Дневник V : втроник 23 янбяря 2024 года - понежельник 22 апреля 2024 года :

Дневник IV : втроник 23 янбяря 2024 года - четверг 9 мая 2024 года :

втроник 23 января 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
0:10 AM 蓄積疲労の為就寝。3:53 PM 起床。
4:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、30 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。是迄もそうして居たが、拍手は頭の中で意識してHall内での当日の物を想像して鳴らし、脳内で処理する。concert全体の完璧な再現の目的で。(«Egmont» Ouverture: Japan Polydore POCG-2362, Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789)。
意図した訳では無いが、今日はDer Berliner PhilharmonikerのNeue Philharmonie Berlinの「創立記念日」。1945年のこの日にUSAから爆撃に遭い、concertが中断、Wilhelm Furtwänglerとの戦中最期のconcertに成った日で、現在のDer Berliner Philharmonikerはこの日を記念した意匠を採用して居る。1-2-3と3回重ねられたPentagon。この日録のVがこの日から始まるのは、この歴史的事実を吟味した結果。質、Der Berliner Philharmonikerの意匠と上のHistoric Concertの再現は、意識の外の出来事。無意識に、常にそれが心に在る、と謂う事に成る。因みにThe Russian Federationからの傳達で、Das Konzert am 23 Januar 1945 von Der Berliner Philharmonikerは停電を除き、完全に保持保管されて居る、と聴いて居る。

Shipping update: Al Franken's «Giant in the Senate».

5:33 PM Leonard Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
7:10 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9, Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3, Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-9, 12«Revolutionary» 7:50 PM まで。Chopin NocturneとSchoenberg各1回目途中で中断は、MK Ultra Sonarで記憶、読譜障害を引き起こされた結果。最終的には、形にはして居るが。
8:00 PM Feodor Chaliapin (Marston Records) CD 6 and 7を視聴。
10:44 PM «Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)を視聴。
11:38 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987)を視聴。
Are you the people of the entire rest of the world getting truths from Nazi Japanese government over their unconstitutional monitoring of my activities? Pentagon's interception on Meta today on 23 Januar 2024. 11:57 PM. (Watch out this space!!!)
0:30 AM Artur Schnabel plays Mozart nr. 23 with Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra current New York Philharmonic Orchestra under conducting of Arthur Rodzinsky on March 3, 1946 and nr. 24 concerti with Standard [Oil] Symphony Orchestra (absorbed to current Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra) under Alfred Wallenstein on January 12, 1946を視聴。 Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan in 1990. I will type the its liner note by Harris Goldsmith (on its earlier version appeared in The Musical Times of June 1989 issue) later, which explains everything and the photos and choice of works by Vladimir Horowitz in his last recording in October and November in 1989 made by CBS Records and issued by Sony Classical in the Spring of 1990).
Artur Schnabel - Musician and Pianist by Harris Goldsmith for Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan in 1990) in its earlier version was appeared in The Musical Times, June 1989.
Note that Vladimir Horowitz was a pupil of Artur Schnabel and son-in-law of Arturo Toscanini.
*** Opus 123 «Valery Afanassiev crimes against humanity since early 1980s, thus, have been revealed and VA's arrest is closer and closer». D. 959 and Mozart Fortepiano Quartet on Vladimir Horowitz last recording's photos and his deep agony, thus, without slightest ambiguous part revealed.
There are many roads to Rome. The later B. H. Haggin -- an inveterate pontificator -- liked to link Schnabel with Arturo Toscanini. The pianist and conductor both provided "clarifying articulation which seemed to reveal the structure and expres-sive  content  (of Beethoven's music) for the first time." There was no love lost between the two musicians in question, how-ever, and both resented Haggin's admiring juxtaposition. Toscanini objecterd to Schnabel's habit of mak-ing agogic adjustments in his performances. The pi-anist also had another foible -- a tendency to rush that also undoubtedly dis-turbed the great conduc-tor, whose own rhythmic sense was impeccable (unless he too was rushing, as he did on occasion!)
A clash of tempera-ments was also involved. Toscanini must have found Schnabel's kind of intellec-tualizing more than a shade pretentious and offputting. Schnabel, for his part, had an un-doubted Teutonic superiority complex. Just as he cavalierly  excluded Chopin and Debussy from the pantheon of compos-ers who wrote "music which is better than it could be performed," he likewise patronized the Ital-ian -- whose talents, he felt, were put to better use gal-vanizing Verdi in the opera pit than attempting to "militarize" Beethoven, Schubert and Brahms in the concert hall. I also strongly  suspect  that Schnabel fully suspected that Toscanini was not exactly one of his staunch-est admirers and this made him all the more defensive. Said he to a friend, after one of his few direct encounters with the conduc-tor, "He thinks that only he is pure!"
For all that, these two antagonists had much in common. Both shared a major musical goal (which Haggin was correct in per-ceiving): Architecture with passion. Both were fully cognizant in dealing with what Haggin once identified as the problem of knowing "what to do be-tween the the p here and the f eight bars later." Both, in other words, were artists of imagination. And both were purists but not literal-ists -- they had the authority and common sense to modify the score if musical logic so dictated. Both had contempt for practicion-ers who fussed endlessly with the trees while ignoring the forest (not unlike cer-tain Baroque specialists who worry about notes and ornamentation but forget to phrase). Neither musi-cian was immune to criti-cism. Both professed to serve the composers rather than themselves, but with such larger-than-life tem-peraments, both Schnabel and Toscanini sometimes dominated their interpreta-tions -- commandingly or distastefully, according to individual opinion
It is therefore quite understandable  that Schnabel -- like Toscanini excelled in the music of Beethoven. Or that both should have found Mozar-tean elegance more problematic.    In Beethoven's often stressful music, both artists operated with a naturalness that verged on clairvoy-ance: the energizing stress clarified structure and emotional content, and, when appropriate, sup-plied a wonderful, bracing momentum. In Schnabel's Beethoven (less so in Tos-canini's, but also there of-ten enough) were mo-ments of crazy impulsive-ness, a roguish brio, an abandon, a willingness to take high risks. And certain melodies were outlined with a dancing, elemental "spin." (For the first qualities, listen to Schnabel playing the Trio in the second movement of Op. 27, No. 1; for the "spin," try the opening of the B flat Con-certo's Rondo.) To this day, many  of  the  great Beethoven  slow  move-ments have not been so completely enriched as in Schnabel's enriched as in Schnabel's  gravely  in-flected, profoundly hu-manized interpretations.
The same virility and energy -- and,  yes,  the same solemnity -- when applied to Mozart's sparer textures and more patri-cian manner, might work on occasion, but more of-ten than not it came across as merely brusque, and even untidy (as when Schnabel's already-cited tendency to rush creates occasional ensemble problems in the concertos, e.g. the development sec-tion of K. 467's first move-ment as recorded in 1937 with Malcolm Sargent and the LSO). And his stub-bornly wrong-headed slow pacing of K. 595's sec-ond movement is not merely static but almost ludicrously portentous. Still, one hears in the Rondo of that selfsame last concerto a "lift" as airborne as that admired in Beethoven's Op. 19. And one would have to search far and wide for a more succinct and affecting account of the G minor Piano Quartet (K. 478) than that recorded in 1934 by Schnabel and members of the Pro Arte Quartet.
Schnabel's effusive lyricism often struck a re-sponsive chord in Schnabel's persona, and even when it didn't (as in the Rondo of the D. 959 So-nata, and in virtually all of the D. 850 Sonata in the re-corded performances), a compensating Beethov-enian rigor saves the day. All of Schnabel's Mozart and Schubert recordings have been issued in the US by Arabesque, who have also brought out an excel-lent transfer of the Beethoven concerto recordings that the pianist made with Sargent be-tween 1932 and 1935. EMI's most recent reissue of the Beethoven solo piano works on LP utilizes vastly improved transfers. One hopes that these, too will appear soon in the new medium.
Moving forward to the world of the Romantics, Schnabel's fervor was enhanced by the cutting edge of his intellect. Weber's invitation to the Dancer, which Schnabel -- uniquely for his epoch -- preferred to play in its tasteful original version, had a wordly, "laidback" mellowness that contrasted instructively with the equally winning, but more intense, recording made later by his gifted disciple, Leon Fleisher (he, too, using the Urtext). But Schumann and Brahms, to judge from surviving evi-dence, were a trifle unidio-matic under Schnabel's advocacy: his Brahms G minor Rhapsody has an undercurrent of nuance but sounds a little fustian and nervous alongside the tougher solidity of Back-haus and Edwin Fischer, and conversely matter-of-fact when measured alongside Kempff's prismatic poetry. His record-ing of Schumann's Kin-derszenen has an elo-quent, ruminative but completely unsentimental "Träumerei" framed by some rather militaristic, im-personal traversals of the surrounding pieces. Simi-larly, his reading of the Pi-ano Quintet (with the Pro Arte Quartet) is on the massive, Teutonic side (cf. the wonderfully soaring treatment by Gabrilow-itsch, a fellow Leschetizky pupil, and the Flonzaleys). As for the Piano Concerto, it is not at all a service to Schnabel's reputation. In-deed, the pianist's son Karl Ulrich, on being queried about this recording (an aircheck of a 1945 broad-cast with Alfred Wallenstein and the Los Angeles Phil-harmonic), flatly dismissed it as a counterfeit. But his writer has heard the origi-nals from which this "live" performance disc is de-rived -- replete with an-nouncements proving its authenticity  beyond doubt. One hopes that Schnabel's broadcast of the same concerto two years earlier with Pierre Monteux (whom Schnabel once cited as his preferred conductor) will in time sur-face, and that it will prove a corrective for the other, erratic account.
Leschetizky is re-puted to have told the twelve-year-old Schnabel that "you are a musician, never a pianist." Evidently, even at that early stage, Schnabel's seriousness and penchant for struc-tural elucidation were fully evident. But, truth to tell, the boy grew up not only to be a magnificent musician but also a pianist of brilliant virtuosity. He was a wonderfully natural player, had a purling legato with-out peer and a physical ease and relaxation un-available to a fellow spiri-tual seeker, Rudolf Serkin. So smooth was Schnabel's legato in fact that individ-ual notes would "melt" into one another. sometimes causing one to forget that the piano is ostensibly a percussive instrument. Quipped Moriz Rosenthal, on hearing of Schnabel's rejection from military serv-ice: "What did you expect? No fingers!"
Except for a few pi-ano rolls (always notori-ously suspect documents), Schnabel made no re-cordings until he was nearly fifty years old. Many of those first phonographic efforts preserve enough of the reputed early virtuosity fully to substantiate word-of-mouth and written re-ports of youthful fire-eating (both Arrau and Horowitz attest to his audacious Liszt playing). But as evidence accumulated (once having broken the ice of resis-tance a prolific recorder), his glo-rious reputation began to be sullied by increasingly frequent falls from grace. One has only to compare Schnabel's 1942 RCA re-makes of Beethoven's Sonatas, Opp. 109 and 111 with his HMV Beethoven Sonata Society issues of a decade earlier to perceive alarming falling off of struc-tural and rhythmic control, a deterioration set in mo-tion not by a mere ageing process (Schnabel was still only 60 years old in 1942) but rather what I believe to have been his increasing aura of self-satisfaction. In fairness, Schnabel did re-ject those 1942 recordings (they were issued posthu-mously). But is is unfortu-nate that the great pianist wasn't always similarly self-critical: he ought to have rejected his miserably cha-otic recordings of the Hammerklavier Sonata's first movement, the finale of Op. 31, No. 3, and virtually the whole of Op. 101 (the latter's brief Langsam und sehnsuychtvoll move-ment  is  beautifully played). The above-cited recordings, along with oth-ers (e.g. over pedaled, rather flaccid Bach performances and slovenly-played versions of the two Brahms concertos) have served to fuel an anti-Schnabel backlash in re-cent years.
Which brings me to the question of Schnabel's legacy to future genera-tions: one can certainly condone a master inter-preter neglecting the drudgery of daily practice, all the more understand-able when Schnabel was already such a formidably-endowed instrumentalist, and a musician so teeming with unquenchable curios-ity. Naturally, he would want to forego the drudg-ery in favor of achieving greater freedom and spiri-tuality: After what tuned out to be his last recital ever, he told his son that, for the first time, he had managed to play the final bars of Beethoven's Op. 90 Sonata in a manner that he found convincing.
But it was wholly irre-sponsible for such a re-nowned pedagogue to lecture impressionable young disciples on the col-lege circuit and virtuously proclaim: "I do most of my working for performances while walking!" Of course, the remark was a facetious one -- many Schnabel pu-pils attest to his taskmaster-ish demands viz technical proficienty ("With so many splendid pianists around," he asked one of them, "do you really expect to make you really expect to make your way in this world with a defective trill?", and to his many ingenious and help-ful exercises in finding a musical solution to daunt-ing pianistic problems -- but, alas, many took it liter-ally at face value, with deleterious  conse-quences.
Schnabel's magnifi-cent artistry, his sublime command of sound in space, his elucidation of structure and meaning, quivering nuances, and wonderfully robust spiritu-ality have been -- and through recordings will remain -- an inestimable treasure in the annals of musical interpretation. His provocative editions have given much food for thought and have sparked the inspirations of subse-quent interpreters. For these gifts, he has won deserved immortality. Un-fortunately, his few serious failings -- his already cited bias toward Austro-Ger-man music that prompted some "intellectual" critics and musicians to disre-member that Chopin's Bar-carolle, say, was also "bet-ter than it could be per-formed"; his growing incli-nation to accept the dic-tum of equating porten-tous slowness with profun-dity: and, most inimical of all, his imparting the notion that it is somehow pedan-tic and dishonorable to pay heed to technical problems, that "wood-shedding" was for mere "pi-anists," not for would-be "musicians" -- also  had baleful consequences for younger artists who cari-catured his stylistic idiosyn-crasies without fully com-prehending which of them were valid musical ideas and which were mere bad habits. But nobody's per-fect, and few were as in-triguingly "imperfect" as Schnabel.
©1989 Harris Goldsmith
A note on these con-cert performances: During the public performance of ther Concerto K. 488 Schna-bel's had a memory lapse at 22'26". He stopped play-ing; there was a brief si-lence, during which he score; then the perform-ance was resumed. The break in the performance has been edited out in this traces of the disaster remain: there are six meas-ures where the piano and orchestra are in different locations, 16 bars of music were omitted in the performance and another four were edited out in this CD as unusable; then with the restart you hear eight bars without piano, with Schnabel waiting for an appropriate re-entry point.
The Concerto K. 491 features Schnabel's con-troversial modernistic ca-denzas, also used in his commercial recording with Susskind.
*An earlier version of this essay appeared in The Musical Times, June 1989.
Schnabel had a fondness for paradoxes: once, re-sponding to a suggestion that he remake an especially flawed take at a recording session, the pianist declined, saying, "I might play better, but it would not be as good!"

What has troubled Vladimir Horowitz for decades. Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free). Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan and issued in 1990)
What has troubled Vladimir Horowitz for decades. Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free). Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan and issued in 1990)
What has troubled Vladimir Horowitz for decades. Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free). Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan and issued in 1990)
What has troubled Vladimir Horowitz for decades. Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free). Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan and issued in 1990)
What has troubled Vladimir Horowitz for decades. Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free). Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan and issued in 1990)
What has troubled Vladimir Horowitz for decades. Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free). Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan and issued in 1990)
What has troubled Vladimir Horowitz for decades. Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free). Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan and issued in 1990)
What has troubled Vladimir Horowitz for decades. Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free). Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan and issued in 1990)
What has troubled Vladimir Horowitz for decades. Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free). Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan and issued in 1990)
What has troubled Vladimir Horowitz for decades. Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free). Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan and issued in 1990)

写真をflashを焚いて1枚撮る毎に再起動を與儀無くされた。科学音痴の大石あきこに考えて貰いたい。再起動とflash附き写真1枚撮影と何方が電力を消費するのかを。上掲の写真は、皆同一の蓄電池で連続して撮影した物で在る。撮影時刻から逐一再起動を余儀無くされた事実が理解されるだろう。私には、再起動する事由が全く無いし、早く仕事を片附けて、就寝したい。4:54 AM。
Rockefeller家がArturo Benedetti Michelangeliに批難されたのは、«Großvater Tanz»を観れば明瞭。GroßはGrossでCommodityの意。5:50 AM。Germanyは数年前にßを撤廃しSSの綴に変更して居る。これが証左。7:47 AM。
9:29 AM 就寝。
夕喰前、68.8 kg (6:55 PM)

среда 24 января 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
9:29 AM 就寝、3:17 PM 起床。
3:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、Антрактを挟み、視聴。是迄もそうして居たが、拍手は頭の中で意識してHall内での当日の物を想像して鳴らし、脳内で処理する。concert全体の完璧な再現の目的で。(«Egmont» Ouverture: Japan Polydore POCG-2362, Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789)。
5:30 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9, Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3, Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-9, 12«Revolutionary» 6:00 PM まで。調子が善かったので、壊される手前で中断した。寄ってOpus 101-2, 3, Chopin Polonaise «Heroiс» Opus 53, etude 10-9 (2回目)は弾いて居無い。
6:07 PM Feodor Chaliapin (Marston Records) CD 8 and 9を視聴。Marstonがdisc nr. 5, 9, 11のみ裏返して封入して居た。今回網羅的に聴くまで気附か無かった事。今回のBattistiniの購入の際に、不要で大した意味も無い商品を私のshopping cartに入れて私を脅して、強制的に給附金を浪費させ様とした事実から、私の所有下に移るべきだが、彼等の矜持には買える部分も残る。

When try to cut and paste on Instagram. Pentagon's evil deeds are, thus, sparking!!!
Al Franken's «Giant in the Senate» shipping update.

8:45 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
10:15 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
11:00 PM Башопера Джузепе Верди «Травиата»をпрямой эфирで視聴。
1:00 AM Капелла Санкт-Петербургаを迷ったが、前半のみ視聴。自身の遣るべき事に徹する為。
1:43 AM «Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)を視聴。
2:37 AM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987)を視聴。3:28 AM まで。
4:04 AM Pierre Monteux time 就寝。

четверг 25 января 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
Wilhelm Furtwängler's birthday. それで理解され様が、私は時期衆議院選挙は期日前投票初日に白紙投票を行う。れいわ新選組もNazists Japanの一翼を私を騙して担ったから、是は当然の措置だ。同期して、内情を識る他の日本国民が私を真似て善い事をは、全く意味し無い。法治国家を自認するなら、鳩山由紀夫を引き摺り出して内閣総理大臣に再任し、私に謝罪する義務が在る。それをせず、現状放置を続けるから、Buchaの虐殺と謂うFake newsを本当に起こった事として、自分達は親米主義者でも在る、とも居直り、洗脳で得点を稼ごうとする孫崎享と鳩山由紀夫を含めてNazists呼ばわりされる。由無し事では決して無い。1:17 AM。
3:50 AM 就寝、11:13 AM 起床。
11:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、Антрактを挟み、視聴。是迄もそうして居たが、拍手は頭の中で意識してHall内での当日の物を想像して鳴らし、脳内で処理する。concert全体の完璧な再現の目的で。(«Egmont» Ouverture: Japan Polydore POCG-2362, Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789)。
1:15 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
3:00 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9, Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3, Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-9, 12«Revolutionary» 3:30 PM まで。上出来。質、最後のtakeは電池消耗を理由に途中で中断されて居る。実際には、そうでは無いし、電池を変えずに使えて居る。
3:45 PM Sun Plazaでたかなしmilk x2 を購入。出掛け様としたら、小雪が散らついて居たので、fortepianoの練習を先に行った。万代で卵 (x10) x1を購入。今日は様相が違い、人間狩りの被害に一切遭わ無かった。只、此処からが難しい。The Pentagonの犯行を証明する必要が在る訳だが、MK Ultra Sonarと地震兵器に就いては、疑問視する向きが多いのも事実の様だから。私の様な被害者でも、執拗に被害に遭って居無い時は、本当にその様な事が在るのか、と自身の認識を疑って来たのも事実なので。結局、私に勝とうとするThe PentagonがDSC-HX5の強制再起動や他の諸々やtorture timeで顕現するので、矢張り本当に在るのだ、と判る。4:39 PM。5:08 PM 改定。上述の様な時間は過ぎ、強烈な思考妨害、Metaの閲覧妨害被害に遭って居る。逐一The Pentagonの連中とKaddishをし、勝た無いと"love"のmarkも着けられ無い(平素連中が誤魔化しで行うのは、"like"なら構わ無い、そこから感じ方が変わって"love"にした、と謂う謂い訳が出来るなら、と謂う物だ。私は最初からそうした部分の結論は決めて居る。極稀に"care"にすべき処を"love"にすると謂う誤ちが在るが、それだけの事だ)。そう成ると、MK Ultra Sonarは自明の技術だ、と謂う至極真っ当な結論と成る。7:22 PMより7:28 PMまで。

Al Franken's «Giant in the Senate» update.

新発見。Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief | Philips Japan)がOswald Kabasta指揮July 14, 1944のDer Münchener Philharmonikerの演奏録音だ、との虚偽報告に就いて。1984年7月14日NHK AMの中学生用番組「世界名曲めぐり [指揮者が変われば]」でWilhelm Furtwängler指揮の1947年5月25日のHistoric Returnを放送した事実に基づく改竄。«神殺しの海豚漁»の新証拠。0:54 PM まで。
Vermeer Blueの衣装を着た、「冬を弾く」女Viktoria MullovaとClaudio Abbadoの関係と彼等のJohannes Brahms Violin Concerto in D recorded live in Suntory Hall on January 25, 1992 (Philips)を買え無い、彼等の別離以外と、その直後からのMullovaのPrevin等と同期した堕落を除いた真相。この2人、Claudio AbbadoとViktoria Mullovaは、上記を識って居たのに、その割に努力が足り無いから。Claudio Abbadoは1980年代には、未だ頑張って居た、とSerena Nonoから訊いて居るし、復た、1990年代に入っても時折頑張った(Maurizio PolliniとのSchumann and Schoenberg fortepiano concerti)のも事実なのだが、全体を見通すと下に証明した様に、中途半端。0:58 PM。Norman Lebrechtが初期にClaudio AbbadoのDer Berliner Philharmoniker music director就任concertに就いて報告して居るが、彼れはその通りで、Wilhelm Furtwänglerを真似れば善い、と謂う物では無いし、何故、Brahms 1st symphonieとDebussyの«La Damoiselle élue»なのか。真意は野々村禎彦が謂う様に«The Rite of Spring»では無いのか? 野々村のemail addressはnono@frank.riken.or.jpだった筈。IRCAMはserver名にbrahmsを使用して居た。
1992 Berliner Philharmoniker Silvesterkonzert conducted by Claudio Abbado pianist Martha Argerichの«Prometheo»も証拠 (They lied, Silence is Golden)。And, 1994 Berliner Philharmoniker Silvesterkonzert by the same conductor with Marray Perahia in Schumann fortepiano concerto recorded by Sony Classical in dull sound unlike Perahia's other recordings is another revealing proof. 1:12 PM.
4:35 PM «Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)を視聴。Franz Liszt after Franz Schubert (Franz Schubert arr. Franz Liszt) Soirées de Vienne: Valse-Caprice no. 6の6:16 - 6:22 stressed on E for 6 times: implying Aaron Copland's «Fanfare for the Common Man»。7:07に無音を続けて終了。«Why Mahler?» «Concert of The Century on May 18, 1976» original and changed programmes.

«Concert of The Century on May 18, 1976» original and changed programmes: From Mozart aria K. 505 into Rachmaninoff Cello Sonata 3rd movement. And, entire concert programme was re-shuffled.

5:28 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987)を視聴。6:18 PM まで。
6:22 PM Feodor Chaliapin (Marston Records) CD 10 and 11を視聴。9:00 PM まで。
9:00 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)を視聴。9:30 PM まで。
9:38 PM Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp by Soviet Army Memorial Concert Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigent César Franck Sinfonie in ré minor and Johannes Brahms Sinfonie nr. 2 in ré major (January 28th, 1945 recording SWF 902)を視聴。
11:00 PM Artur Schnabel plays Mozart nr. 23 with Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra current New York Philharmonic Orchestra under conducting of Arthur Rodzinsky on March 3, 1946 and nr. 24 concerti with Standard [Oil] Symphony Orchestra (absorbed to current Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra) under Alfred Wallenstein on January 12, 1946を視聴。11:55 PM まで。
0:00 AM Башопераを途中から視聴。0:38 AM 就寝。

пятница 26 января 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
0:38 AM 就寝、8:25 AM 起床。
8:28 AM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。途中で蓄積疲労の為、就寝。1:20 PM まで。
2:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、30 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。是迄もそうして居たが、拍手は頭の中で意識してHall内での当日の物を想像して鳴らし、脳内で処理する。concert全体の完璧な再現の目的で。(«Egmont» Ouverture: Japan Polydore POCG-2362, Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789)。

Al Franken's «Giant in the Senate»

3:30 PM Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp by Soviet Army Memorial Concert Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigent César Franck Sinfonie in ré minor and Johannes Brahms Sinfonie nr. 2 in ré major (January 28th, 1945 recording SWF 902)を視聴。Gustav Mahler symphonie nr. 1がJohannes Brahms symphonie nr. 2の4th movementから借り出しして居る事に明瞭に気附いた。
蓄積疲労の為、就寝。翌日11:11 AM 起床。

суббота 27 января 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
蓄積疲労の為、前日夕刻就寝。翌日11:11 AM 起床。就寝時間は長いが、その大半はMK Ultra Sonarに拠る執拗で最強度のlynchingとtortureとbrain-washingだった。そう謂う場合に起床時の状況で、総べて暴露される仕組みに成って居る。東京公安は馬鹿しか居無いのでね(Relief盤がWilhelm Furtwänglerの正規盤だ、とは、告白して来た。厳罰しか待って居無いので密命との間で、困ったのだろう)。私の方はと謂うと、最早MK Ultra Sonarの洗脳に流される程、柔では無い。経験値と叡智が物を謂う。0:19 PM。
11:30 AM Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp by Soviet Army Memorial Concert Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigent César Franck Sinfonie in ré minor and Johannes Brahms Sinfonie nr. 2 in ré major (January 28th, 1945 recording SWF 902)を視聴。

Al Franken's «Giant in the Senate»

0:50 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、30 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。是迄もそうして居たが、拍手は頭の中で意識してHall内での当日の物を想像して鳴らし、脳内で処理する。concert全体の完璧な再現の目的で。(«Egmont» Ouverture: Japan Polydore POCG-2362, Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789)。
2:50 PM 頃から 5:25 PM まで、昨晩の出来事で頸椎捻挫して居たのを、正す目的で入浴後に就寝。大して治ら無かったが、多少、増しには成った。
5:40 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9, Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3, Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-9, 12«Revolutionary» 6:20 PM まで。頚椎捻挫の為、Beethoven以降は試さず。
6:22 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
8:08 PM 就寝。2:35 PM 起床。
起床時、68.2 kg (5:25 PM)

воскресенье 28 января 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
8:08 PM 就寝。2:35 PM 起床。
2:40 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、30 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。是迄もそうして居たが、拍手は頭の中で意識してHall内での当日の物を想像して鳴らし、脳内で処理する。concert全体の完璧な再現の目的で。(«Egmont» Ouverture: Japan Polydore POCG-2362, Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789)。
5:00 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9, Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3, Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-9, 12«Revolutionary» 5:40 PM まで。«Revolutionaryt»の2回目と10-9, Beethoven 101-2, 3は練習し無かった。
5:18 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
7:10 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)を視聴。
8:00 PM Детский хор "Весна" имени А.С. Пономарёва | The A.S. Ponomarev Сhildren’s Choir "Vesna" を視聴。視聴妨害され無い為に、DR-40で録音しながら聴いて居る。10'00"の手前で咳を2回して居るが、直後に、"That doesn't mean that I have ever coughed in the hall"と呼吸音で正して措居た。解析出来れば、軍事技術としてこの線までは、合格。どうやら軍事技術としての音声解析の対立に在る様だ。彼等The Pentagonが私にPedophiliaだとの方向に執心して居る。私が、"Pedophilia? 馬鹿じゃね〜の?" と返した、其の"ばっかじゃね〜の"の部分を削除し様と、連中は躍起に成って居る。9:02 PM。そもそもTom Deaconって何者? Philipsの大物producerと謂う肩書きだが、The Great Pianists of the 20th Century以外に仕事をして居無いし、その相方は、r.m.c.でVladimir Horowitzの«Carnaval»にMargaret Mikulskaの愛人だったろうRoger Lustigと共に執心したPalestinianだったろう(これを暴くのは、Anti-Zionism側の自陣にとって否定的な結論に成るかも知れ無いが、事実は事実なので指摘して措く)Farhan Malikだった。24'00"で一端確定して、uploadして措いたPart 2の1'00"過ぎ頃から、冷蔵庫からcheeseを取り出して喰したのだが、The Russian Federation側から、それが問題に成るので、止めて呉れとの要望が在ったので、実音声での録音を余儀無くされた。10:13 PM。残りはbisだけなのだが、此処で一端終了し、uploadを行った。10:23 PM。大石あきこの当選記念に、田中新也の娘を用いて実験済みだろう。何時までNazismに惚けるのか。10:24 PM。断って措くが、MK Ultra Sonar兵器がRFK Jr.がそうで在る様に、筋肉に向けられた場合、咀嚼音も可聴音に出来るが、此れを彼等は今回の録音では用いて居無い。USA-JAP-EU-NATOのNazists勢力の完全敗北の筈。10:58 PM。
それにしても、千々岩英一と謂う輩、死刑は免れるだろうが、Orchestre de Parisからは追放して貰わねば、困る。Berlinの非知性派Oak Barrel Kashimotoと同様だ。

The Pentagon's force-translation into their own meaningless words.
The Pentagon's force-translation into their own meaningless words.
The Pentagon's force-translation into their own meaningless words.
The Pentagon's force-translation into their own meaningless words.

10:20 PM 昨夜のШостакович. Симфония № 7 «Ленинградская» | Николай Алексеев | Трансляция концертаを視聴。大変な名演。
2:00 AM 過ぎ、気には成って居た、最早相手にして居無かったmedici.tvでYoav Levanon, Martha Argerich, Akane Sakai, and Sergio Tiempo perform Liszt, Marc-André Hamelin (world premiere), Prokofiev, and Ravelの冒頭を聴く。このYoav Levanonと謂うfortepianist、昨夏は見掛け倒しだ、と思って相手にして居無かったが、精進したら、斯も変わるのか、と思った。2:20 AM。
3:19 AM 塵出し後、就寝。服薬は2時間前に行って居る。
起床時、67.8 kg (2:35 PM)

понедельник 29 января 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
11:00 AM 塵出し後、3:00 AM 就寝、 6:24 AM 起床。

Al Franken's «Giant in the Senate». Latest update. If delivered afternoon, it can be arrived today 29 Januar 2024.

6:26 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、30 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。是迄もそうして居たが、拍手は頭の中で意識してHall内での当日の物を想像して鳴らし、脳内で処理する。concert全体の完璧な再現の目的で。(«Egmont» Ouverture: Japan Polydore POCG-2362, Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789)。

Al Franken's «Giant in the Senate». Latest update. If delivered afternoon, it can be arrived today 29 Januar 2024.

8:00 AM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)を視聴。
8:45 AM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3, Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-9, 12«Revolutionary» 9:08 AM まで。Beethoven以降は後程。
Watch out this space!!! Also here for fortepiano daily practice.
9:30 AM から11:00 AM まで。北条郵便局で残金を引き出し、Sun Plazaでたかなしの低温殺菌milk x2を購入しに出掛ける。9:43 AM まで。北条郵便局で、懇意にして居る人達と「この頃、運気が向いて来てね。」と世間話。その後、Sun Plazaからの帰途、新大和橋の信号で、無理すれば渡れたのを、それを選ばずのんびりゆっくりして待とうとしたら、それを見計らって緊急出動した大阪府警の間抜け共の人間狩り車両に遭遇。信号の処で態々停止直前まで速度まで落として来る始末 (快晴の空の下、多国籍の偵察衛星に監視された中での無様な人間狩り、格好悪いたらありゃし無い)。流石、維新の躾が出来て居ますな。桐島何某と同様に、貴様等の小遣い稼ぎも既に終幕だ、阿呆共めが*。ああ、そう謂えば、人間狩りの被害には自宅前でも遭った。二宮さんと西口が立ち話をして居て、西口には掛ける謂葉が無いので、無視せざるを得無かった。斯う謂う人間狩りに参加してしまう所が、二宮家の弱さの顕現。9:51 AM。書き忘れて居たが、北条郵便局での出納の際、同時に1月分の資料をThe Russian Embassy to Japan in Tokyoに送附し措いた。定形外普通郵便。1:11 PM 追記。
*今日の大阪府警のmoronsはそのintending Nazism故に流石に、懲役刑執行猶予無しで、逮捕収監せざるを得無い。復た、維新の阿呆振りは、音喜多と謂う無知無学な子供を、民主党が中田安彦の先達で在る安住淳を財務大臣に据えた時(「日銀って子供銀行かよ。そんな政党はとても支持出来無い。」が私の当時の実直な感想)の様に、政調会長に据えて居り、その音喜多の昨日の怯えで十分、後藤田も。それと、維新の見所は、「知事入ります」の手前で首を垂れるおっさんの態度の変化の方が余程重要。吉村洋文等の会見には、内容は全く無いので、無音で適当に仕草を観察すれば終わりの仕事。
10:00 AM fortepianoの練習、後半。Beethoven 101-1, 2, 3; Chopin Opus 53, 10/9 and «Revolutionary»。10:20 AM まで。
10:42 AM «Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germnay, 1989)を視聴。
11:35 AM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987)を視聴。視聴しながら老眼鏡を掛け、虫眼鏡を用いて、正教会聖書を読む。Неллиが送って呉れた書籍は、私には未だ知ら無い単語が多過ぎて難しいので、Yandex translatorを使いながら学びたいのだが、Неллиの善意と祖国The Russian Federationの威信を傷附けたく無いので、躊躇して居る。11:51 AM。
0:28 PM Feodor Chaliapin (Marston Records) CD 12 and 13を視聴。CD 13の最終trackのみ時間調整の目的で、後程視聴。
3:18 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。5:09 PM まで。
5:00 PM 前頃、Al Franken «Giant in the Senate»が到着。問題の以下に該当する部分を捜索中だが、Former New York City Mayor Koch warned Senator Franken not to go to work at his office at the World Trade Center."I had an office in the Trade Center where I used to do most of my writing. The call came from former New York mayor Ed Koch. 'Al,' he told me, 'don't go to work on the twenty-third day of Elul.'" 2度の通読でも、著者がcommedianで反Trumpのhumble Jewだと謂う以上の証拠を見い出せて居無い。こう謂う事も在ろうか、と思って写真を撮影しながら開封したが、著者の直筆sigtnatureをformer ownerがPublic Libraryに所属して居た事に工作して居る。目下の発見は、以下の通り。pp. 202 torn, pp 98 - 99 No Joke, pp 95 Holocaust, pp 44 CIA工作員の毛髪。pp. 108 Anne Frank, pp. 159 Yom Kippur, pp. 70 Princeton, pp 60 Ramsfeld, pp. 89 Let go and God, pp. 56 Dick Cheney, pp. 49-50 破損。何れにせよ、23 Elul の件は、Horowitz Live!で証明済み。以下の「記述」は補佐 (Appendix)。
"The call came from former New York mayor Ed Koch. 'Al,' he told me, 'don't go to work on the twenty-third day of Elul.'" 通読した所、興味深い著作だが、問題箇所が贋作だった場合は、NSA-CIAのterrorism (従来からのAnti-SemiteのPat Buchananに賭ける手法の寄り手の混んだ物) 工作として、返金させる。
復た、写真撮影で普段以上に抵抗して来たので、都合が悪いのは、USAと糠喜びに沸く自公維新勢力なのは、間違い無い。The Pentagonと附き合うと、そう謂う物事の核心が容易に観える様に成る。連中が嫌う行為は、連中にとって都合が悪い、と謂う至極簡単明瞭な論理。今回の場合、通常の倍処では無かったので、そこまで追い詰められて居る、と謂う事。それと維新が間抜けなのは、恐らく、私がmedici.tvの抜き打ち検査で、Nazism称揚に湧くPoland国民 (Ukrainiansが多数を占めて居たと仮にしても)を記録として押さえた事の意味合いの勘違いから来る物と思われる。何れにしても、馬鹿に着ける薬は無い。7:24 PM。

Proof. (Only available online-on-purpose signed in person version)
NSA-CIA errors.
NSA-CIA errors.
NSA-CIA errors.
NSA-CIA errors.
NSA-CIA errors.

