximate working time. Some who have been acting to deceive me in this as a totally exhausted man over illegal level of hard work is just pretending so by taking no sleep the day before or two days in a row to express forged fatigue in the trains. Why do they do this? Simple. They are demanding (me) irrational gratitude towards them the Nazi Japanese race (from me). 8:03 PM.
8:18 PM Also, they (Tokyo-Washington D. C.) have been insisting that they outerly live-forged Vladimir Horowitz words on his «Horowitz in London» on May 22, 1982, and I am not noticing that foolish or unexperienced (you should at least remember how I professionally cleaned up the bath room perfectly after vomit of all the vege foods I ate at Russian Tea Room and left the next morning, and this was January 2008). Well, you have to fight with that you are given as "the proof". Horowitz originally recalled Franz Liszt's «Don Juan» paraphrase is one of the most difficult pieces in the fortepiano repertoires, which I am trusting. But, fools and unexperienced agents can trust in them that they could deceive me. The truth is that Horowitz had never played his London recital in »sfumato« at all and Ass-Major Kamila and Charles (Don Juan and Mathis der Maler: Charles is a watercolour painter, who begged for the help for Leonard Bernstein to be escaped USA's military eavesdropping) were shame of the Brits and their Royal Family. 8:26 PM.
9:00 PM Go to bed. Got up at 1:00 AM для концерт в Московския. Overslept till 2:22 AM Филарионии.
2:22 AM Концерт в Московския Филарионии. 3:50 AM.
7:00 AM Go to bed.

вторник 28 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
8:30 AM Get up.
8:45 AM «Horowitz Encores - Zugaben, Bis» (BMG Music, 1990; Made in Japan; I regard this as authentic as I lend (lent) this to my mother.)
10:00 AM Maurizio Pollini Schubert Sonata nr. 21, D. 960 recorde in March 1985 and 3 piano pieces, D 946 recorded in September, 1985 (Made and Prinsted in USA, 1987; 427 326-2; perhaps newly pressed forgery by Nazi Tokyo).
11:11 AM «Horowitz At Home» recorded in February 1985 at RCA Studio New York; February 1988 and January 1989 (Made and Printed in Japan, issued on October 25 1990; likewise authentic)
0:30 PM Vladimir Horowitz «The Complete Masterworks Recordings 1962 - 1973» Volume VI «Beethoven» 3 Sonati; Opus 27-2 «Moonlight» recorded on April 20 and 27, 1972 pause; then Opus 53 «Waldstein» recorded on December 20, 1972 and Opus 57 «Appassionata» recorded on October 25 and 27, 1972 all at CBS Records 30th Street Studio, New York City (Made in Austria and Printed in Netherlands issue of 1993 by Sony Classical).
3:30 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе c бисом.
3:30 PM Closed Yahoo ID (mainly for auction accounts but it is inter-related with one another (so, what's the heck for the social security IDs? You the users of smart phones are always being targets of collecting your history as I invented in 1993 at Keio SFC. Only oxymoron cannot reach the idea of collecting activity logs in this technology, but it was my invention not yours) so, force delete of the Yahoo ID; I tried but it was impossible; visiting tomorrow Q's Mall Abeno) and HMV Japan accounts (this part of mission was being successfully accomplished).
4:04 PM «Horowitz in Moscow» recorded on April 20, 1986 (Made and Printed in 1986 Polydore Japan; cannot been forged).
7:00 PM Carlos Kleiber conducts Chicago Symphony Orchestra on October 12, 1978 in Weber, Schubert and Beethoven 5th symphonie, opus 67.
11:00 PM Go to bed.

среда 29 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9,
11:00 PM Go to bed. 5:10 AM Got up. 7:00 AM Leaving home to Shichiyama Hospital, Softbank Abeno Q'Mall (deletion Yahoo ID, which they rejected). Plaza Pharmacy O'ta branch, City of Fujiidera municipal. Sun Plaza for box tomatoes if such are displayed (they betted on the opposite side which means no provisions). 1:40 PM Arriving home. After all, I was all correct except being deceived by NHK on air this morning targetting at Shichiyama Hospital. The Japanese are a horrible race, especially observed stupids laughters being paid kick-back money around Abeno Station on way back. What's the funny with Holocaust? But, meantime, Macron and Scholz as well are wholly enjoying Klaus Barbie forgeries. There seems to be no medicines that might work for them these assholes. 1:52 PM.
I didn't want to take this conduct of recording, but judging from the Japanese Nazi deeds in particular observed this afternoon around basement floor one of Abeno-bashi station (childishly laughing young girls that don't care at all about their own Nazi deeds with bribes let alone what is happening in world scale). Anyway and anyhow, Mr. Tamai perfectly cleared my test on him in this conversation. Hopefully, I don't be forced to repeat on this on him and with him. This is, however, only in perfect accordance with such Nazi deeds by the surroundings including Toyotsu (as Chief Rabbi calls of themselves persistently not Russian Orthodox Church but Japanese Orthodox Church and intendingly ignoring their Nazi commitments previously observed by their deputy Rabbis). I presume that the world and Nazi Japanese are only judging me over their bribe receiving from text files not by sound files verbally spoken words by me as it is pointed out in this conversations with Mr. Tamai. So, very unfortunately, this was a minimum necessity for me this afternoon, especially confirmed no reflections were observed by the side of Japanese Nazis.
6:00 PM Maurizio Pollini plays Ludwig van Beethoven's opp. 109, 110. 111 recorded in 1976 (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany). Nothing to do with the sender, who is a gentle soul regardless his profession but with John Fitzgerald Kennedy for George Washington's birthday's [222] sake (Sergei Prokofiev 6th symphonie, Opus 111). Prokofiev once moved to the USA but returned to the U.S.S.R. in desperation and stayed there till his death on March 5th, 1953 on the same date of decease of Josif Stalin exactly eight days after Vladimir Horowitz's Silver Jubilee recital at Carnegie Hall on February 25, 1953. I want to live life like him or Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky intendingly labeled being committed suicide due to his homosexuality in insistence by the USA on the other hand praising Tchaikovsky as their (USA's) Father («Noster Paster» Concert of the Century held at the Carnegie Hall on May 18, 1976 at 20:00 o'clock in EDT). Proof below.