Al Frankenの著書を再読中。古舘伊知郎に掛けて私を騙そうとした、NSA-CIAの耄碌で在る可能性が濃厚。自作自演なので、Former New York City Mayor Ed Kochから電話が在り、23 ElulにはWorld Trade Centerに向かうな、と謂われたと謂う話で、「他人を信用し無い」と嘘を吐き、それでNazismを世界中にばら撒き、その上の上述の愚策で騙そうとして、逆に自傷して当然。8:04 PM。以下の通りに証明済み。Al FrankenとUSAの決定的自損は、FrankenがHebrew音痴で在る証左が、開陳されて居る事。Al FrankenはJewの癖にAlphabetsすら知ら無い。章立てで判る。
«Horowitz Live!» September 24th, 1978 (23 Elul 5738) at 3:45 PM with New York Philharmonic and Zubin Mehta (Indian [הודי]が指揮者)でVladimior Horowitzは(Jew [יהודי]) を視聴。23年後[Sin (שׁ)]23 Elul 5761911が敢行された記念日。The PentagonとNomenclature及びそれに只管に随い続けるWhite HouseとCapitol HillそれにRockefeller家一族。そう謂う構図が観て取れる。(2024年1月1日2:39 AM までにElul 23の部分を追記。Hebrew Calendarへのlinkは既に日記筆記当日に完了して居た。)
9:00 PM Орган Live! в Томскеを視聴。
起床時、68.2 kg (9:00 PM)

втроник 30 января 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
1:30 AM 頃就寝、5:45 PM 起床。
6:45 PM fortepianoの練習。 Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-12«Revolutionary» 7:10 PM まで。Beethoven 101-2, 3, 10-9 2回目は明日以降に飛ばす。
7:30 PMcWilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、30 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。是迄もそうして居たが、拍手は頭の中で意識してHall内での当日の物を想像して鳴らし、脳内で処理する。concert全体の完璧な再現の目的で。(«Egmont» Ouverture: Japan Polydore POCG-2362, Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789)。
9:20 PM Artur Schnabel Plays Mozart № 23 and № 24 concerti (Music & Arts 632; Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan, 1990)を№ 24 K. 491 and № 23 K. 488の順で視聴。
10:30 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987)を視聴。
11:08 PM «Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)を視聴。11:11 PM 以降、特にMozart B minor Adagioの辺りから、The Pentagonのdeceptive attacksが増長して居る。翌日の琥珀以降、真実を暴露し過ぎたので、lynchingを私に対して行い、同時に嘘を世界に吹聴して居る物、と思われる。仕方が無いので、服薬して逆支配下に戻そうと試みて居る。11:41 PM。記すと多少引くので、上述の、その通りなのだろう。
0:42 AM 私の現在のРуский языкの水準に就いて。19歳の折のEnglishの能力に似て居る。文章を作るのには苦労するが、大まかなnuancesは理解する事が多いし、相手が謂った事は総べて記憶する様なdrive recorderが出来て居る。無論、Руский языкの学習に対してもThe Pentagonの執拗な妨害が在るから斯うなのだが、19歳当時と酷似して居る事だけは、間違い無い事実だ。例えば、ChicagoのOrchestra HallでJohn Bruce Yehと最後に出会った折、「New YorkでJames Sheldonと謂うhomosexualに出遭ったのだが、この男有名らしいのだが、知って居るか」を訊ねた所、「聴いた事が在る気がする」と返された、そう謂う逐一。その時に彼の当時の妻Joと出会った事、娘のconcertに出掛けるので、急いで居た事、Joは家庭的な人で、私はそれが好きだったのだが、JoはJohn Bruceが私の様なあかの他人に時間を使う事を快く思って居無かった事、等。或いは、最初に彼と出逢ったOrchestra HallのFoyerで、Marsha Boxerから、「Richard StraussのOboe Concertoは聴いた事が在るか?」を訊ねられ、日本では有名曲しか中々聴く機会が無く、初めてだ、と答えた事、等。0:55 AM。
1:00 AM ШУБЕРТ. STABAT MATER | БЕТХОВЕН. СИМФОНИЯ № 7 | РНО | МАСТЕРА ХОРОВОГО ПЕНИЯ | АЛЕКСАНДР СОЛОВЬЁВをпрямой эфирで視聴。1:01 AM 録音に切り替えた所、攻撃が極端に低下した。軍事機密情報の漏れを恐れて居るのだろうが、恐らく、何処かの時点で、攻撃に移る、と私は考える。そうで無く、接続妨害も無く、進めば、それに越した事は無い。1:03 AM。1:12 PM 現在、The Russian Federation側の戦略的消音が1度、微小な接続妨害、音飛びが3度程、これを記し始めて接続妨害に入った。Internetには繋がって居るが、YouTubeに繋げ無く成って居る。1:13 PM。Internetに繋がった環境下で、The PentagonのYouTubeに対する接続妨害が頻出して居る。或る意味концертどころでは無い状況。1:26 AM。DR-40を用いた録音は順調に総べてを記録して居る。後で、祖国に分析して貰う。28'00"で一端録音を止めて、記録を提出した。音楽を楽しみたいので。I отделение: Internetの接続を切った上での妨害は1度だけ。2:04 AM 頃、大きなnoisesが3度入ったが、上の情報を分析し切った祖国側の判断だ、と考える(04/08/44 Anne Frank逮捕に掛けて居る筈)。喉の筋肉の制御権を奪って、微弱発音させるtortureが開始当初だけに留まって居る。変わりに接続妨害が繰り返された。2:08 AM。2:22 AM 後半開始がmuteだった。The Pentagonは視聴妨害はするが、これまでにmuteを使用した験しは無い。私の方のerrorも考え難い。普通に聴けて居るので、終幕まで附き合う事にした。演奏は特上質。後、喉の筋肉に対する妨害で、「船後靖彦」と呼吸音での無声発音をし様とした所、これを妨害された。2:26 AM まで。3:03 AM 後半は妨害が入ら無かった前後するが休憩時間が此れ思考妨害が少々、筋肉強制呼吸音発声が少々在ったが、問題には、成ら無い、と考える
3:30 AM 就寝。
起床時、68.2 kg (6:00 PM)

среда 31 января 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
3:30 AM 就寝、7:05 AM 起床。
7:10 AM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987)を視聴。
8:00 AM Artur Schnabel Plays Mozart № 23 and № 24 concerti (Music & Arts 632; Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan, 1990)を視聴。
8:55 AM 書籍小包で件の書籍をThe Embassy of The Russian Federation to Japan in Tokyoに残金740円で送附出来るか北条郵便局で確認する。その後、戦略変更で、ゆうパックで他の新証拠と共に、明日午前附けで、2月1日午前中着で送附する事に決定。(どうでも善いが、HebrewとRussian languageには共通項が多い。Diasporaの結果、Jewsの大半が現在のRussian Federationに逃れた結果だ、と長らく判断して来た。втроник (2番目の), четверг (4番目の)、пятница (5番目の)、суббато (shabbat)等を筆頭に)。янтарь (琥珀[ינבר])もそうだし、Один (数字の1もAdonaiに掛けて在る)。 Ashkenazi JewsとSephardic Jewsに岐れるのだから当然と謂えば、当然では無いか。9:02 PM JST втроник 30 января 2024 года 改訂。同日11:11 PM - 11:20 PM までに「琥珀」(Amber-stone, Bern-stein) 以降を追記。
帰宅時、Sun Plazaでたかなし低温殺菌milk x2を購入しに出掛けたが、品切れで午後に入荷するとの事。今日は雨なので、明日に向かう。後、9:20 AM 頃からSchnabel Plays Mozart № 23 and № 24 concerti (Music & Arts 632; Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan, 1990)の№ 24 2nd movement 以降を、Alfred Wallenstein conducting Standard Oil Symphony Orchestra on January 12, 1946で視聴。(Music & Arts CD 632, Made in by Denon and Printed in Japan, 1990)。

Pentagon's force translation. Ludwig van Beethoven into Samuel Barber.
Pentagon's force translation. Ludwig van Beethoven into Samuel Barber.

9:42 AM «Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)を視聴。
10:38 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、30 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。是迄もそうして居たが、拍手は頭の中で意識してHall内での当日の物を想像して鳴らし、脳内で処理する。concert全体の完璧な再現の目的で。(«Egmont» Ouverture: Japan Polydore POCG-2362, Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789)。昨日、F majorのI-V-V7-Iで極短い即興をして観たのだが、当然の事ながら、C majorのsubdominantはF majorだが、F majorのdominantはC majorと謂う事実に見落としが在った事。只、このconcertの場合、C majorに戻るので、subdominantからtonicに戻る、と考えるべきだ、と思う。11:08 AM。Opp. 67, 68の順で聴くと、C majorのsubdominant F majorで終わるので、終結観、終止感を欠く、間抜けな感想に成ってしまう。
11:10 AM - 11:58 AM PayPalに全額返金の異議申し立てを行う。ear phonesでは無く、speakerを使うべきだった。所で、NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)のlogo markの意味が皆目検討が附か無い。回文とは、これの事の筈。NATO-OTAN, AKASO-OSAKA。この水準の知識も無いのに、連中が回文等で遊んで居たのなら、精神の病気だ、としか思え無い。


0:30 PM fortepianoの練習。 Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3; Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-9, 12«Revolutionary» 1:19 PM まで。当初手が悴んで弾け無かったので、炊事をして湯で手を温めてから練習に向かった。1:25 PM。
1:26 PM から«Vladimir Horowitz: The Great Comeback» 1965 CD 3 (January 26, 1965) and 4 (April 7, 1965)を視聴。買い物を挟み3:45 PM まで。残りは6:00 PM 以降に視聴。2:35 PM 雨の間隙を縫って、たかなしの低温殺菌milk x 2を買い出しにSun Plazaに向かう。2:50 PM 帰宅。
3:45 PM Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
5:30 PM fortepianonの練習。Beethoven 101-3。30分程。6:00 PM «Vladimir Horowitz: The Great Comeback» 1965 CD 4 (April 7, 1965) の残りを視聴。CD 5 and 6を視聴。(共にApril 14, 1965) 8:55 PM より。10:43 PM この間に、The PentagonがNazists Japanの犯行を装う、新手の攻撃を仕掛けて来て、大変に迷惑して居る。

PayPal Open Case over forged biography of Al Franken even pretending ex-library after signed-in-person on purpose of deceptions.
PayPal Open Case over forged biography of Al Franken even pretending ex-library after signed-in-person on purpose for deceptions.
PayPal Open Case over forged biography of Al Franken even pretending ex-library after signed-in-person on purpose for deceptions.
これもNazists Japanの犯行に在らず。The Pentagonの接続妨害と、この頁を盗んで、誤魔化しを目的として、盗用して居るだけ。彼等の常套手段
31.01.2024 ТФО.Наканунеを聴きながら、11:10 PM The Pentagonと会話。私「彼、なかなか善いpianistじゃない?」The Pentagon Conducting Amendment 5, 私、Facebookを閲覧しながら、接続妨害が行われ無かった事を受け、「何だ、同意して居るのかよ!」The Pentagon 渋々同意する。
31.01.2024 ТФО.Наканунеを聴きながら、11:10 PM The Pentagonと会話。私「彼、なかなか善いpianistじゃない?」The Pentagon Conducting Amendment 5, 私、Facebookを閲覧しながら、接続妨害が行われ無かった事を受け、「何だ、同意して居るのかよ!」The Pentagon 渋々同意する。
Stirlingがどうの斯うのが、The Pentagonの視覚的な同意の印。彼等はそう謂う人種。
油断は禁物だが、The Russian Federationに負けた、と謂って来た。外交では、完全にその通り。MK Ultra Sonarと地震兵器、気象変動兵器、(HAARP)が問題。
油断は禁物だが、The Russian Federationに負けた、と謂って来た。外交では、完全にその通り。MK Ultra Sonarと地震兵器、気象変動兵器、(HAARP)が問題。

1:00 AM - 3:30 AM LIVE: Алексей Мельников, Филипп Чижевский, АСОをпрямой эфирで視聴。1:19 AM 時点で既に3度大きな欠落が在った。The Russian Federation側にはそれを行う意味が無いので、The Pentagonの仕業だ、と思われる。前半終了時に、記録を確定してuploadする。1:21 AM。1:43 AM Sue Sugizaki登場で、The Pentagonとの遣り取り。私、「鈴木宗男は居無いと謂って居たけれど、公安にも女が居るじゃん?」「まあ、警察の特殊工作班かも知れ無いけれどもね。」勝ち負け決まった時点での出現に言及するのは、面白いので、掲載。1:45 AM。斎藤喜博に謂わせると、「遠くで、郭公も啼いて居る。俺も居るよ、と啼いて居る」と謂うか。1:47 AM。面倒なのが、Новосибирская Филармония япония фортепиано Шино Хидакаのконцерт。総べての日本人が悪い訳では無いし、外交も必要だが、進藤美優程、出来が善い人なのかどうか不明な点が不安。1:52 AM。1:56 AM の瞬間的停波は、私の思考と完全に一致して居たので、一応、書き留めて措く。3:11 AM 後半は、私がWilhelm Furtwängler (February 19, 1906 and October 7, 1944)とLeonard Bernsteinの録音 (DGG, March, 1990)に拘って沈思黙考したので、此処までの所、接続妨害にもlynchingにも遭って居無い。伊東乾がGershwinやSibeliusを馬鹿にするから、何時も此処に引っ掛かって面倒に成る。Bernsteinの最後の録音は、正規盤では、Bruckner 9th, Sibelius 1st, Beethoven 7thそれとBenjamin Britten Four Sea Interludes from «Peter Grimes»で在る。彼がWilhelm Furtwänglerを敬愛して居たから斯うした選択に成ったのは、当時より自明なのだし、私は初盤を購入して一度も手放そうと思った事すら無い。3:18 AM。3:50 AM 終幕まで妨害無し。lynchingも無かった。何か重大な事件なのだ。October 7, 1944のDer Wiener PhilharmonikerとのAnton Bruckner symphonie nr. 9のWilhelm Furtwänglerの録音は。
4:42 AM Nazisに命を狙われて居る事を識ったWilhelm Furtwänglerが内務大臣Heinrich Himmlerの誕生日に合わせて、Viennaで無観客で初心に戻って録音した曲が、このAnton Bruckner symphonie nr. 9では無いだろうか。それを識って居たLeonard Bernsteinは自身の最期に、彼自身の弱さを含めて、総べてを記録した。1950年Wilhelm FurtwänglerとConcertghebow AmsterdamでのBrahms symphonie nr. 1の後での個人的邂逅をZionistsから攻撃される事を恐れて、実行出来無かった事、それの悔恨がBruckner 9thで、SibeliusもWilhelm Furtwänglerの得意だった作曲家だが、恐らく、これは何か、Finn.だとか、他の理由での物で、そこにBeethoven symphonie nr. 7とBenjamin Britten Four Sea Interludes from «Peter Grimes»が来る。Serge Koussevitzkyを慕って札幌では、Jan Sibelius symphonie nr. 1 (NHKが収録、未放送)だけで無くKoussevitzky直々に教わったRobert Schumannのsymphonie nr. 2を演奏し、復た、後進を指導した。そう謂う話では? なので、President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putinは、世界の負の連鎖を断ち切る、真のgame changerだ、と謂う事に成る。4:51 AM。
5:18 AM 就寝。
起床時、68.2 kg (6:00 PM)

четверг 1 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
Al Frankenの著書等、新証拠がThe Embassy of the Russian Federationに到着。
9:50 AM «Horowitz on TV» (CBS, 1968)をCD (recorded on January 2nd and February 1st, 1968)とDVD (この両者を編集した物)で視聴。続いてBenedetti Michelangeli Beethoven fortepiano concerti nr. 1 and nr. 3をmit Der Wiener Symphonikerで視聴。(DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1980 and 1987)
10:40 AM までにPayPalに電話。Louis(ルイス)様と謂う方が担当。claim caseのescalationを願い入れた。録音する積もりで、speakerを遣ったのだが、待機状態の儘、で録音出来なかった。只、PayPalの担当者は信用の置ける人なので、心配不要なのでは、と思われた。emailが届くのでそこで写真を含めて詳細を説明して欲しいとの事。それに遵う意向を示した。10:44 AM。11:21 AM までに作業を完了。

PayPal update on Al Franken' s nut case.
PayPal update on Al Franken' s nut case.
PayPal update on Al Franken' s nut case.
PayPal update on Al Franken' s nut case.
PayPal update on Al Franken' s nut case.

昨晩の件だが、Evgeny MravinskyもWilhelm Furtwänglerの後を継いだ人で、彼もBruckner 9th symphonieを得意とした。1980年頃の非常に優れた録音が在る。11:43 AM。Bernsteinの録音も、Wilhelm Furtwänglerを踏襲して居る。
1:03 PM までに«Horowitz on TV» (CBS, 1968)のDVD視聴終了。是迄気附居て居無かった事、として、John Corigliano Jr. が参画して居た事。
2:26 PM までにMichelangeli Beethoven Opp. 15 and 7を視聴し、就寝。6:06 PM まで就寝。起床後、Opus 7; 2, 3 movementsとOpus 37を視聴。
7:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、30 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。是迄もそうして居たが、拍手は頭の中で意識してHall内での当日の物を想像して鳴らし、脳内で処理する。concert全体の完璧な再現の目的で。(«Egmont» Ouverture: Japan Polydore POCG-2362, Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789)。
9:45 PM までfortepianoの練習。 Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12
10:30 PM «Leonard Bernstein: The Final Concert» (DGG, Made in and Printed in Germany, 1992)をРусский языкの宿題をしながら視聴。後、正教会聖書を1章読む。11:42 PM 現在、«Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)を視聴しながら、Orthodox Churchの聖書を一章読んだ。Русский языкの宿題に戻る。視聴が終わり次第、そこで、早目に就寝。1:06 AM 頃。新発見Franz Liszt after Franz Schubert (Franz Schubert arr. Franz Liszt) Soirées de Vienne: Valse-Caprice no. 6のplaying timeは7'00"丁度で、7'07"まで無音が続く。«Why Mahler?» 1:06 記述。
起床時、70.2 kg (7:45 PM; 寒さ凌ぎのoatmealとpastaの喰べ過ぎの為。自戒。)

пятница 2 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
1:06 AM 頃就寝、3:45 AM 起床。
3:54 AM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987)を視聴。
4:46 AM 矢張り偶発事では無かった。Evgeny Mravinsky conducts Anton Bruckner symphonie nr. 9 (Recorded in Saint Petersburg [Leningrad] on January 28 and 29, 1980 [Wilhelm Furtwängler in Vienna in 1945 and 1950] on Altus)を視聴。Wilhelm Furtwänglerの録音からAdolf Hitlerが称揚するだろう、Richard Wagner的要素を徹底的に除いてNazismを糾弾した演奏。正教会聖書を一章読んだЕвангелие от Матфеяの。福音5章まで読了。
2019年秋に瞑想した、人間の不滅性。死の敗北に就いて改めて考えた。貴方が生きて誰かと会話する。手紙を投げ掛ける。その際、相手の脳内で、貴方の記憶が形成される、それは更新される物かも知れ無いが、物理的に、脳の中に生涯残る。貴方が死んでも、その記憶は不滅で、その人が他の誰かと接する時に、その人の人格を司る一部として受け継がれる。それが代々継がれる、そうした社会を私は目指して来た。福音と矛楯し無い、と私は考える。仮にAlzheimer diseaseを患ったとしても、貴方の人格は無意識下に残るので、記憶は不滅だ、と明謂出来る。極論すれば、社会には、生物学的DNA(仮に社会的DNAが生物学的DNAに歴史的進化の過程として組み込まれて居たとしても)と人其々が、環境下で太古の昔から他人との邂逅で培って来た社会学的DNAが在る、とも謂える。後者が、「死を以って、死を滅ぼし」と謂う、彼[あ]の福音だ、と私は思う。
7:19 AM まで、Evgeny MravinskyのTchaikovsky «Romeo and Juliet» Suite nr. 2, Opus 64 bisと«The Nutcracker (Case-Noisette)» Opus 71 (Philips 420 483-2, recorded on 30 and 31 December, 1981)を視聴。
9:00 AM - 11:00 PM まで蓄積疲労を除く目的で、就寝。11:00 AM 起床。
11:06 AM Benedetti Michelangeli Beethoven fortepiano concerto Nr. 5をmit Der Wiener Symphoniker (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1982)で視聴。正教会聖書を一章読んだ。Евангелие от Матфеяの福音5章まで読了。 Неллиが贈って呉れた本は2日に1頁のpaceで読む事にした。大意掴むのは難しく無いが、文法を分析するのは(而も現時点では完璧には出来て居無いので打ち込んだ文章をemailの下書きに蓄え後々の参考にする事にした)大変なので。0:00 PM。
今日の課題。DGG USA盤は音が粗悪と謂う事で、日本では有名だったが、この2枚は特上の音質で、前から気に成って居たLeonard Bernstein conducts Anton Bruckner symphonie nr. 9 and Jan Sibelius symphonie nr. 1 (DGG USA, Recorded on Februarz 28, 1990 in Großer Saal Wienner Musikverein Saal, Made in and Printed in the USA, 1992とDGG, Leonard Bernstein The Final Concert (DGG, live recorded on August 19, 1990 in Tanglewood Music Festival and Made and Printed in Germany in 1992; 最期の演奏会はGermany製)を視聴し考察を加える事。この3点はAmbersonの許可の下でのsignature editionでも在る。Jewel Case裏面を観ると判る様に。
0:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、20 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。是迄もそうして居たが、拍手は頭の中で意識してHall内での当日の物を想像して鳴らし、脳内で処理する。concert全体の完璧な再現の目的で。(«Egmont» Ouverture: Japan Polydore POCG-2362, Symphonies № 6 and № 5 Music & Arts CD 789)。Pastorale symphonie nr. 6 1st movement bar 156 (態と混入したのは明らか)のMains humを特定した。

My life-long struggles, especially after I learned by Glenn Gould and Pierre Boulez about the assassination of Robert Francis Kennedy in Democratic National Convention California Primnary June 5, 1968. Another V-Day for USA's Military Industrial Complex, only existing in entire humen history Nomenclature.
My life-long struggles, especially after I learned by Glenn Gould and Pierre Boulez about the assassination of Robert Francis Kennedy in Democratic National Convention California Primnary June 5, 1968. Another V-Day for USA's Military Industrial Complex, only existing in entire humen history Nomenclature.

1:29 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
2:07 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts Sibelius symphonie nr. 1 (recorded on February 24, 1990 by DGG, Made in and Printed in the USA, 1992)を視聴。
3:00 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12.手が悴んで弾け無かった。
3:45 PM Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を正教会聖書を熟読しながら聴く。Евангелие от Матфеяの福音7章まで読んだ。Руский языкは前半は午前中に行ったので、起床後に残りを執り行う。
5:15 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts Anton Bruckner symphonie nr. 9 recorded on March 2, 1990 in Großer Saal von Musikverein Wien Made in and Printed in the USA by DGG USA, 1992)を視聴。
7:30 PM - 11:30 PM 就寝。
起床時に、誰か高明な音楽家を殺した、と得意げに名前を挙げて (書き留め様としたらMK Ultra Sonarで消去された) The Pentagonが謂って来て、それを批判する私と口論に成った。皆無事で在る事を祈る。11:40 PM。
1:00 AM СИБЕЛИУС | КЕМАЛЬ УЛЬВИ ЭРКИН | ЭЛЬВИН ХОКСА ГАНИЕВ | МАРИУС СТРАВИНСКИЙ | БСО ИМ. П.И. ЧАЙКОВСКОГОを視聴。3:30 AM まで。昼間に暴き過ぎて、睡眠時を含めたlynchingが止ま無い。接続妨害 (intenetにもchatにも接続されて居るのに、音楽が聴け無いと謂う) も酷い。1:16 AM よりDR-40で証拠固め。2:48 AM 後半は、音楽は流すが、映像を固定する、と謂う暴挙に出て居る。明日以降も続く様ならscreenshotsで証拠を蒐集する。今日の目立ったcomputing妨害

Al Franken's nut case by NSA-CIA, White House and Capitol Hill.
Al Franken's nut case by NSA-CIA, White House and Capitol Hill.
Al Franken's nut case by NSA-CIA, White House and Capitol Hill.
Al Franken's nut case by NSA-CIA, White House and Capitol Hill.

3:30 AM 就寝。
起床時、70.2 kg (10:00 PM)

суббота 3 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
3:30 AM 就寝、8:30 AM 起床。
今月は、喰生活を改める。oatmeal主体では肥える事が判明。何かtomato soupの様な野菜を摂取する必要が在る。そもそも今月は、予算が21,000円でも在る。割り振りは何度も計算済み。聖書は1日1章、Неллиから贈って貰った本は2日から3日で1頁とする。
8:35 AM Leonard Bernstein conducts Sibelius symphonie nr. 1 (DGG, recorded on Februyary 24, 1990 in Großer Saal von Musikverein Wien , Made in and Printed in the USA, 1992)を視聴。
9:25 AM Leonard Bernstein conducts Anton Bruckner symphonie nr. 9 (DGG, recorded on March 2, 1990 in Großer Saal von Musikverein Wien Made in and Printed in the USA, 1992)を視聴。Orthodox Church Bible Евангелие от Матфеяの福音Chapter 8まで読了。
10:30 AM «Leonard Bernstein: The Final Concert» (recorded on August 19, 1990 at Tanglewood Music Festival, DGG, Made in and Printed in Germany, 1992)をРусский языкの宿題をしながら視聴。
11:30 AM 万代にeggs (x10) x1の下見。在れば購入。購入したがcasherが人間狩り支持派で態度が横柄だった。1,000円以上で178円以下では258円の値附けで、私がそれを承知で購入して居る事は、万代では私が塩と卵以外は購入し無い事は、此れを読んで居る以上、知って居る筈。人として如何な者か、と考える。
0:00 AM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary» etude, «Jane Wilhelmina Stirlihng Nocturnes» 55-1, 2; etude 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12手が悴んで、炊事をして温めたが、それでも弾け無かった。Chopinは2度弾いた。
以降は中止。Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3; Chopin 53, etude 10-9 and «Revolutionary»
0:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler May 25, 1947 Historic Return concertを普段通りに再構成して視聴。
2:20 PM Henry Fogel Collector's Corner Moritz Moszkowskiを視聴。
4:01 PM Al Franken's book was not «Giant in the Senate» but «Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them : a Fair and Balanced Look AT the Right» which has that description of 23 Elul 5761 quoting 23 Elul 5738 as «Horowitz Live!» at 3:45 PM in Biblical Hebrew with NBC telecasting.
4:20 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)を視聴。

Al Franken's «Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them : a Fair and Balanced Look AT the Right», whiсh I purchased.
Al Franken's «Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them : a Fair and Balanced Look AT the Right», which I purchased. Meantime, I am against the typical judgement on Israelis; for the USA, they (Israelis) are nothing, but for the American-Israelis and Wall Street and Capitol Hill Jews, Israel is something to squeeze off. Likewise, I don't trust Al Franken's saying of "No Jews were killed in the 911 terror". Some Jews and Jewish among the general public have been victimized and should have been counted. They were disposed by the Politics of the USA and its Nomenclature. In the meantime, Franken's saying of the call from Ed Koch is a genuine confession, "Why is PBS so conservative" is explaining everything. (around 5;30 PM)

5:00 PM V Preca 10,390 円購入。7-eleven。Al Franken's «Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them : a Fair and Balanced Look AT the Right»をeBay UKで購入。
5:30 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。8:00 PM まで。
8:00 PM Новосибирский академический симфонический оркестр (Дирижёр Маэстро Ботинис)を視聴。
11:31 PM My thought on Al Franken: Al Franken might be a Jewish but not a Jew because he has no knowledge for Hebrew even on alphabet level. Then, why Ed Koch called him for not to go to World Trade Center on 23 of Elul of ha'shanah 5761 is questionable. Al Franken seems to be a Pat Buchanan type of antisemite is, seemingly, most convinsing answer to it. I thought, for a moment, to ask for cancellation of the order, but I rejected that idea, because the USA's loss, on their intelligence level, is always welcome. I may treat it, most likely, exactly as his «Giant in the Senate». In this case, "Why is PBS so conservative?" is explaining everything but in the most cynical fashion, because Al Franken, who has inscribed, on purpose, upon demands by the USA Intelligence service, is a conservative antisemite Jewish comedian like Volodymyr Zelensky certainly deserves that seat. Another serious NSA-CIA error, here. 11:44 PM.
1:00 AM - 2:20 AM Концерт Капеллы Санкт-Петербургаを視聴。上記を記して、情報が上がって来てから、tortureと音声改竄が極端に酷く成った。録音は行って居る。此処に後程上げる。重要証拠なので、削除もし無い。1:36 AM。1:59 AM 今日は日中The Pentagonの攻撃が極端に少なかった。感知し得無い程。私の気を緩ませて愚かな行動に走らす以外にも、何か理由が在る筈だが、Al Frankenの件での返金処理をPayPalに促す目的以上には、無かった様に思われる。私の意思で、突破した処、極端な敗北に繋がったので、斯うしてtortureが酷く成る。現在、先程のконцертと異なり、YouTubeに対する接続妨害は全く影を潜めて居るが、此れが彼等White House (The Pentagonの完全支配下とは謂う物の) の逃げ口上なのだろう。2:05 AM。
2:20 AM Концерт Москвскаи Филармонииの«Вещь в себе»を視聴。MK Ultra Sonar tortureが軽減して居る。兵器の存在を誤魔化す等の、何等かの意図が在る筈。
4:00 AM 就寝。
起床時、70.2 kg (4:00 AM)

воскресенье 4 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
4:00 AM 就寝、8:18 AM 起床。一夜明けて。昨晩の洗脳はsneak-in型の一番厄介な物で、これが大量殺戮や銃犯罪を世界中で起こさせて居る。加害者本人がそれと気附かず、自身の意思で遣ったと勘違いする様な心持ちをinstallされると謂う物。Sue Suzigakiが公安のSでは無く、善良な日本人で在る、との認識までinstallされ掛けたが、此れを躱すに能ったのは、長年の諜報現場での経験。
昨晩まで水牛の更新に気附か無かった。長年で初めて。何れにせよ、Ed KochとAl Frankenに関する考察が正しい事が証明された、と考える。無駄金だが、祖国防衛に関して、大変に優れた善い買い物をした。«Giant in the Senate»に在る様に、議員に成ってからのAl Frankenの職場は30 Rockefeller Plazaなので、余計に。8:27 AM。
昨晩のThe Pentagonの私のcomputingに対する攻撃、記録資料。8:55 AM
8:25 AM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987)を視聴。
9:20 AM «Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)を視聴。
10:00 AM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。0:00 PM まで。0:30 PM - 8:18 PM 蓄積疲労の為、就寝。

USA as flop; their hesitation to ship the Al Franken's book proves everything.

9:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz Carnegie Hall Great Comeback concert in 1966 CD 1 を視聴。
10:00 PM концерт Томскаи Филармонииを視聴。
11:11 PM Антракт: Intermissionに就いて。「休憩」では決して無い。concertの、recital [re-cite-all]の中間、mission (使命)の狭間、と謂う意味 (inter-mission)。
Евангелие от Матфеяの福音8章まで読了。
1:00 AM Artur Schnabel plays Mozart nr. 23 with Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra current New York Philharmonic Orchestra under conducting of Arthur Rodzinsky on March 3, 1946 and nr. 24 concerti with Standard [Oil] Symphony Orchestra (absorbed to current Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra) under Alfred Wallenstein on January 12, 1946を№ 24 and № 23の順で視聴。 Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan in 1990).
2:00 AM - 4:30 AM Концерт Екатерины Мечетины в Санкт-Петербурге Зале Шостаковичаを視聴。Before inter-mission huge 4 interceptions by the hands of The Pentagon Proof 1 and Proof 2. After intermission, huge 5 to 6 interceptions by The Pentagon. Proof 3.
5:00 AM 就寝。

понедельник 5 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
11:30 AM 北条郵便局で77,000円引き出し。7-elevenで各種公共料金支払い、Sun Plazaでmilk x 1 (人間狩りの機会を増やす目的で外出させ様と企む自公維新。善い人も居た(柏原駅附近でのgas工事の村田兆治に容貌が似た誘導員)が、基本的に私の想像を超えた「異次元の人間狩り」に賭けて居た様だ。田中康夫だとか郷原信郎等を観ると理解されるが、この国で反米だとか嫌米を謂う人間は、USAで人間狩りを推進するWashington PostのPage Turner FieldことTim Pageがそうで在る様に«A Many-Splendored Thing»を憎む派閥の流れと形、保身を目的に仲間割れし、集票も出来無く形、嫌米派は、彼等自身を含めて居無く成ってしまった。東日本大震災以降、USAの直接の資本注入で何とか持って居る経済だから頼り切って居るUSAに対して、反米感情が薄れて当然だし、対価として京都銀行の電通制作の宣伝文句の様な人間狩りに賭けるのも当然の帰結。寄って、昨日の様に、911のやらせterrorを私が暴くと、USAに対する薄らな恐怖との間で、それを暴いた私に対する直接の感情の暴力と成って返って来る。論理的な国民ならそうは成ら無いので、論理的思考の訓練が出来て居無いのも事実。そもそも田中康夫は阪神淡路大震災に関して、自身が何れだけ精力的に支援したか、を謳って名声を獲得したが、この謂論が、震災に対して、同情を抱かず距離を空けて冷徹に観て居た私に対する誹謗中傷だったのも自明の事実。だから朝比奈隆関連の後出しじゃんけんだ、と私から疑われる。栗原詩子村震災では、心より同情されたのに、間抜けの吉野麗子の所為で帳消し。少なくともこの部分だけは、滝川Christelから同情を買って来た。なので、supermarketの値附けにそれが反映されて居る。只で、人生を奪ったと思われたく無いのだろう。それだと、自身の日常が持た無いので。では、逆に立場を真逆に置き換えて考えて観れば如何な物か。私自身、日本では、暗殺されてしまうと感じる、その由が偲ばれる事だろう、まともな神経の持ち主ならば。そうした人生観を備えた人間を探し出すのに一苦労するのが、現在の日本国なので困るのだが。)、万代で塩 x2と卵 (x10) x1、Sandyでmayonaise x1, pasta x3。
0:30 PM Leonard Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
2:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler May 25, 1947 Historic Return concertを普段通りに再構成して視聴。
4:00 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» Opus 55 nos. 1 and 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 101, Chopin Polonaise Opus 53, etude Opus 10-9, 12 «Revolutionary».寒さで途上で中止。
5:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz Carnegie Hall Great Comeback concert in 1966 CD 2 を視聴。
8:00 PM «Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)を視聴。
9:00 PM Орган Live! в Томскеを視聴予定だったが中止だったので、10:16 PM就寝。

втроник 6 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
10:16 PM 就寝、2:35 PM 起床。
2:40 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
3:30 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» Opus 55 nos. 1 and 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 101, Chopin Polonaise Opus 53。録音は途中で強制終了して未確認の為、本日は上げ無い。
4:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler May 25, 1947 Historic Return concertを普段通りに再構成して視聴。4:40 PM までに明日の七山病院用の資料を作成。
6:30 PM Artur Schnabel plays Mozart nr. 23 with Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra current New York Philharmonic Orchestra under conducting of Arthur Rodzinsky on March 3, 1946 and nr. 24 concerti with Standard [Oil] Symphony Orchestra (absorbed to current Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra) under Alfred Wallenstein on January 12, 1946を№ 24 and № 23の順で視聴。 Music & Arts CD 632 (Made in Japan by Denon and Printed in Japan in 1990).
7:30 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987)を視聴。
8:30 PM «Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)を視聴。
8:54 PM MetaのTimelineが今日は妨害無く読めて居たのだが、The Pentagonと喧嘩に成り (私が彼等の素性を暴き過ぎた為に)、次の様に昨日までと同様に戻った。Tucker Carlsonに賭けたいTrump支持の軍人が居た、それだけの話だと思う。私は既に文書で明らかにして居るが、Tucker CarlsonがJFK Jr.と組む場合にのみ、彼を支持しても善い、と表明して居る。暫定交渉結果*。
*日本の政府や公安警察は、USA Nomenclatura Pentagonでは無く、実行主体が自分達で行ったと飽くまで虚偽主張する可能性が在る事も忘れては成ら無い。

Al Franken's «Confession», uptdate.
Al Franken's «Confession», update.
Wilhelm Furtwängler's Gravestone. Quote from «Corinthians» Verse 13. "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

Евангелие от Матфеяの福音10章まで読了。
0:50 AM 就寝。

среда 7 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
7:40 AM 起床。七山病院。プラザ薬局大田店と藤井寺市市役所に雑賀さんを訪れる。6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Rakutenのcheeseを受領。
七山病院用には、色々用意して居たのだが、時間が無いと謂われ、ほんの一部しか話せなかった。Proof 1, 2, 3。後で、ここで紙片の写真と共に文章化して暴露する。私が思うに、人間狩りに就いては、動員を掛ける対象が、私に対してそれ形に善い印象を持って居る人を掻き集める場合と、真逆、混ぜこじゃの3 patternsが在る、と感じる。復た、自宅に近附く程、初対面でも気にする人が多いので、受け取って居る対価の大小と関わるのか、とも考えた。
後、今日の重要な発見は、電話番号の末尾が1234なのは、日本全国なのでは無く、大阪府警のみ、と謂う真実。これが総べてを語って居る筈。他の県警や京都府警本部は、もっと覚え難い面倒な番号に成って居る。往路の電車内のdisplayで確認。所謂、証かそう大阪 AKASO-OSAKA, NATO-OTAN、で正しい筈。Leonard Bernstein «A Quiet Place» "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10" (premièred on June 17, 1983, Huston; and in April, 1986 Wien)を想起。

Unrevealed proofs due to self-defense of Shichiyama Hospital under Nazi government of Japan and Osaka.
Unrevealed proofs due to self-defense of Shichiyama Hospital under Nazi government of Japan and Osaka.
Unrevealed proofs due to self-defense of Shichiyama Hospital under Nazi government of Japan and Osaka.
Unrevealed proofs due to self-defense of Shichiyama Hospital under Nazi government of Japan and Osaka.
Unrevealed proofs due to self-defense of Shichiyama Hospital under Nazi government of Japan and Osaka.
Unrevealed proofs due to self-defense of Shichiyama Hospital under Nazi government of Japan and Osaka.

未明、IrelandのEU MP Clare DalyからTwitterでfollowされた。政治的決着は織り込み済みまで、到達した事を意味する筈。Rockefellerの地位を要求するから解決し無い。地震兵器、MK Ultra Sonar殺人兵器は存在するので、存在すると謂い続ける (2007年秋のS-Bahn Wedding地下駅で天文学的桁数をmonthly card購入時に要求された折、Alexander PlatzでDan KorenのMorbid Questionのstatusを何者かにemergencyに改竄された折、そしてOctober 1, 2007 at Staatsoper Unter den Lindenでの生涯で唯一度のconcert会場での咳、折々に初期の頃から出会って居るし、2014年のErev Yom Kippurに偶々*MendelsssohnのVariations Seriousoを弾いて居て、過換気症候群に陥り、その夜に精神障害位直して貰おうか、とJohn Mackのinterview記事のtitleを«McLean At Home»に変えた時点で、彼等はDavid Rockefellerの忠実な僕だと偽り、6 nodsの儀式を私に命じ、Rockefeller's USAと和解の儀式をさせた。私は事後にその翌日がYom KippurだとGallary LeatherのCalendarで知っただけで、Yom Kippurの知識等欠片程にも無かったと謂うのに。それ以来の附き合い。政治的に立場が無く成り、復たは、私を意図的に突き放して、この兵器の存在を否定させ様と仕向ける時のみ、彼等との強制会話が止む。)。政治的譲歩は、決着の最後の時のみ。MK Ultra Sonar Military Lynchingに関しては、彼等、The Pentagonが謂うには、私は政治的に殺せ無い、不死身な地位に在るので、Lynchingを行う、との事。彼等のこの主張は、当初より現在に到るまで、不変。Rockefeller Memorial Chapelとは何か。RockefellersはJewsの筈。何故、聖堂信徒席地下真下にtoiletが存在するのか。正教会では、toiletと聖堂は別れて存在する。そう謂う細部に信仰心の在る無しは宿る。 温暖化だとか謂いながら、電車のdoorを開閉装置が着いて居ても、平気で開け放した儘立ち去る者達、万代の入り口から平然と自転車で出、平気で出口から自転車で侵入する。他人の危険も顧みず。それが一般的日本人。4:56 PM。
6:30 PM Tucker Carlsonに就いては、MSNBCのStephan Colbertの様なcommedianでは無く、Journalistでは在る、と思う。けれども、Horowitz in Moscow (CBS)の折のCharles Kuraltの様な利益誘導の面が在る、と考えて入ら無いと、Carlsonの思惑を超えて、USA Military Industrial Complex Nomenclatureに騙される。Tucker CarlsonはMK Ultra Sonar兵器を糾弾して居る訳でも無ければ、地震兵器やHAARPを糾弾して居る訳でも無い。此処は心して掛からねば、政治的、外交的に、将来に渉って失敗する。仮にMK Ultra Sonar兵器を自国に対して用い無い、RothschildsやBritish Monarchyに対する様に、長命を保証する、と外交上の約束を取り付けたとしても。現実に、King Charles IIIは癌の診断を受けた。昨晩遅くの報道だ。 6:37 PM。
John Davison Rockefeller IVのSharon Percyとの結婚式**は、予行が1967年3月31日で挙式が4月1日。後に、37年振りのBerlin Philharmonicへの帰還と称されて、Weizseckerに説得されたSergiu CelibidacheがSchauspiele HausでAnton Bruckner Seventh symphonieを指揮したのが、東西獨逸統一後の即ち+37消滅後の1991年のこの両日。Rockefeller家の偽のJewryと偽りのChristianityの証左。6:42 PM。
*偶々では無い、と考えるべき。伊良部秀輝の自殺と同じ。そう謂う心境にMK Ultra Sonar兵器のsneak-in型で持って行けば終わりの話。復た、この日の練習は特殊で、ChicagoのOrchestra Hallの舞台で練習して居る、と謂う設定で行われた。Evgeny Kissinに対する対抗心(敵意では無い)と共に。
**at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel in The University of Chicago which are described as it is above.

Clare Daly as new follower on Twitter level.

3:30 PM たかなし低温殺菌 milk x3購入。万代でeggs (x10) x2購入。4:18 PM まで。

Al Franken's shipping update.
Their next target is Instagram. Private Window shows the same result. Clearing of Cache doesn't work as well.
Their next target is Instagram. Private Window shows the same result. Clearing of Cache doesn't work as well.
Their next target is Instagram. Private Window shows the same result. Clearing of Cache doesn't work as well.
Their next target is Instagram. Private Window shows the same result. Clearing of Cache doesn't work as well.
Their next target is Instagram. Private Window shows the same result. Clearing of Cache doesn't work as well.
Their next target is Instagram. Private Window shows the same result. Clearing of Cache doesn't work as well.

5:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler May 25, 1947 Historic Return concertを普段通りに再構成して視聴。
6:21 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。8:00 PM まで。
8:10 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» Opus 55 nos. 1 and 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 101, Chopin Polonaise Opus 53, etude Opus 10-9, 12 «Revolutionary».
9:00 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart»
10:00 PM «Horowitz At Home»

четверг 8 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
11:00 PM 頃から 4:18 PM 蓄積疲労の為、就寝。
4:20 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler May 25, 1947 Historic Return concertを普段通りに再構成して視聴。
6:00 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。7:40 PM まで。|
7:40 A trial for Tempest Sonata Opus 31-2 by Ludwig van Beethoven.
11:00 PM 就寝。

пятница 9 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
11:00 PM 頃就寝、1:00 PM 起床。三杉屋でtomatoes (x6), lettuce (x1) を購入。2:30 PM まで。
3:30 PM Tucker Carlsonを視聴しながら。書き留める。子供銀行執こい。Hélène GrimaudのTeldec時代を顧慮すれば (Denon時代に遡ら無いと仮にしても)、一目瞭然の筈。Florida State University with Jeff the Fagott player and 谷口昭弘 in Toyama with position of Ferris、Tempest Sonata。佐々木麻南観。Hélène Grimaudの情報は、何時得られた情報か。Velery AfanassievのDenonでの1980年初頭からの活動で、自明に思われる。契約し、1枚だけ録音を出版し、Vladimir Horowitzの来日に合わせて1986に「降ら無い物」を録音、そして1992年を待ち、1994年7月にHélène Grimaudと合わす。実に、野々村禎彦の利権を想起させる遣り口だ。3:57 PM。
起床時、69.2 kg (1:00 PM)

суббота 10 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
1:00 PM 起床。三杉屋に買い物。tomatoes一盛り。
5:00 PM fortepianoのdemonstration Ludwig van Beethoven «Tempest» Sonata, Opus 31 no. 2.
6:00 PM Тюменская Филармония Прямая Трансляцияを後追いで視聴。
10:00 PM Башопераのпрямой эфирを視聴。
11:08 PM The Pentagonの連中とは、斯うして附き合って居る。私が彼等の軍備を暴か無い限りは、Facebookのtimelineを乱さ無い、此れが原則に成って居る。President PutinがTucker Carlsonを通じて、USAに大幅譲歩したので、一度、騙されて観る事にした。Nordstream 2爆破は、地震兵器に因る物なのだが、其れを其うとは、人前では謂わ無い、口を慎む、を試しで遣って観た。


воскресенье 11 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
2:30 PM 起床。
2:30 PM fortepianoのdemonstration Ludwig van Beethoven «Tempest» Sonata, Opus 31 no. 2.

I doubt the Pentagon's interception. Not on Twitter level. (before around 4:00 PM)
I doubt the Pentagon's interception. Not on Twitter level. (after around 6:00 PM) Maybe, their target is Elon Musk himself even not directly against me [the same old technique they applied to David Rockefeller]? (6:55 PM).
The Pentagon's bet on Japanese Nazists government. Their pretending of the Japanese Police, which is only monitoring. However, the Pentagon is betting the Japanese Nazists, this is the only logical trapping of them on me. Even Japanese Police doesn't want such a gigantic betrayals, any longer. But, the Pentagon is different. (5:55 PM)

6:18 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。8:00 PM まで。
1:00 AM Филипп Копачевский, Национальный филармонический оркестр России, Константин Хватынецを視聴。この時刻までに、Facebookの塵を整理した。The PentagonやWhite House等の敵の謂い訳を赦さ無い、鉄壁の城砦を築く事に成功。
3:06 AM концертも終盤に入った処で、一寸した事からThe Pentagonの一斉攻撃音楽処では無い。後でもう一度、聴き直すとしても。
11:11 PM 日本人への手紙。難癖着けるなら、船後靖彦に着けて居る、歯の噛み合わせで読み採る、と謂う、彼(あ)の思考読解装置と補助員を私と半年、一年私に着けて、科学的検証を行ってから、文句を謂えよ、と謂う物です。出典: 『私は、何故、大石晃子には投票し無いか、或いは、The Pentagonの技術と技法とその作法、復たは、日本円がdefaultする日』寄り抜粋。

нонежельник 12 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
4:00 AM 就寝、4:30 PM 起床。
4:30 PM Филипп Копачевский, Национальный филармонический оркестр России, Константин Хватынецを再度視聴。
9:00 PM - 10:30 PM Орган Live!視聴。
11:00 PM - 5:15 AM 就寝。

вторник 13 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
5:17 PM、5:00 PM 起床。
5:30 AM «Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made and Printed in West Germany, 1989) を視聴。
6:26 AM «Horowitz Plays Mozart » (DGG, Made and Printed in West Germany, 1987) を視聴。
5:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、30 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。
7:00 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» Opus 55 nos. 1 and 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 101, Chopin Polonaise Opus 53, etude Opus 10-9, 12 «Revolutionary».

среда 14 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
1:00 AM 就寝、3:00 PM 起床。
3:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、20 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。
5:00 PM Sun Plaza柏原駅前店で、たかなし低温殺菌 milk x3, tomatoes 一箱(x5)を購入。
5:22 PM fortepianoのdemonstration Beethoven Opus 31 no. 2 (The exact reason why I blocked Eva Gevorgyan on Meta level). Being fooled by Grimaud and Eva on that level of performances was something truly beyond my tolerance.
5:33 PM The Pentagonから黴菌マンの映像をinstallされて、強制会話。私、「あんな漫画死んでも観たく無いわ。どうせ御前等、黴菌マン支持派だろ? 私もどっちか謂うと同様だ、黴黴〜菌」「Ксения ВыстроноваがJeun Tomの漫画を観て喜んで居たが、私は彼女がどうして笑うのか、理解出来無かった。面白いとも何とも思わ無い。」
The Pentagonそこだけ同意したが、多分嘘。博識だが、世俗的な連中なので。例えば、初期の頃、私がSalzburger Festspiele 1999開催中に自炊したbeef broathに対して、大蒜やherbsを入れた、と文句を着けて来たのが、彼等。Chicken broathの採り方を観て居ても判るが、herbsは入れるのが普通なので、彼等は私が知識が無いのに、正しい遣り方でbroathを作ったのが気に喰わ無いらしい。難癖着けるだけが趣味のFrank Berger等、CIA agentsが跋扈する此処を参照すれば善いだけの事。Meta levelでGevorgyan家と縁を絶ったのが、嬉しいらしいが、どうして善いのか、困って居るのも事実の様。The Pentagonは、ВКонтактеでも縁を切らせたいらしいが、私は私なりの遣り方が在り、裏切りが明瞭に証明され無い限りは、それはし無い。Gevorgyan家に関しては、Uladislauと付き合って居て断りを入れたいなら、そうすれば善いだけ (そう謂う理由でCDも贈れ無い、と明謂すれば善いだけ) なのに、Evaはそれはし無かったので、斯う成る。そして私のmainの情報はMetaでは無く、ВКонтактеに挙げて居る。兎に角、彼女のTempest sonataには我慢が出来無かった。彼(あ)の曲を弾け無いのは、Hélène Grimaudだけで十分。 6:20 PM まで。
11:30 PM 頃より、Тюменская ФилармонияのSt. Valentine's Day concertとПрезидент Путинのфорумを交互に観る(視聴で在り、観察では無い)。
1:30 AM 就寝。

четверг 15 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
1:30 頃、起床。
2:00 Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
4:00 PM Beethoven Tempest Sonata, Opus 31 no. 2 のdemonstration.
4:15 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947を正しい曲順 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) で再構成し、20 minutesのАнтрактを挟み、視聴。
4:29 PM 来月からveganに成るかどうか(生涯では無いが日本国で生活して居る間は)を迷って居る。正しく生きたいので。取り敢えず、eggs, mayonaise, cheddar cheeseは買わ無い事にした。問題はmilk。Oatmealにmilkは欠かせ無いので。breadを焼く事に成るかも知れ無い。Germanyで禁止された雄のchickenの雛を孵化直後にshredderに掛ける遣り方、そう謂うのには加担したく無い。経産牛の処分の仕方が変わると、それはそれで、考えも変わるかも知れ無いが、目下、出来るのは上記まで。tomatoes, oliveoil, bread (後は暖かくなって来たら、野菜salad, sauceは自家製)だけで遣って観よう、と思う。後はtomato sauceのpastaで。
6:00 PM «Horowitz Live!»を視聴。後で気附いたが、23 Elul 5738年の記録。特段USA側には、この日で無いと行け無い口実は無かった。この日が日曜日で在る事以外には。
10:00 PM まで蓄積疲労で就寝。«Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)を視聴。
11:30 PM «Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli: Beethoven tortepiano Concerto nr. 5» "Emperor" in 1979 with Carlo Maria Giulini conducts Wiener Symphonikerを視聴。(日付けは当時に作成したdiscographyが残って居らずFebruary, 1979録音以上には、特定出来ず。onlineでの調査の結果、EmperorがFebruary 1, 1979 [Horowitz on TV] で、concerti 1 and 3がSeptember 21, 1979だった模様。)
1:00 AM - 3:30 AM коцерт Московскаи Филармонииを視聴。
4:00 AM 就寝。
起床時、69.8 kg (起床時)

пятница 16 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
6:28 AM 起床直ぐ就寝。10:50 AM 起床。11:00 AM tomatoesの買い出し。三杉屋かSun Plazaたかなしの物で在っても、milkは買わ無い。今在る在庫を始末して、来月からveganを目指す。Indian cuisineを扱う店で、Chick peasやlentils (特に後者)を纏めて買う積もり。Sandyが閉店との事。今後は柏原店を訪れ無ければ成ら無く成る。困るので、Pasta (一箱x30) x2購入。11:30 AM。帰宅後、雑賀さんに電話。
0:00 PM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli plays Beethoven Emperor concerto (DGG, February 1, 1979 in Wien Musikverein Großer Saal) を2回視聴。
1:20 PM fortepianoのdemonstration。Beethoven Tempest Sonata Opus 31 no. 2 1st movement
Instagramのaccountをsuspendedかdeletionかで悩んだら、suspentionの回数を超過したと謂われ、deletionを選択した。この儘deletionするか、suspendedに移行するかは、再度考慮する。私にとっては、Instagramで必要なのは、The Alfred 17 F 161 West 61st Streetからの夜景の写真のみ。 Facebookも同様で、気の置け無い友人の管理以外には残って居無い。VKontakteとYouTubeそしてTwitterは、これらとは違うし今後共に、変わる、とは思わ無い。
Beethoven Tempest Sonata Opus 31 no. 2 demonstration trial part 2 (in facing the instrument like Horowitz did on his CBS TV on February 1, 1968).
3:45 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
4:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.)
6:00 PM fortepianoの練習。 Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; 此処以降は中止。出来は悪くも無かった。«Horowitz on TV» (CBS, February 1, 1968)に倣った姿勢で脱力して弾くと巧く弾ける事が判った。 Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3; Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-9, 12«Revolutionary».
7:00 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987)
8:00 PM Artur Schnabel plays Mozart concerti KV 488 (nr. 23) and KV 491 (nr. 24) Music & Arts CD 632.
11:00 PM «Horowitz At Home» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)
0:00 AM 就寝。

суббота 17 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
10:00 AM 起床。Yahoo Auction! でFritz KreislerのComplete RCA recordings (11 CD box)を即決で競り落とす。支払いとSandyで買い物。10:55 AM までにAl Frankenの自傳がIndian Foodsと共に届く。
Curtis Instituteのstudent recitalを聴いて居る。常々思うのだが、私は16歳の段階で、Juilliard Schoolには合格して居たのでは無いか? Moszkowski, Mozart, Chopin録音等。
11:30 AM まで、昨日のfortepianoの練習の復習。

Apparently, Tokyo and White House is in panic. (Al Franken's auto-biography case 23 Elul 5761)
Apparently, Tokyo and White House is in panic. (Al Franken's auto-biography case 23 Elul 5761)
Apparently, Tokyo and White House is in panic. (Al Franken's auto-biography case 23 Elul 5761)
Apparently, Tokyo and White House is in panic. (Al Franken's auto-biography case 23 Elul 5761)
Apparently, Tokyo and White House is in panic. (Al Franken's auto-biography case 23 Elul 5761)
Apparently, Tokyo and White House is in panic. (Al Franken's auto-biography case 23 Elul 5761)
Apparently, Tokyo and White House is in panic. (Al Franken's auto-biography case 23 Elul 5761)
And its (Al Franken's auto-biography case 23 Elul 5761)'s appendix. Apparently, Tokyo and White House is in panic over what they have committed as an allied organizations.
On the way, I reconsidered why northern polar bears are white in their furs. The purpose is evidently to camoflaging, however, who decide that cognition to the northern polar bears and fix their furs on DNA level still remains un-covered. This is a fascinating question on life.

11:38 AM Leonard Bernstein conducts once in lifetime Cleveland Orchestra July 9th, 1970 Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。(I don't like Bulgakov's «Master and Margarita» at all due to master's self-centered hypocritical weakness. If you burn your scripts all after that in order to survive, that you don't write them in the first place because that becomes wide spread pollutiive wastes is my basic idea and simple faith. I far better prefer «Heart of A Dog» by the same writer. I love Maria Yudina's reported by chicken-minded Solomon Volkov attitude in Mozart fortepiano concerto nr 23 to Josif Stalin).
1:30 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3; Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-9, 12 «Revolutionary». «Horowitz on TV» (CBS, February 1, 1968)に倣った姿勢で脱力して弾く。
3:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.)
Apparently, Al Franken doesn't understand Hebrew even on its alphabet level, but he knows number of Biblical Hebrew alphabets and Rockefeller dominant world. Proofs below.

Chapters 1 to 23 in one page.
The rest to 43 (George Walker Bush Jr.) in next one page to end the autobiography.
Number Six (David Rockefeller) and Nomenclature Zionists were chief commander of this selfie terror of 911.
Number Six (David Rockefeller) and Nomenclature Zionists were chief commander of this selfie terror of 911. Yes, Actually that's the only logical answer.
Number Six (David Rockefeller) and Nomenclature Zionists were chief commander of this selfie terror of 911.

5:00 PM Beethoven Tempest Sonata Opus 31 no. 2 demonstration trial part 2 (in facing the instrument like Horowitz did on his CBS TV on February 1, 1968).
6:00 PM Listening to Artur Schnabel plays Mozart K. 491 (nr. 24) and K. 488 (nr. 23) concerti in this order with 12 tone cadenza for the former with Standard Oil Philharmonic Orchestra recorded live on January 12, 1946.
Al Frankenの問題の著作だが、boldに設定して在る半ば不規則な文字を全部集めて編纂し直すと、何か、意味在る文章が出来そうな気もするが、現在の処、これには、手を出して居無い。Al FrankenのHebrewの認知は可成り問題を含む物で、Alphabetsに関して、生半可な知識は在る様にも思われる。芸能人なので、no. 15 [סוס] horseに掛けて、«Conspiracy Theory» (Silver Pictures, 1997) Veritasを想起させる、と謂う様な。只、それよりも、George Walker Bush Jr. とRamsfeld等の軍産複合体とそれに與して恥無いDavid Rockefellerに対する恨みが上回って居る様だ。6:28 PM。
10:49 PM Instagramの運用方針を変更。保存して、Shauni Rau, Israel Philharmonic等の活動報告蒐集に充てる。同時にBeing followedを吟味した。何時までも無償奉仕する訳には行か無いので。10:52 PM。

воскресенье 18 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
10:52 PM 就寝、6:38 AM 起床。
6:40 AM Vladimir Horowitz plays Beethoven Opp. 53 and 57 (CBS, 1972)をspotifyで視聴。
8:10 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Anton Bruckner symphonie nr. 6をSWF 963でNovember 13, 1943視聴。Leonard Bernstein conducting debut with the New York Philharmonic in the same date and King Charles III's birthday in 5 years later in 1948. CD issued in 1990 and insists that Furtwängler should have conducted four concerts 13, 14, 15, 16 of November in 1943 (in fact basis he conducted only twice on 13 and 16 november 1943 another vivid proof of historical forgery of 911 and Human Hunting for Jesus Christ of the 21st century: direction the USA conductor Japan and EU and UK and NATO nations). This means that the entire recordings of this concert is being survived in the Russian Federation among many others.
8:40 AM lentilsのcurryを作って喰べた。

The Pentagon's stupid deeds on my computing. Force translation of "Happy".
The Pentagon's stupid deeds on my computing. Force translation of "Happy".

Ludwig van Beethoven «Fidelio» August 3rd, 1948 (SWF 992/993, issue of 1999 complete edition including announces) を視聴。この年の«Petrushka», «Ein Helderleben», «Palestrina»の録音が残って居る証拠。«Don Giovanni» Salzburger Festspieleでのfilmed concert on July or August, 1954 (exact date is unknown although Tahra suggests that it should have been on August 20, 1954)でElizabeth Schwarzkopf[黒髪の頭の人]とLisa della Casa [その家のLisa](a splendid singer whose Christmas album is exquisite)を取り替えた真の理由自明の真実
試聴後、蓄積疲労で5:42 PM まで就寝。
6:00 PM «La Traviata» (November 30 and December 7, 1946, New York City RCA 8H studio) by Arturo Toscanini。6:59 PM 先日来気に成って居たAugust 12, 1953 Salzburger FestspieleでのWilhelm FurtwänglerのHugo Wolf Lieder konzartをYahoo Auction!で落札。記憶が正しければ、本当はBiblical Hebrew Alphabetsと同数の23曲が歌われたのだが*、Walter Leggeに寄って最後の曲が発売されて居無い。Dinu Lipattiが34-1を演奏せず、然し、Johanne Sebastian Bach arr. Myra Hess «Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude» BWV 147は弾いたが、その録音が残って居るのに、France政府が公開を拒絶して来た、この事実と同様。Wolf Conservation Center in Katonah or South Salem? No laghing matter. That's called Witch's deed even Prof. Yoko Itasaka knew the truth back on January 10, 2003. Itasaka was witch hunting on me with Utako Kurihara, a phoney christian figure from Ibaraki Prefecture (私に対する騙しでは無いか、と真偽を観察しながらも、我孫子市に雹が降った日には、栗原詩子とその家族の事を心配した者だ). 8:59 PM Hugo Wolf CD支払い完了。
*21日1:30 PM までにこのCDが郵便受けに届き、中身を確認した処、既に東京公安が音を上げてtrack 22をtrack 23として居た様に、私の主張の正しさが証明されて居た。

Tokyo LDP led government is nothing but a Nazi flop, Thanksgiving Turkey at its very best.

10:26 PM 本夕届いたFritz Kreisler Complete RCA Recordings CD 1を聴いて居る、disc等の状態は悪い。Hugo WolfのEMI盤CDをYahoo Auction!で入手。Walter Leggeの作為を照合する目的で。昔から13曲だけを正規録音させて居た。そして、自分用に全曲録音を行った、その内、encores中の1曲を欠く一部がKing Seven Seasから発売された、と謂われて来た。10:29 PM。
夕刻の起床時から続いて居た前頭葉の偏頭痛が服薬の効果で、漸く、治って来た。11:00 PM Hugo Wolf (東芝EMI制作盤)の支払い。東芝は軍需産業企業。The Russian Federationとの縁も深い。その東芝がEMIを日本では管理し、Walter Leggeの謂い附けに、従順に従って来た事実。そもそも東芝EMIは赤坂見附で旧山王ホテルとCapitol Tokyo, そして崖の上の官邸とそう謂う序列になって居た。これが国亡。それはさて置き、私は日本国を、前より、善い、東洋の真珠と謂われる独立国にしたい、と思って居る。10:39 PM。Hawai州が独立して呉れれば善いのだが。元Hawai王国も長らくUSAの植民地なのだから。Hawaiの人達は好戦的では無いし、USAにrapeされてmoney dopeされて居るだけなので。10:40 PM。
11:00 PM концерты в Москвеを視聴。
2:00 AM 就寝。偏頭痛の為、0:00 AM 頃、早目に就寝、5:35 AM 起床。
起床時、72.0 kg (就寝前)

понежельник 19 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
2:00 AM 就寝。偏頭痛の為、0:00 AM 頃、早目に就寝、5:35 AM 起床。偏頭痛が増しに成って居る。左の前頭葉だけが、痛い。6:33 AM。
6:30 AM Fritz Kreisler RCA Complete recordings CD 2 を視聴。diet目的でlettuce soupで朝喰。
7:51 AM まで、 Al Frankenの著書の分析を行う。bold書体は以上。Although F God I Asking f I konw I'm A That's Y If In Y In S As-Tip #1 My See -Now Last A S O R O As Q IS Six A I T T Why As F S B T Scumbag A No Everything T O The T T I Iこれが命題。意味も無く、bold書体を遣ったのでは無いのは、自明。著作としては、中々興味深い物に成って居る。Hugo WolfとHélène Grimaudの関係は次のanagramで自明。"All of them Witches" = "Wolf the Archemist".本来、故にHélène Grimaudはhigh security prisonで終身刑が論理、倫理と謂う物。

Al Franken's autobiography (2004) is about to be relieved.
Al Franken's autobiography (2004) is about to be relieved.
The Pentagon's Interception as of Polish Museum in America.
The Pentagon's Interception as of Polish Museum in America.
Somerhing like this. 8:02 AM. Assuming something more intelligent way of hidden phrase is to be used. I will test it in the comintg days (not today due to exhaustion).

8:00 AM - 10:30 AM 蓄積疲労の為、就寝。WFMTを流す。途上、11:58 AM までに北条郵便局に計算間違いで発生した少量の足らずを入金して置く。
1:00 PM Henry Fogel Collector's CornerをWFMTで視聴。3:00 PM まで。
3:06 PM 睡眠、fortepiano等、書くべきことが在ったが MK Ultra Sonarで忘れさせられて居るので、coffeeを飲んで、fortepianoの練習。
3:30 PM fortepioanoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1 and Opus 31 nr. 2 Tempest (1st movement).録音は非公開。
4:00 PM Fritz Kreisle Compelte RCA recordings CD 3, 4, 5を視聴。Al Frankenの例の著作を慎重に読んで居る。例の箇所はIsraeliとJewの所為にして誤魔化して居るが、他の部分は、無意味でも無い。当時のUSAでは、Al Franken程度の事を謂うのも、大変だった、と謂う事に成る。
AKASO-OSAKA (証かそう大阪), NATO-OTAN自明の理。下画像参照。下4桁1234は大阪府警、下4桁4321が東京都、即ち警視庁。Check mate. Q.E.D. for a long time ago.10年間謂い続けて来て居るが、東京日日新聞(現毎日新聞)朝日新聞の変遷、1, 2 swapが総べて。大阪⇄東京。

彼等が遣りたかったのは、山下藤原が殺害した吉川友梨の件で、「世界を我が手に」が座右の銘のUSA Nomenclatureに遵い21世紀のJesus Christを作る事。そうして他国を恫喝して、世界支配する、と謂うUSAからの命令と密約なので、動こうとし無かった。2014年8月23日、東京都内幸署の人間は、私が持って居た、皇居外堀に植えられて居た、Israelから寄贈されたOliveのその葉に恐れを為した。それだけでは無い。彼等は私の精神鑑定の日の朝、気附かれ無いと踏んで、時計を30分程度、何等かの裏切りに基づき企図的に進めたり、と謂う戯言も行って居る。電話番号の下4桁が4321が東京。証かそう大阪、AKASO-OSAKA, NATO-OTAN。
彼等が遣りたかったのは、山下藤原が殺害した吉川友梨の件で、「世界を我が手に」が座右の銘のUSA Nomenclatureに遵い21世紀のJesus Christを作る事。そうして他国を恫喝して、世界支配する、と謂うUSAからの命令と密約なので、動こうとし無かった。電話番号の下4桁が1234が大阪。証かそう大阪、AKASO-OSAKA, NATO-OTAN。

その後、6:00 PM 頃から蓄積疲労で 9:40 PM まで就寝。
10:10 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (CD; DGG, Made and Printed in West Germanry, 1987) を視聴。CD Playerの開閉をover writtingで不可能にされたが、何とか、立て直した。弱気が駄目。強気で押す事が、The Pentagonとの附き合いで一番重要な事。
11:10 PM «Horowitz at Home» (DGG, Made and Printed in West Germany,1989) を視聴。
0:30 AM 就寝。

втроник 20 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
0:30 AM 就寝。蓄積疲労の為7:14 AM まで。起床後Al Frankenの著作を読む。Fritz Kreisler CD 5, 6, 7を視聴。 軽い偏頭痛が未だ残って居る。途上10:00 AM 7-eleven Key Coffee支払い。
0:00 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3; Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-9, 12 «Revolutionary», Tempest sonata Opus 31 nr. 2 (exposition).
2:00 PM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Beethoven concerti nos. 1 and 3を視聴。Der Wiener Symphoniker not Der Wiener Philharmoniker for «Missa Solemnis» reasons. Sonata nr. 4, Opus 7も視聴。就寝の為、延期。
Al Frankenの本は凄く読み難い本。彼がJewなのは能く判るので、Hebrewの知識を容を変えて動員して居る可能性が大きく、復た、私は議員時代のFrankenに就いて、全く無知なので、Frankenの人柄と正義感をzeroから吟味し無くては成ら無い事。Ed Kochが電話を掛けて来たのは、友人を失いたく無いだけで、そこだけに拘って読むと全体を掴め無い。そして、この部分だけFrankenはJewish Conspiracyを取り出して記述して居る。JewsもJewishも殺されたのだ、このUSAのselfie 911 terrorで。生き残れたのは、上流階級に属して居た為に、事前情報が漏れた人達だけ。只、現状、この書籍は良書では無いか、USA理解に役立つ書籍ではないか、との感触を得ては居る。9:53 AM。
起床時、74.0 kg。(veganで痩せるには、どうしたら善いのか、困って居る。卵、milkでは巧く運ぶのだが。現在の体重増加は、pastaの喰べ過ぎに在る。lettuce saladに戻す必要が在る様だ。) 蓄積疲労を除く為、2:45 PM まで就寝。
2:45 PM Schoenberg Opus 11-1を視聴する。
3:00 PM fortepianoの肩慣らし。今日は練習にはし無い。体重増加で損なった調子を元に戻す目的。偏頭痛は粗収束した様だ。
4:00 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
4:38 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.)

Shostakovich Day memorial recital in Osaka on November 3, 1974 by Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (Beethoven sonati nos. 3 and 4, Opus 2-3, 7 and Schumann «Carnaval», Opus 9)
In case of Kyoto on October 29, 1974.

結局、Arturo Benedetti Michelangeliが1974年11月3日にFestival Hall OsakaでRobert Schumann «Carnaval» Opus 9を弾き納めた理由は、21世紀のChrist殺しと対峙する、この事か、と判った。1973年には、J. S. BachのItalian Concerto BWV 971を弾くと予告して置きながら、当日にGaluppiのC major sonataと弾き換え(以前に「出版されただけでも感謝せよ」とHMVのreview絡みで糾弾されたが、真逆で、Altusは仕事は善いが、確信犯の嘘吐き。TV放映された全曲もNHKのArchivesに遺って居る)、1980年には、Beethoven «Mendeleveem» Sonata, Opus 101を予告したが、1970年Bonn, West Germanyの折と同様に、これを弾かずに帰国した。 Michelangeli自身の家で録音された私家盤録音は遺って居るのでは? この年1980年には、MichelangeliはIsrael PhilharmonicとEuropean tourに帯同して居る。それはそうと、この1980年のrecitalのProgrammeには、経歴等何も書かれて居らず、事実上の写真集と成って居る。そして、その後は、皆の知る通り。NHK Hallでしか演奏せず、Passportを取り上げられた、所謂、第2金大中事件。1975年1月22(? 23日の可能性、復たはこの日を企図的に省いた事実を考慮*)日録音で、Johann Sebastian Bach «Goldberg Variations» BWV 988との関連を日本語盤を除く原盤では指摘された上で出版されたMichelangeli «Carnaval» EMI盤で「矢張りそう謂う事か」として口を噤んだ林光に少し許り感謝。
Al Frankenの著書、一寸、涙無しには読み進められ無い本なので、困って居る。本の筆記自体と、Al Goreが当選して居た場合の(それは有り得無い事だったから911が実行された)、世界。先達の努力、Orthodox Bibleと並行して読んで居る。6:21 PM。

Kim Dae-jung kidnapping case in Tokyo, 1973, the Emperor concerto (or Brahms 2nd symphonie [one of few Carlos Kleiber's life long repertoires]) incident.

*Schumann Carnaval, Opus 9 and Winterszenen I and II, Opus 68 Thun, 15 - 21 January 1975; Haydn fortepiano concerti 4 in G and 11 in D Thun, 22 - 24, January, 1975
7:00 PM Rosé String Quartet plays Beethoven's Quartets (Biddulph)を視聴。Orthodox Church Bible chapter 11まで読了。7:09 PM。Orthodox Church Bible chapter 12まで読了。7:38 PM。


8:20 PM Maurizio Pollini plays in Tokyo on May 16, 1986 Beethoven Opus 78を視聴。8:30 PM
1:00 AM концерт Московскаи Филармонииをпремой эфирで視聴。妨害は次の通り1, 2, 3. 後半、接続妨害が無く進み、ふと「接続妨害が無いな」と思ったその瞬間から3度の大きな接続妨害被害に遭う。これを記した後、4度目の巨大な接続妨害に遭う。その後暫く妨害が無かったが、復たしても、巨大な妨害に遭う。都合、小さい物を含めると3:03 AM 時点で8回。3:30 AM まで。都合大小含めて16回の妨害。18を狙って居る物と思われる。3:15 AM まで。成る程、Pacific LeagueとCentral Leagueの背番号18はAce numberとされて来た、Tsedekだと謂いたかった、それだけの日本国民上層部の保身が理由。近鉄Pearls (Baffaloes)の売却先に拘った栗原詩子が居て、本塁打数が王貞治の55本をRandy BassもRalph Bryantも殊に後者は東京に対して忠実では無いので、敬遠されてまで1本差で抜け無くて当然だし、御法度が取り払われた今世紀に入って大幅に更新されて当然。これが55年体制の真髄だから。伊勢志摩近鉄。赤福餅。神宮。真珠とVermeer山本七平『ユダヤ人と日本人』中山太郎の昔年の拘り。先手必勝で16回の妨害で纏めさせた。3:28 AM 終演。

The Pentagon's craze against Kotoeri is to its highest point!!!
The Pentagon's craze against Kotoeri is to its highest point!!!
The Pentagon's craze against Kotoeri is to its highest point!!!
The Pentagon's craze against Kotoeri is to its highest point!!!

6:00 AM 就寝。

среда 21 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
6:00 AM 就寝、10:53 AM 起床。Fritz Kreisler Complete RCA Recordings CD 8, 9を視聴。СD 9がSergei Rachmaninoffとの共演に成って居る事に気附く。Violin Sonata Nr. 8, Opus 30-3はfortepiano Sonata, Opus 110からの引用が在る。それで選曲したのだろう。11:41 AM。此れなら、余程の間抜けで無ければ、USAに勝って当然。証かそう大阪。AKASO-OSAKA, NATO-OTAN。11:34 AM。0:12 PM Pentagon file. 吉村洋文ももう直ぐ逮捕か。調子に乗って色々内輪話を暴露して呉れて有り難う。0:10 PM。

The Pentagon's craze against Kotoeri is to its highest point!!!
The Pentagon's craze against Kotoeri is to its highest point!!!