Frédéric François Chopin and Robert Schumann (both were Jews like British Royal Family are even if they denied this truth, it cannot be overturned). As Wanda Toscanini Horowitz recalled the photo taken at the age of seventeen is on the backside of its front cover of liner note, saying, "At the age of seventeen, Horowitz hears a striking resemblance to the young Chopin". (Sony Classical in 1993; Made in Austria Printed in Netherlands: S2K 53468 ADD; as forwarned by the NSA-CIA officer David Bargnesi on Robert Schumann on November 19, 1994 at 6:16:38 AM in EDT in his pseudonym a.k.a. BBXZ11A@prodigy.com [222-426-111])

8:45 PM Vladimir Horowitz May 29, 1982 London John Fitzgerald Kennedy memorial recital on YouTube.
11:00 PM Go to bed due to exhaustion.

четверг 30 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:00 PM Go to bed due to exhaustion. 2:55 PM Got up.
4:58 PM LIVE: «Весь Стравинский» #8 . Автор и ведущий — Ярослав Тимофеев
7:39 PM Detected that Leonard Bernstein's symphonie nr. 3 «Kaddish» was world premièred on December 9, 1963* in Tel Aviv to commemorate on the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and my mother's birthday and the reason of her given name (proof of that my family tree was being targetted for the killing of Jesus Christ of the 21st century). They the Amberson has conspired with The current state of The State of Israel and the USA has forged its première date into December 10, 1963, which is historically nothing to do with «Kaddish» a work against Rockefeller dominant world by Leonard Bernstein. The New York Times had never told lies in the previous century except their covering of the governmental lies so was Joan Peyser as its sub chief critic to Harold Schonberg. And, yesterday was the date of «first issue» of Hélène Grimaud on The New York Times to commemorate Grimaud's corrupted faith to the USA over killing of John Fitzgerald Kennedy of the 21st century (by borrowing the birth of JFK). Never trust any one of Denon musicians, because they have been corrupted from their first breathe on this planet. «RECORDINGS VIEW; Sacre Bleu! Don't Call Her French, Or Even Female». Only Denon made Music & Arts CDs issued in previous century is worth trusting with Denon and Japan (the first digital technology applied by Denon in the 1970s).
*Karel Ančerl and Toronto Symphony Orchestra with Glenn Gould as pianist; Beethoven fortepiano concerto nr. 5 «Emperor», Opus 73 for CBC on this date in 1970 is another proof this date is correct (so called, «last minute change» from originally booked Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, who refused to play with them).
8:00 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
9:00 PM Прямой эфил в Томске!
11:00 PM Go to bed. 4:27 AM Got up.

пятница 31 мая 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
4:27 AM Got up.
4:30 AM (Прямой эфил) за зале Шостаковича. Бетохвен соч. 37 и Малер синфорния № 1. Николай Луганский.
9:11 AM Sending a 100 cm sized box parcel to Our The Embassy of The Russian Federation.(due to regulations of Japan Post I had to change the arrival date from June 11th to June 3rd, 2024).
6:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler his own 2nd syphonie in E minor (premièred on February 22nd, 1948 in Berlin) recorded on February 22nd, 1953 in Vienna (Orfeo).
7:19 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла бис в кончерте Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
7:23 AM Leonard Bernstein conducts Johann Strauss Waltzes and Polkas (Royal Edition; Sony Classical, 1993; SMK 47627).
7:39 PM Go to bed.

суббота 1 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:00 PM Got up.
0:26 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
1:38 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Antonin Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 (Relief)
2:24 PM Sweeping Meta's Liked Pages. Found some were forged Pages.

Forged Vivien Leigh's biography by Ann Edwards, on which my perfect memory became Shinji Miyadai's target of fooling and stalking, which means by that moment the book at the Public Library of Fujiidera was being swapped with forgery. That random sex with Mail-mens' story (this side is original, and Miyadai accused of original and supported forged version to terminate me. It's been long time ago 19 years from now). Thus, Shinji Miyadai has been Fühler of Nazis (You do remember his murmurings with that this Nazi guy insisted that (in this exact forgery case in Ann Edwards' biography [even not Anne Edwards that is Marianna Karavan's story in the last week of April to the first week of May in 1998 in Chicago and its publication date was setted on May 10, 1980 or something if I remember it correctly, perhaps forged with the date before 1984 because I read this book in 1984. Anyway, they forged the publication date into May 10th] on Vivien Leigh) with such a memory lapse, I could never win. Alas! It was Nazist Shinji Miyadai who could never win against me. Also do remember that this Shinji Miyadai insisted that it is lawful that they the USA fired their correspontent to The New York Times over forged article (The target of accusation by Miyadai is not to mention but me not the correspondant to The New York Times at all, and I knew that from the very first, except in Vivien Leigh case, I was deceived by Miyadai, because Miyadai somehow could behave in confidence). Shinji Miyadai has been such a spiece from the first). This Shinji Miyadai is the very person that murmured 911 terror was happened because the USA was not in alert and this is also very high time when Miyadai himself handed me on to the Put Buchanan Conspiracy Theories in Miyadai's own Conspiracy with Takahiko Soejima the Gold Fixer with his desciple Yasuhiko Nakata. And, this entire story was used for profit making in EU (NATO) with certain Angelica Tross and her faithful male friend (literary agents over desert island discs).

3:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz Carnegie Hall recital on January 23rd, 1950 from Yale Archives.
4:45 PM Hojo Japan Post Bank. Reconfirming of the balance of this month.
5:18 PM Baking Whole Wheat matzo with neither oil or salt (which means official). Go to bed. Have some hopefully qualified sleep until 2:00 AM or 2:20 AM.

воскресенье 2 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
2:20 AM Get up and taking shower. Complete payment for Whole Wheat for Matzo (not salty being judged from kosher meals I'd had on airplanes and asshole Molly Yeh's confessions. Salt is in their language means Salery. Neither oil as well. Oil is for Matzobrei).
4:00 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе (watched in its entity).
Visiting Toyotsu for Liturgy and Panakhyda leaving home at 7:30 AM o'clock JST, starting 10:00 AM. I do visit there by now only because I have promised to see him a gentle soul, despite all that massive insults and hostility by (Deputy) Rabbies. All will be conducted as exactly as previously planned (ask deputy Rabbies in case you got frustrated or felt offended by this recording). 0:00 PM Arriving Home.

Sun Plaza, Kashiwara
Sun Plaza, Kashiwara
Sun Plaza, Kashiwara
Sun Plaza, Kashiwara
JR West (and East, not to mention).
Nazi way of stalking. This young girl and her mother imposing me to witness her panty on the sheet and taking memorial photos for her family. Verify with the audio recording on the scene. This is what the Japanese is committing on daily basis. Politeness on surface and evil deeds in depth and reality.

3:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Сésar Franck symphonie en ré mineur et Johannes Brahms symphonie № 2 en ré majeur, Opus 73. (SWF 902; recorded in Musikverein Großersaal Wien, on 28 Januar 1945; Dr. Friedrich Schnapp recording).
5:45 PM fell asleep during Brahms due to exhaustion. Got up at 5:45 PM
5:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johannes Brahms symphonie № 2 en ré majeur (SWF 902; recorded in Musikverein Großersaal Wien, on 28 Januar 1945; Dr. Friedrich Schnapp recording).
6:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990].
8:00 PM Go to bed hopefully till next morning.

понежельник 3 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Parcel Arrived at Our The Embassy of The Russian Federation to Japan in Tokyo (due to regulations of Japan Post I had to change the arrival date from June 11th to June 3rd, 2024).
7:30 AM Get up.
7:45 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла бис в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
8:02 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе. (in its entity).
10:10 AM Purchased eggs (x10) x5, salt x1 at Mandai (stalked by Nazi vehicle nubered 3776 on way home to Mandai). First casher was arrogant, second casher was a good natured person (even if receiving bribe).
10:22 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990].
10:38 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Сésar Franck symphonie en ré mineur et Johannes Brahms symphonie № 2 en ré majeur, Opus 73 with intermission. (SWF 902; recorded in Musikverein Großersaal Wien, on 28 Januar 1945; Dr. Friedrich Schnapp recording).
0:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940).
0:20 PM Go to bed hopefully till 8:00 AM JST o'clock. 1:38 PM Got up.
2:14 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
3:00 PM Practicing Fortepiano Beethoven Fortepiano sonata nr. 16, Opus 31-1 1st movement exposition. Schoenberg (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin Nocturnes Opus 55.
3:29 PM Vladimir Horowitz Golden Jubilee concert at Carnegie Hall on January 8, 1978 (USA's plutinum year; edited version issue of by BMG Classics, 09026-61564-2, ADD, 1993).
4:11 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940) and Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990].
Reading Holy Bible (Easton Press King James version). Unfortunately, this one as well tailor-made forgery under Tokyo-EU (NATO)-USA Nazi conspiracy to fool me. Still far better than Japanese Orthodox Church (according to the Rabbi, they are Japanese Orthodox Church and never been Russian Orthodox Church) version, though. Matthew 1:23, it insists, "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us". Emmanuel? A common Jew's name? Certainly Emmanuel Feuermann was a Jew, though. Meantime, Nazist Emmanuel Macron has the same name. Too strange-love. Matthew 2:11 it says, "And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and where they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and Frankincense (Neal's Yard Remedies Covent Garden, London), and myrrh". (in another Brits version, it is decidedly called "incense"). Just like the case of Backhaus as being Nazi supporter in Curt Riess (even on Prefecture of Osaka Public Library basis) or David Attenborough's «Life on Earth» first Japanese edition and BBC DVDs (made in UK) which intentionally ommitted Coyote project in San Diego's highway. 9:35 PM.
5:40 PM Incidentally, other proofs of Tokyo's Secret Police invaded my house and swapped dictionaries, books, to documents and stole my NHK Osaka ID's photo page to LPs (especially, Ingrid Strudel's Mozart concerti nos. 26 and 27 (with which the French Radio [orchestra] got frozen over medici.tv's betrayal and conspiracy with the French government) and Ignacy Jan Padereweki's Red Seal LP; and, Japanese first edition of original sound track LPs for «Sound of Music» [this is not my possession but my mother's (another example is the abacus my grandfather bought for my mother. When being pointed out by me, my mother got upset because it was out of her comprehention, but only with which comprehention, can one win against Nazis and Nazism). Nazism doesn't know its inhumane limits in their deeds not only taking bribes and stalking]) and inserted news clips which I had never read (an interview with Ernst Heafliger and the USA biased review on Sergei Prokofiev's life) before my mother was deceived by Attoney Association of Japan in Tokyo (they are chicken-mindedly conspiring with their government until this date). And, if memory serves, Chiune Sugihara didn't save 10,000 Jews. He saved 10 people (2 families and one couple to London. One family was escaped to the USA via Ellis island from London). Maybe, somemore, but never to reach 10,000 Jewish population.
9:00 PM Орган Live! в Томске.
10:00 PM Go to bed.
0:10 AM Got up. Complete Rakuten payment (Cheese) at 7-eleven.
0:40 AM May 6, 1940 recording at Carnegie Hall Vladimir Horowitz and Arturo Toscanini in Brahms fortepiano concerto with orchestra nr. 2, Opus 83.
1:53 AM Vladimir Horowitz from the Yale Archives recital at Carnegie Hall on April 8th, 1946.
2:19 AM Force deletion of Yahoo ID over Softbank's decades of Nazi troll deeds.
3:30 AM Some more blockings on Meta. Unblock Greta Thunberg only because I made error on taking screenshot on block confirmation page. So, I will block this page in 48 hours. (Not because I am against her FFF activities but her meeting with Nazi Zelensky).

This sounds extremely uncommon in Hebrew in general, but grammartically correct. So, the Easton Press version of Holy Bible is not a forgery. But, if so, why the erotic film was given title «Emmanuel»? It's massive insult against Christianity. Likewise, Macron. I will judge for the Bible. If forgery, you can learn from it by comparing to the Japanese Orthodox Church version of forged Bible. Answer (3:40 мск 4 июнь 2024 года) forgery: I once thought forgery, because while [אל (אלוהים)] part is correct, us part must be [לנו] ([נו(we) and ל+(to)]) and with part must be [עם]. Well, as told, even from forgery, you can learn the truth as asshole betrayer Molly Yeh told me the way of baking Matzo, and I am now baking (photo will be uploaded in 30 minutes). The Nazi USA and Japan must go default and confiscated. It's inevitable with their Nazism by now. How about UK and EU plus NATO nations? My English dictionaries were also swapped more than 2 decades ago by Kriminalpolizei of Japan under order by Tokyo-Washington D.C. After all, Emmanuel is a name for an angel ([עמנואל]) in Hebrew according to my Reuben-Alcalay Hebrew-English Christianity-Judaism dictionary (world best for this purpose).