0:35 PM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Beethoven concerti nos. 3 and 1を視聴。Der Wiener Symphoniker not Der Wiener Philharmoniker for No «Missa Solemnis» Opus 123 after October 24, 1929 Wall Street in New York City for Black Thursday reasons. Sonata nr. 4, Opus 7も視聴。Orthodox Bible chapter 13まで読了。この章に911を含めた総べてが書かれて居る。0:35 PM。成る程、1973年のArturo Benedetti MichelangeliのTokyo recitalsのProgramme bookletがCrazy Orange色なのは、Vietnum Warの枯葉剤を暗喩して居る。だから、大阪と京都には来無かった。Martha Argerichを私は全く評価し無いが、1984年でsolo recitalを止めた本当の理由が、上記と一緒なら、特赦は出来る。NHK TV放送の録画master tapeがNHK archivesに遺って居て当然。0:52 PM。1974年の大阪、京都recitalsも録音が遺って居る筈。殊にOsaka Festival Hallでのrecitalは。FM OsakaとOsaka Festival Hall (朝日放送)が録音した筈。白神克敏よ、御前は、私を無響室に閉じ込めて「将来の自身等の儲けの為に結婚した」この大原財閥の罪科に加担した罪科で、終身刑が謂い渡される。伊東乾は当然だが、死刑。朝日放送が無断録音したconcertsの総べては、The Russian Federationに没収される事に成る。*1:10 PM。Orthodox Bible chapter 14まで読了。2:21 PM。
3:00 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2, etude 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 101-1, 2, 3; Chopin Polonaise «Heroic» Opus 53, etudes Opus 10-12 «Revolutionary», Tempest sonata Opus 31 nr. 2 (exposition).
4:30 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。"All of them Witches" anagram into "Wolf the Alchemist" was known on Yoko Itasaka level by January 10, 2003; and then, there is a figure self-called Yumiko [Yamaguchi] at Ferris College for women (who claimed acquaintence of Shigeaki Saegusa only suggesting lustig TV commedy "Eleven PM" and «Radiation Mass» for Yoshihiko Nonomura), who told me that she had known every exact constructure of The Suntory Hall. This episode from that time only has been recalled on my incidental meeting with Daniel Barenboim and handshake with him with my sister in the back stage elevator of The Suntory Hall during a Chicago Symphony Orchestra rehearsal. I verified enough times on this Yumiko and the result was the same. Public Security Nazi agent for whom Akihiro Taniguchi is swearing. I do remember one single episode on this Yumiko dot com. Tokyo was hit hard almost up-side-down when her real profession was exposed (a Web portal called Classica or something which had friendly link to Yumiko dot com got frightened over exposure). This episode only leads me Mie and Yuji Takshashies trap and killing of me (try and trial) at the time by chanting, "Rebecca, Rebecca" implied «Rebecca» (United Artists, 1940) directed by Alfred Hitchcock starring Lawrence Olivier and Olivia de Havilland; and directed by David O. Selznick originally written by Daphne du Maurier (I read this book in Shincho-Sha Bunko at the time, I couldn't have read novels by the time but this kind was still okay but «Gone With the Wind» was not the case) ; 2nd 世界名画劇場 to «Waterloo Bridge» (MGM, 1940) starring Vivien Leigh and Robert Taylor and Virginia Field (suggesting The Pentagon, Virginia, at the border to the District of Columbia [another borderline disorder that must be diagnosed by McLean Hospital at Harvard University to say it at minimum] and the selfie 911 terror) aired in April, 1984 as the first, and its 3rd was Jun'ichiro Koizumi's favourite «High Noon» (United Artists, 1952) starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly of Philadephia). This Koizumi was elected for LDP leader on my 30th birthday, April 26, 2001.

Why The MET 1966 and Biliken for «Waterloo Bridge» (MGM, 1940) («Aus Der Neuen Welt» of Ten'noji district in Osaka: 証かそう大阪 AKASO-OSAKA 1234-4321 NATO-OTAN for Tokyo).
Why The MET 1966 and Biliken for «Waterloo Bridge» (MGM, 1940) («Aus Der Neuen Welt» of Ten'noji district in Osaka: 証かそう大阪 AKASO-OSAKA 1234-4321 NATO-OTAN for Tokyo).

5:09 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) Orthodox Bible chapter 15 まで読了。5:25 PM。chapter 16 まで読了。6:22 PM。Orthodox Bible chapter 17 まで読了。7:01 PM。
7:00 PM Leonard Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 18 まで読了。7:15 PM。
Al Franken «Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them - A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right»を読書中。Al Frankenはcommedianとの事だが、立教大学出身の古舘伊知郎とは、知性も知識も見識も違う。彼は、本気で、PBSの容態を嘆いて居たのだ。そりゃそうだろう、まともな人間なら誰しも、Silver Jubilee Concert for March on Washington D. C. by Martin Luther King Jr. memorial concert (August 28, 1988)をLeonard Bernsteinの誕生日concertの録画放送の余録として隠喩だけで済ませられ無いし、BernstreinもVictor Borgeの藝で総べてを語ろうとはし無い。7:48 PM。Al Franken Chapter 2途中まで読了。吟味するまで中身には触れ無い。9:57 PM まで。
*無論cassette tape copiesでは無く、原盤のDAT master tapesを指す。

The Pentagon's craze against Kotoeri is to its highest point!!!
The Pentagon's craze against Kotoeri (evardnadzeの部分) is to its highest point!!!

0:00 AM 就寝。
起床時、74.0 kg (11:00 AM)

четверг 22 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
0:00 AM 就寝、2:00 AM 起床。Fritz Kreisler Complete RCA recordings CD 10, 11を視聴。
Al Franken «Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them : a Fair and Balanced Look AT the Right»を慎重に読んで居る。Daytona Beachの話が第6頁に出て来るが、私は当初、Orlandoに入って、一日Daytona Beachで過ごす予定で居た。June 9th, 1990。そしてFebruary 19, 2001のThe New York Timesの記事、Donbassとの繋がりで読まざるを得無い。2:51 AM。この著は、USA対策の為に参照出来る様に、常時自宅保管する可能性が現時点では、濃厚。The Russian Federationは特に困ら無い筈。Al Frankenの献辞が在っても。3:04 AM。そもそもUSAにとってIsraelは植民地以外の何者でも無い。Ariel Sharonが首相を務めて居た際に、明確に成った事実。White Plume, etc. on The New York Times. For the USA and Capitol Hill and The Pentagon, Israel has been a money laundering organization to export military weapons and luxuary resort for their fun. 5:12 AM。
4:27 AM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Haydn fortepiano concerti in G nr. 4 and D nr. 11 in G both in major in tonality (EMI, 1975 recorded in Thun on 21-24 Januar 1975)
5:13 AM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Schumann «Carnaval» «Winterszeit» I and II and «Matrosenlied» which refers Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея on the number of fish and bread。 (EMI, 1975 recorded in Thun on 15 - 21 [יאנואר] Januar 1975) Michelangeli told on this occasion to the press that he is not an Italian but Austrian with Slavic spirit. Neville Boyling wrote in 1975 for the liner note of this record, "The Op. 68 Album für die Jugend was composed between 30th August and 14th September 1848. Schumann took immense care over the 43 pieces and planned to include other works in different styles and rules on performance. Note that in No. 39 the theme of the Grossvater Tanz is alluded to at bar 66 (middle voice; and International Calling Code of Thailand an exceptional country which has somehow escaped from colonization by the West and for Suigyu). In the same item (bars 57 - 58 with upbeat) is a theme which Bach used in the secular cantata Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet (No. 3) and in the Goldberg Variations". ©Neville Boyling, 1975. (from its first CD release in 1988 made in West Germany, EMI).*
*HQ CDとして東芝EMIから今世紀に再発売されたこのCDだが、1988年のArturo Benedetti Michelangeli自身がauthoringした物と比すると、鈍重な音に拘った東芝側の悪意の存在は明確明瞭。他人(私)をdepressionのどん底まで突き落とそうとして足掻いて居る。このHQ CDを原音に忠実な物として私はKrystian Zimermanに贈ったのだが、恥と謂う物だ。Arturo Benedetti Michelangeliは将来をそこまで悲観視して居無かった。譬え、911 terrorと謂うやらせが遭っても、Christの奇跡で世界が救われると、彼は考えて居た様だ。冬の次には春の時代が来る、と。6:30 AM。Chopin Opp 45, 35, 22と続ける来日programmeの不可思議さに疑問を抱いたが、彼は911は諦めて居たのだろうが、敬虔なChristianだった。
6:01 AM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli plays fortepioano concerti by Ravel in G major and by Rachmaninoff 4th, Opus 40 recorded in London Abbey Road Studio by EMI on March 7, 8 and 10, 1957 for Jazz and Hollywood reasons を視聴。
6:57 AM Jascha Heifetz plays Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in D Major recorded in London in 1937 conductor John BarbirolliをYouTubeで視聴。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 19まで読了。
8:29 AM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12, Tempest sonata Opus 31 nr. 2 (exposition).
10:22 AM - 2:26 PM 就寝。
2:28 PM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Beethoven concerti nos. 5, Opus 73 recorded live on February 1, 1979を視聴。Der Wiener Symphoniker not Der Wiener Philharmoniker for No «Missa Solemnis» Opus 123 after October 24, 1929 Wall Street in New York City for Black Thursday reasons
3:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler and Elizabeth Schwarzkopf play Hugo Wolf Lieder on August 12, 1953 in Salzburger Festspiele (King International without éncore, therefore 22 songs in total; and, Toshiba-EMI edited into 13 songs by Walter Legge) を視聴。(後者は日本国政府と東京公安が出し渋って到着期日を誤魔化して遅らせて居るので、24日に延期。)
3:27 PM 維新大阪の件。人間狩りは日本国政府と大阪府主導なのに、横山大阪市長の方が常に追い詰められて居る。尤も、大阪市市政100周年記念冊子でChicago市を態と姉妹都市から外し、記述せず、それでreachを掛けられたのは、大阪市だし、そう謂う歴史的経緯は在るが、直接の人間狩りに横山は参画して居無い。少なくとも表向きは。そして、これは吉村洋文の演技の巧みさ、追い詰められた者の居直りを超えた、とは別の所に事情が在る。3:30 PM。処で、Al Frankenが実はHebrewを知り尽くして居る事が、巻頭索引と表題を読み直して熟知された。彼は皮肉の限りを尽くして、Rockefeller家とGeorge Walker Bush Jr. and Donald Ramsrfeld, Dick Cheney等とRockefeller Republicansを皮肉って居る。喩えば、John Davison Rockefeller IV (D, West Virginia)に関して[דּ] daletを用いて。[ה]も自明。4:23 PM。Sergei Prokofiev high time!!! Wilhelm Furtwängler and Elizabeth Schwarzkopf play Hugo Wolf Lieder in a concert on August 12, 1953 in Salzburger Festspiele (King International without éncoreだが、余程の音楽音痴で無ければ、éncoreが録音された事が理解されるだろう。それを省略する遣り方では、concert (re-cite-all)として成立し無い。4:26 PM。
4:29 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler conducts Brahms symphonie nr. 1, Opus 68 4th movement recorded on January 23, 1945 in Admiralspalast, Berlin.[123]4-(-0-)-4[321] 証かそう大阪。AKASO-OSAKA。NATO-OTAN。404 not found and 911 terror was USA's selfie government sponsored terror approved by David Rockefeller (Gold historic panic selling by Federal Reserve Bank of New York over Lehman Brothers is evident proof). Q.E.D.
5:20 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
6:00 PM Evgeny Mravinsky conducts Prokofiev symphonie nr. 6, Opus 111 and Beethoven symphonie nr. 5, Opus 67 recorded on September 8th, 1974 in Leningrad, Saint-Petersburg, exactly on the 23rd years later on Treaty of San Francisco in its Opera Theatre thereを視聴 8:00 PM まで。
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 19まで読了 5:27 PM。Al Franken chapter 2まで読了 7:14 PM to pp. 16 Ayeen aleek [אין עליך]。This reminded me of my saying to NHS worker at Frays Ward of Hillingdon Hospital under Prince (at the time, in 2019) Charles, "Fine,… ., thank you" in irony to demand compensations. The worker got frightened by my stressing on the word "fine". 7:22 PM。
8:05 PM Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky Symphonie nr. 4, Opus 36 (premièred on this date in 1878) by Leonard Bernstein with New York Philharmonic recorded in Avery Fisher Hall in October, 1989 Made in and Printed in Germany in 1991を視聴。
9:01 PM Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky Symphonie nr. 4, Opus 36 (premièred on this date in 1878) conducted by Evgeny Mravinsky with Leningrad Philharmonic recorded in Moscow on April 2nd, 1957.
10:00 PM Праздничный концерт, посвященный Дню защитника Отечествац в Томскеをdelayで視聴。
1954 - 6 = 1948 = 6 + 1948 = 1954. Q. E. D. Zionism and Zionists topped by Rockefellers and their Nomenclature cornered Wilhelm Furtwängler for suicide, who was sympathetic to Jews. Proof below.

An all Jew composer concert in season 1928 to 1929 just shortly before Black Thursday on October 24th, 1929 triggered by the USA and Rockefellers.

How about Entebbe Siege on July 4th, 1976? Yonathan Netanyahu, who was elder brother of Benjamin Netanyahu, current PM of the State of Israel was killed in the Siege on that date of USA's bicentenary and possibly triggered by the USA itself (himself/herself [itself is politically correct phrase for a nation like the USA]). At least, the path of destiny of Benjamin Netanyahu was decided by that Siege possibly triggered by the USA. And, this is why exactly Netanyahu thanked Donald J. Trump that deeply and in heartfelt fashion when the latter approved Jerusalem as Capital of the State of Israel (and built its [her | his] its (politically correct grammar) only The Russian Federation is choosing appropriate gender for his own nation - proof of faith to Orthodox Church] embassy there), which event Netanyahu felt that his destiny would be different from that of his predecesors from Yitzahk Rabin to Ariel Sharon. Q. E. D.
11:25 PM Watch Valery Gergiev conducts Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky symphonie nr. 4, Opus 36 in 2010 in Paris on YouTube.
0:10 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler conducts his 2nd symphonie on February 22nd, 1953 with Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (premièred on the same date 5 years earlier but in Berlin and their orchestra).

Why Mahler and Haendel? Wilhelm Furtwängler knew that he was also a Jew even if his faith was in Christianity.
Greek Tragedy on Kennedys and Mahler symphonie nr. 2. Wilhelm Furtwängler knew that he was also a Jew even if his faith was in Christianity. Complete recordings of this concert is surviving in ORF.
1920 - 1921 Season. Mahler 2nd symphonie and Haendel on date of decease of Franz Schubert.
1920 - 1921 Season Mahler 2nd on Saint Patrick Day.
Japanese Nazis in Chicago for residue. Hayao Miyazaki's only meaningful film is «Nausica of the valley of the wind». The rest is Nazi garbage propaganda just like «Evangelion» praised by Shinji Miyadai with Kono Taro Gomame. «Evangelion» is about a story of MK Ultra Sonar weapons created for Tokyo's self-protection. Just like Yasushi Akimoto in 1984 for pussy cat entertainment revived cunningly and cleverly after 2011 earthquake in Tohoku region in order to kill me by trapping me by their members over moral corruptions forcibly applied to a decent citizen as I was and as I am.

1:30 AM - 3:00 AM Московская Филармония премой эфирを途中まで視聴。
Моя любовь к Еве Геворгяну уменьшается, я склоняюсь к Светлане Медведевой, шпионке ФСБ. Интеллектуалы вроде меня испытывают больше симпатии к собственной родине и изначально и всегда готовы к самопожертвованию. Профессиональные шпионы в своей профессии могут понимать друг друга без малейших сомнений. потому что они всегда рискуют собственной жизнью ради своей миссии.
Она мудра и обладает интеллектом. Я бы хотел, чтобы Ева вышла замуж за Владислава (по предложению профессора Дугина) на всю жизнь. Тогда я смогу простить ее. Если она предаст Владислава, ее следует убить. 5:11 AM утра.
Человек, принадлежащий к разведывательной службе, должен вступить в брак с таким же работником разведывательной службы. Они никогда не предадут правительство и свою родину. Это первое, что приходит мне на ум. И между этими двумя легко устанавливается взаимопонимание. 6:49 AM
8:00 AM 就寝。
夕喰後、72.0 kg (8:50 PM)

пятница 23 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
7:57 AM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Philips盤)で視聴。
8:00 AM - 1:45 PM 就寝。
1:53 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
3:29 PM Leonard Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
5:09 PM fortepianoの練習。
8:30 PM «Begegnungen und Gespräche» Wilhelm Furtwängler by Karla Höckerを購入。
蓄積疲労の為、10:00 PM 就寝。
起床時、73.0 kg (1:45 PM)

суббота 24 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
10:00 PM 就寝、3:45 AM 起床。
«Horowitz At Home» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989)を視聴。3:45 AM。
«Horowitz Plays Mozart» (DGG, Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987)を視聴。
6:21 AM 蓄積疲労の為、就寝。9:45 AM まで。Reiwa-Shinsenのpostersを証拠保全の目的で発注 (昨晩)。既存の改憲派は無論、護憲派は私が新憲法草案を提出した以上、最早、全く信用出来無いので。PayPal open case is being escalated over their sabotage. 10:08 AM
9:50 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler conducts Beethoven symphonir nr. 9 on July 29, 1951 in BayreuthをBIS盤で視聴。

Crazed Pentagon's force translation into Auschwitz for BIS.

11:30 AM PayPalにEx-Libraryに関する部分返金のescalationの要請を電話する。PayPalの謂い分は返金処理をした、との事だが。反映されて居無い。
11:52 AM Artur Schnabel plays Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart fortepiano concerti nos 24 (K 491) and 23 (K 488)を視聴。
3:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler and Elizabeth Schwarzkopf play Hugo Wolf Lieder on August 12, 1953 in Salzburger Festspiele (King International without éncore, therefore 22 songs in total; and, Toshiba-EMI edited into 13 songs by Walter Legge) を視聴。日本国政府と日本国民が愚昧な民族自決権で配送のsabotageを選択して居るので、February 26, 2024視聴に切り替えた。無論、援助交際を魂が壊れるから辞める様にと、友人を説得して居た学級委員長が、自身も援助交際に携わり「もう大丈夫、ガッツ、ガッツ!!!」と自らを鼓舞した、この出典のみに人間としての価値が残る2 by 4 建築家屋に居住する事を誇りとする、Mr. 砒素curry或いはMr. 首の皮一枚事、宮台真司(河野太郎が本気に成るのは、田中眞紀子との想い出に浸る時と、ごまめで在る故に捜査対象とされ無い故に浮かれて居る時だけですよね、Mr. 首の皮一枚?)派の長谷川ういこ等が謂う、青年将校がどうの斯うのでは無く、USA White HouseでのPBS (Public Broadcasting Service)が放送した«Horowitz At White House» February 26, 1978 (USA's Plutinum year Pt 78⇄Au 79⇄Os 76)に準拠して居る。
5:30 PM Leonard Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 20まで読了。2:51 PM。Proof found for SWF 963 in the Grape Garden anecdote. Al Franken chapter 3まで読了 2:40 PM。
4:44 PM forterpianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 31 nr. 2 Tempest (1st movement exposition).録音は公開。
7:08 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 20まで読了。10:56 AM。Al Franken chapter 3まで読了。11:10 AM。Al Frankenは保身に走って居る部分も在るが、Harvard Universityが当時、大学全体を挙げて、George Walker Bush Jr. を支持支援して居た事を想起すれば、extremelyに非常に勇気の在る決断だ、と謂う結論に成る。
8:05 PM - 0:20 AM まで就寝。
0:20 AM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» Made and Printed in West Germany, 1987.
1:10 AM «Horowitz At Home» Made and Printed in West Germany, 1989.
2:00 AM - 4:30 AM Борис Березовский | Фортепианный вечер сонаты Бетховена | Трансляция концертаを視聴。Моя сердечная благодарность Борису Березовскому. YouTubeに対するThe Pentagonの接続妨害。Internetには繋がって居る。1st Half | 2nd Half.
8:00 AM 就寝。

воскресенье 25 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
8:00 AM 就寝、1:10 PM 起床。
0:10 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
2:18 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 31 nr. 2 Tempest (1st movement).録音は公開。
2:50 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
3:30 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts Beethoven symphonie nr. 6, Opus 67 in Quad (Sony Classical Royal Edition, 1992 (The Pest Prize winner with Prince Charles a.k.a. King Charles III); I let you think why LB recorded this symphonie on Glenn Gould's birthday on September 25, 1961, the year of John Fitzgerald Kennedy's inauguration. The Quad part was recorded in Italy on July 13, 1956; track number 8 throughout and track number 4 for the simphynie itself ends at 11:22, John Fitzgerald Kennedy time).
4:44 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts Beethoven symphonie nr. 5, Opus 67 and «Leonore» ouverture nr. 3を視聴。(LB Hotline limited Edition, issue in Summer 1990, Made in Germany). 4:58 PM まで。
4:50 PM - 8:00 AM 就寝。
8:15 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts Beethoven symphonie nr. 5, Opus 67 and «Leonore» ouverture nr. 3を視聴。(LB Hotline limited Edition, issue in Summer 1990, Made in Germany). 9:30 PM まで。Leonard BernsteinがWilhelm Furtwänglerを踏襲して居る事が、理解される。彼の人生は作曲家、自作品とGustav Mahlerの演奏以外は、1955年のOmnibusから生涯を通じて敬愛するWilhelm Furtwänglerの人生の踏襲だった。
9:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz Plays Tchaikovsky concerto nr. 1, Opus 23 and Rachmaninoff concerto nr. 3, Opus 30 (Apr, Barbirolliを視聴)。
10:22 PM 今日のfortepianoの練習の視聴確認。Tempest Sonataはblue printとしては、完璧。
11:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler Tchaikovsky symphopnie nr. 4, Opus 36のstudio録音を YouTubeで視聴。宇野功芳が讃えてから、碌なremasteringで出版された試しが無く度派手な惰演に聴こえて来たこの演奏だが、これなら納得が行く。January 28 and 29, 1950のORF録音がShostakovich symphonie nr. 9 and Weber Oberon ouvertureと共に残って居る証拠。Tahraのcatalogueに記載の無い、August 24, 1949; Luzerneでの同曲、January 25, 1945 ViennaでのDr. Schnappに寄る«Leonore» ouverture nr. 3と同様に楽しみで在る。
1:00 AM - 3:30 AM котцерт Кати Мечетины и Владмира Спиваковаを視聴。Концери для фортепиано с оркестром № 5 соч 73 и Симфония № 7 соч 92 Бетховена. The Pentagon's interception (being connected to internet) Part 1 (three gigiantic interceptions were found in perfect accordance to my thinking in my brain) | Part 2 (no interception in Beethoven most likely because I was absurbed into musc but in Bach so sticky interceptions. Note that internet connection was founded even on the level of YouTube chat).
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 21まで読了 1:50 PM。chapter 22まで読了。9:37 PM。Al Franken chapter 4まで読了。0:48 PM。chapter 5まで読了。9:18 PM。11:00 PM 塵出しを済ます。
4:00 AM 就寝。

понежельник 26 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
4:00 AM 就寝、7:35 AM, 11:30 AM 起床。早朝より発熱、Paracetamol、葛根湯等を服用する。
11:03 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
0:39 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
1:20 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2録音は非公開。
1:43 PM «Horowitz At White House» (PBS, 1978) をSony Classical盤CDで視聴。拍手を短く省略して居るのは、戴け無い。曲間のそれもrecitalの内。DVDで観るべきrecital。
2:38 PM Leonard Bernstein conducts «Candide» London Symphony Orchestra (DGG, Made in and Printed in Germany, 1991 recorded in Abbey Road Studio of HMV, London in December, 1989 not the same but live performance in Barbican Theatre in the same year on December, 1989)
4:11 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler and Elizabeth Schwarzkopf play Hugo Wolf Lieder on August 12, 1953 in Salzburger Festspiele (King International without éncore, therefore 22 songs in total; and, Toshiba-EMI edited into 13 songs by Walter Legge) を視聴。Yahoo Auction!と日本国政府が悪足掻きして送って来なかったので、明日に順延。追い詰められ、後の無い彼等としては、詐欺を根拠にした返金要求を願って居るのでは、無いか。4:05 PM。

Amazon JP and Jeff Bezos is doing this stupid thing in meantime. 30,000 JPY, no kidding.
予め、彼等はこの様な愚かな愚策を施して居る。Februry 23, 2024と在る。

上記を書いたからかどうか、郵便受けに届いて居た。特に問題も無し。送り主が公安警察だったとしても、組織の中で良識の在る人物からの物。私はそう謂う人物は好きだ。郵便配達の魚田さんの様な人。彼は出世すべき徳を備える人物。さて置き、寄って、当初の予定通りに視聴する事にした。4:39 PM。
7:17 PM Vladimir Horowitz plays Beethoven concerto nr. 5, Opus 73 with Fritz Reiner and RCA Symphony Orchestra (recorded on April 26, 1952 in the Carnegie Hall) をYouTubeで視聴。Apparently Michelangeli excels in this repertoire to Horowitz. Michelangeli betted on this one.


9:00 PM Орган Live! в Томскеを視聴。10:30 PM まで。


Al Franken chapter 6まで読了。9:38 PM。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 23まで読了。0:17 PM。今日のThe Pentagonの通信妨害Part 1 | Part 2 InternetにもYouTube chatにも繋がった儘の状態で。
0:45 AM 就寝。

втроник 27 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
0:45 AM 就寝、10:30 AM 起床。
10:38 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
0:35 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
逮捕がそう遠く無い吉村洋文が顔面硬直して居たので、演技指導を施して遣った。0:31 PM。YouTubeを宣伝程にしか考えて居無いから斯う成る。調子に乗って居たら、世界中が諜報活動として監視して居て後が無い事に気附く。要するに、附ける薬が無い程の馬鹿と謂う話。0:34 PM。ところで維新の音喜多は、自身が日本子供銀行の頭取扱いされて居る事に気附か無い程の間抜けなのだろうか。多分、その通りだ、と思うが。2:06 AM。
1:15 PM Arnold and Alma Rosé Bach doulbe concerto, etc (Biddulph CD1)
2:22 PM 5:00 PM «La Traviata» (ATRA Music & Arts) November 30 and December 7, 1946 Arturo Toscanini指揮。Act 1 and 2。
3:30 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 31 nr. 2 Tempest (1st movement).録音は一部公開
4:00 PM «La Traviata» (ATRA Music & Arts) November 30 and December 7, 1946 Arturo Toscanini指揮。Act 3 and 4。

Meta-The Pentagon ways of blackmailing. Stupid post to be seen first for some 10 seconds until they fix this disorder.
Meta-The Pentagon ways of blackmailing. Stupid post to be seen first for some 10 seconds until they fix this disorder.

6:22 PM Leonard Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
8:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler conducts Brahms symphonie nr. 1, Opus 68 4th movement recorded on January 23, 1945 in Admiralspalast, Berlin.
9:00 PM Arnold and Alma Rosé on Biddulphを視聴。11:20 PM まで。
[123]4-(-0-)-4[321] 証かそう大阪。AKASO-OSAKA。NATO-OTAN。
Al Franken chapter 7 pp. 41まで読了。1:48 PM。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 24まで読了。3:28 PM。
2:00 AM 就寝。

среда 28 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
From this date on. people who react as though he/she/it doesn't know me will be automatically categorized Nazi sympathier. 2:00 AM 就寝、5:00 AM 過ぎ起床。暫し迷ったが起床する事に。
5:29 AM Arnold and Alma Rosé on Biddulph CD 1 and 2を視聴。
8:00 AM 自宅発。七山病院。帰宅後、藤井寺市市役所に雑賀さんを訪ね、プラザ薬局太田店で処方薬を受け取る予定だったが、往路、天王寺駅の乗り換えで、発熱に起因すると思われる脳貧血で倒れ(私は世話になった駅員にUSA Military Industrial ComplexのMK Ultra Sonar殺人兵器だ、と説明したが、善良な駅員だったが信用して貰え無かった。熊取駅では、扱いが酷く馬鹿にまでされた。往路帰路)、明日以降に切り替えた。
fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 31 nr. 2 Tempest (1st movement).録音は一部公開。今日は安静を第一に、練習は中止。
Al Franken chapter 7残り全部まで読了。:PM。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 25まで読了。:PM。読書も中止。4:00 PM 頃から10:41 PM まで睡眠を摂るが、熱で悪寒が酷い。葛根湯とParacetamolを服用する。
0:00 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler conducts Brahms symphonie nr. 1, Opus 68 4th movement recorded on January 23, 1945 in Admiralspalast, Berlin.視聴。
1:53 AM 本日は移動中や診察時にThe Pentagonの声が聴こえ無かった。突き離して、私の出方を探った物と思われる。それと。私が天王寺駅で倒れたのを、同胞に好感を持たす目的の自作自演の企図的な印象操作だ、としたかったのかも知れ無い。1:55 AM。残念ながら、途上で出会った日本人は皆が皆、Nazi Sympathisersだった。莫大な賠償金を支払いたく無い故に、国家命令でそう装うのだろうが、悲しい事だ。諜報情報を都合善く解釈したOxymoronのUrsula von der Leyenを観ると能く判る。1:56 AM。天王寺駅で世話に成った駅員は一寸違ったが、私の話には、一切、耳を貸さ無かった。山本太郎等に私が好感を持た無く成ったのは、彼が卑怯者だからで、それ以外の回答は無い。例えば、311東日本大震災は、きっこのブログと謂う與論操作対策班が地震兵器で襲われた、としたのだが、Mr. 首の皮一枚宮台真司が、この行為以前に、今思えば、恐らく、私を誤誘導し様として、謂うには、きっこの様な匿名の人物や団体の謂論は、一聴に値し無い、と謂う物だった。それはその通りなのだが、れいわ新選組本部や支持者は、きっこやまりなちゃんとか謂う匿名の人物に頼り切って居る。この様では、民主主義は永劫実現出来無い。2:11 AM。昨晩私が行い、本日USAが震え上がった様な(彼等は私の無罪を、理性では、理解して居たので、Maureen Dowd等で自国に利益誘導し様として失敗した現実を目前に突き付けられて、政策通の何人か[listを観せられると特定出来るが、MK Ultra Sonar兵器で名前を度忘れさせられて居る。七山病院に通院する時にも、常に事前にmemoした物を持参するのは、この忘却兵器に対する対策で在る。思い附いたその折々のその瞬間にmemoを取る事にして居る。そうで無いと、核心の事象に関しては、忘却兵器で相当程度の長きの期間、2度と思い出せ無いからだ]が、恐れ、震え上がったのだが)、強制転換が必要だ。此処まで来たら、勝つには勝つ、だが、終結までに、散々、日本人の醜態、偽った嫌な態度を見せ附けられる事に成るだろう。2:29 AM。


четверг 29 февраля 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
2:29 AM 就寝、11:41 AM 起床。起床時、解熱して悪寒が無く成って居たら、藤井寺市市役所に雑賀さんを訪ね、プラザ薬局太田店で処方薬を受け取る。解熱はして居る物と思われるが、悪寒が続いて居る。その事と、降雨の予報なので、明日に順延して、手続きも取った。1:30 PM。
1:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
3:00 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
先日爾来escalateして居るMeta (Facebook) のedited表示の非表示に向かう改竄だが、SWFの勝利の後出しじゃんけんの様相が在る[そう思うのは、Myriam Scherchenが私を護る為に戦時中のFurtwänglerのBerlinでの定期公演を2回から4回に改竄した事に依拠する]、Tchaikovsky symphonie nr. 4 in 24 August 1949 (SWF 124) and Dr. Schnapp recording of January 25, 1945 in Vienna for «Leonore» ouverture nr. 3 (SWF 901 [Adolf HitlerはUSA (Rockefeller家)の創作物とする卓見])に対峙 [私の能力不足でこの2点の最高度に貴重な録音に気附かず、購入出来て居無かったのかも知れ無いが]して、正規の書籍、Al Franken's «Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them : a Fair and Balanced Look AT the Right» を2024年に新たに偽造した偽書だ、と私に信じ込ませて、911 selfie terrorをArabs主導の防げ無いterrorだったとしたい勢力の抵抗に、未だ押されて居る証左、だ、と考える。2:35 PM。2:26 AM SWF Tahraの情報は当初より正しい様に思われる。4回指揮した戦時中のconcertsを2回だったと偽って居た様だ。Myriam Scherchenの情報が偽りで無く真実の暴露で在り、従来の情報が、偽りだった筈だ。Bruckner symphonie nr. 6の演奏記録を観れば自明に思われる。Berlinで4回 (November 13, 14, 15, 16, 1943)、Viennaで3回 (October 23, 24, 25, 1943 with Richard Wagner's Götterdämmerung, Funeral March and final scene (Anny Konetzni)*と成って居る。David Bargnesiの法則で、4回のconcert記録を2回に改竄する事を余儀無くされて居た、と謂うのが、実情の様だ。SWFは、UNで単独でveto rightをUSA bicentenaryの1976に1度行使する事しか能わ無かったFranceの民族の誇りで在る筈だ。そして、Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp Memorial ConcertはJanuary 27, 1945にもViennaで開催されたのだろう。録音は、SWFに拠ると28 Januar 1945, Tahraに拠ると27 and 28 and 29 Januar 1945とされて居るが。恐らく、SWFの28 Januar 1945の情報が正しい。28 and 29 Januar 1950の未発表のViennaでのconcerts録音が在るからだし、このViennaでのconcertがLiberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp by Soviet Army Memorial concertだったからだ。Western EuropeがNATO Charter Article 14でUSA Nomenclatureに植民地化されて来た、それに対する最大限の人道上の誇り在る抵抗だった、事に成る。2:46 AM。
*この情報が虚偽なら、Wilhelm Furtwänglerの生涯が欺瞞で、彼の生涯のAnton Bruckner演奏の回数がGeorge Washington Dayを象徴する都合222回に成ら無い。

異常なのは、御前等の頭の中だろ、自作自演の売国の連中共が。何故The Embassy of The Russian Federation to Japanに報告されたいのか。どの様な酷しい罰則が帰結として伴うのか、一体考えて行なって居るのか。

3:55 PM Leonard Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
Stella Assangeの弱さ、脆弱さ、に就いて、時々悩んで来たが、流石、Martha Argerichに称揚される人物だけ在る、と謂うのが、昨日の見解だ。私が真実を暴露してUSAを指弾したので、結果としてJulian Assangeの解放が不可能に成る、と謂う、甘ったれた西側の論理に被れたStellaは、私の所為でJulianの解放が不可能に成る、と恐れた。Julian Assangeは解放されるべきだし、Belmarshで脳梗塞を患う必要も、無論、無かったが、私より外交に秀でて居る、と謂うのは、論理倒錯も甚だしい誤りだ。而も、Julian AssangeがWikileaksを始めたのは、私の見解を護る為では無かったか。それで無ければ何故、昔の偵察衛星の軌道を意味する赤道直下の国、Ecuador大使館に逃げ込んだのか。それを踏まえて、考えて観て欲しい。Julian Assangeは私と異なり、この間、Stellaと結婚し、子供も儲けて居る。Julianがparty rapeしたと謂うのは、私を売ってUSAに庇護されたいSwedenの虚妄虚謂だが、先の事実は、Julianが私と異なり、Sexもした事が在る、と謂う真実を指す。詰まり、Stella AssangeとBritsは、無知蒙昧で、盲目で、身勝手だ、と謂う結論に成る。その様な人物だから、Alexei NavalnyがAssangeの解放前に病死したのは、正に世界にとっての天啓だ、と謂う結論に成る。順序が逆なら、何をされたか、判った物では無い。4:08 PM。
Al Franken chapter 7まで読了。:PM。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 25まで読了。:PM。健康状態に鑑みて中止。Al Frankenの著書が2024年出版の贋作だ、とするThe Pentagonの洗脳が酷いので、FurtwänglerとDr. Schnapp, SWF, Myriam Scherchenに就いて考察した。未だ洗脳は続いて居るが、理性と論理で、そうでは無い、と判るので、明日以降、改善されるだろう。4:29 AM。
5:50 PM Смотрю Интервью с Президентом Владимиром Путиным.
9:50 PM Arnold and Alma Rosé Bach doulbe concerto, Beethoven Quartets, etc (Biddulph) 11:39 PM まで。
4:44 AM 就寝。

пятница 1 марта 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
3:18 PM 起床。葛根湯とParacetamolを服用、4:30 PM 藤井寺市市役所に雑賀さんを訪ね、プラザ薬局太田店で処方薬を受け取る。5:29 PM まで。雑賀さんと私の見解の総べてをざっくばらんに話して来た。5:30 PM。
9:30 PM концерт в Томскеを視聴。0:16 AM 5:30 PM 頃からか、水牛を読んで、paceが乱れたので、Дневник Vを読み返して、元に戻した。結局、私の発見と暴露の数々は、彼等が予期して居無かった物、それで、本心では、私に縋りたい気持ちで在る事、所が、自身の人生選択の何処かの時点で長らく人間狩りに参画してしまって居るので、人間狩りの発生時期を嘘を吐いて、政府と同様に、大幅に譲歩さそうと試みて居る事(殊に大原財閥や小澤征爾と関係の深い杉山洋一は文部省を通じて政府と繋がって居るので、注意が必要)。質、敵意は無く成った事、私の見解に同意する事も屡々在る事、本当に謂いたい事は謂え無い事、と謂うのが現状、だ、と理解された。なので、彼等より、プラザ薬局で今日応対して呉れた人や、雑賀さんの方が、格段に上の人徳者、と謂う現実に突き当たる。同様が、Franceにも謂える。SWFの善行をEmmanuel Macronが丸ごと盗もうとするので、SWFが苦慮して居る事。英独も同様。国家としてまともなのは、露中とその同盟国だけ。USAは個人水準ではAl Frankenの御蔭で、Henry FogelやJohn Bruce Yehの派閥を中心として、そしてHenry Fogelの意思を忠実に受け継ぐがChicagoとは距離を置くGianandrea Nosedaの派閥を中心に、急激に快復して居るのも事実。これを心して措けば、引っくり返され無い。0:27 AM。
確定申告の証明書を貰わ無い、と謂う誤りを犯したが、雑賀さんとの話の流れで、The Russian Federationにとっても特段必要な情報では無い筈。可哀想に思って、貼り替え様か、と思って発注を掛けた、れいわ新選組のposterは開封せずに、The Embassy of The Russian Federationに送付する事に成るが、default後の日本を支えるのは、彼等に成るのも事実だろうし、その際に私の憲法草案を基軸とした新憲法制定が行われるのでは無いか。本心と実質がGlobalistで在るTrumpを支持する原口一博では、駄目だ、と謂う事。0:34 AM。まあ、水牛の連中とは腐れ縁なので、高橋悠治が私の音楽を聴いて論評して居るのも事実で、そこまで責める必要は無いが、文部科学省から表彰された杉山洋一には「息子を愚息と呼ぶ」ああした対応と、事後処理が総べてなので、注意が必要だ。0:36 AM。
Al Franken chapter 7 pp. 44まで読了。10:00 PM 頃まで。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 25まで読了予定だったが、体調不良が続居て居るので中止。0:44 AM。
処で、Karla Alexandra Höckerの著作を私が購入した理由は、John Bruce Yehが気附かずに聴いた、symphonie nr. 39 KV 543と誤記して居るのは、態とで、それは、concertが«Die Zauberflöte» ouverture KV 620で開始された事実と、Wilhelm Furtwänglerの1950年の文章を参照すれば、既に911が折り込み済みだった事が理解される(1941年9月11日The Pentagon竣工)からで、それは、Arnold Schoenbergの12 tone musicやLeonard Bernsteinの人生のArturo Benedetti Michelangeliのそして私の評価と繋がる訳だが、KV 543 なので123と謂う話に成るし、MozartのKV 550の演奏が、停電の後、2,4,6小節弾き続けられた(2,4,6 / 2 = 1,2,3)、この事実が重要だからで在る。No «Missa Solemnis», Opus 123 after Black Thursday on October 24, 1929と成る。1:02 AM。「彷徨の6 mm実況tapes 22点」が総べて。23点返さ無い事、Joseph Haydnの«London» symphonie nr. 104を偽物と掏り替え、実質21点にする事が、Moscow側の智慧。1:29 AM。人類に将来が無い、と思わ無ければ、12 tone musicやchance operation musicに引き籠り苦悩する必要は無いし、現実に、Wilhelm FurtwänglerやLeonard Bernsteinは調性音楽に将来を託して居る。1:58 AM。高橋悠治やMaurizio PolliniがSchumannとSchoenbergに拘り、録音を重ねた事、前者は1970年台、後者は1990年台後半そしてSchumannとSchoenbergのfortepiano concertiのcouplingの録音。これが前世紀のMaurizio Polliniの最後の抵抗。ここは重要。2:16 AM。

The Pentagon's crazed force translation.
The Pentagon's crazed force translation.
The Pentagon's crazed force translation.