And, another proof of Nazist Shinji Miyadai here. Miyadai's mentor was insisted to have been Naoki Komuro, who had been a graduate from University of Chicago, but due to harrassment (according to Miyadai Inc.), who was forced to work at elementary school as janitor. This forged anecdote is another sample of Shinji Miyadai's deep commitment to and in Japan-Washington D. C. Nazism from the very first. Naoki Komuro is nothing but Ono-ji [小野爺] janitor at my elementary school who had a rumor to have committed sexual abuse to a little girl at the elementary school (I have talked to Ono-ji to confirm if he had committed that crime. Who knows? but, my impression on him was negative in that reported case). That was Shinji Miyadai's aim from the first. And, yet, Shinji Miyadai is a conspiracy theory believer. Proof is that this Miyadai invited Naoki Komuro to Jimbo.tv (r.m.c.r.) and a weeks or months later Komuro deceased. Shinji Miyadai didn't take that decease of Naoki Komuro a natural cause but was killed by high-tech weapon by the USA. Enough? Here is a connection to Chiune Sugihara as well via Naoki Komuro.

"I want to give good impressions on America to a young intelligent boy like you!" - James Sheldon, Producer for NBC, ABC, and CBS working for Hollywood as well. On May 10th, 1990 shortly before noon in stormy Manhattan in EDT. Thank you America for having insulted me at least for 34 years by deceiving me and the entire rest of the world with Nazi Japan and likewise NATO and EU nations (with some exceptions like Turkey and Austria [not in the past], Serbia [Milošević justice actions against Nazi France, that conceals Klaus Barbie till this date, under a certain Emmanuel "with God" in their own creation and imagination; good faith for them the French. Schweiz? Likewise. A lesser evil of the two]).
Matzo made of Wheat. No oil, no salt. Let alone SALT I and II or START I and II, arber (West Berlin surrounding by East Germany; how such sarcasms was possible? Rockefeller Nomenclature's world order. [So did Kennedys. They had to be assassinated]) PRAVDA I and II.

3:45 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
5:00 AM Go to bed.

втроник 4 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:00 AM Go to bed. 8:30 AM Got up.
9:00 AM George Friedrich Haendel Water Music Pierre Boulez Hague Philharmonic (Denon).
9:30 AM Baking Matzo. Wheat not Whole Wheat matzo (no salt or oil not to mention).
10:00 AM Vladimir Horowitz plays from the Yale University Archives a Carnegie Hall recital on April 28, 1947.
11:10 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
0:40 PM Practice Fortepiano. Schoenberg paraphrase, Chopin Nocturnes Opus 55-2, Johann Sebastian Bach BWV 846, Chopin Nocturne Opus 55-1, Rachmaninoff Prelude Opus 32 nr. 12, Beethoven Opsu 31 nr. 1 1st movement exposition. (changing order for mustle strengthening reasons).
1:30 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе. (in its entity).
3:15 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
4:20 PM «Horowitz in Moscow» recorded in Moscow Conservatoire under the name of Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky on April 20, 1986 (DGG, 1986, Japan made).
5:00 PM Flower arrangement for Eva Gevorgyan at a shop Nicolai Bergmann Flowers & Design located in Granfront Osaka.
5:00 PM Go to bed. 0:30 AM Got up.
0:40 AM Complete payment at 7-eleven for Lys Dor Wheat for Matzo 25 kg.
1:00 AM Прямой эфил в Москве! Incidentally, why Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli refused to play «Italian Concerto» BWV 971 at NHK Hall in 1973 while Glenn Gould recorded it once again in 1981? The answer is the year of 1971, one shy to 1972 the year of Israel. (hints: «Rosemary's Baby» filmed in Dakota Apartment (Paramount, 1968); 110 story World Trade Center construction in 1968, Vladimir Horowitz recorded Nicolai Medtner «Сказка» Соч 51 № 3 and Johann Sebastian Bach - Ferruccio Busoni arranged «Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ» BWV 639 on June 12, 1969) for Goodyear Tyres «Great Songs for Christmas» issued in 1969 (Tyre is Israeli currency with Shekels). 3:50 AM
3:30 AM Washing clothes due to oil spill over cooking.
4:00 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
5:22 AM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (Made in West Germany Printed in USA, DGG, March 1988 in Milan; Important Findings: nobody records a Mozart sonata in a ballet studio if not conspiracy or counter-conspiracy (possibly this one); this recording was Grammy awarded in 1989 reported in «Horowitz At Home» Japanese version liner note by Atsufumi Miura tells the truth).
6:22 AM «Horowitz At Home» (Made in Japan, DGG, 1989).
7:18 AM Alexandra Dovgan plays Schubert Sonata for Fortepiano D. 664.

среда 5 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
7:50 AM Go to bed. 11:50 AM Got up.
0:15 PM Hojo Japan Post Bank withdrawal JPY 76,000 and change into new banknotes JPY 55,000. 0:25 PM Complete payment for NTT Phone bill and Gas. 0:30 PM Purchasing boxes of tomatoes (x7) x2 + (x8) x2 on way back if such are displayed at Sun Plaza Kashiwara.
0:46 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
2:00 PM Glenn Gould plays Ludwig van Beethoven's 6th symphonie, Opus 68 recorded on June 11, 1968, for CBC, exactly 6 days after assassination of Robert Francis Kennedy. I have detected the hugest fury of Glenn Gould against assassination of Robert Francis Kennedy, especially in the 4th and 5th movement in this 5 movement symphonie.
3:30 PM Pierre Boulez conducts Ludwig van Beethoven's 5th symphonie, Opus 67 and Cantata, Opus 112 in December, 1968 in London. Pierre Boulez's best work ever and forever. His 2nd is «Water Music» in Hague, Netherlands in 1964 (Denon; exact date of this recording is unknown, only the recording year).
4:23 PM «Adagetto» from Gustav Mahler symphonie nr. 5 conducted by Leonard Bernstein with The New York Philharmonic recorded on June 8, 1968 in the Mass for the assassinated Attoney General Robert Francis Kennedy at Saint Patrick Church in New York City. New Findings: Leonard Bernstein directly quoted this «Adagetto» for his «Somewhere» in «West Side Story» - Somehow, Some day, Somewhere…
6:00 PM Arrival of cheese for this month. (I thought somehow it is still on the 4th of June when the door bell rang while I intendingly didn't give Tokyo any chances to deliver anything on the 6th of June all due to their piled up Nazi deeds).
9:00 PM Прямой эфил в Новосибирске.
1:00 AM Прямой эфил в Москве.

четверг 6 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Normandy Landing and decease date of Robert Francis Kennedy by gun shooting assassination after Democratic National Convention California Primary victory press conference announcement.
5:55 AM [22:55 (10:55 PM) in CET; Domenico Scarlatti sonata time] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart fortepiano concerto with orchestra nr. 24 K 491 (conductor is Walter Susskind) and Arnold Schoenberg fortepiano concerto with orchestra opus 42 (conductor is Robert Craft) both played by Glenn Gould recorded in Toronto on January 21, 1961 for Schoenberg and January 17, 1961 for Mozart (CBS Records, released on May 14, 1962).
8:05 PM [1:05 (1:05 AM) in CET; Arnold Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart fortepiano concerto with orchestra nr. 24 K 491 (conductor is Walter Susskind) and Arnold Schoenberg fortepiano concerto with orchestra opus 42 (conductor is Robert Craft) both played by Glenn Gould recorded in Toronto on January 21, 1961 for Schoenberg and January 17, 1961 for Mozart (CBS Records, released on May 14, 1962). [repeat].
9:00 AM [2:00 AM in CET] Robert Schumann fortepiano concerto with orchestra in A opus 54 and Arnold Schoenberg fortepiano concerto with orchestra opus 42 both played by Maurizio Pollini conducted by Claudio Abbado recorded in September 1988 for Schumann and September 1989 for Schoenberg (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1990; which means pre-pressed before collapse of Berlin Wall. What a couragous move by Maurizio Pollini!!!!). I found 15 seconds of silence in the interval at the beginning of Schoenberg. ([סוס] or [סוסים] in short but already in the year of 1990 not after 1997 by Mel Gibson's «Conspiracy Theory» [Silver Pictures, 1997]).
10:22 AM Go to bed after taking sleeping pills. 6:45 PM Got up.
6:48 PM «Adagetto» from Gustav Mahler symphonie nr. 5 conducted by Leonard Bernstein with The New York Philharmonic recorded on June 8, 1968 in the Mass for the assassinated Attoney General Robert Francis Kennedy at Saint Patrick Church in New York City. New Findings: Leonard Bernstein directly quoted this «Adagetto» for his «Somewhere» in «West Side Story» - Somehow, Some day, Somewhere…
7:07 PM Arturo Toscanini conducts Ludwig van Beethoven «Missa Solemnis» Opus 123 live recorded in Carnegie Hall on December 28th, 1940 (ATRA CD-259) It won’t ever and will never bore you.
8:30 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
9:10 PM Поямой эфил в Новосибирске. Meantime reading forged Gospel of Matthew by UK-Japan-USA led deceptions. With this so far seemingly Partial forgery can be fruitful if reading most carefully.
11:40 PM Sergiu Celibidache conducts Igor Stravinsky's «Firebird Suite» on October 28, 1982 in Herkulessaal mit Der Münchener Philharonike.
1:30 AM 7-eleven complete payment for Amazon JP.
2:00 AM Go to bed.

пятница 7 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:00 AM Got up.
11:00 AM «Adagetto» from Gustav Mahler symphonie nr. 5 conducted by Leonard Bernstein with The New York Philharmonic recorded on June 8, 1968 in the Mass for the assassinated Attoney General Robert Francis Kennedy at Saint Patrick Church in New York City. New Findings: Leonard Bernstein directly quoted this «Adagetto» for his «Somewhere» in «West Side Story» - Somehow, Some day, Somewhere…
11:22 AM Arturo Toscanini conducts Ludwig van Beethoven «Missa Solemnis» Opus 123 live recorded in Carnegie Hall on December 28th, 1940 (ATRA CD-259) It won’t ever and will never bore you.
1:00 PM Go to bed to have some more sleep. 2:26 PM Got up.
2:29 PM Received email from Intercontinental Hotel for 18 roses with moss green rapper and white ribbon. I instantly chose this flower shop because they are honest and kind (I suppose Hotel concierge's recommendation won't betray you. Hotel Hilton International in New York City was the same. They have pride of and in them so that woud commit no errors not on the owner's level but on the concierge level).
4:45 PM Sandy Kashiwara for 15 package of Spaghetti (400 gram) each. This is nothing to do with conspiracy but my stock was 15 packages so that I made to fix it for one month storage.
5:19 PM Returned home and found an incoming email from SPIM Flower&Decoration. These people are extremely kind and generously accepted my plan for flower arrangement for Eva Gevorgyan on September 7th, 2024.
6:06 PM Посмотрю интервью Марии Захаровой.
6:28 PM Practicing fortepiano to recover my loosen finger muscles. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin Nocturne 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin Nocturne 55-2, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12, and Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 first movement exposition.
7:30 PM Seoul Philahrmonic live concert.
8:50 PM Watched and listened to Inbar Rothschild plays Chopin's Nocturne Opus 55-1.
9:00 PM Go to bed.

суббота 8 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:55 AM Got up.
4:44 AM «Adagetto» from Gustav Mahler symphonie nr. 5 conducted by Leonard Bernstein with The New York Philharmonic recorded on June 8, 1968 in the Mass for the assassinated Attoney General Robert Francis Kennedy at Saint Patrick Church in New York City. New Findings: Leonard Bernstein directly quoted this «Adagetto» for his «Somewhere» in «West Side Story» - Somehow, Some day, Somewhere…

Well, they are insisting in this way, though. Only this "אל[והים], אל[והים], למה נטשת אותי."makes sense by considering Jesus Christ was a Jew.

5:00 AM Arturo Toscanini conducts Ludwig van Beethoven «Missa Solemnis» Opus 123 live recorded in Carnegie Hall on December 28th, 1940 (ATRA CD-259) It won’t ever and will never bore you. (repeat of the June 7th). Found that Gustav Mahler quoted to his 1st symphonie final movement «Angus Dei» from «Missa Solemnis».
7:00 AM [0:00 AM in CET; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart fortepiano concerto with orchestra nr. 24 K 491 (conductor is Walter Susskind) and Arnold Schoenberg fortepiano concerto with orchestra opus 42 (conductor is Robert Craft) both played by Glenn Gould recorded in Toronto on January 21, 1961 for Schoenberg and January 17, 1961 for Mozart (CBS Records, released on May 14, 1962). [repeat].
8:00 AM [1:00 AM in CET] Arnold Schoenberg fortepiano concerto with orchestra opus 42 and Robert Schumann fortepiano concerto with orchestra in A opus 54 both played by Maurizio Pollini conducted by Claudio Abbado recorded in September 1988 for Schumann and September 1989 for Schoenberg (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1990; which means pre-pressed before collapse of Berlin Wall. What a couragous move by Maurizio Pollini!!!!). I found 15 seconds of silence in the interval at the beginning of Schoenberg. ([סוס] or [סוסים]. Played in reversed order in order to sandwich Schoenberg concerto to let it be glorified as it is reserved in nature.
9:00 AM Practicing Fortepiano for mustle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition. As blueprint, it is accomplished, but not for the results.
9:13 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.