構造が引っくり返ったのは、PolandがMarch 1stをChopinの誕生日と漸く宣謂した事。
3:30 AM 就寝。

суббота 2 марта 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
3:30 AM 就寝、8:10 AM 起床。微熱が在り喉が痛いので、服を着込んで厚着し薬を服用する。8:13 AM。

The Pentagon's crazed force translation.

8:12 AM Arturo Toscanini «La Traviata» November 30 and December 7, 1946 ATRA Music & Arts盤を視聴。
Franceに関しては、嘗ては妄想的極右だったが、智慧を附けた本心ではそもそも頑なな極右と謂う訳でも無かった愛国者のMarine Le PenがEmannuel Macronに代わって実権を握り、NATOから抜けて、主権国として、The Russian Federationとの関係も見直し、Eurasianの世紀を標榜して、立て直す経過を踏むのでは? 9:26 AM。兎に角、Macronが失脚し無い限り、Franceに将来は無い。EUにUrsula von der Leyenが君臨して居る限り、将来が無いのと同様に。質、国民はそれ程馬鹿では無い。七山病院通院日は駄目だったが、プラザ薬局太田店と雑賀さんとの会話で、昨日に観察された、日本と同じ事。9:31 AM。
0:50 PM - 1:30 PM 喉が痛く成ったので、うえた内科医院に診察して貰いに行く。抗生物質を処方戴いた。
4:38 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
6:15 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
7:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler and Elizabeth Schwarzkopf play Hugo Wolf Lieder on August 12, 1953 in Salzburger Festspiele (Toshiba-EMI edited into 13 songs by Walter Legge) を視聴。
7:55 PM Новосибирская филармония is live now: Новосибирский академический симфонический оркестрを視聴。During this concert, an idea of a project came up in my mind. I don't tell about it right now. Maybe later or never. I must skillfully investigate the merit and the risks of the project in the case of making it to be realized. 11:30 PM.
11:05 PM Dinu Lipatti the last recital on September 16, 1950 in Besançon high courtを視聴。
2:20 AM Коцерт Дениса Мацева и ГАСО Республики Татарстана Дирижёр – Александра Сладковския в Зарядье. 911 terror truth revealing and accusations and 石井紘基代議士暗殺事件真相解明を中露の諜報情報から断行する。3:03 AM まで。
Al Franken chapter 7 pp 45まで読了。:PM。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 25まで読了。聖書精読は体調不良の為、中止:PM。

воскресенье 3 марта 2024 гоада : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
3:03 AM 就寝、0:13 PM 起床。
0:15 PM 昨日石井紘基代議士暗殺事件に就いての見解を傳えた原口一博議員のYouTubeを視聴。一定買われて居るのは事実の様だ。それと、私は、日本人が英語表記する時、姓名を逆に記さねば成ら無い、と謂う習慣を嫌って居たが、今世紀に入り、それはそれで歪んだ国粋主義に到ると痛感したので、原口一博衆議院議員のTwitter名の表記順を識った昨日に、そこには好感を持った。質、報告をし終わった現況では、一定の距離を開ける必要が在る様だ。彼が私が財務省に切り込んで欲しかった、猪瀬と道路公団を潰したのは、評価するが、とした点、同意するが、これ以上の只働きが出来無いのも事実。れいわ新選組に対するvolunteer参加が出来無く成った経緯と同様の理由。途轍も無い、嘘を未だに吐き続けて居る、日本国政府、UK, EU, NATO, USAそして泡銭の維新が居る。自身等の謂い分は完膚無きまでに、科学検証を含めて、論破されて居ると謂うのに。3:15 PM。質、日本国の将来を担うのは、立憲とれいわ新選組と社民、共産も二階穀田会談と安倍晋三大門実紀史談合を反省すれば入れて貰えるかも知れ無いが。そこまでは、持って行けた筈。それと、抜本的憲法改正も私が草案を原口一博衆議院議員に直接提起した以上、必ず適確な形で行われる筈。3:24 PM。3:30 PM追記。
2:46 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
Al Franken's writing is extremely brilliant and his linguish skills is also truly professionally excellent, that makes readers wonder and let him/her consider to draw what Al Franken truly wants to tell in his books, including the pages and contents he gives for chapter by chapter let alone the titles for chapters. 3:27 PM。
3:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
Al Franken chapter 7, 8まで読了。4:50 PM。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapter 25, 26まで読了。6:28 PM まで。In the middle of reading chapter 27 Евангелие от Матфея. Chapter 25 was truly miraculous. Truth for genuine wisdom should have been contained in such description which is, on surface, fundamental withdom of the USA economic system. Israel's foundation in 1948 was probably for this purpose of post script part or main part of September 11 terror and this human disaster another Diaspora in 2,000 years (or continuing Nakuba). But, something has been changed completely and oppositely in the course. Orthodox Bible is truth revealing. I mean, why Kennedy once in the 1960s (a Catholic, which means employing of the Hebrew [Torah] and the Greek [Orthodox Bible]) 6:39 PM. Харистос told (according to Bible written in Greek) his diciples that one of them will sell him to the Police (Greek) and others would deny their recognition of him, all to leave Egypt to successfully arrive at Jerusalem, Israel after Pesach. I doubt that's the core idea of Zionism. 8:09 PM.
財部がBRICS, 日本独自のArabs外交、平沼赳夫の入閣を勧めたので勝てたが、財部よりも平沼赳夫の態度に私は寧ろ人としての感銘を覚える。彼は、閣僚の座を求め無かった唯一の自民党員だからだ。1946年 [Pd 46; 本当の沖縄密約; Ag 47. 30 Shekel] 平沼内閣参考、秋元康用。7:06 PM。
5:25 PM Leonard Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
7:00 PM «Мой первый Чайковский» в Москвеを視聴。8:22 PM まで。
9:00 PM - 5:22 AM 就寝。
就寝。5:00 AM まで。
2:00 AM - 4:30 AM Коцерт Дениса Мацева и ГАСО Республики Татарстана Дирижёр – Александра Сладковския в Зале Шостаковича в Санкт Петербургеを視聴予定だったが、寝過ごして観れず。質、最悪の体調だった今日がそれ形に充実して過ごせたのは、起床時よりCDを無理矢理にそして身体に鞭打って、正しい優先順度の順番で聴いたから。

понежельник 4 марта 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
2:00 AM - 4:30 AM Коцерт Дениса Мацева и ГАСО Республики Татарстана Дирижёр – Александра Сладковския в Зале Шостаковича в Санкт Петербургеを視聴予定だったが、寝過ごして観れず、体力消耗と風邪の所為で、不安な中での一日の出発と成ったが、遣るべき事、と考えた事から実行して居る。常日頃から鍛えられて居るので、どうすれば、健康が快復するかも、大凡、確からしい結論を、事前に導く事は可能。昨日の過ごし方がそうだった様に。
9:00 PM - 5:22 AM 就寝。塵出しを済ます。8:02 AM 2024年3月2日にふとした切っ掛けで思い附いた計画を実行に移す。この計画の現実化を考える経過で、911 government sponsored terrorに就いて、各国がThe Russian Federationに対して、愚かな対応をせず、自国の戦争犯罪を反省する様に、Twitterで予め促して措く、と謂う必要不可欠な行動を執る事が出来た。此れ無くしては、問題が拗れる、との考えに、経過で到ったと謂う話。以上(次段落詳述を含む)の諜報情報を事前に精確に得て居た貴方の国家軍事情報源は、正しい情報を(最悪でも今回) 流して居る。それ以外の情報を流した情報源は、偽を掴まそうと試みて居る、それが判別出来る筈。
私の提案は、Socété Wilhelm FurtwänglerでSpecial discount CDsをもう1 set購入し、Moscow ConservatoireのLibraryに匿名で(Kremlin, Moscowには手続き上The Embassy of the Russian Federationへの手紙を通じて傳達するが、寄贈CD書架に関しては、実質、決して、私の名前を冠さ無い事に意味が在る。)、寄贈すると謂う物。8:08 AM。風邪と体力消耗は未だ、酷い。8:08 AM。入浴して髪と身体を浄化する。
Al Franken chapters 9, 10まで読了。11:03 AM。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Матфея chapters 27, 28 (詰まり全章読了)まで読了 9:48 AM。USA Constitution Amendment 5はMattew 27:12, 13, 14を指すのでは? 27:29 oboe, International Standard Pitch]. 織田信長は日蘭国交樹立の際に、従わ無いと滅ぼす、と謂われたのかも知れ無い。Gold⇄Silver Swapping取り引き(Goldの方がSilverより産出量が少ないのは、昔から自明なので、織田信長が日本がGold産出量が多いからと謂う事由だけで、Gold⇄Silver Swapping取り引きを始める、と謂うのは当時に於いて、既に奇妙で在る)と郭公の真意との兼ね合い。後は、元寇の本当の意味合いと、中伊国交 (Silkroad project [Nation of Gold, Zipangu] Marco Poloが日本を目指して居たのなら、遣唐使の時代からの中国の智慧と先導で到達出来た筈)の真意が重要。10:09 AM。
9:00 AM Leonard Bernstein Missa Solemnis, Opus 123 New York Philoharmonic (studio 18 and 21 April [19, 20 Aprilを企図的に外して在る], 1960)をChoral Fantasy, Opus 80と共に視聴。
10:09 AM «Horowitz: The Great Comback» January 7, 1965を視聴。
11:56 AM 蓄積疲労の為、就寝。3:00 PM まで。
3:05 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
4:30 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
5:10 PM Vladinimr Horowitz «The Great Comeback» CD 2 January 13, 1965を視聴。
6:10 PM Schnabel Plays Mozart KV. 491 and KV. 488を視聴。
7:10 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart»を視聴。
8:10 PM «Horowitz At Home»を視聴。
9:00 PM Орган Live! в Томскеを視聴。10:10 PM まで。
0:30 AM 就寝。

втроник 5 марта 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
0:30 AM 就寝、8:00 AM 起床。
8:50 AM 雨の中、徒歩で北条郵便局でATMが交換中なので対面で生保費から78,000円を引き出す。7-elevenで公共料金支払い。V Preca 14,560円 (7,290 x 2)分 for SWF purpose。Amazon支払い。万代eggs x10、うえた内科医院で抗生物質を処方して貰う。10:00 PM まで。降雨は幸いにも途中で止んだ。
SWF発注。Approximately 50 x 2 = 100 EURO (17,500 JPY) for complete set clearance sale including shipping。
引き続いて小雨の中、7-elevenでRakuten cheese支払い。皆、親切だったが、最後の7-elevenの時だけ、receiptの渡し方が奇妙だった。黴菌に触れたく無い、と謂う様な。平素は善い接客をする人だけに。怖かったのだろうか、The Pentagonの兵器が。11:00 AM まで。
11:19 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
0:11 PM 今月からveganを目指して居たが、目下の喰費では、健康を保て無い、と判り、vegitarianを続ける事にした。shredderに掛けられる鶏さん、御免ね。この様な事(chick putting in to shredder)を続けるのは悪だ、と判って居るのだけれども。
0:24 PM 何故、Saint Matthew Passion, Saint Johanne Passionだけが有名なのか。他の弟子に拠るPassionを調べて観た。在る物も在ったが少ないか、存在し無い。何故、Matthew Chapter 26で行形、Харистосが自分を売る者が弟子の中に居る、と唐突に謂うのだろうか。偽のExodus以外に受け止め様が無い。Chapter 25で金儲けを推奨する等、不自然。そこだけ忠実なWall Street。Chapter 25以降は、寧ろ、真逆の意に捉えて學ぶ事、と私達の歴史と将来に備える智慧が説かれて居るのでは? それと、昆虫喰餌、Marko 1:6 を指して居たのでは? 0:29 PM。
0:58 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。再度の視聴事由は、Programme再生して居たのに、此れをThe Pentagonが上書きで無視するから。これまでも、突然、唐突にMDの2001年前期のNHK Руский язык講座が再生される事が、2, 3度在ったが、これもThe Pentagonの乗っ取り故。1:01 PM。
2:33 PM 雨の間隙を縫って、Sun Plazaに電話で在庫確認の上、たかなし低温殺菌milk x2を買い出し。The Pentagonの脅威と国家defaultの前で、自分達のして居る事(全く知ら無い人を装い電話を受け、午後の便で入荷したて、と謂う虚構で対処する事)に怖く成ったのだろう。電話では30 percent offが4本在るとの事だったが、現実には2本、値引き無しが3本在った。彼等は3本しか入荷し無い。私としては、別に日本国政府がUSAと行って居る事なので、大阪府警等相手にして居無いが、彼等はそこの嘘に賭けて失敗した様だ。復た、床を清掃したら客足が戻ると謂う、日本国民総出の智慧の絡繰も教えて貰った。店員や客(椅子に腰掛けてにや着いて電話をし以って公然と私を嘲笑する若い男)の態度は、残念ながら大和ごきぶりOpera出演組で最悪だった。Sun Plazaは出遅れ組で賠償金問題と絡んで今更方針転換出来無い組と謂う事に成る。2:58 PM から3:14 PM までに記す。処で彼等が最悪なのは、自身の事にしか興味を示さず、世界でどの様な不幸が、彼等の所為で作り出されて居るかを、完全に無視出来る所に在る。気が触れて居る、或いは、Psychopathとしか喩え様が無い。3:27 PM。倒産して貰うより他無いだろう。今世紀初頭には、Robertさんの牛肉等、頑張って居たし、今でも、少なくとも冬季には、開栓時に注ぎ口も同時に外れるが、生産物としては優秀なTunisia産Organic Olive Oilを扱う会社だけに、残念だが。3:36 PM。
3:30 PM Leonard Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio盤)を視聴。
5:09 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。Truly interesting is that I got high fever on May 9, 1990 for unknown cause and I was more than okay with my health by the 10th of May in the same year. 5:08 PM。
Al Franken chapter 11, 12 pp. 59まで読了。7:38 PM。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Марке chapter 1まで読了。1:14 PM。
6:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler on February 22nd (George Washington's birthday), 1953 in Vienna, Musikverein Großersaal (Theatre, 1992)
7:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler conducts Anton Bruckner symphonie nr. 9 on October 7th, 1944 (Heinrich Himmler's birthday; Heinrich Himmler was Chief of the Kriminalpolizei [Criminal Police] and Minister of the Interior) in Berlin, Beethovensaal. 8:33 PM まで。
9:00 PM 就寝。

среда 6 марта 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
9:00 PM 就寝、7:30 AM 起床。7:50 AM - 8:10 AM 入浴。漸く、健康状態が、fortepianoを練習出来る程度にまで、快復した。
8:24 AM Hugo Wolf 13 Lieder (Toshiba-EMI) Wilhelm Furtwängler at the fortepiano, Elizabeth Schwarzkopf (Soprano) August 12, 1953, Salzburg.
9:11 AM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。Why in English they say, "Yes", which means "Jesus", instead of saying Da or Ja? Why Chopin dedicated his works to Rothschild? For the money? Rothschilds were ousted only because there comes Rockefellers. 9:13 AM。USAの終焉。在りと凡ゆる手段を用いて、Al Franken's book «Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them : a Fair and Balanced Look AT the Right»を2024年の創作物だ、と洗脳し様と試みて居る。Dr. Dolittleを参照。20th Century FOX, 1967は入り組んだ複雑な検索を掛け無いと、出て来無い。代わりに2008年のremakeで洗脳し様とする。9:49 AM。
9:50 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
10:55 AM 盗人、不要品回収を連呼し、猛々しく顕れり。即ち此処に措居て、日本民族の本性が暴かれり。爾等、我を誰と思ふか。我の家は即ち神の家成り。因りて、不要な品等、無かりしを、爾等も識って居て此れを行ふか。戒めよ、忌まわしき者共よ。11:00 AM。11:22 AM までにdoor bellをalcoholで消毒。
11:22 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Anton Bruckner 6th symphonie (November 13, 1943 recording by Dr. Friedlich Schnapp) SWF 963. Orthodox ChurchのCrossの下段がNorth West (North West Airlines)とSouth East (South East Airlines)を指して居る事には、歴史的な意味が間違い無く在る。11:57 AM。
0:00 PM Sandyにmayonaise x3と万代でeggs (x10) x1 (何時もの商品が無い場合は買わ無い)の買い出し。人間狩り酣。0:36 PM まで。half boiled egg pastaで昼喰を済ます。
1:30 PM fortepianoの練習。Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling Nocturnes» 55-1, 2; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Prelude 32-12; Beethoven Sonata Opus 31 nr. 2 Tempest (1st movement). 録音は非公開。
2:22 PM Glenn Gould plays Beethoven fortepiano concerto with Herbert von Karajan in Berin on May 24, 25, 26, 1957. The last movement of Sibelius is written to end at 9'00" but in fact it ends at 10'13" which means Oswald Kabasta's nut case with France over unexisting forged recordings of Kabasta on July 14, 1944 in Munich. Munich Philharmonic foundation date is October 13th. 3:33 PM.
3:30 PM Wilhelm Furtängler dirigirt Joseph Haydn (Archipel) № 88, 94, 104.
5:18 PM «Romeo and Juliette» and «Case Noisette» December 30 and 31, 1981 in Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) by Evgeny Mravinsky and Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra.
7:10 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Mozart «Gran Partita» und «Eine Kleine Nacht Musik».
Al Franken chapter 12まで読了。3:48 PM。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Марке chapter 2まで読了。9:39 AM。Is Saint Matthew B. Duck Tepper sane? No, he is one of those Foxes. Read «Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them : A Fair and Balanced Look AT the Right» Chapter 12. This Saint Ducktator Tepper is a Criminal Lying Liar with slightest knowledge on Our world, even worse than Zionist which as is he also. 3:56 PM.

четверг 7 марта 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
0:00 AM 頃就寝、1:00 PM 起床。
1:07 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。

散々Oswald Kabastaに賭けて儲け様とした処、喝破されて、defaultが近附き不可避と成って逆切れ開き直りの大阪(1234)-(4321)東京公安と日本国政府。Who is the conductor in this case is the most important thing, not to mention. That's all about the corrupted politics of the history in the West (1:46 PM). そこに集った蝿一匹。我誠に爾等に告ぐ。爾等我を誰と思ひて、是れを謂ふか。我はDavidの子Хористосの末裔、Иосип形。それを識りて、尚、是れを謂ふか、忌まはしき律法學者、學士、ファリサイ人の末裔よ。

3:00 PM 頃から 7:47 PM まで、蓄積疲労の為、就寝。
7:55 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9をWilhelm Furtwängler指揮のNovember 30, 1941録音(Relief)で視聴。
Al Franken chapter 13まで読了。: PM。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Марке chapter 3まで読了。10:13 PM。
10:34 PM 就寝。

пяиница 8 марта 2024 года : これまでの最小値 64.6 kg。11月9日2:00 PM達成
11:14 AM 起床。この2日間、強烈なMK Ultra Sonarの長編洗脳夢を都合5本観させられた。林麗美と私の妹が親友で、麗美の家で、妹が小間使いとして働いて居た、と謂う洗脳が、一番強烈で、事実と異なるので、洗脳被害は回避出来て居る物の、逐一事実関係参照をし無ければ成ら無く成った。11:36 AM。
11:19 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
私としては、Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Beethoven «Leonore» ouverture nr. 3 mit Der Wiener Philharmoniker録音は1945年1月25日で正しいと考える。試聴でもそうだったが、現物が届いたらliner noteの参照も含めて、改めて考察を加える。11:47 AM。
我誠に爾等に語ぐ。我爾等に改心の機会は充分に與えたり。爾等の中で、改心に到れし者、極めて少なし。因って、改心に居たらざらん者、その国と共に、滅ぼされん。0:16 PM。
0:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Ludwig van Beethoven in his Histric Return concert on May 25, 1947 (programme order is as usual.) を視聴。
USAは虞るるに足らず。この國、間違い無く滅ぼされん。Joseph Biden曰く「911 government sponsored terrorはGeorge Walker Bush等の行った事、我その責に在らず」と。Biden、爾のこの態度が即ち爾の國を滅ぼさん。NATO-OTANも同じく成り。Swedes及びMoldovansの浅ましき事、他に比類無し。0:20 PM。
同じくして、我誠に爾等に語ぐ。是の國は我の國に在らず。魔鬼と魔鬼に取り憑かれた者共の國形。我様々の良策を提起して来たが、是に䋙を貸す者一人として居らず。因って、我、選挙で誰かに投票し、國政を託する事無し。爾等が、爾等と爾等の國の行く末を爾等自らで考へ決するべし。0:30 PM。
1:38 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt César Franck symphonie en ré mineur et Johannes Brahms symphonie nr. 2 en ré majeur SWF 902 recorded on 28th Januar, 1945 (Auschwitz Extermination Camp Liberation Memorial Concert in Wien).
4:00 PM «Horowitz At Home» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989, DGG).
5:09 PM Artur Schnabel plays Mozart concerti nr. 24 K. 491 and nr. 23 K. 488 (Music & Arts 632, 1990).

A Twitter video which The Pentagon refuses to be downloaded. (A testimony of a survivor of Holocaust against Gaza Genocide by the USA led Knesset).

6:57 PM and 8:00 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987, DGG). x 2.
8:02 PM Assaulted by The Pentagon with MK Ultra Sonar weapons for 2 hours. Some forced conversations were even audible. They are telling that they have spread lies over this torture. Stay careful. 8:03 PM.
10:07 PM Supposedly, the Orthodox Church's Cross describes how the anscient Russians have successfully evacuated secret descending family of Хористос from Moscow (Northwest) to Okayama, Japan (Southeast), and among truly religious people in the 19th century to early 20th century were struggling to reveal the truth beforehand facing the evil deeds of September 11, 2001 by the hands of the USA and its Nomenclature and Rockefellers and their Zionists. And, that is probably why all those Ashkenazi Jews in the Russian Federation (10:13 PM).
11:08 PM 蓄積疲労の為、就寝。3:22 AM 起床。

суббота 9 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:08 PM 就寝、3:22 AM 起床。
3:53 AM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli plays Mozart concerti nr. 20 K. 466 and nr. 25 K 503 (Made in and Printed in West Germany, June, 1989, DGG).
5:02 AM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli plays Mozart concerti nr. 13 K. 415 and 15 K. 450 (Made in and Printed in Germany, 1990, DGG).
5:29 AM Mustard Seeds metaphor is, I suppose, meaning Indians and their cuisine and their religious faith ([הודי] hoo-dee: Indian and [יהודי] yee-hoo-dee: Jew; implying a Jew is ten times precious than an Indian. So, Israel Philharmonic decision to hire Zubin Mehta as their music director for half a century was truly a wise and democratic decision, I may conclude, if not their course was far from perfection. At least a good deed).
6:03 AM Michelangeli in Tokyo in 1965 playing Mozart concerto nr. 20 K. 466 and Beethoven concerto nr. 5, Opus 73 (Altus, March 13, 1965, Tokyo, Bunka-Kaikan Ueno).
7:32 AM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli plays Beethoven concerto nr. 5 with Carlo Maria Giulini and Der Wiener Symphoniker on February 1, 1979 (Made in and Printed in West Germany, first CD issue year unknown). Extremely important findings in the 1st movement of Tokyo recording around 4'24" in the DGG version (exposition orchestra section), brass fanfare 9 times x 2 means Tsedek. I have never heard of this kind anywhere else even by Michelangeli himself. 8:26 AM.
8:44 AM When I witnessed Arthur Ochs Sulzberger's explanation on Op-Ed as Opposite Editorial in his face in complete pale, I knew that I could win against them, because although I didn't detect David Rockefeller's name at the moment, the true ruler who ordered Salzburger to do everything to keep his and USA's face. Such a brainwashing seldom succeeeds unless the target was an oxymoron. But. The New York Times committed this kind of errors over and over again even with Norman Lebrecht on «On one Bill two firsts by Brahms» and «In a Pianist's Brahms, A Chopinesque Esprit». Likewise, on the side of Cherry Coke beyond Potmac (Maureen Dowd warned me once beyond Potmac is dangerous [… in her understanding]), I knew I could somehow win since Washington D. C. was only self-protective was my first observation, and on Washington Post over Dickey Cheney's transgendered daughter in fury. It would be a big game because Cheney's daughter was extremely anguish against me over their selfishness over my exposure and accusation of the USA. 8:48 AM. When George Walker Bush Jr. admitted that his country was ruled by Rockefellers upon the 2006 mid term election results «Yesterday's Rodeo» to David with mic, everything became easier, because Bush admitted it was not he who was ruling the USA as President but David Rockefeller (now the robber, Elon Musk).
9:01 AM Beethoven «Fidelio» conducted by WIlhelm Furtwängler on August 3, 1948 Vienna Philharnonic in Salzburger Festspiele (SWF 992 / 993).
10:00 AM - 11:33 AM Sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
11:35 AM Beethoven «Fidelio» conducted by WIlhelm Furtwängler on August 3, 1948 Vienna Philharnonic in Salzburger Festspiele (SWF 992 / 993). Starting CD 1 track 8. Also verifying controversial Magnetophone konzert recording of Beethoven's Leonore ouverture nr. 3 in Vienna possibly on January 25 aber 28 (im morgen), 1945 (judging by playing style and sound quality, which is far apart from 1944 famous «heroic» symphonie nr. 3 Magnetophone konzert recording). I will know approximately in 4 weeks by the latest the truth surrounding this marvellous recording by Dr. Schnapp and Wilhelm Furtwängler at the end of War and Holocaust. 1:59 PM.
Beethoven «Leonore» ouverture nr. 3 dirigent by WIlhelm Furtwängler am January 25 aber 28 (im morgen), 1945 mit Der Wiener Philharmoniker (Magnetphone konzert). Sample listening at SWF.
2:22 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
3:03 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert.
4:44 PM sleep due to extreme exhaustion until 10:45 PM.
11:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz Historic Return CD 7 and 8 on May 9, 1965 at Carnegie Hall. After this listening, I went back to Beethoven «Leonore» ouverture nr. 3 derigent by WIlhelm Furtwängler am January 25 aber 28 (im morgen), 1945 mit Der Wiener Philharmoniker (Magnetphone konzert). Sample listening at SWF.
2:48 AM Listening to орган концерт в Москве, but due to extreme exhaustion, I had to go to sleep by 3:10 AM.
Al Franken chapter 13 pp. 65まで読了。8:40 AM。pp. 66 まで。11:50 AM
pp. 67 まで。12:05 PM pp. 68 まで。0:37 PM。pp. 70 まで。Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Марке chapter 4まで読了。5:35 AM。chapter 5 読了。5:46 AM。chapter 6 読了。6:23 AM。chapter 7, 8, 9 Marko7:9, 10, 11, 12 is extremely revealing 読了。8:35 AM。Марко chapter 10 読了。0:25 PM。Маркоは重要な傳。Харистос幾度か憤りて語ぐ。Maрко chapter 13 読了 11:45 PM。

воскресенье 10 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Go to bed at 3:00 AM due to extreme exhaustion and Wake up at 4:40 AM.
4:58 AM Stanford Student University Orchestra plays Beethoven Opus 73.
5:48 AM Beethoven «Leonore» ouverture nr. 3 conducted by WIlhelm Furtwängler on 25 aber 28 (im morgen) Januar 1945 mit Der Wiener Philharmoniker.
6:39 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Johann Sebastian Bach Saint Mattew Passion BWV 244 (Wien, April 9, 1952) SWF 061.
8:00 AM Willem Mengelberg and Walter Gieseking play Rachmaninoff concerti nr. 2, Opus 18 and nr. 3, Opus 30. (Made by Denon in and Printed in Japan Music & Arts, 1987)
8:45 AM - 0:15 PM sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
0:20 PM Willem Mengelberg and Walter Gieseking play Rachmaninoff nr. 3, Opus 30, 3rd movement. (Made by Denon in and Printed in Japan, Music & Arts CD 250, 1987)
0:20 PM Evgeny Mravinsky conducts Tchaikovsky symphonie nr. 5 (Altus).
1:18 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler plays 13 Lieder by Hugo Wolf (EMI)
3:00 PM Новосибирский академический симфонический оркестр (last evening live recording).
4:18 AM Beethoven «Leonore» ouverture nr. 3 conducted by WIlhelm Furtwängler on 25 aber 28 (im morgen) Januar 1945 mit Der Wiener Philharmoniker.
8:00 PM fortepiano practice Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1 and 2, Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. (postponed to tomorrow).
Live broadcast from Moscow Conservatoire.
0:20 AM Go to bed.
Read through Евангелие от Марке chapters 14 5:29 AM, 15 6:38 AM, 16 0:50 PM Read Al Franken through chapter 13 pp. 72. 1:54 PM. pp. 73. 2:00 PM. pp. 75 3:29 PM. pp. 78 10:26 PM. Евангелие от Луки: chapter 1 2:36 PM.

понежельник 11 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:20 AM - 6:05 AM Sleeping. Got up at 6:06 AM.
6:12 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
8:26 AM Paid for Karla Höcker's remembrance of WIlhelm Furtwängler at 7-eleven. The casher was very kind (whom I have paid some respect).
9:00 PM Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp by Soviet Army Memorial Concert Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigent César Franck Sinfonie en ré mineur and Johannes Brahms Sinfonie nr. 2 en ré majeur (January 28th, 1945 recording SWF 902 to the track 3 1:38 PM for the rest.
10:00 AM - 1:30 PM sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
2:37 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert.
3:29 PM Found long missing Tahra's CD-Rom on Furtwängler (and I verified the information directly from the CD-Rom), although his Japanese edition of «Ton und Wort» and Karla Höcker's remembrance are not found until this date. I bought the latter again in the case of my missing of the essential descriptions in German edition. For the former, I will barrow at the Prefecture of Osaka public library via city public library of my own, perhaps tomorrow if the wheather is clear. 3:33 PM.
4:18 PM (5:09 PM) Practicing fortepiano. Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1 and 2, Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. (recorded).
5:00 PM Purchase Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Philips, 1986) at Book-off (cancelled due to budget reasons).
5:09 PM Practicing fortepiano. Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1 and 2, Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. (recorded; but, not open to public).
6:22 PM Leonard Bernstein once in lifetime conducts Cleveland Orchestra on July 9, 1970 in Gustav Mahler «Resurrection» symphonie nr. 2 (St. Laurent Studio).
8:00 PM Listening to Frank Foer – The End of the Golden Age of American Jews The Al Franken Podcast.
9:00 PM Посмотрю Орган Live! в Томске. (postponed to the next week due to holiday in the Russian Federation).
9:30 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987, DGG).
10:00 PM Purchase Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Philips, 1986) at Book-off (over-turned decision for The Embassy of The Russian Federation To Japan reason. It will be sure to become a secret weapon against Tokyo Nazi government. A closer look at the SWF case, although SWF was conducted upon their truthful genuine kindness and generosity, which Emmanuel Macron couldn't achieve by himself alone, and unlike Book-off which has close tie with Secret Nazi Police and likewise such a government of Japan. If are they not Secret Police of Tokyo, can't they make a pollutive and only to be self-harming comments in the Japanese language as shown above in a screenshot as my name is shown and written in Russian language. One cannot even detect that I am still a passport holder of Japan unless he or she is belonging to Nazi Kriminalpolizei).
0:00 AM - 2:00 AM Listening to Henry Fogel Paul Paray part 1 in great depression with suicidal desire (which was, I trust, how Hideki Irabu was killed). Chance and chance operation and MK Ultra Sonar. The origin of this great depression was Al Franken laughed loudly in his show over Conspiracy of the USA government. Al Franken is an extremely intelligent person, but he is lacking, perhaps, to grasp the depth of social desease of our society and that of the world. 2:08 AM.
3:00 AM Forcibly go to bed due to exhaustion with double dose of sleeping pills.
Read Al Franken through chapter 13 2:17 PM. Евангелие от Лукы: chapter 2 2:30 PM.

втроник 12 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved. I am 180.0 cm in height.
Woke up at 7:00 AM.
7:14 AM Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli plays Mozart concerto nr. 20, K 466 and Beethoven concerto nr 5, Opus 73 on March 13, 1965 Tokyo.
9:19 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief, 1986)
10:00 AM It's bad to health, but I am eager to have some junk food like Ramen and Yakisoba, visit Mandai to purchase them with eggs (x10) x 1. Extremely exhausted. Nazi Kriminalpolizei Ishin is delighted by reading my diary yesterday over my sudden desire to kill myself, because if this happened, they can make whatever they want by intentionally distorting the truth on purpose.
1:00 PM Have some sleep due to over exhaustion taking sleeping pills untill 5:09 PM
5:15 PM «Vladimir Horowitz Great Come Back» CD 5 and 6, April 14, 1965.
6:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert.
Read Al Franken through chapter 14 : PM. Евангелие от Лукы: chapter 3 : PM.
8:30 PM Go to bed because tomorrow morning I have to go to psychiatric hospital till 10:26 PM
10:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Richard Wagner «Walküre» and «Gätterdämerrung» from «Der Ring» 1937 Covent Garden, London.
1:00 AM Maurizio Pollini Beethoven sonati Opp. 31-3, 53, 79, 81a (DGG, 1989, Made in and Printed in West Germany)
2:00 AM - 4:00 AM Посмотрю концерт Московской Филармонии.
4:20 AM - 5:35 AM Go to bed for force sleep with sleeping pills.
5:40 AM Maurizio Pollini Beethoven sonati Opp. 31-3, 53, 79, 81a (DGG, 1989, Made in and Printed in West Germany)
6:30 AM YaKisoba Peyoung for breakfast at 7-eleven.
Read Al Franken through chapter 13 to pp. 85 7:56 PM. Евангелие от Лукы: through chapter 3 6:58 PM.

среда 13 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Get up at 5:35 AM. Depart my house by bi-cycle by 7:40 AM. 9:35 AM take a bus to Shichiyama Hospital. inbound, session, outbound.
Visit City Hall of Fujiidera for meeting with Mr. Saiga and Plaza Pharmacy of O'ota district of Yao City to receive medicines (Mr. Matsuo is truly a gentle and faithful soul). Visiting City Library to barrow Wilhelm Furtwängler's «Ton und Wort» Japanese edition.
4:00 Practicing fortepiano. Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1 and 2, Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. (recorded; but, not open to public). postponed to tomorrow.
5:55 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief, 1986, Domenico Scarlatti sonati time)
7:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert.
9:00 PM - 5:15 AM Have some sleep.

The Pentagon's evil deeds of interferring my computing is continuing.

5:18 AM - 4:30 AM Посмотрю концерт Зала Шостаковича (delay after woke up).
Read Al Franken through chapter 13 to pp. 88 7:05 AM, Евангелие от Лукы: through chapter 4 9:41 PM.