Alessandra Ferri's forged photography book. Her husband was a lawyer during 1990s not a photographer (so that one of "Dance Magazine" I have acquired at Yahoo Auction! was tailor-made forgery to trap me and drop me into desperation and perhaps suicide). Chicken way of protecting herself. Stupid and absurd excuses not by «Giselle» but by computer graphics nudity (once famous in Japan among Otaku people as Idol collages. And, I am out of such speices either. One of many intentional traps against the USA - note that I helped Henry Fogel from genuine kindness even I have held and till this date least respect on Takashi Asahina and his people). Such a speice never be respected accordingly and respectively. After all, Sylbie Guillem was far superior human being to Alessandra Ferri. Silvie Guillem has collected my respect and admiration in this documentary on her life in solitary. Alessandra Ferri shares her birthday with Masako Suzuki for the former in 1963 and for the latter in 1971. The date is May 6th. Shinji Miyadai insulted me with datas I couldn't win. Truly? The answer is the exact opposite. Miyadai mis-estimated my capability and ability and skills as an agent who is only faithful to faithful people. As the result, it came to be The Russian Federation and his allied nations, never to the USA and its allies including Tokyo.

10:26 AM This is the words by me to whom I shall legally forbid to access to my information on June 12th, 2024. "Wahrlich, ich sage dir: In dieser Nacht, ehe der Hahn krähet, wirst du mich dreimal verleugnen." That person has denied my testimony twice in the past, so this is the third trial for that one, whom and whose friends mostly have collected least respect by me over decades (except very few exceptions). Well, you will know in either way, on the June 12th of this year 2024 at 0:00 AM in Moscow Time (23:00 in CET of the June 11th to commemorate Vladimir Horowitz in 1983 the MET opera bicentenial year).
11:00 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «Gran Partita» K. 361 and Serenade nr. 13 «Eine Kleine Nacht Musik» K. 525. (EMI Pathé Références, ADD, 1991, Made in Germany; CDH 7 63818 2; recorded in 10 | 19 | 26. December 1948 for the former and 1 April 1949 for the latter, both are recorded in Musikvereinsaal, Wien). Possibly, NATO Charter article 14 reason, the «Eine Kleine Nacht Musik» is unmatched (Jonathan Nott came close and in a way overwelmed Wilhelm Furtwängler, but with politics that surrounds us, that valuable part was only the half of it, so that no one can exceed Wilhelm Furtwängler). This is just as three pupils of Natalia Trull who has witnessed Vladimir Horowitz on 18 and 20 of April in 1986 at Moscow Conservatoire have become truly and genuinely the successors of Vladimir Horowitz himself by conquring our bitter past. 0:29 PM.
1:00 PM Go to bed after taking sleeping pills. 2:30 PM Got up.
2:35 PM Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart fortepiano concerto with orchestra nr. 24 K 491 (conductor is Walter Susskind) and Arnold Schoenberg fortepiano concerto with orchestra opus 42 (conductor is Robert Craft) both played by Glenn Gould recorded in Toronto on January 21, 1961 for Schoenberg and January 17, 1961 for Mozart (CBS Records, released on May 14, 1962). [repeat]. Fantastic reading of the Mozart concerto let alone Arnold Schoenberg (both Glenn Gould and Maurizio Pollini). 6 second of silence between Schoenberg and Mozart (and the as posthuously to Mozart) implies Rockefellers' fake Judaism.
3:45 PM Arnold Schoenberg fortepiano concerto with orchestra opus 42 and Robert Schumann fortepiano concerto with orchestra in A opus 54 both played by Maurizio Pollini conducted by Claudio Abbado recorded in September 1988 for Schumann and September 1989 for Schoenberg (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1990; which means pre-pressed before collapse of Berlin Wall. What a couragous move by Maurizio Pollini!!!!). I found 15 seconds of silence in the interval at the beginning of Schoenberg. ([סוס] or [סוסים]. Played in reversed order in order to sandwich Schoenberg concerto to let it be glorified as it is reserved in nature.[repeat]. Also, 6 seconds of silence be-for-[e] Schoenberg and 5 seconds of silence be-for-[e] Schumann. Praise for Pollini and his team for this in particular mavelous recording.
5:00 PM Historic Return concert by Wilhelm Furtwängler on May 25th, 1947 at Titaniapalast (Haus des Rundfunks for the May 29th, 1947). Ludwig van Beethoven «Egmont» Oouvurture, Opus 84; Symphonie nr. 6 «Americas Avenue in the shape of The Pentagon» and finally Symphonie nr. 5 «Fate and Destiny: Glorious Victory».
7:00 PM Artur Schnabel plays Franz Schubert all the Impromptus (EMI Pathé Références, ADD, 1988, Printed in and made in UK recorded on 8 | 9 June, 1950 and 12 | 13 June 1950 and 25 | January, 1939). It's miraculous this CD is so sophisticated and considering in every details when we think all the flops awful sound made in UK for «The Great Recordings of the Century» series. Some of them includes the very same contents to EMI Pathé Références but in awful transfer. Only acceptable for the latter series made in UK is Beatrice Harrison's recording of the Cello Concerto by Edward Elgar coupled with Yehudi [יהודי (Jew - Non Zionist and not Indian [הודי] as Valery Afanassiev insisted, "Number 10 seldom followed by Number 11" in July, 1994 in Paris in his conspiracy with Hélène Grimaud and its kinds like Yuji Yamaki).] Menuhin's violin concerto recording of Elgar both conducted by Edward Elgar himself.
7:30 PM Baking bread.
8:00 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
Wrote a Direct Message to Eva Gevorgyan for upcoming September 7, 2024.
10:05 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
11:30 PM Go to bed. 2:09 AM Get up.