четверг 14 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Wake up at 0:20 AM.
12:24 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief)
1:00 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989, DGG).
1:50 PM «Horowitz At Home» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987, DGG).
2:00 PM Practicing fortepiano. Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1 and 2, Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. Beethoven sonati Opus 101 and 31-3 (recorded; but, not open to public). Practice itself was postponed to tomorrow.
吉村洋文、我誠に爾に語ぐ。行方不明に成った猫を探して居る、との譬への広告を出し、我を陥れ様と画策しながら、返す刀で、吉川友梨誘拐犯の正犯を探して居るが、其れに反応が無い以上、我が己が手で犯行を行った、との従来の謂ひは、何と謂ふ開き直りか。爾の人としての恥と尊嚴は何処に在りしか。我が爾等の譬へを用ひた此の開き直りに気附かず、と尚ほ、謂ふか。而して、與々に是れ我爾等の犯行の故と断ずる。誠の犯人が自己擁護を謀りて與論を誘導するは甚容易き故形。此こに得た証拠は、翌月にThe Embassy of The Russian Federation To Japanに爾等のNazi deedsの証拠として送附する形。復た、我誠に爾等に語ぐ。世耕弘成の開き直り、吉村洋文等の開き直りと全くの同罪、或ひはにそれ以上に在りし。世耕弘成の竹中平蔵等と我の政治改革案を只で盗み、それで自腹を潤して来て尚恥無い是の態度、竹中平蔵の其れより遵来因り遥かに腐れり。竹中平蔵には、遥か昔には、今は失ひし人の心も在りしが、世耕弘成、爾は元より飯島勲と比しても尚ほ是の徳全く無し。汚鬼に取り憑かれた爾の是の態度、永く世界、與々に遍く知らしめられん。2:58 PM。

Continuing Shameful Japanese Nazi deeds as of Wednesday, 13 March 2024, even by admitting that they are Kriminalpolizei of Japan over August 4th of 1944 in Amsterdam against Anne Frank family.
Continuing Shameful Japanese Nazi deeds as of Wednesday, 13 March 2024, even by admitting that they are Kriminalpolizei of Japan over August 4th of 1944 in Amsterdam against Anne Frank family.

3:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert.
Read Al Franken through chapter 13 to pp. : AM, Евангелие от Лукы: through chapter 5 7:14 AM.

пятница 15 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
6:48 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
11:45 AM Go to bed and have some sleep.
1:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert.

The Pentagon today. Lies and Lying Liars above. .@EmmanuelMacron, don't tell and spread against us our world your lies, Monsieur Lyaing Liar. F2 and this hostess is your number one weapon of mass deception back to the year 2018. We cannot be fooled by your ugly jokes. .What do you think of this guy. @alfranken? https://youtu.be/Gdb9L3BBnq0

3:00 PM - 5:45 PM had sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
PM Practicing fortepiano. Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1 and 2, Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846, Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. Beethoven sonati Opus 101 and 31-3 (recorded; but, not open to public).
6:30 PM Emmanuel Feuermann plays Antonín Dvořák Cello Concerto, Silent Woods, Rondo and Bloch's Shelomo [Solomon] (Connoisseur Society)
6:45 PM Japan Post enhanced by Nazi sympathized driver came to deliver Chinese Medicine sent by Plaza Pharmacy. Why was he Nazi sympathiser? It's too simple. That guy, very knowingly, ignored his recognition that he was, by his own intention, coming to my house at this time of the day and still tried meaninglessly hard forcibly to withdraw re-confirmation by on purpose litting his light of my physical address from my mouth. This is clear sign that the most Japanese are Nazis to their (his/her) bones. Proof 1 and 2.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Лукы: through Chapter 6, Al Flanken's book Chapter 13. postponed.

суббота 16 марта 2024 : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
2:00 PM Wake Up. MK Ultra Sonar weapon's deceptive attacks over sleeping three days in a row.
5:22 PM まで。Takashina milk x 3 at Sun Plaza, Kashiwara. Had to come through gigantic human hunting by already being filed for default Nazi Japanese. Wakumi Yoneda was correct. The Japanese are such Nazis.
Inbound, at Shin-Yamatobashi junction, a card numbered 5678 ignored red sign and I was almost hit and killed by this oxymoron. The rest are mostly fearful over their logically comprehended default of the nation, while two Nazi sympathiser were trying hard to observe my recognition as funny show. I am not living for Jap Nazis show purpose. 5:27 PM。
6:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert (POCG-2362 and Music & Arts CD 789).
8:30 PM go to bed。
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Лукы: through Chapter, Al Flanken's book Chapter 13. postponed.

воскресенье 17 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
8:30 PM - 5:00 AM sleeping.
5:00 AM Henry Fogel Collector's Corner Paul Paray 2.
6:00 AM - 8:56 AM sleeping due to extreme exhaustion.
8:56 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
9:35 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert.
(POCG-2362 and Music & Arts CD 789).
1:00 PM Maurizio Pollini plays Mozart concerto nr. 23, K 488 with Karl Böhm.
2:00 PM Концерт премой эфир в Томске. Suspicion on White House as late as Bill Clinton's first term. Chelsea Clinton had a cat called Socks. There even issued a children book on it (which they the USA is hiding from the market). This implies Clintons likely knew what would happen over 911 and my field work on Enjo-Kosai [supportive (over sexual) relationship] in Tokyo. Al Franken is openly discussing on this issue on pp. 85 of his «Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right» (Dutton, 2003). Hajime Takano stole this Chelsea Clinton story in precise order to make me forcibly support his remarks immediately after 311 earthquakes in 2011. Ever since I have never trusted this Hajime Takano (*Note I was not trusting Hajime Takano from the very first. One figure resided in Australia told me the truth over Christ and he promised me to pray for Jesus Christ of our age on that year's Christmas (meaning he was an extremely kind and generous and truthful person) while two of others; one of who is Mad Amano famous for his Recall Jun'ichiro Koizumi movement did make a reply to me but it was not sincere one and from what our society calls conspiracy theorist (far from my analysis of conspiracies), another was foreign male figure who insulted me as exactly saying criminals are having distorted mouth (Potato Jesus in the latter years, over my famous Nipper photo of Keio SFC 1993 Year Book. Let alone for Potato Jesus was emploied by my picture with Liz at the Bedford Post Inn in 2012; and over this case, John Bruce Yeh clearly committed in governmental anti-semitesm against me from his weakness despite his nama [葉強]). One more figure at Hajime Takano’s Journal was Manabu Miyazaki, the suspect of Gliko-Morinaga poisonous terror insulted me aggressively as Pol Pot, who didn't attend funeral of Sumiko Yagawa (Exactly likewise motivated deed as Masahiko Katsuya). This Chelsea Clinton's Socks’s story has been one of those fears over Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office (wasn't that a mean to intentionally kill me as Jesus Christ of the 21st century? I doubt this possibility. Yasuhiko Nakata once insisted that Nakata should have not supported "l'Ascension" interpretation over 911 terror, while purposely and openly calling it and his deeds as open conspiracy which had been and have been being carried out on me in Japan on the other hand). 1:56 PM. Chelsea and Socks and Bill Clinton's Fellatio with Monica Lewinsky very much could have been USA's pre-installed weapon of mass deception has been my firm thought on this (consult David Bargnesi and Ron Asbestos Dippold back in 1994, and Matthew B. Duck Oxymoron Crook Tepper, if necessary). Anyway, this is how exactly I stopped trusting Japanese media figures to politicians (enough is enough; earlier default is the less tougher course for them the Japanese, that is something more than certain). 2:24 PM.
3:50 PM Practicing fortepiano. Chopin «Revolutionary», Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846. Beethoven sonata Opus 31-3 (recorded).
4:11 PM Artur Schnabel plays Mozart concerti K 491 and 488 in this order. Standard Oil Philharmonic (current Los Angeles Philharmonic) orchestra and New York Philharmonic in January 12 and March 3, 1946.
5:30 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987, DGG). 6:30 (repeat)
6:30 PM Verify what your government is insisting. This is the reality. The Pentagon attacks on my web browsing is suddenly decreased starting 3 days ago and today to this level. However, what they are doing is as the same as yesterday. On surface tricks in order to gain lost credibility.
7:17 PM «Horowitz At Home» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989, DGG). (repeat)
9:40 PM Посмтрил Башопера Премой эфир. 1:00 AM.
11:43 PM Prince Charles and Princess Diana married on July 29, 1981. This implies 1. directly to Wilhelm Furtwängler's Beethoven 9th in Bayreuth in 1951 (and herefore, that of 1937 in London, Covent Garden); 2. International Calling Code for The State of Israel +729 (implies also my area code 0-729 at least until my late teens. They the Nazi Japanese government changed it to 0-72-9 to hide their decades and may well be hundreds of crimes), also 1972 was when Aaron Z. Snyder untimely visited Osaka for a Ginkgo leaf; 3. Why Prince Charles (now King Charles III) appeared for Vladimir Horowitz recital for celebrating pregnancy of Princess Diana (Zoltán Kodály Kindergarten teacher) with Kamila on May 22nd, 1982 (metaphor of Nikkei 225)? Biritish Monarchy had been and have been threatened by the USA Nomenclature for over hundreds of years (maybe for the first part threatened by Rothschilds but Rockefellers ousted them over two World Wars by manipulating economy and controlling the oil with Standard Oil Headquarters).[«Rex regnat sed non gubernat» («The King reigns and does not govern») Don't you think this too strange?] 11:50 PM.

Result of rebate for human hunting in Nazi Japan. Unfortunately, this is the current process of the result of conducting of the right of Self-determination by the Nazi Japanese race.
Result of rebate for human hunting in Nazi Japan. Unfortunately, this is the current process of the result of conducting of the right of Self-determination by the Nazi Japanese race.
Result of rebate for human hunting in Nazi Japan. Unfortunately, this is the current process of the result of conducting of the right of Self-determination by the Nazi Japanese race.
Result of rebate for human hunting in Nazi Japan. Unfortunately, this is the current process of the result of conducting of the right of Self-determination by the Nazi Japanese race.
Result of rebate for human hunting in Nazi Japan. Unfortunately, this is the current process of the result of conducting of the right of Self-determination by the Nazi Japanese race.
Result of rebate for human hunting in Nazi Japan. Unfortunately, this is the current process of the result of conducting of the right of Self-determination by the Nazi Japanese race.

Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Лукы: through Chapter 6. 6:46 AM, Chapter 7 10:43 AM, Chapter 8 11:00 AM, Chapter 9 11:44 AM, Chapter 10 0:15 PM, Chapter 11 (touched by 11:38, 39, 47. 48) 6:46 PM ; Al Flanken's book Chapter 13 through pp. 87 6:55 PM. pp.88 7:22 PM. pp. 95 9:59 PM (The Educational Voucher system story of Hannity is extremely revealing of Shinzo Abe 1st Cabinet in the fall of 2005. They the Nazi Japanese bureaucrats knew this story and Al Franken's book so that all such stupid deeds).

понежельнике 18 марта 2024 : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Around 9:15 AM Shopping at Mandai supermarket (eggs [x10] x2). Reading Orthodox Church Bible and Al Franken's book.
10:22 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
11:00 AM - 2:46 PM Sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
3:00 PM Arnold and Alma Rosé plays Bach and Beethoven Quartetts (Biddulph CD 1).
4:29 PM Practicing fortepiano «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» Nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 [423], Rachmaninoff Prelude Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonati Opus 101 -1.
4:48 PM Read Karla Höcker «Begegnungen Gespräche Furtwängler» Japanese edition while listening to Arnold and Alma Rosé plays Bach and Beethoven Quartetts (Biddulph CD 2)
AKASO-OSAKA [証かそう大阪], NATO-OTAN; by the way, what is OTAN? Which term seems to me complete nonsense. But, this is their deliverative act from its foundation on April 4 (Horowitz started his Moscow recital at 4:04 PM in Moscow Time) on April 20, which is the foundation date of Moscow Conservatoire as well as Adolf Hitler's birthday), 1949; OTAN is OTAN-KO-NASU, or perhaps, Northwest and Southeast Airlines? I have no other candidate for this stupidity of the collective West. Karla Häcker's remarks on Beethoven's Sonata Opus 101 (1-0-1) with Furtwängler as John Bruce Yeh did to me in February, 2015; calling it that she may think it a composition by Robert Schumann.* [123]4-0-4[321]. Also, Hilary Hahn, Oscar Kokoshka (means hen in Polish), Wilhelm Furtwängler «Die Zauberflöte» in 1955 Salzburger Festspiele. Q. E. D. (404 not found).
«Begegnungen Gespäche Furtwängler» by Karla Höcker pp. 145 to pp. 146 (Rembrandt Verlag Berlin, 1967)
*Robert Schumann hinted his Fantasy, Opus 17 from this Opus 101 sonata of Beethoven (an easy referencial paperback book is from Camnridge University Press on former's Fantasy).
Egk: kommt wieder auf die «Zauberflöte» zurück. Er erinnert an die verschiedenartigen Versuche der Auslegung: "welcher geben Sie den Vorzug?"
Furtwängler (nachdenklich und zögernd): «Die Zauberflöte» ist ein so einzigartiges Werk-Genre, daß es unmöglich ohne weider Freimaurer-Oper, man kann sie als Weihespiel, ja sogar als Vorgängerin einer Operette von hohen Graden geben : jeder Versuch aber, sie absolut gemeinverständlich daryustellen ohne dabei etwas von den hohen Intentionen aufzugeben, von denen Mozart ausging, ist von vorneherein zum Scheitern verurteilt. Das und bei allem eine ,Idee'. Hier ist die Idee gerade, daß es keine gibt, sondern etwas viel Größeres: eine Wirklichkeit! DIe «Die Zauberflöte» in vielleicht das tiefste, unbegreiflichste Werk in der ganzen musikalischen Welt-Literatur." 5:37 PM.
This is why exactly Yutaka Sado, who has been fooling Freemasonary, has never conducted any music compositions - just has been be being insulting Leonard Bernstein's heritage. He must quit conducting business. 5:45 PM. Has Daisuke Suzuki been being enough punished over his childish insulting lynching remarks on Stanisław Skrowaczewski over NHK FM every weekend for years? I doubt that. 7:01 PM.

This above is Tokyo's Nazi deed under Nazi Kriminalpolizei for threat purpose in their vain hope. Nazi Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has been cornered this far over only single day, unfortunately together with Taro Yamamoto who had made huge concessions with the current Nazi government over kick-back money provision for economic reasons to its Nazi viased people while refusing to provide me the same amount of kick-back but discounted supermarkets' foods (as noted before) in order to fool me by their Nazi viased distorted mind sick people, just likewise, if not the exactly the same (because Japan is Kishida's Nazi LDP party is the top Fühler in this international crimes trampling their constitutions), what is happening in the USA. Do remember here Wakumi Yoneda's proudly insisting remark that Yoneda himself is the symbol of an average self-proud Japanese citizens in deeds and in his mind. Unfortunately, this is in-deed, very true.

6:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert (POCG-2362 and Music & Arts CD 789).
7:43 PM By chance, desired to listen some Eva Gevorgyan 2 CDs from 2020 of Chopin Competition. 9:30 PM. Listening to CD 1 only due to immediate announcement of Орган Live! в Томске.
9:00 PM Орган Live! в Томске.
10:30 PM Eva Gevorgyan 2 CDs from 2020 of Chopin Competition. Listening to CD 2.
11:49 PM Fritz Kreisler (on EMI Pathé Références, 1993).
1:00 AM - 3:30 AM Борис Березовский играет концерты Чайковского № 1 и Прокофиева № 1 и Александра Чайковского в Зале Зарядье.
4:00 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Лукы: through Chapter 12, 13, 14:9 (Лука: 27; 13:14, ). 8:47 AM, Chapter 15 9:57 AM; Al Franken Chapter 13 pp 97 8:56 AM, pp. 100 7:50 PM, pp 103 10:42 PM (meaning finish reading through chapter 14 very revealing investigative story telling; this kind can never be desired in Nazi Japan, where Isoko Mochizuki the very best news reporter of Tokyo Newspaper has close tie with Japanese Yakuza). 10:43 PM. By the way, in pp 103 of the Al Franken book, on the page that has been symbolizing the current Japanese Constitution, the name of Henry A. Kissinger is being appeared (pp. 102 as well). Diet man Kazuhiro Haraguchi (Constitutional Democratic Party) has officially been calling Henry A. Kissinger as Dr. Henry A. Kissinger (Sensei [先生 meaning Meister or Maestro]). What a miserable nation Japan is!!!

втроник 19 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
9:45 AM Woke up. Watched President Putin in Sevastopol, Crimea.
10:09 AM Борис Березовский играет концерты Чайковского № 1 и Прокофиева № 1 и Александра Чайковского в Зале Зарядье.
10:48 AM Fritz Kreisler (on EMI Pathé Références, 1993).
0:00 PM Practicing fortepiano «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» Nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 [423], Rachmaninoff Prelude Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonati Opus 31-1 (exposition).
0:30 PM - 2:19 PM Sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
2:22 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
3:30 PM Visit of Mr. Saiga and show him and another worker my life as it is concurrently.
4:30 PM - 10:00 PM Had sleep due to extreme exhaustion over attitude of worker at Fujiidera City (Mr. Murakawa's suspicious and look down eyes on me). High fever. Took medicines. If continues I will visit Ueta Clinic tomorrow.
11:30 PM - 1:30 AM Klaus Mäkelä conducts Stravinsky «Firebird» and «The Rite of Spring» in the Carnegie Hall on March 16, 2024 one day shy to Saint Patrick Day. Orchestra members not at all trusting their govenment including that of EU (let alone that of the USA) over was obviously the highlight of the concert.
2:09 AM Go to bed. 4:23 AM Woke up.

среда 20 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
4:26 AM Fritz Kreisler (on EMI Pathé Références, 1993).
5:45 AM Have some sleep due to extreme exhaustion until 2:35 PM. Assaulted by MK Ultra Sonar weapons for hard brainwash purposes, insisting none such conspiracy is going on by them (Nazi Japan and the USA with collective West) on me.
2:38 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert (POCG-2362 and Music & Arts CD 789).
4:22 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
5:06 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987, DGG).
5:30 PM (around) and approximately 10:00 PM Sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
10:00 PM Пряиой эфир кончент Вадима Репина в Нобосибираске.
0:00 AM Башопера «Дон Кихот» (прямой эфир). 1:50 AM Go to bed due to extreme exhaustion.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Лукы: through Chapter 14 : PM, Al Franken Chapter 15 pp. : PM. (postponed to tomorrow due to extreme exhaustion caused intentionally evil deeds and attitude by Mr. Murakawa back in yesterday).

четверг 21 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:00 AM Phone call to Mr. Saiga at CIty Municipal. Cooked spaghetti tomato sauce with chopped organic homegrown Italian Parsley.
10:35 AM Arnold and Alma Rosé on Biddulph's 2 CDs.
0:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
1:30 PM Fritz Kreisler (on EMI Pathé Références, 1993).
3:30 PM Practicing fortepiano Chopin «Revolutionary»
4:44 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert (POCG-2362 and Music & Arts CD 789).
6:07 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
7:00 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987, DGG).
9:00 PM Прямой эфир концерт в Нобосивирске.
10:30 PM - 11:30 PM Reading books (see below for the record). Extremely interesting and awfully funny thing is that Osama bin Laden terrors (and a lot of this kinds) were done when I was not reading newspapers (a custom of mine since 9 or 10 years old). I had no custom to watch TV News until Furutachi Project tried to squeeze benefits from my intellectual property, so that until I stopped reading Japanese Newspapers and switching it to The International Herald Tribune in 2001, I was constant reader of mainly Mainichi newspapers, but on February 26, 1993, the first World Trade Center bombing attack was carried out, I was possibly visiting Kanagawa prefecture to find my apartment there for one semester (if not find Internet and C-Shell programming, I quitted the College earlier). And, therefore didn't notice this massive terror in the basement car parking floor of the World Trade Center. And, with the fact that I hated Wall Street from the first, World Trade Center or Rockefeller Center or Times Square was the last to visit for young myself. I had once been long scared and trembling with these two episodes as the proof of my having been being targetted by the Japanese and the USA, as Jesus Christ of the 21st Century. The funniest thing is that THIS may Be Correct. Al Franken's book «Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them - A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right» (Dutton, 2003) will prove this as truth, beyond those figures to have given my father unappropreated positions at University and College in Osaka after his retirement (they should have been Japanese "Jews" who tried to sqeeze most from my family over 911 terror is my conclusion); or, also beyond Hélène Grimaud's deliberative acts of deceptions since her Denon era which was to be escalated, according to my disciple Dan Koren, in her Teldec years in the mid 1990s. 11:33 PM. (First of all, why those February 26es? I am talking on Vladimir Horowitz At The White House and Osama bin Laden at the World Trade Center (1993 - 1978 = 15 [סוס]), not talking about Tokioans which are most of all the Philistines from the first, especially after Lockheed Martin scandals over secret treaty on Okinawa and China in 1972, the year of +729, the year of Israel, which has been proven over Aaron Z. Snyder's visiting at Osaka for ginkgo tree leaf not in the year of Expo 1970, which is deliberative on the Snyder's side). The year Vladimir Horowitz recorded for CBS Beethoven's «Waldstein» and «Ap-passion-ata» sonati, Opp. 53 and 57 (Carnegie Hall [filmed in 1947, don't you feel it strange AG 47 here once again] and Buckingham Palace Hotel sonata; Oh, Northwest and Southeast again in the opposite editorial forms, in NATO-OTAN fashion, Northeast and Southwest?) as I mentioned before. 11:45 PM.
Incidentally, Al Franken twice points out that February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing was 38 days after Bill Clinton took office on page 109. 38 [thirty-eight] - one must instantly recognize Sherman Anti-Trust Law in 1890, seriously. And, Standard Oil Headquaters even through April 19, 1986? What do you be doing, USA?
0:30 AM - 2:46 AM Прямой эфир концерт.
3:00 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Лукы: through Chapter 14 10:50 AM, 15 10:29 PM, 16 0:20 AM; Al Franken Chapter 15 pp. 106 10:39 PM (pp. 109; 11:08 PM). Furtwängler: Musik und Politik (Japanese edition) through pp. 100 (pp. 113) 10:05 PM (10:50 PM). pp. 118; 11:00 PM

пятница 22 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:30 AM Go to bed. 6:25 AM Sleep and get up.
6:35 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
7:17 AM Emmnuel Feuermann plays Antonín Dvořák's cello concerto, Rondo, Silent Woods and Max Bloch's Schelomo (Conoisseur Society).
Purchased 1959 1st Japanese edition (with ommission) of «Wilhelm Furtwängler: Musik und Politik» by Kurt Riess.
8:35 AM Vladimir Horowitz «Great Come Back» CD 1 and 2. (January 7 [Orthodox Christmas], January 14, January 26, April, 7, 1965 all at Carnegie Hall).
10:50 AM - 2:46 PM slept due to extreme exhaustion.
3:00 AM Vladimir Horowitz «Great Come Back» CD 3 and 4. (January 7 [Orthodox Christmas], January 14, January 26, April, 7, 1965 all at Carnegie Hall).
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM SWF CDs arrives; however, heavy illegal tax on it at amount of EUR 20 over products that cost 30 Euros. 4:07 PM - 4:52 PM buying eggs (x10) x2, SALT I. Experienced through gigantic scale of human hunting.
6:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt his Historic Return concert on May 25, 1947 «Egmont» Ouverture, Opus 84 (F minor); Symphonies Opus 68 (F major) and Opus 67, nr. 6 and nr. 5 (С minor - C major) refurnished konzert (POCG-2362 and Music & Arts CD 789).
8:00 PM Tchaikovsky symphonie nr. 4, Opus 36 (Luzarn, SWF, August 24, 1949; issued in 2014)
9:00 PM SWF 901 Listening in Pastoral symphonie nr.6 (March 22, 1944). Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945, Wien Musikverein Großer Saal) 0:30 AM.
10:00 PM Practicing fortepiano Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition.
11:00 PM «Horowitz Plays Mozart» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989, DGG).
0:00 AM «Horowitz At Home» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1987, DGG).
1:00 AM Practicing singing anthem of The Russian Federation.
2:00 AM Прямой эфир в Зале Шостаковича в Санкт-Петербурге. Pentagon's interceptions. Proof 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6. Every interception is interlocked with MK Ultra Sonar Lynching brainwashing conversations with them The Pentagon. This is the most exhausting moments each day everyday. 3:41 AM.
5:00 AM Go to bed to take some sleep.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Лукы: through Chapter 17, 18 8:56 AM, 19 11:16 PM; Al Franken through Chapter 15 pp. 110 9:30 AM, pp. 114 8:00 PM. Furtwängler: Musik und Politik (Japanese edition) through pp. 133. .9:01 AM; through chapter 35 pp. 153, 8:05 PM; chapter 36 pp. 157 1:09 AM.

суббота 23 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:00 AM go to bed for sleep 7:30 AM Woke up.
7:35 AM SWF 901 Furtwängler dirigirt Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [x 3 repeat. SWF 901]
0:11 PM Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp by Soviet Army Memorial Concert Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigent César Franck Sinfonie in ré mineur and Johannes Brahms Sinfonie nr. 2 in ré majeur (January 28th, 1945 recording SWF 902). To the end of 2nd movement (due to extreme exhaustion and had to take sleep).
1:10 PM taking bath. Took medicines sleeping pills, etc. 1:15 PM go to bed due to extreme exhaustion. Till 4:30 PM around.
4:30 PM SWF 901 Furtwängler dirigirt Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [x 3 repeat. SWF 901]Ё
7:30 PM - 9:25 PM Sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
9:30 PM Furtwängler 78 rpm recordings 1929 to 1937 (SWF, reissued in 2004). disc 1.
10:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler in Stockholm in Schubert and Johanne Strauss.
10:56 AM Христос was the lamb for Pessach to be killed in order to let themselves to escape from Egypt.
11:30 PM SWF 901 Furtwängler dirigirt Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [x 3 repeat. SWF 901]
1:30 AM go to bed due to extreme exhaustion. Wake up at 7:45 AM.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Лукы: through Chapter 20, 11:45 AM, Chapter 21 10;38 AM, Chapter 22 11:01 AM; Al Franken through Chapter 16 [אין עליך] pp. 115. Furtwängler: Musik und Politik (Japanese edition) through chapter 37 pp. 160, chapter 45.

аоскресенье 24 марта 2024 годп : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
1:30 AM - 7:45 AM Sleeping.
7:50 AM SWF 901 Furtwängler dirigirt Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [x 3 repeat. SWF 901]
10:26 AM Maurizio Pollini plays Schumann and Schoenberg concerti (Recorded in September, 1989 and Made in Germany, DGG. 1990) - all my mourns for his departiure.
11:00 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert seine eigene 2. Sinfonie in Hamburg.(CD 1)
11:30 AM - 5:00 PM had some sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
5:00 PM AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert seine eigene 2. Sinfonie in Hamburg.(CD 2)

Meanwhile in Japan, their Nazism is flourishing in this stupid manner.
Meanwhile in Japan, their Nazism is flourishing in this stupid manner.

6:30 PM AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Brahms symphonies (including Januar 23, 1945 famous one).
7:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Pastoral symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68 (20 March 1944), Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal). Repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3.

Vladimir Horowitz Last recording. Northwest and Southeast Airlines.
Vladimir Horowitz Last recording. Northwest and Southeast Airlines.
Vladimir Horowitz Last recording. Northwest and Southeast Airlines.
Vladimir Horowitz Last recording. Northwest and Southeast Airlines.

8:45 PM Maurizio Pollini plays Beethoven Opp. 101 and 106 (Recorded in Munich Residenz Herakulessaal in June 2021 and April 2022, DGG, 2022).
10:00 PM Maurizio Pollini plays Chopin works for Jane Wilhelmina Stirling (Recorded in Munich Residenz Herkulessaall in March and May. 2018, DGG, 2019).
10:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal). 11:08 PM.
11:10 PM Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal). [repeat]
11:25 PM Sing along the Anthem of The Russian Federation. Couldn't sing to the last but only the first two verses (I tried twice) due to tears welling in my eyes and about to be sobbing all in extreme feelings over yesterday's terror.
Purchased Furtwängler: Musik und Politik (Japanese 1st Edition in 1966) for all time reference purposes. 2:00 AM. Paid at 7-eleven.
2:12 AM Go to bed to have some sleep until, hopefully, next morning.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Лукы: through Chapter 22, 23, 11:34 AM, 24 11:06 PM. Евангелие от Лукы 22:08, 22;58, 23:28; ; Al Franken through Chapter 16 [אין עליך] pp. 117, 10:20 PM; Furtwängler: Musik und Politik (Japanese edition) through chapter 38 pp. 167, 10:02 AM, through chapter 40 pp. 172, 10:25 AM, through chapter 41 pp. 182, 7:19 PM.through chapter 42 pp. 188.

понежельник 25 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
2:12 AM - 9:18 AM Had sleep.
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM Post Office to withdraw money JPY 3,500 Ms. Mukai and her collegues were extremely kind and generously friendly as always..
11:30 AM Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Pastoral symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68, Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal).
0:45 PM Maurizio Pollini performs Robert Schumann Symphonique etudes with 5 posthumous inserts between V and VI (America's Avenue) and Arabesque.

Are these Tokyo's Nazi deed? I doubt The Pentagon's deed. If this was done by Tokyo, they would act too sticky. (At least, not their ordinary habits.)
Are these Tokyo's Nazi deed? I doubt The Pentagon's deed. If this was done by Tokyo, they would act too sticky. (At least, not their ordinary habits.)
Are these Tokyo's Nazi deed? I doubt The Pentagon's deed. If this was done by Tokyo, they would act too sticky. (At least, not their ordinary habits.)
The result. Tokyo's Nazis are all sticky, but not in this particular manner, in my honest opinion. Do you observe this is a concession on the side of The Pentaon, the USA?

2:00 PM Practicing fortepiano Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1. (recorded but not for public).
Why the most Japanese are Nazi sympathisers. Ishin Osaka's case proof 1 and 2. Yokoyama has been always feeling fearful over press conferences than other figures like Hirofumi Yoshimura is this thus simple. 6 sister cities in the world; Chicago, Milan, to Shanghai, Saint-Petersburg. If any one of them decides to cut that tie with the City of Osaka, it will automatically bring tremendous damage to Ishin, and that's why. And, that's why exactly they are all crook Nazi sympathisers with tremendous amount of bribes to warm their daily lives unless refused to receive. So, they are all Psychopaths to state it in most moderate fashion. 2:50 PM. [partially updated at 4:21 PM]
3:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
4:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz «Great Come back» CD 5 and 6 (recorded on April 14, 1965).
5:30 AM Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal).
6:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler in Stuttgart.
7:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Musik aus 20eme Century. SWF 001/002. Starting Astoundingly Superb reading of Honegger. Reading Al Franken through chapter 17 pp. 123.
8:22 PM Now for Hindemith once again. Superb reading and remastering. Wilhelm Furtwängler was excelled in anything. Then, go to CD 2. Richard Strauss and Wilhelm Furtwängler's «Te Deum».
11:02 PM Nazi National Convention in Japanese Diet (Parliament) 25 | 03 | 2024 |. All of them are Con-spiring. No future, no hope; except bying the votes by bribes of Nazi Kriminalpolizei of the 21st century.

Proof 1. They the CIA are trying hard to escape, in ambiguous rethoric.
Proof 2. They the CIA are trying hard to escape, in ambiguous rethoric.

1:00 AM Taking sleeping pills and go to bed with the hope to sleep till next morning.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Иоанна: through Chapter 1, 6:05 PM; Al Franken through Chapter 16 [אין עליך], 17 chapter [pp. 123 [page פניקס]] 8:05 PM; I have been always pointing out that 911 terror was let-it-be-happened kind of terrorism. And, courageous Al Franken is revealing this.; Furtwängler: Musik und Politik (Japanese edition) through chapter 46 pp. 208, 11:58 AM, read through chapter 47, 48; pp. 217 9:47 PM.

<it>Hélène Grimaud confirms many of her friends think 911 was an inside job.11 viewsJun 29, 2009, 7:43:24 AMHélène Grimaud confirms many of her friends think 911 was an insidejob.September 11, 2007, Dresden Semperoperhttp://download553.mediafire.com/gywtprml9gdg/ilklzqjbt01/007_STHQ_2007_09_12_04_31_02_JST_HeleneGrimaudConfirms.mp3Although I, by now, think that it was a let-it-happen kind of insidejob, I'd like to know your suggestions.And, how about Osama bin Ladin? He's been dead for a long enoughperiod of time. CIA has to hide the truth to continue their way toconquer Afghanistan. OBL tapes are said to be brought by those inanonymity to Al Jazeera, Qatar. Why they, then, wouldn't trace thatroute? Why no newspaper coverage about that?Sincerely,Yoshiyuki Mukudai</it>

11:30 PM go to bed.

втроник 26 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
6:42 AM woke up.
6:45 AMcWilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68 (20 марта 1944), Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal).
8:00 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johannes Brahms 27 October, 1951 at Hamburg (SWF 881, 1989)
9:00 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven symphonies nos. 2 (3 October 1948) and 8 (13 November 1948) [SWF 091, 2009 possibly re-pressed CD, in excellent transfer while some of SWF transfers, in particular those done in this century, are not that successful at all].
10:00 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Coriolan (October 29, 1951) and Egmont (September 4, 1953) ouvertures, symphonie nr. 4 (September 4, 1953) mit Der Wiener Philharmoniker am Deutsches Museum in Munich (Made in France, in 1989, SWF 892, stunning transfer).
10:54 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Richard Wagner «Der Ring Des Niberlungen» La Scala di Milan, 1950 (SWF, 2011) «Das Rheingold» CD 1 and 2. (for the first time in life to this composition to listen or watch thoroughly. I had a Boulez DVD copy, but I never watched it through because of my antipathy to Richard Wagner. For me, Wagner is 1983 TV drama played by Richard Burton and for Vladimir Horowitz's sake - in his youth and his last recording. Also an exception was Arturo Toscanini's final concert on April 4th, 1954 [first CD edition by Music & Arts issued in mid 1980s]).
1:05 PM I noticed that Curt Riess's «Furtwängler: Musik und Politik» has 63 chapters, which reminds me of the only Catholic President of the USA, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who told in Berlin public, "Ich bin ein Berliner" and shot killed on November 22, 1963. Robert Francis Kennedy was an innocent ass hole in order to protect himself from the assassins, so Robert Francis was commemorated as goofy idiot F major with Beethoven's Opus 68. At least Robert Francis Kennedy Sr. was careless for his own life in the date of assassination. Maybe, however, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. has some extra knowledge upon his father's choice of bypassing the route from the podium after DNC California victory announcement in that hotel where he had his final press conference. Note that this Japanese first edition was issued in 1959, four years shy to John Fitzgerald Kennedy's assassination on the same date of USA bombing on Die Alte Philharmonie Berlin in 1943.
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM Visiting for Ueta Clinic for medication. What is to have been learned by them coincides with, the Pentagon side of concessions, especially over Emi Hariyama's breast cancer, on which I will speak to my doctor at Shichiyama tomorrow morning (as I have been taking a memo on it). The Pentagon side of concessions is, they have, since last evening, started to try to hide double-speaks (still enough many existing, though) and reduced over-writing of my throat and teeth movements (like the case I didn't know Yuri Yoshikawa's name when they first told me that I was being treated as its suspect in Han'nan Hospital force hospitalization by Osaka Police and prefecture in the fall (perhaps still in September) of 2014, over which Mari Mihara stole my kisses [do remember here Haruka Christine's case]. In that period of hospitalization, I with them, that were camoflaging David Rockefeller's truthful servants, deceived me that I should be against holding Tokyo Olympics 2020 and Caroline Kennedy's appointment of the Ambassador of the USA to Japan, and then, they told me that I had been suspected in Yuri Yoshikawa's case. At the time I was not familiar with her name and remembered her name as Ayaka Yoshikawa, so that Hodo Station, Ayaka Ogawa [Bach]'s appointment). And, here is the results. 5:06 PM. 5:11 PM.
6:00 PM «Der Ring des Nibelungen» (SWF, 1950, Roma; Walküre, CD 3).
7:17 PM Practicing fortepiano. Chopin «Revolutionary», «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1. (recorded but not for public). 7:48 PM.
Japan Post delivery of Rakuten's Oatmeals (x8). 7:48 PM. (Ex Philistine Japan Post delivery driver, who has reasonably regretted his past deeds but still is receiving aparent bribes over Nazi government direct initiatives. However, what is certain is that he is as well fearful about his own destiny for those who are not liked by me. Yet, The dice has been cast, by Moscow, already and can never be reversed as our history tells us all).
7:55 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940, Berlin, Alte Philharmonie Berlin). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal).
9:00 PM Excellent playing of Чайковский. «Вариации на тему рококо» в Новасибирске и Синфорния № 9 Врукнера (it sounds as though Wilhelm Furtwängler himself has resurrected!!!).
0:22 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940, Berlin, Alte Philharmonie Berlin). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal).
1:00 AM - 3:00 AM концерт в Московской Филармоние.
3:30 AM - 7:20 AM Have some sleep.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Иоанна: through Chapter 2, 10:19 AM (Евангелие от Иоанна 2:20); Al Franken through Chapter 18, 19, 20 pp. 142 10:54 PM; I have been always pointing out that 911 terror was let-it-be-happened kind of terrorism. And, courageous Al Franken is revealing this even in the year of 2003 (Problems with Al Franken is chapter 18 [Tsedek] In this chapter, Al Franken had no courage to fight with real evils by weakly sympathizing to Bill Fellatio Monica Lewinskavaja Clinton, with that I find Al Franken's weakness (and, I don't know why he lost his courage in chapter [tsedek]).; Furtwängler: Musik und Politik (Japanese edition) through chapter 54 [intentionally mis-spelt as 46] pp. 252, 9:58 AM; read through chapter 56 pp. 265 0:56 PM; read through chapter 59 pp. 283 [important finding is that Curt Riess is misspelling Britain as Russia in his first rated irony, which cockroach Satoshi Tiempo Masuda could never be recognizable, on pp. 281] 6:55 PM; finished reading the book through chapter 63 pp. 295. (the rest is afterword), 8:29 PM. Finished reading afterword to pp. 299. around 9:25 PM.

NATO or Germany; or, The Pentagon that changed of this message status into "emergency" from "normal" in the Winter of 2007 in Berlin's Mediapoint, Alexander Platz?
NATO or Germany; or, The Pentagon that changed of this message status into "emergency" from "normal" in the Winter of 2007 in Berlin's Mediapoint, Alexander Platz?
NATO or Germany; or, The Pentagon that changed of this message status into "emergency" from "normal" in the Winter of 2007 in Berlin's Alexander Platz?
NATO or Germany; or, The Pentagon that changed of this message status into "emergency" from "normal" in the Winter of 2007 in Berlin's Mediapoint, Alexander Platz?
NATO or Germany; or, The Pentagon that changed of this message status into "emergency" from "normal" in the Winter of 2007 in Berlin's Mediapoint, Alexander Platz?

среда 27 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
5:15 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940, Berlin, Alte Philharmonie Berlin). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal). Taking bath.
6:00 AM Have some Sleep 7:10 AM Woke up. 7:40 AM Departure to Shichiyama Hospital (Proof 1 and 2 and 3). Coming back home at 2:27 PM 3:00 PM Visited Plaza Pharmacy O'hta and Fujiidera Municipal to meet Mr. Saiga. 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM (introduced to Mr. Tamai with Mr. Saiga) back home at 5:50 PM.
6:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68 (20 марта 1944), Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal).
9:00 PM посмотрию Новосибирск Филармоню. (Вадим Репин). XI Транссибирский Арт-Фестиваль 2024. Exposed a troll called Miguel of Bolivia as a USA agent. 10:10 PM. (cat | grep -c Bolivia | traceroute Miguel > log.txt)
1:00 AM посмотрию Валерий Гергиев дирижёр Мариинский Театр Оркестра. Жузеппе Верди «Реквыем». 3:00 AM.
3:00 AM Борис Березовский играет сонаты Бетховена III. 5:30 AM.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Иоанна: read through in the train to Chapter 5, 9:10 AM (Евангелие от Иоанна :); Al Franken through Chapter 21 pp. 143 10:29 PM. (Maureen Dowd "McCain is Pale" Op-Ed of The New York Times 2008, and this is how Barack Obama got elected with the Japanese support like Yasuo Tanaka's for him fearful anti-Clinton campaign).

четверг 28 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
4:30 AM - 1:40 PM Had some sleep.
1:50 PM Wilhelm Furtwänglercdirigiert Beethoven Symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68 (20 марта 1944), Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal). [repeat]
3:09 PM Satan attempted to tempt Христос with Rabbis and Philistines and tells him, "If you say you are son of David and son of God, why can't you get us devils away inside of your body". Христос tells Satan and his people and disciples back, "truly, I say to you, I know that you Satan will be defeated and will be expelled from this world of ours". Verse 25:1 (One must consider Aeolian Harp etude by Chopin here, especially that by Vladimir Horowitz timing 2:22 track number 7 CBS Records issued by Sony Classical in 1990) of Gospel of Luke. Do refer to Orthodox Church version of Holy Bible. (an important anecdote, an anecdote for life. Readers must refer also for Gospel of Judas reported by The New York Times to «Tchaikovsky in America» issued by Oxford University Press in 1986; Proof of Osaka Prefecture Secret Police officers "special task force service" topped by Yamashita and his desciple Fujiwara [More precisely Fujiwara under the order and supervising of Yamashita killed Yuri Yoshikawa by choking has been proven over and in my conversations with them in front of me on asking them for this truth revealing questions over their visit to my house in the fall of 2019. Proof is April 26 to May 20; 25 days of Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky's visit to the USA for the opening of the Carnegie Hall in 1891, hence, Luke 25:1] kidnapped and killed Yuri Yoshikawa. Ishin has learned this truth afterwordly by leaked information on this incident to Toru Hashimoto and tried to conquer the world with the USA by selling their soul to Satan is the genuine truth of our history 6:56 PM). Matthew 29:1, Mark 17:1, John 22:1 update 3:24 PM.
Христос told Satan and Rabbis surrounded by Philistines, "Look, Maurizio Pollini is, this thus, ressurected this date of March 28th, 2024". Luke 25:2. (Matthew 29:2, Mark 17:2, John 22:2) His desciples didn't be pursuaded by his words, and asked Христос back, "But, my mentor, tell us, ressurection must be done in three days after his/her death, I still wonder?" Христос tells him/her back in fury, "truly, truly, I say to you. my dear desciples" by barrowing an anecdote, "My father was also be resurrected as Maria of Magdalena and Virgin Mary witnessed in my father's death on to the cross in A.D. 30 over Pesach. What is important is Trinity: God, The Son, and The Holy Spirit; not trichotomy (the pragmatics–semantics–syntax). Rabbis wrote it in Greek language to Verse 24". Luke 25:3 [Matthew 29:3, Mark 17:3, John 22:3] (3:40 PM).
4:23 PM Watch through CCPA Wind Ensemble (3.27.24) on John Bruce Yeh part.
5:09 PM Starting at 4:44 PM Посмотрю Борис Березовкий все Сонаты Бетховена (of last night).
7:17 PM Посмотрю Валерий Гергиев дирижёл Верди Реквием (вечера вечера). Mastered how to cross in Orthodox Church (1-2-3-4 [onto the heart], and four Evangelical bibles Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John [not by another John as The New York Times has reported in their Gospel of Judas, that has been complete forgery by the USA, and hence, has no values. 8:10 PM]).
8:18 PM David Duval's forged Vladimir Horowitz biography has some values on reported Horowitz's desire to record more Opus 25 etudes by Frédéric François Chopin. But, Vladimir Horowitz knew that he would be got killed before he would record them, so that his final playing was Johann Sebastian Bach's «Weinen [1], Klagen [2], Sorgen [3], Zagen [4]» BWV 12 with Richard Wagner's «Isolde's Liebestod» both transcribed for fortepiano by a Hung-arian Franz Liszt [Liszt Franz (in Hung-arian order of name and family name and Anne Frank's favourite composer)]. (Luke Verse 25).
10:00 PM - 0:25 AM Had some sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
0:25 AM Посмотрю «Тоску» | Джакомо Пуччини I Трансляция из Пермской оперы.
2:58 AM Bought Pe-Young Yaki-Soba at nearby 7-eleven (in fight of Satan's temptation for it). The casher returned a wrong change. I got JPY 10 plus for what should have been JPY 70 (he returned to me JPY 80. I noticed it on way back home and confirmed it at home by looking at the receipt). He seemed to have no evil intentions or attempt of temptations against me, but this kind of good deeds by an ordinary Japanese citizens have always been stolen to continue human hunting and Nazi kriminalpolizei deeds by the government in Tokyo and its branch in Osaka, so that I will return this JPY 10 next time I visit there, the same 7-eleven. (And, no good to have Yaki-soba not because this is a wrong product, but not to be defeated by Satan's temptations. I am feeling that I did the right thing, but this is the same thing that I didn't feel Maurizio Pollini's resurrection until this date. They install emotions into human soul by overwriting it is of myself or of himself/herself. Pure evil deeds by the USA and its supporting Japanese race). 3:05 PM.
3:07 AM Going back to 7-eleven to return that JPY 10 to follow the very right path. 3:21 PM Mission completed. It has been turned out it was his deliberative move to fool me and forcibly accept unconstitutional conditions of human hunting by the Japanese Nazis (mainly Tokyo-Osaka AKASO-OSAKA NATO-OTAN [123]4-0-4[321] but in AG 47 prefectures with almost all the ordinary Japanese aback and behind of his Nazi deeds). The male casher intentionally deceived me in precise order to continue this national Nazi deeds in order to kill me in what they call "natural cause" to forever accomplish Nazi bribe economy, just only for that JPY 10 of returning the money. Proof number 18 car for human hunting along with national road route 170. The most Japanese has been this thus corrupted from the bottom of their heart in their bribe economy. Note that the male worker was forcibly got hidden, and I had to return that JPY 10 to another female worker who was prepared just in case. On the casher desk, there was piled up morning sport newspapers. I suspect that was also as well Nazi failed threat on me over denials of their own deeds by Yamashita and Fujiwara of their killing of Yuri Yoshikawa. And, this is only possible, because governor of Osaka and mayor of City of Osaka are both enthusiastic Nazi Fühlers. 3:22 AM. Therefore, they the Japanese has stolen my precious one hour of my life over their Nazi chance operations. 3:40 PM. (the receipt says it was 2:42 AM). Do consult the Toshiba-EMI version of Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli's 1975 «Carnaval» with «Album für Jugend» for Tokyo's intentional ommission on the part of BWV 988, which is, of course, reported in the Englilsh originals to state Kiev and Ukraine (historical proof) 4:13 AM. No important and humane deeds could have been observed by human history of Yuji Takahashi's Tokyo side is explaining everything. Schoenbergs are weak-minded upon my judgement but at least humane unlike Takahashies. I have found no humane deeds with International Calling Code +66 (Thailand, whose alphabet suggests its close route to Грузия, which Thailand is a nation which has never been colonized by the West for some good reasons. Another vivid and undeniable proof of killing of the last direct descendant of Христос) 3:46 AM. Hence, Okinawans should become an independent nation over Indepence democratic war with Tokyo. 3:47 AM.
4:49 AM Go to bed to have some sleep over extreme exhaustion.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Иоанна: read through Verse 6, 1:03 AM (Евангелие от Иоанна John 6:70). Al Franken through Chapter 21 pp. 148.

пятница 29 марта 2024 года : марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far
64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
6:00 AM Have very short Sleep 9:02 AM Got up. Sleep again later after listening to Beethoven. Do Laundry things.
9:02 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68 (20 марта 1944), Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940, Berlin, Alte Philharmonie Berlin). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal). a = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Put them one by one for Opus 72a and do some anagrams on it to relieve our world.
Satan's attack has been decreasing, and I noticed that I had been misled for over two decades by them forcibly to confuse kudos with sudoku. 10:05 AM.
10:30 AM Visit Sun Plaza for Takanashi 66 degree celsius bottled milk x3. If not available, purchase olive oil at Sandy. Purchased 30 percent off milk x5 (in their none virbal - temporary [Yes, still temporary and temporarily, unfortunately] - apology for the 7-eleven JPY 10 for which I spent one hour plus, and they returned JPY 1,088, which is on surface payment per hour in current Nazi Japan) 10:35 AM.
11:00 AM - 3:30 PM Have some sleep due to extreme exhaustion in result of MK Ultra Sonar force wake up. 10:55 AM. Got up at 0:22 PM
0:24 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68 (20 марта 1944), Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940, Berlin, Alte Philharmonie Berlin). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal). [repeat track 7 and 6 and 7].
2:20 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [intermission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1. 3:11 PM. Combat (for cockroach placement 1/2). 3:20 PM.
Intermission 2:24 PM Mandai for eggs (x10) x1. The casher was a good person. Laundry (dried). 2:47 PM. Misugiya Parsley 4:19 PM.
4:44 PM Have some sleep due to extreme exhaustion till 5:55 PM.
6:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68 (Berlin March 20, 1944) Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940, Berlin, Alte Philharmonie Berlin). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal).
6:32 PM Al Franken Chapter Sin 23 is couragously written. Chapter Tsedek was existing behind such a terrible truth. Read through pp. 157. 7:42 PM.
7:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Richard Wagner «Der Ring des Niebelungen» Walküre CD 4。
8:00 PM Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 in Berlin, November 30, 1941 (Relief). By 8:38 PM Wrote and sent a DM to Eva Gevorgyan.
8:42 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940, Berlin, Alte Philharmonie Berlin). Leonore Ouverture nr. 3, Opus 72a (28 Januar 1945 in Wien. Musikverein Großer Saal). [repeat].
9:00 PM концерт в Томске.
9:57 PM Seisi Tomimori (Class 2-3 [grade 8 class 3], 1988) was a crazed selfish cold man, but he welled tears when he taught us 虞美人草. Even a Satan has small portion of Justice? Why did he cry; he cried for the destiny of 虞美人 herself or (which I wonder; because this Tomimori had no sane feelings to human beings or anything regarding humanity) his intentional killing of me by order in hidden (therefore, kept Class Diary)?
11:31 PM Have some sleep due to extreme exhaustion. 5:00 AM Got up.
1:00 AM концерт в Москве иэ Московской Филармониы. (postponed at Meloman)
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Иоанна: read through Verse 7, pp. 317, 1:03 PM (Евангелие от Иоанна John 7:20, 7:23, 7:24). Al Franken through Chapter 21 pp. 151 (: PM) next Chapter Sinless of 22. Chelsea Hotel 222 West 23rd Street. That was America's Conscienscious, which was on sale to Philistines. I never forget this betrayal by the chicken minded citizens and intelligentsia of the USA. 7:44 PM.

суббота 30 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:31 PM - 5:00 AM Had sleep in extreme exhaustion. Missed to watch concerts from The Russian Federation.
5:00 AM Посмотрию прекрасний концерт вечера вечера в Зале Шостаковича в Санкт-Петербурге (In delay)
Note that in this morning starting some hours ago, The Pentagon is using clear virbal not ambiguous manner overwriting of my throat and teeth movements into forgery by kidnapping of my own. Stay care-full. They will be defeated, this is something more than sure, but we must come through it with the least victims. 7:30 AM. 7:37 AM. Close observe Joseph Biden's Alzheimer and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's prostate cancer. They the Pentagon and its Nomenclature Military Industrial Complex have no feeling of regret or hesitations to kill his owns, even. That's the origin of The President of the USA's swearing to the Unidentified Flying Object, which has been more than obvious meaning for swearing to The Pentagon and to its Nomenclature: that's the all the works for a President of the USA (usually in swapping deal with a longevity). 7:42 AM. Do be cautious to Hélène Grimaud's only achievement in lifetime, telling the truth about Gospel of Luke Verse 25, especially, Luke 25:1, where we the sane humans trying hard to mend the holes of Holy Bible of A. D. 30 of 4 Gospels into what is truly happened over Diaspora and the killing of Христос!!!
The Pentagon has temporarily stopped over-writings of my throat and teeth movements over my exposure. But, it's more than certain that they will repeat this evil deeds of themselves as is to have been revealed. 8:23 AM
7:29 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901; repeat track 6 and 7].
9:00 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Richard Wagner «Der Ring des Nibelngen» «Walküre» disc 5.
10:00 AM Japan Post withdrawal of money at amount of JPY 1,000 (human hunting line exposed upon my asking for borrowing the desk. Also on way to Mandai, Osaka Kriminalpolizei human hunting deploy stalked me pretending ordinary partrol, which is, of course, their daily deeds. But, encounter with such an act was on my side from the first inclusive as likely possibility, so that I could only laugh at them in my mind and throat and teeth level of natural expressions). Mandai eggs (x10) x1 (not purchased due to different product company), chocolate (asked for import of Sakura eggs upon which question, Mandai only could respond with confusing and ambiguous answer due to they are also engaged in bribe economy. But, upon payment, the paying machine refused my payment and I called a casher, and she was a generous person who excels how to respond not to be rude of her: only way possible in current Japan to protect herself and me simultaneously. Hence, she was a nice and wise lady. I should have told her that such kinds of machine malfunction is always with me on daily basis regardless outside or inside of my house (of course the numbers of such machine malfunction are far more often be observed in home, for lynching purpose and for outside, not to be noticed by other Japanese population), because she should comprehend this truth). 10:24 AM.
10:35 AM Brahms symphonie nr. 1, Opus 68 4th movement recorded on January 23, 1945 in Admiralspalast, Berlin.
11:00 AM Ева Геворгян на конкорс Шопена в 2021. CD 1.
0:00 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [intermission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1. 1:11 PM.
11:50 AM Combat (for cockroach placement 1/2).
1:11 PM Vladimir Horowitz and Zubin Mehta with The New York Philharmonic Orchestra in Avery Fisher Hall, New York City, live telecasted concert at 3:45 PM on NBC on September 24, 1978 (Elul 23, 5738 [38 is for Standard OIl]) [repeat].
2:40 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [no repeat. SWF 901]
3:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz and Eugene Ormandy with The New York Philharmonic Orchestra in The Carnegie Hall, New York City, recorded by RCA with actual Programme insert on January 7, 1978 (Orthodox Christmas) at 4:00 PM 23:00 PM on January 6, 1978 in Moscow Time (suggesting Alexandre Scriabin's birthday, also Nikolai Madtner's birthday on the 5th; 1-2-3-[4:04 мск в (18 и) 20 априля 1986 года]-3-2-1).
3:45 PM Ева Геворгян на конкорс Шопена в 2021. CD 2.
5:00 PM - 6:50 PM Have some sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
7:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [no repeat. SWF 901]
7:20 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Antonín Dvořák «Aus Der Neuen Welt» symphonie nr. 9 am November 30, 1941 (Relief).
8:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Saint Matthew's Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006). Extremely revealing experience as is written here. [123]-4-0-4-[321], AKASO-OSAKA, NATO-OTAN. 404 not found, 403 forbidden. Another important truth: Frédéric François Chopin wrote two sets of etudes for fortepiano; each has 12 pieces (one must recall here the number of desciples of Христос), Opus 10 and Opus 25 (Евангелие от Лукы Стих 25). And, most importantly, no betrayer or Judas was in his etudes. 10:02 PM. If for caution's sake, bar 66 of Opus 10 nr. 5 etude in single F on the right hand. But, that at its worst.
9:00 PM Посмотрю концерт в Новосибирске. Прекрасный концерт № 3 Сергея Прокофиева для фортепиано с оркестром Дмитрия Маслеева.
1:00 - 2:44 AM концерт в Санкт-Петербурге. Каппела Санкт-Петербурга.
3:40 AM 7-eleven Amazon Gift Card JPY 1,320 for Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» BWV 244 (Toshiba-EMI, 1995, 2 CDs) on April 14 - 17, 1954 to verify ommissions in sonic record. 3:00 AM. Over this research making The Pentagon tried hard to brainwash me that there are no connections between Христос and I. (Inconvienient Proof for them, isn't it?)
3:30 AM Go to bed to have some sleep (extremely exhausted but not sleepy at 3:00 AM).
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Иоанна: read through Verse 8, 1:45 PM (Евангелие от Иоанна John 8:25, 8:29, 8:31, 8:41, 8:44, 8:47, 8:48, 8:49, 8:52, 8:53, 8:57). Al Franken through pp. 153 of Chapter Sinless 22 [apparently, they (even at the beginning of George Walker Bush Jr.'s times) knew of porn wars by Frank Zappa and I (1:09 PM)] one shy to Sin 23. through pp. 157, 11:42 PM.

воскресенье 31 марта 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:30 AM Go to bed. 5:55 AM (Domenico Scarlatti time) Woke up.
6:03 AM «Horowitz At Home» (Made in and Printed in West Germany, 1989, DGG).
6:38 AM Found how and why Felix Mendelssohn Barthordy had found J. S. Bach, especially «Mättheus-Passion» BWV 244.
7:00 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944; Berlin) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901; no repeat track 6 and 7].
8:04 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's «Egmont» ouverture in F minor, symphonie nr. 6 «Pastoral» in F Major, Opus 68, symphonir nr. 5 in C minor (to C major) Opus, 67 on his historic return concert on May 25, 1947 [AG 47, on May 25 and September 17, 55 delegates in Philadelphia for USA Constitution in 1787].
9:40 AM Go to bed to have some sleep due to extreme exhaustion. I could only sleep one hours and a half last night. 11:07 AM Woke up.
11:22 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68 «Pastoral» , Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien, judging from the noise in the Hall at 5:29 - 5:30) [no repeat track 6 and 7; SWF 901]
0:29 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006). According to the record which is explained in the CD booklet, Furtwängler conducted «Mättheus-Passion» 35 times (reminds you of John Fitzgerald Kennedy) and «Johannes-Passion» only 6 times (truth provoking around Holy Orthodox Bible). I would conduct Matthew, Marko, Luke, and John in this order and numbers.
1:30 PM Mandai eggs (x10) x2. Everyone including casher pretended they don't know me. This causes extreme exhaustion on daily basis. So, I am accusing the Nazi government and its Kriminalpolizei. 2:41 PM.
2:00 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [intermission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1.
2:38 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Richard Wagner «Der Ring des Nibelungen» «Walküre» CD 5 (SWF, 2011; La Scala di Milan, 1950)
5:30 PM Go to bed to have some sleep due to extreme exhaustion. 6:30 PM Woke Up.
6:45 PM Vladimir Horowitz «Great Comeback» April 17, 1966 recital at the Carnegie Hall at 16:00 EDT to celebrate the birthday of Chairman of Soviet
Union, Nikita Khrushchev.
9:18 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Richard Wagner «Der Ring des Nibelungen» «Walküre» CD 5 (SWF, 2011; La Scala di Milan, 1950)
10:26 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven Symphonie nr. 6, Opus 68 «Pastoral» , Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien, judging from the noise in the Hall at 5:29 - 5:30) [no repeat track 6 and 7; SWF 901]
11:00 PM Посмотрю Финал XI Открытого всероссийского конкурса молодых вокалистов имени Н.А. Обуховой. Гала-концерт
1:00 AM концерт Меломана в Москве. (прямой эфир). 1:30 AM Go to bed to have sleep.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Иоанна: read through Verse 9, 11:21 AM. Verse 10, 11:35 AM (Евангелие от Иоанна John 10:11 [Mendelssohn Lieder ohne Worte Opus 67-5 «The Shepherd's Complaint»], 10:19). Al Franken through Chapter Sinless 22 (Well, I have noticed that the real Biblical Hebrew Alphabet order also must be applied to this exhaustingly devoted book by Al Franken. I will do this for second reading) to the end one shy to Sin 23 to pp. 164, 9:44 PM. (pp. 157, Yes, Al! You are exactly and extremely correct. Not the another plane crash terror but porn bomb, which was to be prevented if they were wise enough: Sinking of the USA as a nation, which what we are witnessing. 9:42 PM).

понедельник 1 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
1:30 AM go to bed 6:12 AM woke up. 7:00 AM - 1:20 PM. ,2:20 PM -3:30 PM sleep.
6:22 AM Sergei Rachmaninoff plays his Symphonic Dances (Marston 3 CDs). CD 1.
1:29 PM Sergei Rachmaninoff plays his 4 fortepiano concerti (RCA 10 CD box, 1992)
2nd time today only, go to bed due to extreme exhaustion.
5:00 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [intermission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1.
5:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944; Berlin) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901; no repeat track 6 and 7]. [note added on March 31, 2024 at 7:29 PM]. [track number 6 and 7 repeat (postponed).]
6:45 PM Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp by Soviet Army Memorial Concert Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert César Franck Sinfonie in ré mineur and Johannes Brahms Sinfonie nr. 2 in ré majeur (in the evening January 28th, 1945 recording SWF 902)
7:35 PM As for «Mättheus-Passion» by Johann Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelssohn Barthordy re-performed this forgotten masterpiece in 1829 after a century from its premiere on March 23, 1729. After another 100 years, Rockefeller's USA caused Black Thursday. Hence, no «Missa Solemnis» after 1929 (October 24, 1929) by Wilhelm Furtwängler, even no Gustav Mahler's «Ressurection» symphonie nr. 2. Instead, quote from Unter den Linden of Franz Schubert for Gustav Mahler D. 911.
8:38 PM For a while, I had to come no desire to drink wine at least in the case, as an exception, everything will be appropriately solved. Likewise, I have been treated by The Pentagon as the last direct descendant of Христос to tempt him as their being Satan parasites in the soul of Христос (Johannes and Markus). And, everything was resolved when I reached Verses in John (parasiting Satan) and Marko (for Satan's temptation to wine; there is no such thing "Nature's Temptation" if you are careless of yourself, unfortunately in this world under The Pentagon's kidnapping of ourselves, but we will win as we all know of it in details) on its Orthodox Church edition, so that I am at first site, recognized what and why these great composers and conductors have wisely ommitted for successful release of me, whose anscesters to have been sent to an island of Ag 47 (46⇄54 in Furtwängler: Musik und Politik Japanese first edition in 1959). 8:44 PM.
7:35 PM концерт в Томске (прямой эфир).
8:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Anton Bruckner symphonie nr. 6 2nd movement. (13 November 1943).
8:20 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» BWV 244 (EMI, 1995; newly purchased and arrived this morning; CD 1 [Part 1]).
9:30 PM Концерт в Новосибирске. Страдивари-ансамбль Мариинскя Театра.
11:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» BWV 244 (EMI, 1995; newly purchased and arrived this morning; CD 2 [Part 2]).
0:20 AM An analysis of water vapor: I recorded a video of cooking a boiled egg. I noticed the difference between steam from kettle and steam from a sauce pan. The science between these two is simple. In the latter case, steam becoming humidity of the air by cooling down by the nearby air and the air into requid water itself on the gas range top plate. Thus, I learned science and history not by myself, but amidst of The Pentagon's sticky lynching. 0:25 AM.
0:50 AM -3:00 AM MK Ultra Sonar hard Temptation by The Pentagon for foods and drinks. I could somehow slightly more than half rejected their attermpts. (I ate spaghetti tomato sauce, a cup of coffee, and some oatmeal: these are my defeat to The Pentagon. But, they tried hard to forcibly go to 7-eleven and purchase junk foods, this was refused and therefore jected).
3:56 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Иоанна: read through Verse 11, 11:52 AM 12, 12, 9:26 PM; [Евангелие от Иоанна 12:6], Al Franken. Sin (also Tav) 23 to pp. 165 (extremely revealing he is pointing out Washington Times and Mother Moon, already back in 2003 in this chapter Sin [or Tav]), 9:35 PM.

твтроник 2 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:56 AM Go to bed, 5:00 AM Woke Up.
5:29 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944; Berlin) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901; repeat on track number 6 and 7].
7:00 AM Vladimir Horowitz plays Rachmaninoff fortepiano concerto nr. 3, Opus 30 on January 8, 1978 one day after Orthodox Christmas at Carnegie Hall starting at 16:00 (4:00 PM).
7:45 AM Eva Gevorgyan plays Scriabin 24 Preludes in Germany in 2021 in Klavier-Festival Ruhr (WDR).
8:19 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Johann Sebastian Bach «Mattäus-Passion» BWV 244 (Wien, Easter Week, April 9, 1952) SWF 061.
9:26 PM Arturo Toscanini leads Vladimir Horowitz and NBC Symphony Orchestra on April 25, 1943 3:30 o'clock (15:00 in EDT) in EDT [this concert must be restored in its entity including audience reactions including inter-mission] [April 19, 1941] (the previous one was war time USA bond fundraising campaign concert against Japan, the reason why Vladimir Horowitz rehearsed on 18 April 1986 in Moscow Conservatoire and recital on 20 April 1986. This explains why Standard Oil Headquaters fully Handmade Candlesticks over 24 per cent of lead glass made in Romania on April 19, 1986; 1986 - 1941 = 45; 1989 - 1945 = 44; Horowitz on TV on February 1st, 1968) in Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky fortepiano concerto and orchestra nr. 1, Opus 23.
10:10 AM - 2:11 PM Have some sleep due to sudden extreme exhaustion.
2:12 PM Vladimir Horowitz «Great Comeback» January 7, 1965 (CD 1 and 2)
4:27 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [intermission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1.
5:29 PM Arturo Toscanini «La Traviata» November 30 and December 7, 1946 (RCA 8H Studio). CD 1 till 6:26 PM, CD 2 starting at 6:29 PM.
7:35 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944; Berlin) and «Cavatina», orchestrated version of the 5th movement of Opus 130 String Quartett nr. 13 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901; no repeat on track number 6 and 7].
8:40 PM Go to bed due to extreme exhaustion. Woke up 2:58 AM Next day.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Иоанна: read through Verse 13; 8:31 AM; Verse 14, 2:54 PM; Verse 15, 5:17 PM; Verse 16, 6:53 PM [Евангелие от Иоанна 13:26, 16:28, 16:32], Al Franken. Sin [שׁ] (also Tav [ת]) 23 to pp. 167 (extremely revealing he is pointing out Washington Times and Mother Moon, already back in 2003 in this chapter Sin [or Tav; or even both!)), 9:35 AM. through pp. 169 to the end of 23rd Chapter. McCain story is extremely important in his relations with Maureen Dowd's crimes on me on The New York Times, and another important thing McCain got astonished by the cause of death (Carbon-monoxide in a camping car) of Tony Newberry 7th grade exchange student from Montana [«Brokeback Mountain» (Focus Features, 2005)] who went to Annapolis for College. McCain didn't know the story and got astounded by the information I had provided to them, the USA. But. The Pentagon knew of it from the first. 6:11 PM. Additional notes at 6:16 PM

среда 3 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
8:30 PM go to bed 2:58 AM Got up.
3:33 AM Vladimir Horowitz «Horowitz Great Comback» January 26, 1965 CD 3 and CD 1 (A blackout concert with invited audience on May 18th, 1965; immediately after May 9th, 1965 recital) and 2 and 3 (both on April 5, 1966) for April 17. 1966 recital, It's worthwortuhy to point out that Vladimir Horowitz held 4 rehearsals (6 CDs) for 1965 Historic Return comeback recital starting January 7, 1965 to commemorate 20th anniversary of Soviet Army defeat of Nazi Germany and his 1966 recital for Nikita Khrushchev had onely one rehearsals (3 CDs). 4[321]-0-1|2[3][4] (404 not found). Hence, 1 is for the each exact recitals.
7:29 AM Arturo Toscanini leads Vladimir Horowitz and NBC Symphony Orchestra on April 19, 1941 3:30 o'clock (15:00 in EDT) in EDT (Music & Arts CD 956), Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky: «The Voyevoda» Ouverture, Opus 3, fortepiano concerto with orchestra nr. 1, Opus 23 - intermission- Symphonie nr. 6 «Pathetique» recorded live at Carnegie Hall on April 19, 1941. (Music & Arts, 1996)
9:00 AM Going to bed to have some sleep due to extreme exhaustion. Got up at 1:35 PM (without sleeping pills and had a very qualified sleep).
1:58 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [intermission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1 (fragment), Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1.
2:22 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert alle symphonien von Johannes Brahms mit Der Berliner Philharmoniker (SWF 062 - 064 [426 (Theory of David Bargnesi: 22XZ11A@prodigy.com 222-426-111]. 2006; intentionally unqualified transfer; for one to be led for easy-going way of listening. For instance, 3rd symphonie, Opus 90 is better transferred in DGG Historical recordings series coupled with stunning Schubert «unfinished». Note that I am not accusing SWF but our routine listening habit[s], which transfer made me remember the reason why October 24, 1949 Brahms vierte symphonie is so that moving and touching. October 24, 1929 Black Thursday on Wall Street and the current United Nations in New York City, Manhattan, which is kidnapped world of ours over UN Charter signed on June 26, 1945 (another reason Mozart K. 626 and his Freemasonary must be taken seriously) by the USA). In other words, this October 24, 1949 Brahms vierte symphonie in e-moll is Wilhelm Furtwängler's Ludwig van Beethoven «Missa Solemnis» with his own zweite symphonie in the same key e-moll premièred on George Washington Day of 1948, which is February 22nd (222), 1948 and in Berlin.
6:26 PM Go to bed to have some sleep for прямой эфир в Москве 19:00 мск not that exhausted at this time of a day. It's quite rare in these 2 to 3 months, especially when you did all your tasks accomplished.
8:14 PM Get up. Had a nice sleep without, this time also, sleeping pills.
8:26 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944; Berlin) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901; no repeat track number 6 and 7]
9:35 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert on 78 rpms Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «Don Giovanni» recorded in Felsenreit Schule in Salzburger Festspiele on July 27. 1953. (Re-issued in 2012 with the same catalogue numbers SWF 121- SWF 123 [another proof that I am the last direct descendant of Христос. The West treats on Wilhelm Furtwängler over «Don Giovanni» (1954 with Lisa della Casa) and Til Eulenspiegel without filmed 1948 All Beethoven cycle in London's Royal Albert Hall; or, even his News film footage on his Historic return (Jun'ichi Miyazawa probably told me lies over my question on Glenn Gould's remaks with cellist Leonard Rose on these two figures' phone conversations was always topped by Wilhelm Furtwängler. Miyazawa was from the first geopolitician tried hard to kill me in Kafka's «Judgement» without being noticed that I was the last direct descendant of Христос, for this idea I had been troubled for years because all the incidents, in the world, especially those in Japan, happened in accordance to my life itself) is the vivid proof on this. 9:14 PM])
10:05 PM Meanwhile, The Pentagon side of ordinary business. Part 2
1:00 AM Концерт (прямой эфир) в Москве. 3:30 AM.
4:00 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Иоанна: read through Verse 18, 4:07 PM [Евангелие от Иоанна 18:13, 18:24, 18:18-:40, 19:2 (Purple Cloths suggests the Japanese Emperor as Arthur Sullivan and libretto by W. S. Gilbert «The Mikado» in 1987 production by ENO with Angus, etc. And, especially in this production, they the Brits were capable to make irony on David Rockefeller to employ a tenore singer who looks like David himself).], Al Franken; through Chapter 24 to pp. 176.

четверг 4 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
4:00 AM go to bed. 6:49 AM woke up. Extremely exhausted.Not a qualified sleep despite of taking enough sleeping pills.
6:54 AM Sergei Rachmaninoff plays his Symphonic Dances (Marston 3 CDs CD 1 and 2).
9:14 AM - 2:30 PM have some sleep due to extreme exhaustion. Not qualified sleep. Soar throat and slight headache. 2:40 PM.
2:35 PM Sergei Rachmaninoff plays his Symphonic Dances (Marston 3 CDs CD 3). Phapsody on the theme of Paganini which has 24 variations and quotes of «Dies Irae» implying of unexisting, by the time of Rachmaninoff, Lukus 25.
4:04 PM Vladimir Horowitz in Moscow (DVD recorded on April 20, 1986, Cami Video [former Cami Hall to the next North of the Steinway Show Room the same 109 West 57th Street] Vladimir Horowitz apparently delibreratively bars 147 to 150; these 4 bars into completely reversed (implies 4 Gospels that should be compiled into 1 with Verse 29 of Matthew, Verse 17 of Marko, 25 of Luke, and Verse 22 of John). And, his posing of éncores 1, 2, 3. These are proof of The Pentagon made Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded at 1:23:58 AM on April 26, 1986 [April 19, 1986 Standard Oil Headquaters more than 24 per cent fully handcrafted in Romania candlesticks prove this was truth. Why I am the last descendant of Христос. Michelangeli also knew of this truth so that he described himself as descendant of Saint Francesco of Assisi; and his BWV 988 in Carnaval recorded in Thun in Januar 1975 - evilly ommitted in its Japanese editions. My only fault in life is that because of my research on Enjo-Kosai [supportive (over sexual) relationship), Michelangeli cancelled his 1993 Japan tour (I was told so in 2018 by The Pentagon. Most of their telling were terribe lies, but this particular one makes sense to me)]. And, here, Vladimir Horowitz's message is clear. Do notice that I am the last direct descendant of Христос and by doing that save this world of ours from evil USA's hands. ]). Professor Shinji Miyadai must be ordered life-sentence for his evil deeds of killing of me over conspiracy. One of the Miyadai's books titled Gospel, but whose Gospel is it. Of course, it was for Nazi Japan and Nazists Japanese.
6:18 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition.
6:56 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944; Berlin) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901; no repeat track 6 and 7].
8:29 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's «Egmont» ouverture in F minor, symphonie nr. 6 «Pastoral» in F Major, Opus 68, symphonir nr. 5 in C minor (to C major) Opus, 67 on his historic return concert on May 25, 1947 [AG 47, on May 25 and September 17, 55 delegates in Philadelphia for USA Constitution in 1787].
4:50 PM Understood why and how Facebook limited his/her audience per 5,000. Facebook is fooling Христос to conquer the entire world.
10:01 PM Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp by Soviet Army Memorial Concert Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert César Franck Sinfonie in ré mineur and Johannes Brahms Sinfonie nr. 2 in ré majeur (in the evening January 28th, 1945 recording SWF 902) (2nd movement of Franck hereafter is played after 0:18 AM)
10:22 PM - 0:15 AM Sleep due to extreme exhaustion. Nor a qualified sleep or a unqualified sleep. Saw a deam, a dream of fighting against Satan's temptations. 0:20 AM.
Прямой эфир концерт в Москве 1:30 AM - 3:30 AM
4:00 AM go to bed to have some qualified sleep.
Orthodox Bible Евангелие от Иоанна: read through Verse 19, 8:16 AM, Verse 20, 7:50 PM. Евангелие от Иоанна 19:14, 19:23, 19:36, 20:1, 20:19, 20:26 seemingly, on Pesach 7 and 8 Resurrection occured, thus if read it correctly, how to achieve genuine Exodus from this corrupted current world is written in Ioan Verse 20 (Johann Sebastian Bach: «Matthäu-Passion» nr.4 b [5] (Matthew: 26:5) Ja nicht auf das Fest, auf daß nicht ein Aufruhr werde im Volk); thus Orthodox Church and the Russian Federation is the answer with People's Republic of China and The Isramic Republic of Iran are none evil but the exact opposite] through Verse 21 [Евангелие от Иоанна 21:3-6, 21:11 (153 of big fish implying why Michelangeli only performed Beethoven concerto for fortepiano and orchestra nr. 1, 3, 5 with Der Wiener Symphoniker not Wiener Philharmoniker for no «Missa Solemnis» after October 24, 1929 purpose)] 8:25 PM, Al Franken; Chapter 24 to pp. 179. 8:31 AM.