воскресенье 9 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
2:09 AM Get up. Am reading the forged Bible to detect which Verses are being forged.
2:15 AM Прямой эфил в Москве! Орган и оркестр кончерт в концерт в Соборе на Малой Грузинской.
3:45 AM Claudio Arrau am Schubertiade June 26, 1986 (UN Charter day), playing Ludwig van Beethoven's sonati; namely, Nr. 7 Opus 10-3, Nr. 26 Opus 81a «Les Adieux» and Nr. 21 Opus 53 «Waldstein». Wonderful reading by Claudio Arrau mentor-in-law to Leonard Bernstein.
5:15 AM «Adagetto» from Gustav Mahler symphonie nr. 5 conducted by Leonard Bernstein with The New York Philharmonic recorded on June 8, 1968 in the Mass for the assassinated Attoney General Robert Francis Kennedy at Saint Patrick Church in New York City. (repeat of 8th of June, 2024). [repeat 3 times]
6:00 AM Arturo Toscanini conducts Ludwig van Beethoven «Missa Solemnis» Opus 123 live recorded in Carnegie Hall on December 28th, 1940 (ATRA CD-259) It won’t ever and will never bore you. (repeat of the June 8th)
7:30 AM Practicing Fortepiano for mustle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition.
9:06 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
10:24 AM Josef Hofmann plays Chopin concerti nos. 1 and 2. 1930s. As Cherles Rosen told me that Hofmann is the best Chopin interpreter at least concerning concerti Nr. 1 recorded March 13, 1938, Nr. 2 December 27, 1936, both conducted by John Barbirolli; Nr. 1 excerpt November 6, 1935 BBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by Hamilton Harty (VAI; VAIA 1002, 1992 reissue of 2007, ADD)
11:00 PM Go to bed. 0:12 PM Get up to receive 25 kilo gram of strong bread flour.
0:21 PM Josef Hofmann plays Chopin concerti nos. 2. 1930s. As Cherles Rosen told me that Hofmann is the best Chopin interpreter at least concerning concerti Nr. 1 recorded March 13, 1938, Nr. 2 December 27, 1936, both conducted by John Barbirolli; Nr. 1 excerpt November 6, 1935 BBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by Hamilton Harty (VAI; VAIA 1002, 1992 reissue of 2007, ADD).
1:23 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts Ludwig van Beethoven nr. 5, Opus 67 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchdestra. (Made in and Printed in Germany, 1990, September, limited edition).
2:24 PM Arnold Schoenberg fortepiano concerto Opus, 42 and Robert Schumann concerto in A, Opus 54 in reversed order Maurizio Pollini and Claudio Abbado (recorded in September 1988 and Septembe 1989; Made in and Printed in West Germany, issue of 1990 [another such example is Franz Liszt works by Maurizio Pollini, which I purchased this morning for this reason and another for this Schoenberg and Schumann CD is fantastic and fabulous]). Found that Olivier Messiaen quoted for his works from this composition. [Artes, scientia, veritas]
3:30 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Arrival of 25 kg of flour for matzo. Precisely speaking, this is not a good choice of purchase, because matzo should be baked not with strong bread flour with a lot of contains of gluten but weaker one. Next time, I will choose that way.
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Have some sleep.
6:11 PM Wilhalm Furtwängler dirigiert Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «La Nozze di Figaro» on August 6, 1953, Salzburger Festspiele Act 1 to 3 to the end.
9:40 PM Practicing Fortepiano for mustle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition.
10:26 PM Until Track 5. Fritz Kreisler plays short pieces including his own compositions. (EMI Pathé Références, issue of 1993, Made and Printed in Netherlands)
1:00 AM Track 5 of Fritz Kreisler plays short pieces including his own compositions. (EMI Pathé Références, issue of 1993, Made and Printed in Netherlands)
2:00 AM Прямой эфил концерт Бориса Березовския в Санкт-Петербурге. (Рахманинов № 3 кончерт дла фортепиано с оркестром).
3:30 AM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18 апреле 2024 годе.
4:10 AM Go to bed.

понежельник 10 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
8:00 Got up.
9:30 AM «Horowitz: The Last Romantic [The Last of Mochicans]» (CAMI video, 1985, Made in and Printed in the USA, CAMI video). Thanks to this DVD, in which Vladimir and Wanda recall his mentor; namely, Schnabel, Backhaus, and Alfred Cortot, stupid forged book tailor-made by order of prefecture of Osaka under Hirofumi Yoshimura for Public Library of Osaka has been exposed. Backhaus was no Nazis. Wilhelm Backhaus was not a politically engaged person. So was his art. (This part of information was added on втроник 11 июнь 2024 года :)
11:30 AM «Horowitz» (Sound tracks for the former film above, DGG, 1985, Made in and Printed in West Germany).
0:35 AM Vladimir Horowitz at Studio (1985, DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany).
1:45 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (Made in West Germany Printed in USA, DGG, 1988)
2:35 PM «Horowitz At Home» (1989, DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany).
3:30 PM Go to bed. Get up at 7:30 PM for Орган Live! в Томске. 4:20 PM Got up.
4:22 PM «Horowitz The Poet» (1991, DGG, Made in and Printed in Germany)
5:19 PM Practicing Fortepiano for mustle recovery. Schoenberg 11-1, Chopin 55-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Chopin 55-2, Rachmaninoff 32-12, Beethoven 31-1 1st movement exposition.
5:38 PM Maurizio Pollini plays Franz Liszt (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1990; another triumph by Maurizio Pollini)
7:10 PM Посмотрю Еву Геворгян играла кончерт Чайковского для фортепиано с оркестром с бисом в концерте в Москве в четверге 18
апреле 2024 годе.
8:00 PM «Horowitz Letzte Aufnahme» (Product of CBS Records, issued by Sony Classical (for CDs) Product of Sony Classical issued by Sony Classical in the case of vinyls (SK 45818), in early Spring of 1990 SK 45818).
9:00 PM «Спящая красавица» Чайковсково в Томске.
0:10 AM An hour with Frédéric Chopin - Anna Dębowska: piano after commenting and watching Inbar Rothschild's videos.
1:00 AM Прямой эФил в Москве.
3:00 AM Not going to bed.
втроник 11 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. (Day of Symbolic Egypt for slavery by Nazis Tokyo and the Washington D. C. backed by Emmanuel Macron [Jesus Christ!!!]).
Purchased Leonard Bernstein «Candide» signed programme sponsored by JAL (possibly for JAL 123 reasons).
5:03 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler in Cairo, Egypt in the year of 1951.
Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 7 recorded on April 23, 1951 (CD: Japan Polydor POCG 2345)
6:07 AM Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6, Pathétique recorded on April 19, 1951 (CD: Japan Polydor POCG 2348)
7:00 AM Go to bed to have some sleep until 10:05 AM.
10:09 AM «Horowitz At The Metropolitan Opera Theatre» on May 15, 1983 at 8:30 PM (Sony Classical, 2015) Bars 147 - 150 was intendingly played correctly (You must imagine how painful to play it correctly in the MET for poor Vladimir Horowitz, especially in that year and in this programme).
11:40 AM «Horowitz At Boston Symphony Hall» on May 24, 1983 at 8:30 PM (Sony Classical, 2015) Bars 147 - 150 reversed as in Moscow to make forth to evil forces presented then by Rockefellers.
1:10 PM «Horowitz in Tokyo, Egypt» (this unfortunately for the Japanese doesn't explain why Yuriko Koike has run for the governor of prefecture of Tokyo for self-defense because she had not been that wise. Considering also the deeds by Jun'ichi Ishizuka, Yoshihiko Nonomura, and Mie and Yuji Yamaki, this intentional crime is perhaps true and case positive) held at NHK Hall in Tokyo, Egypt on June 11, 1983 and aired on June 12th, 1983 to "celebrate" David Rockefeller's 68th birthday. After all, Sony Classical again with Howard Stringer tells a lie. Vladimir Horowitz Tokyo recital is far better than the issued not using official recording but using pirate recorded MET recital or to the Boston one against Rockefellers. I will note on how he treated Bars 147 - 150 of Polonaise nr. 6 «Heroic» by Chopin in Tokyo for this televised re-cite-all. Cantabille in Schumann is truly marvelous. Bars 147 - 150. Bar 147 was intentionally replaced with the repeat of bar 148. Never live in the false faith is the message by Vladimir Horowitz. This televised re-cite-all must be released in original aired form not on the form of VHD.
4:00 PM Go to bed.8:15 {M Got up.
9:00 PM Taking shower.
11:00 PM Henry Fogel's Collector's Corner Dimitri Mitropoulos series 2 of 3. Mitropoulos was a fascinating conductor and mentor to Leonard Bernstein. His Schumann accompaniment to Benedetti Michelangeli in 1948 (yes, again in 1948 and recording date was November 21, one day shy to the Saint Cecilia Day) is, without slightest doubt, superb and unmatched except Maurizio Pollini who followed his mentor way in his 1989 recording of this concerto coupled with Arnold Schoenberg's one.
1:00 AM Go to bed.
3:38 AM Got up.

среда 12 июнь 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:00 AM Get up. 5:00 AM Oath to National Frag and Anthem of the Russian Federation. 6:00 AM (0:00 мск) Execute what I have decided at least two weeks ago, and you will be surprized in misery. But, that's it and this is what you had decided on me not by me (I have been forcibly execute this for quicker finale of this stupid theatre show). The name of the person I block on Facebook basis is E. Randol Schoenberg. He first blocked me when I tagged him to 1948 Hatikvah recording to please him. 2nd was Hillary Clinton FBI warrant on which I told the precise information of rigged elections starting 2006 mid term with George Walker Bush with David with mic (I told the truth then Schoenberg blocked me). 3rd time was over Clara Buijs in 2019. Now for the 4th times but not by his side but by my side. The Game has been changed completely. The other day, I found some of Arnold Schoenberg's music is beautiful (ex. Opus 42 played by Glenn Gould and Maurizio Pollini), but this is a different story. 7:00 AM Leaving home to Shichiyama Hospital, Not visiting Softbank Abeno Q'Mall without cancelling the appointment because it's totaly their error and crimes (deletion Yahoo ID with touch pen at 0:30 PM JST as being made appointment this afternoon (29 мая 2024 года) by certain male worker named Kawai. He insisted that he can't guarantee the person who will work for me on the June 12th: force cancelled on 3rd of June 2024). I got off train at Tennoji station in precise order to observe the Japanese around there and here; how many percent of the Japanese race has felt ashamed of themselves over bribe and lying economy (on May 29th, 2024, on way back home, there were stalkers prepared in front of my seat I took the photo but the one with New York Yankees cap and didn't record the announcement of the Kumatori station that the JR West intendingly delay the train by 15 minutes in precise order to threat me). Plaza Pharmacy O'hta branch, City of Fujiidera municipal. Sun Plaza for box tomatoes if such are displayed. As being made contract as David Rockefeller's birthday nothing to do with Russia Day. We the correct side of human history is still fighting with the ghost of Rockefellers and his kinds.
Horowitz plays Great Songs for Christmas 1969 for Goodyear Tyres recorded on Nicolai Medtner
«Сказка» Opus 51 nr. 3 (recorded on June 12, 1969 on the David Rockefeller's 54th birthday together with Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by Ferruccio Busoni «Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ» BWV 639.
Днём России!!!!!!!🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🌿🌿🌿💞

Дневник I : пятница 14 октября 2022 года - питница 3 марта 2023 года :
Дневник II : суббота 4 марта 2023 года - втроник 9 мая 2023 года :
Дневник III : среда 10 мая 2023 года - понедельник 25 октября 2023 года:

Дневник IV : четверг 26 октября 2023 года - понежельник 22 января 2024 года :
Дневник V : втроник 23 янбяря 2024 года - понежельник 22 апреля 2024 года :
Дневник VII : четверг 6 июль 2024 года - четверг 8 августа 2024 года :
Music at the Limits: Правда и Свидетельство III (Truths and Testimony; A Tribute to Edward Said: интервью с Йосиуки Мукудае)
高橋悠治に: 置き手紙
Newly revised Constitution of Japan (as of 23 декабря 2023 года : to be updated for the perfection: newest update as of четверг 11 января 2023 года: on the issue of Korean Peninsula and Unification of People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea)
Demands on the Japanese (Reconciliation Act)
Forbes Billiionaire Ranking in Humanity 2022-2023 Season

Special Bonus : Pentagon's and Tokyo's Nazi Deeds.
Record 1. Album for Note
Record 2. Elon Musk's X (Still Twitter) How the USA will strategically get default and confiscated; and. the reason why the USA can never escape from this troubles, quite cynically, invented by themselves for their profit making. The reason for uploading these screenshots files is quite simple. I found the other day that Pentagon and NSA-CIA led Twitter and Meta do hide my postings and comments if inconvenient for them the USA.)
Record 3.
Taro Nakayama and his Secret Police and Ministry of Foreign Affair's Deceptive deeds at Public Library of City of Fujiidera (my home town) by highjacking the Bookshelves of Good Will.

Special Bonus :
Eine Йосиуки Мукудай Fantasie: with his Historic Return on the world politics and music to theatre stages.
Studies on Numbers.

椋代 能行