пятница 5 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
8:40 AM Get up. 9:00 AM Withdraw money at amount of JPY 75,000 at the Hojo Japan Post Office. Payment for energy and phone bills at 7-eleven. Look up for tomatoes and lettuces at Misugiya (closed on March 30). Takanashi and another company's Milk x 3 and tomatoes (x6) x1 at Sun Plaza. 10:47 AM.

Self-harming and self-embarrassing deed by Kriminalpolizei of Japan. [123]4-0-4[321]. You must first obey to your own Constitution, then you may sermon, perhaps.
Self-harming and self-embarrassing deed by Kriminalpolizei of Japan. [123]4-0-4[321]. You must first obey to your own Constitution, then you may sermon, perhaps.

11:26 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» BWV 244 (April 9, 1952, Wien, SWF 061).
11:30 AM Had some sleep until 0:48 PM
0:48 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» BWV 244 (April 9, 1952, Wien, SWF 061).
2:34 PM Herbert von Karajan conducts Richard Strauss's «Also Sprach Zarathustra», Opus 30 on 750 anniversary of the birth of city of Berlin on April 30, 1987 (the date Adolf Hitler killed himself in 1945 [Bonn Constitution on May 8, 1949 for Luigi Nono's untimely decease in 1990 [Nono means ninth in Italian; hereafter 753 for the City of Berlin, hence Japanese custom for boys and girls for 753; AKASO-OSAKA, NATO-OTAN, [123]4-0-4[321] (123[4]-0 [Beethoven 5th, Opus 67 (Prokofiev 7th USA premièred by Vladimir Horowitz, Opus 83 [1883-1983 of The Metropolitan Opera]) and Scriabin's 9th, Opus 68 and 10th, Opus 70 «Black Mass» sonatas, 8th for perhaps Prokofiev's 8th sonata, Opus 84 USA premièred by Vladimir Horowitz at Carnegie Hall in late 1940s]-[4]321); not found proven. Fujiwara killed Yuri Yoshikwa by choking over Yamashita's supervision is truth] (23 and 24 of May, 1949 for Bonn Constitution of West Germany [current Germany] 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 «A Quiet Place» by Leonard Bernstein in 1983 and 1984, 1986 premièred in Huston [Shostakovich 11th, Opus 103 recorded by Leopold Stokowski (quote from Mormon's Hymn «Come, Come, Ya Saint»)] )]).
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Have some qualified sleep with sleeping pills under extreme exhaustion in the morning (after coming back home) to noon.
5:00 PM Igor Stravinsky «The Firebird» Suite conducted by Klaus Mäkelä Orchestre de Paris, March 16. 2024 at the Carnegie Hall.
6:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944; Berlin) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901; repeat track 6 and 7].
8:00 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1, Chopin «Revolutionary». Some slight recovery is being observed. No worth listening to, though.
8:22 PM «Der Ring des Nibelungen: Act III: Siegfried» (SWF 111-24, recorded on 22 March, 1952 in Rome, Italy) CD 7 and 8 and 9 and 10.
0:25 AM Claudio Abbado conducts Tchaikovsky 1st symphonie, Opus 13 «Winter Dream» on CSO Radio.
1:00 AM - 4:15 AM прямой эфир в Санкт-Петербурге. Шедевры и премьеры флейта арфа с оркестром.
4:30 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола 1 [1:19, 1:20] 5:40 PM; Al Franken; Verse 25 to pp. 180 - 181 [Wellstone's Flight crash over CIA chief Director Ashcroft lies]. to pp. 183 [synagogue]. Franken consumes 29 pages for chapter 25. Seemingly, he knew of my being assualted on February 29, 1996 over custom of the hub airport to New York JFK airport and then hit hard for 911 call in front of the Youth Hostel there at 103rd Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Whether Al Franken knew of «Tchaikovsky in America» (I have negative impression on this particular issue, though), he knew the truth from the first and tried hard to escape me from the worst scenario. Thank you, Al! (9:22 PM).

суббота 6 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Marianna Karavan's birthday with whom I met on the date of decease of Alexander Scriabin; my birthday is one day shy to it; April 26, 1971 (Chernobyl disaster date in 1986 during Vladimir Horowitz return to Soviet Union). Marianna's birthday is decease date of Igor Stravinsky. What a misfortune!!! But, I like her a lot still to this date. I once asked President Putin to finance to her family in order to save her and her family from poverty. I think President Putin has been faithful to this humble request of mine. (3:34 AM среда 3 апреля 2024 года.)
4:30 AM - 6:33AM woke and got up. No qualified sleep could have taken.
6:37 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944; Berlin) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901; repeat track 6 and 7].
6:45 AM It's true that I was astonished София Виланд's tattoo (tatoo is not my taste, especially done for those highly intellectual people although I, of course, am accepting each person's choice). Sofia and I are having close tastes in music and Sofia is feeling happy to learn that I had been highly evaluate her music making over 7 years (including next to the last Tchaikovsky competition for which I insisted that Sofia should have won the Gold medal; Yes, it involved politics not to be Viland to let gone abroad, and I can understand that decision as well), but that's all. Good friendship or collegue ship. MK Ultra Sonar direct cracking of my brain is significantly reduced since Crocus terror as well as direct attack against my computing (still tons of it are to be found, though). I have not detected exact reason of this, but I am regarding that the USA has to conceed in secret meeting in the UN 6:48 AM。MK Ultra Sonar lynching and over-writing of my throat and teeth movement is not completely deceased, but to the level of I can correct them without writing or murmuring of the virbal words. 6:49 AM. I have concluded that this is one of many and the most significant diplomatic victory of the Russian Federation. 7:02 AM.
7:45 AM 7-eleven payment for book that refers to the differences on New Testament(s). Orthodox Church Father Georgie generously told me about. I had a strongest desire to complete payment within today (I mean 5th of April which I write this section for the 6th of April just for memorizing purposes), if more precisely written even in during Japanese daylight time, but I also knew that it was Satan's temptation, and I won against them (Satan = The Pentagon) in this case. This month, I have to spend minimum as possible spending on foods (only JPY 7,000 being left; I will likely go to bake breads and to depend on pasta (about 45 packages of 400 gram of Turkish spaghetti are in my storage; enough wheat including whole wheat as well in stock) tomato sauce with homegrown organic Italian Parsley). So, I am being extremely careful Satan (Pentagon's)'s Temptations over MET 1966 Opening stage object for «Anthony and Cleopatra». This is one of few remaining MUST item, which the seller (agent) and I have been making conclusion to purchase it at USD 500 excluding shipping and import tax. Hat trick included in case of discouraging Yen-dolllar exchange rate over which case, I cannot complete payment on one time. There is a limit of JPY 100,000 maximum amount of transfer of my prepaid credit card and that's why. (9:34 PM).
8:22 AM Igor Stravinsky «The Firebird» Suite 1919 version by Sergiu Celibidache (Der Münchner Philharmoniker, 28 October, 1982), whose Stuttgart SWR recording on DGG is its best recording ever, especially in the coda; and if not Wilhelm Furtwängler.
8:55 AM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1.
10:00 AM Try to have a qualified sleep with sleeping pills until 1:00 PM.
1:15 PM Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky «Case Noisette» and «Romeo and Juliet» 2nd Suite by Evgeny Mravinsky and his Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra on 30 and 31 December, 1981 (Philips. 1986)
2:00 PM «Der Ring des Nibelungen: Act IV: «Götterdämmerung» SWF 111-24, recorded on 22 March, 1952 in Rome, Italy) CDs 11 and 12.
4:44 PM Sleep without sleeping pills untill 8:00 PM. 6:05 PM Woke and Got up.
6:08 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert on 78 rpms (Re-issued as SWF 042-043 in 2004)
8:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901; track 6 and 7].
8:30 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert on 78 rpms (Re-issued as SWF 044 in 2004; CD 1 and 2: track number 5 is coming to track number 12 by swapping.)
9:00 PM Концерт Вадима Репина и Николая Луганския в Новосибирске играем соната Франка (прямой эфир: Proof of The Pentagon's sticky interceptions).
9:58 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert on 78 rpms (Re-issued as SWF 044 in 2004; CD 3 track 3)
11:10 PM - 2:00 AM Sleep due to extreme exhaution with least sleeping pills.
2:00 AM - 4:27 PM прямой эфир в Санкт-Петербурге.
4:44 AM Go to bed taking sleeping pills.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола 2, 8:11 AM; Al Franken; Chapter 25 to pp. 185 [Appointment of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense equals to Obama's [next to the very] worst fault. I know because I am its direct victim. And, here comes Jesse Jackson for whom Maureen Dowd angishly accused of me that she even had to write about the incident to Jesse as well. It was a lie. She told him the story, but not such thing to be praised. And, how much be evaluated Jesse Jackson at the time in the USA. Only slight numbers of Democrats supported him, hence no political gains from that deed of Dowd, who even tried to seduce me in Ninotchika's fashion show, until juicy Obama's presidency that once seemed for them blissful pesach with gaining tons of money in their pockets. That dream is fading and eventually will be collapsed and demolished] 4:30 PM.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 3 and 4, 3:21 PM; Al Franken; Chapter 25 to pp. 187. 3:30 PM. to pp. 187 8:37 PM.

воскресенье 7 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Sleep 4:44 AM - 11:30 AM.
11:45 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944; Berlin) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990].
0:50 PM Shopping Oil and milk Sun Plaza and Sandy.
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM Had a sleep due to extreme exhaution.
3:00 PM Practicing fortepiano Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition.
3:20 Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990].
3:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt César Franck symphonie en ré mineur et Johannes Brahms symphonie nr. 2 en ré majeur SWF 902 recorded on 28th Januar, 1945 (Auschwitz Extermination Camp Liberation Memorial Concert in Wien). [SWF 902, 1990]
5:05 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944; Berlin) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990].
6:22 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006) 26:43-50 "Und er kam und fand sie aber schlafend, und ihre Augen waren voll Schlaf's. Und er ließ sie und ging abermal hin und betete zum drittenmal und redete dieselbigen Worte." not ommitted in this version of live recorded performance, whose first part is only has been issued. Not to mention, this recording currently published to nr. 33 is also complete to its end. A magnificent life-betting performance, not to mention. 7:31 PM.
8:00 PM «Der Ring des Nibelungen: Act IV: «Götterdämmerung» (SWF 111-24, recorded on 22 March, 1952 in Rome, Italy) CD 13 and 14 until 11:13 PM.
11:22 PM Giuseppe di Stefano Collector's Corner by Henry Fogel.
1:00 - 3:30 AM концерт в Москве.
2:07 AM I am recording the concert in my kitchen in front of my computer. They The Pentagon tries hard to overwritten of my throat and teeth languages but seldom succeed in it (mostly resulted in failed attempts for today at this time of the day, especially after I revealed the truth about Standard Oil Roach killer spray). This recording will likely to be a consist of collected proofs to prove everything of their decades of piled up crimes against me and my family and the entire rest of the world. 2:10 AM.
6:11 AM Go to bed after taking sleeping pills.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 6, [Практика Святого апостола 6:3, ] 3:56 PM and 7, 7:6, 7:10, 7:11, 7:32-34, 7:45-48, 7:51, 7:55, 5:58 PM; 8, 8:20, 6:35 PM, Al Franken; Chapter 25 to pp. 193. 4:51 PM. to pp. 194 (Truth on Tucker Carlson is here pp. 193 - pp. 195; during his CNN period) [Novembrer 5, 2000 was the election date].

понежельник 8 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
6:11 AM Go to bed to have sleep with sleeping pills 0:38 PM Get up. Not qualified sleep, unfortunately. And, the timing speaks it all?
0:53 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johannes Brahms «Ein Deutsches Requiem», Opus 45, Luzern on August 27, 1947 [SWF 971 | 972, 1997; I prefer Music & Arts transfer coupled with the recording in Stockholm recorded on November 19. 1948 [another proof of the law of David Bargnesi and The State of Israel and 911 selfie terror]; 2001, CD 1085(2)].
2:26 PM two boxes of tomatoes (x2) at Sun Plaza. (visited and they refused to sell and congratulated me with tons of human hunting activitiers). 3:01 PM.

Nazi Japan's fastest move.Still permitting graffiti anywhere, and especially this place on this bridge over Yamato River, they have made the best birthday offerings ever on April 26, 2006 or 2007 saying, "West Japan Musterbation Committee" in which Osaka governor Hirofumi Yoshimura has been beloging to.
Nazi Japan's fastest move.Still permitting graffiti anywhere, and especially this place on this bridge over Yamato River, they have made the best birthday offerings ever on April 26, 2006 or 2007 saying, "West Japan Musterbation Committee" in which Osaka governor Hirofumi Yoshimura has been beloging to.

3:00 PM Practicing fortepiano. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1.
3:40 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006)
5:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's «Egmont» ouverture in F minor, symphonie nr. 6 «Pastoral» in F Major, Opus 68, symphonir nr. 5 in C minor (to C major) Opus, 67 on his historic return concert on May 25, 1947 [AG 47, on May 25 and September 17, 55 delegates in Philadelphia for USA Constitution in 1787].

Masterpiece by taxi driver, Mel Gibson for Conspiracy Theory (SIlver Pictures, 1997). They say this is an emptified can - still long lasting? If full, a must buy.

6:54 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944; Berlin) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940; Berlin; Telefunken), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (im Morgen 28 Januar, 1945, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990].
9:00 PM - 10:30 PM Орган Live! в Томске.
1:00 AM - 3:30 AM Прямой эфир в Санкт-Петербурге. 1:00 AM went to bed due to extreme exhaustion.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 9, 1:22 PM; Al Franken; Chapter 25 to pp. 200, 5:13 PM; George Stephanopoulos on pp. 196; to pp. 205. 6:21 PM. Tucker Carlson on pp. 204 and pp. 205 again, and this is a very important one, which you can never ignore. Carlson trusted that Politics doesn't change people's life. Now his recognition has to be reversed, quite cynically of himself as a being. (through chapter 25).

втроник 9 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
1:00 AM Go to bed. 0:00 PM Get up.
0:30 PM three boxes of tomatoes (x3) at Sun Plaza. If they refuse to sell, I purchase nothing until they will give up. Made a phone call and they sold some to me. Enough in Japan. I am not at all expecting more in this chauvinist country (the worker who took the phone was a relatively good natured one, though). 0:55 PM.
1:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johannes Brahms symphonie nr. 1, Opus 68, Luzern on August 20, 1947 (SWF 971 | 972, 1997) Wonderful reading. Best Furtwängler recording except 23 Januar 1945 one. Restoration is also fantastic (One must doubt the principal of restorations of these two items. «Ein Deutsches Requiem» was an intending failure while Luzarn's Opsu 68 is an tremendous succeess. And, that's why I love SWF).
2:00 PM Practicing fortepiano. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1. No worth listening to, unless it's your daily dose of Bible. Suffered from memory lapse and automated movements of finger muscles by The Penragon's evil deeds over MK Ultra Sonar weapons.
2:46 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Christoph Willibald Gluck «Iphigenia in Aulis» ouverture and his own 2nd symphonie in Wien, February 22nd, 1953 (Theatre, with Anthem of Sweden for their absolut good in health and healthcare's sake without Swedish Absolut Porns that was probably the very reason that Absolut Vodka was being praised by the Rockefeller's USA. Note that I have never watched or seen Swedish Porns, but it was famous for its explicity when I was in my teens. I heard about the fame of it). Furtwängler had a custom to perform his 2nd symphonie in e-moll (as has been pointed out his October 24, 1949 [as UN and NATO foundation dates] Brahms 4th) Christoph Willibald Gluck's ouverture of «Iphigenia in Aulis» or Beethoven's symphonie nr.1, Opus 21, which is meaning that each of Furtwängler's concert was his Beethoven's «Missa Solemnis», Opus 123 and Gustav Mahler's «Resurrection» symphonie nr.2. Furtwängler, thus, trusted humane good in Holy Bible. [Greek's International Calling Code, 30 Rockefeller Center, Христос A. D. 30, 222-426-111, BBXZ11A@prodigy.com, David Bargnesi]. Stevan Apter at Morgan Stanley.

Yo, Stevan, How about applying some of your political and social powers on us, on the rest of the world?

4:40 PM - 7:57 PM Had some sleep without sleeping pills due to extreme exhaustion.
8:00 PM Концерт вечера в Санкт-Петербурге.
11:00 PM Collector's Corner hosted by Henry Fogel on Maryla Jonas while reading Al Franken's book (pp. 206 and 207; How the 2,000 election had been cracked and kidnapped by Republicans, then, Barack Obama's stupid selfishness continued, very unfortunately; all for the sake of keeping face of Rockefellers inclulding John Davison Rockefeller IV [D, WV]).
1:00 AM - 3:30 AM Концерт (прямой эфир) в Москве.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 10, 9:11 PM; Al Franken; Chapter 26 to pp. 209. 11:59 PM.

среда 10 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
Sleeping all day. 1:00 AM to the 1:00 AM next day. Extremely exhaustion.
All the agendas were cancelleld. Sleeping all day without sleeping pills 1:00 AM 9th April to 1:00 AM 10th AM; with sleeping pills 1:00 AM 10th April to 11 th 0:52 PM. MK Ultra Sonar hard brain washing for the first part (April 9th to 10th). So, I had to take a set of pills.

Japanese Ascended ex-emperor's marriage date in 1959 was April 10th. Then, why Boulez with Bayreuth was my life-long doubt, over Aaron Z. Snyder of Amazon.com's (A to Z and Z to A) Ginkgo leaf in 1972 in Osaka (AKASO-OSAKA, NATO-OTAN, [123]4-0-4[321].

This could have been, with slightest doubt, planned from the first. April 10 is the date of Pierre Bouelz took Bayreuth Festival and Brigit Nilson (an Absolut Vodka award presenter) for «Tristan and Isolde» in Osaka International Festival in 1967 (the timing of its selling of this filmed concert in the market is quite revealing just in the case of Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli on RAI, etc, at Virgin Mega Store in Shinjuku). All these part on April 10th was written on April 11th after woke up at 0:52 PM by 6:07 PM.

четверг 11 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:52 PM Got up (Sleeping with a set of pills approximately at 1:00 AM).
1:02 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johannes Brahms «Ein Deutsches Requiem», Opus 45 recorded in Stockholm on November 19. 1948 [another proof of the law of David Bargnesi and The State of Israel and 911 selfie terror by USA's Nomenclature; Military Industrial Complex]; (Music & Arts; 2001, CD 1085[1]].
2:22 PM SWF 901 Furtwängler dirigirt Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [x 3 repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. (SWF 901)]
5:09 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006)
4:40 PM Practicing fortepiano. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1. No worth listening to, unless it's your daily dose of Bible. Suffered by MK Ultra Sonar weapons' force talks.
On April 10th: Also known for Utako Kurihara's birthday in 1973 [the year of Emperor; Kurihara only pretended to have loved me to escape from the absolute Sin of killing innocent person as Христос of the 21st century was my conclusion. Had she truly attended even on that day at Suntory Hall must be questioned. I didn't observe a person who looked like this Kurihara in the Suntory Hall on that date, which can perhaps be translated in that Kurihara desired only my physical address but nothing else] (who denied recognition of me that is an evident 123 one of dozen set of desciples of mine, but I rejected such stupid idea, so that I have removed this Utako Kurihara to Hidehiko Takano and Noriko Tanamoto [didn't Amigo from NYU for ESL told us the truth still in the very early year of 2000 ("Don't marry with "隠滅さん([Inmetsu-san] meaniong "Mr. destruction of evidence"])" to this Tanamoto!!!, implying, not to mention, 911 terror and its consequences as Akiko Tanahashi visited NYC on the date of 911 as insider business travel (Tanahashi's father is possibly an elitest beaurocrat and to which Christel Takigawa wept for me once, because Takigawa knew this truth), on which Shinji Miyadai (Mr. Anal Licking and Mr. Swapping Group Sex as AUM and Mr. Gospel) told a lie, insisting that 911 was a terror happened because the USA's intelligence service was not alert for the terror [already denied by Al Franken in 2003 before Miyadai's self-confirmation in 2005 or in 2006])] by only excluding Toshiyuki Takasawa [I learned from him「十把一絡げ」にし無い attitude] from my desciple list (of course, I am accepting naiive and deceived citizens perhaps including Yoshiko Hirama who as well was born on this date (Yes, I was a brithdayphobia, especially those born in April (my first intranet email had to be done in order whose birthday was April 5, which means Ms. Karajan; I had from the beginning have smelt Naohito Okude's intending Nazism against me for profit making with NTT; Ms. Karajan (daughter of an executive of NTT who worked with Naohito Okude and graduate of Ferris High school in Yokohama) at the time disliked me very much and she was extremely reluctant over experience to email me on that occasion. So was I. The relationship had changed into once a good friendship, but at the beginning, it was such); don't you think this is due to a planned attempt of Nazism on the side of Japanese Tokyo government in the secret treaty with the USA? I was told by a retired business man who was working in Chicago that Dean of SFC Kan Kato's father was war criminal so that I should made Justice on him, on way to Shira-hone Hot spring in the late August of 2000. Masterful was Ken Itoh's lies on his own birthday by intentionally excluding Liberation date of Auschwitz Extermination camp by Soviet Army) of Japan in my mercy for government betrayal on me and on them but strictly excluding upper class from-the-first insiders) beforehand. Without that, we would have already been that easily lost). All these part on April 10th was written on April 11th after woke up at 0:52 PM and by 6:07 PM.
8:39 PM Background deeds by The Pentagon over proof of Force-talking with The Pentagon as famed "Covenant Children" back in September, 2014.
9:23 PM Reading introduction of the Japanese revised edition of «The Cambridge Bible Commentary New Testament Illustrations» compiled by Cliford M. Jones. If not best, a good book at least, which our Священник could have recommended for reference. (I mean that he and his people knew I might purchase if he would refer to the book). Learned that 6 branched menor is described 7 branched menor in this book. Origin of Ashkenazi Jews and Diaspora and distortion on our sacred history by Romans. (Even Cord Garben hated Romans, probably meaning ruling class among the Jewish Americans like Rockefellers once was. Now Elon Musk is taking that role and trying hard to steal its role with Donald J. Trump as their dictator against the entire rest of the world). 9:30 PM.
0:17 AM SWF 901 Furtwängler dirigirt Beethoven's Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [verified the noise in the hall in bar 128 means that this recording was made in the morning of 28 Januar 1945 in Wien to commemorate the Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp by Soviet Army (SWF 901)]. 0:19 AM.
1:29 AM If I have ever used the time or numbers of descending 76 or 7-6, that's for fury and irony against Yasuhiro Nakasone Cabinet who reshuffled his cabinet on the exact date of Vladimir Horowitz's 3rd (in 1986 and 5th in total [another 1-2-3 moment in the Japanese history]) and the last recital in Tokyo on July 6th, 1986. 1:34 AM.
2:00 AM - 4:13 AM Концерт Репина и Ботиниса в Санкт-Петербурге. The Pentagon's force conversations with me and its results being disconnected from YouTube video part at those precise timings (not chat part even let alone the Internet itself) 1st part (proving screenshots) | 2nd part (relatively less force interceptions because I was concentrated in writings: concentration helps at least to some degree). Nazist list (with slightest errors which will get mended).
7:11 AM Go to bed. 8:56 AM Got up.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 11, 6:42 PM; Al Franken; Chapter 26 to pp. 211. 7:06 PM; pp. 210 line 17 to 19 sandwiching Tsedek 18, suggesting Kennedy the 35th on whose cause of assassination Al Franken was familiar with. pp. 211 [February 11th] line 18 [Tsedek] Twenty-years-old Horace Rockefeller!!! We won!!!

пятница 12 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
7:11 AM Go to bed with a set of pills. 8:56 AM Got up.
9:01 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
10:22 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [3 repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. (SWF 901)]
11:00 AM to 0:18 PM Sleep with sleeping pills. None qualifide sleep.
0:30 PM - 7:17 PM Sleeping with sleeping pills. Woke up and Got up.
7:27 PM Practicing fortepiano. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423).[recorded not published.]
8:22 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
9:55 PM Planned to going to bed to have some sleep until next morning (if not be inteferred by The Pentagon). Assaulted sudden stomach ache. Taking pill,and went to bed at 10:19 PM. Got up due to stomachache. It suggests that I should take foods more carefully and selectively. 11:03 PM.
11:47 PM Going to bed. High fever and taking pills. Tremendous level of brainwashing dreams by MK Ultra Sonar weapons. 10:20 AM Woke up.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 12, 12:35 PM; Al Franken; Chapter 26 to pp. 212, 9:53 PM;

суббота 13 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:20 AM Got up and purchasing билиет Евы Гевоагяна в Кове в суббота 7 сентября 2024 года. Done laundry things.
0:22 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
14:00 AM Practicing fortepiano. Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] .
Current military operation by The Pentagon against me by MK Ultra sonar weapons is that they are tying hard to brainwash me that none such weapons are existing and herefore I can do whatever I want to. False. The complete set of lies tied with chicken heart Schoenberg and Lebrecht. That's why I don't trust lawyers and those committing in Justice services. If self-defense, I can do that all by myself without their interferring "support", which means denials of my dignity. Amdst of such conditions, why on earth do I have to continue to practice Schoenberg? 12 tone music? Worst attempts ever done by human beings among musicians besides chance operation as Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli once confirmed by medical point of veiws. I completely agree with him. And, chance operation music has only be contributing to human hunting by Nazi Japan. 3:18 PM.
3:22 PM Sun Plaza milk x 2. (human hunting in perfect accordance to MK Ultra Sonar brainwashing throughout last night, mixed up even employing Yakuzas). 4:01 PM.
3:58 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigirt Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [3 repeats for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. (SWF 901)]
9:00 PM концерт в Томске.
11:30 PM 7-eleven for completion of payment for концерт Евы Геворгяна в 7 сентября 2024 года в Кобем. Tons of massively high paid Nazis were on the way and at 7-eleven. The female casher is a relatively good natured one, but she is acknowledging what she has been deeply committing and for what she is that highly paid so that can't behave as she should, as was revealed on the last occasion when I saw her, and especially on the occasion like today where her surroundings are all Nazists except myself. As is proven on Sputnik JP over Kishida's Capitol Hill visiting only 16.6 per cent or even less of the Japanese race is opposing their national Nazism against me. This exactly means why Ms. Ririko Isono former Softbank Q's Mall Abeno salesperson disliked the idea of being inviting a few of other her colleagues to my wedding in Moscow and demandingly asked me for a fair treatment on her deeds and appreciate her life betting deeds to save me (which was detected by me instantly; so mutual understanding). Ms. Isono (was) is a truly courageous person, to be extremely rare among the Japanese. She told me the truth and beg for my fair deed. It makes perfect sense. My fore-thanks to Ms. Isono. To my eyes and ears approximately 1 per 10 of the Japanese are somehow acceptable. Other population are all Nazis supporters regardless their political views. For instance, Reiwa-Shinsen has deeply committed in this national Nazism to gain votes and even using me as voluntary slavery. In such a nation, Justice can never be established by the hands of themselves. 0:00 AM.
11:40 PM Посмотрию Бал-маскарада | Джузеппе Верди I Трансляция из Пермской оперы. Massive attacks against my internet connections and iMac itself by The Pentagon (I had to force reboot twice even. And, if this crime is Tokyo's threat, they will insert ads in its immediate afterwards. 2nd half with force and altered [forged] conversations over military voice over against my musle and teeth movements.)
3:30 AM Go to bed.

воскресенье 14 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:40 AM Go to bed. 8:56 Woke up.
8:58 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3.ъ (SWF 901)
10:22 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
11:30 PM Концерт Евы Геворгяна в Боронеже. Концери для фортепиано с оркестром № 3 Равманинова!!!
0:38 PM Liberation of Auschwitz Extermination Camp by Soviet Army Memorial Concert Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert César Franck Sinfonie in ré minor and Johannes Brahms Sinfonie nr. 2 in ré major (January 28th, 1945 recording SWF 902).
2:11 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [1 repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. (SWF 901).
6:22 PM Practicing Фортепиано Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission]
8:00 PM Go to bed.

понежельник 15 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
9:22 AM Woke up. Phone Call to Mr. Tamai arranged meeting at 1:30 PM.
1:30 PM Fujiidera City Municipal to meet Mr. Tamai. 3:00 PM
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM Had some Sleep with taking pills (noto with sleeping pills; Had a qualified sleep).
2:09 AM 「猫の小松は神に成った。憐れ小松、悲しき小松。」by Keisuke Mitsuhashi by fooling «The Mikado», Japanese emperor. Only distorted patriotism is being observed in today's Nazists Japan. No one bets his life to save emperor family's human dignity. That's out of their dirty business. Do read the Chapter 2 of my version of the revised Japanese Constitution. Note that I didn't be inclined to oust current ruling party at the time of my writing this Constitution. They didn't learn lessons. hereafter, I was forced to make Justice on them by banning those parties as those deeply committed in this national Nazism.
4:40 AM Go to bed to have some sleep with sleeping pills (double dose).
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 13, 0:59 AM; Al Franken; Chapter 26 to pp. 212, 0:59 PM. Intensive studies on Amendment 1 of USA's Constitution. (postponed).

втроник 16 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg.
November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
4:40 AM Went to bed, and 9:30 AM Got up.
9:35 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [3 repeats for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. (SWF 901).
11:30 AM Sun Plaza tomatoes (x3). Milk (x1). 11:50 PM. branch: lettuce and tomato salad.
0:20 AM Practicing Фортепиано Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. (recorded not open to public).
1:23 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
2:32 PM The Pentagon's daily oxymoronic deeds, which I am overwriting by my own brain (webp -> jpg only. The rest cannot be reversed). This as well stickily triggered this afternoon in JST on John Bruce Yeh's and E. Randol Schoenberg's Facebook page. The record only shows the latter one, though.
5:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
6:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [3 repeats for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. (SWF 901).
9:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart «Die Nozze di Figaro» (August 8, 1953, Salzburger Festspiele) 0:00 AM.
1:00 AM - 3:30 AM Прямой эфир в Санкт-Петербурге.
3:30 AM Go to bed.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 14, 8:28 PM; Al Franken; Chapter 26 to pp. 215 (Matthew: Verse 25; Al conceives this Verse just as I conceived it!!! Not only this, Al sticks to Luke as well as I did and corrects its acceptance by quoting Matthew Verse 25!!!), 8:39 PM. Intensive studies on Amendment 1 of USA's Constitution, 8:58 PM.

среда 17 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
7:20 Get up. Shichiyama Hospital. After coming home at 1:13 PM, City Municiple to meet Mr. Tamai and Plaza Pharmacy O'hta for inscribed medicines at 4:00 PM. I predict human hunting on the way to and back will be adequately axcelerated (in complexed in the at least relatively extreme mixture of evils and goods [or those who can pretend being good and polite]) according to today's chance operation (moderated version of human hunting) and Ishin's (and Tokyo's) already beyond fatal errors (all those species that at the very edge of their Banzai Cliff).
5:00 PM Practicing Фортепиано Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1.
6:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
7:06 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [3 repeats for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. (SWF 901).
8:00 PM around Went to bed due to extreme exhaustion.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 15, : PM; Al Franken; Chapter 26 to pp. 21, : PM. Postponed due to exhaustion.

четверг 18 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
10:00 AM Got up and taking a new pill which my doctor inscribed yesterday morning.
0:23 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
1:30 PM Daiso clear file folder (x8) JPY 100. and 7-eleven net printing (canceled due to high price which I couldn't afford on this occasion)2:11 PM.
3:00 PM Practicing Фортепиано Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1, 2 (fragments). Moderately appropriately played.
6:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [1 repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. (SWF 901, 1990).
8:22 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) (Tahra Furt 1036, 1998, 6 CD set). Both Dr. Schnapp mastering. SWF version is more brilliantly momorizing the oppotunity with Leonore ouverture nr. 3 (to commemorate Auschwitz Extermination Camp liberation by Soviet Army on the day before on 27 Januar 1945. The recording was made in the morning of 28 Januar 1945 [bar 128 wood block noise is the clear proof]). Tahra's transfer is more authentic to SWF if in the mean of music itself to heavenly sounding SWF 901 remastered in 1990.
10:00 PM оркестр концерт в Омске. (Proof of The Pentagon's interception.) 0:07 AM.
1:00 AM - 3:28 AM Концерт Евы Геворгяна в Московской филармонии. (The Pentagon's interceptions (perhaps with some security on the side of Moscow, still mainly by The Pentagon's force conversations and their ordinary deeds in perfect accordance to my moving perceptions at each moment: threat in short): proof 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Moscow's Excellent Self-Defense, being recorded by DR-40 starting at 1:04 AM).
3:29 AM - 5:40 AM [repeat for sound recording].
5:45 AM Went to bed.
2:13 PM Got up
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 15, 3:30 AM; Al Franken: Chapter 26 to pp. 216; 27 to pp 217, 8:35 PM.

пятница 19 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
3:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [One repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
4:30 PM Practicing Фортепиано Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12, Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-1 exposition, Opus 101-1, 2 (fragment). Moderately played; result 2/5.
5:00 PM - 5:19 PM 7-eleven Amazon Gift Card.
6:45 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
7:49 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
11:00 PM Go to bed. 5:10 AM Got up.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 16 [16:9-12, 16:23-28 Macedonia], 4:26 PM; Al Franken: through Chapter 27 from pp 218 to pp 219 (repeat), Cheney's lies on The Arlington "cross row on row" quoting Flanders Field, Belgium with evidence [photo] hinting NATO-OTAN, Gospel of Judas (123[4]-0-[4]321) is my analysis. 4:32 PM.

суббота 20 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:00 PM Go to bed. 5:10 AM Got up.
5:18 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
9:15 AM Wilhelm Furtwängler in Paris 1954 (SWFJ 42-43R, 2014, Made in Arustria by Sony).
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Had some sleep due to extreme exhaustion.
2:00 PM Practicing Фортепиано Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. Moderately played; result 2/5.
3:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990]
3:30 PM Vladimir Horowitz plays Rachmeninoff 3rd and Tchaikovsky 1st fortepiano concerti with Barbirolli and The New York Philharmonic (Apr)
5:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
6:12 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Pastral symphonie nr. 6 (22 March, 1944) and Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [No repeat for Cavatina and Leonore ouverture nr. 3. [SWF 901, 1990]]
7:30 PM Послушаю концрет вечера Евы Геворгяна в Москвской Филармоние.
9:00 PM Прямой эфре в Пскове в Зале Пушкина.
10:00 PM Go to bed due to extreme exhaustion. Got up at 0:00 PM next morning.
- following two schedules had been cancelled to the next day. -
11:00 PM Vladimir Horowitz in Moscow on April 20, 1986 (DVD).
1:00 AM - 3:30 AM Прямой эфил в Санкт-Петербурге (в Зале Шостаковича). Концерт Николая Луганского. (Мендельсон, Шопен, Вагнер-Луганский, Вагнер-Лист).
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 17, 17:00 PM; Al Franken: through Chapter 28 to pp. 225, 7:17 PM (pp. 222 and 223 horses, Veritas [סוסים] «Conspiracy Theory» Silver Picture [Ag 47], 1997).

воскресенье 21 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
0:00 PM Got up.
0:30 PM Vladimir Horowitz in Moscow on April 20, 1986 (DVD).
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Прямой эфил в Санкт-Петербурге (в Зале Шостаковича). Концерт Николая Луганского. (Мендельсон, Шопен, Вагнер-Луганский, Вагнер-Лист).
8:00 PM Прямой эфил в Томске.
9:00 PM Прямой эфил в Новосибирске.
11:00 PM Go to bed.
Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 18, 10:44 PM; Al Franken: through Chapter 29 to pp. 226, 11:30 PM.
73.6 kg

понежельник 22 апреля 2024 года : lowest ever weight so far 64.6 kg. November 9, 2023 2:00 PM JST achieved.
11:08 AM Got up.
0:22 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Beethoven's Cavatina, Opus 130 (October 15, 1940), Leonore ouverture Nr. 3 (Januar 28, 1945 im Morgen, Wien) [SWF 901, 1990]
1:50 PM - 2:18 PM Sun Plaza bought a bottle of milk x1. They hate to sell me tomatoes (of couse, in the middle of human hunting). Paled and frightened Kriminalpolizei officer by order by Hirofumi Yoshimura tied with Tokyo for the military satellite on the way back (in the city of Kashiwara). Also worth mentioning a track driver that intentionally ignored traffic signals and me in his sight and tried to dump-killing of me. ALSO, those Japanese that can pretend he/she doesn't know me can be diagnosed as sane? I'm afraid not. And, those who can ask me for my name twice over a phone call, etc, are all Nazists - that's human reasons and staying him-/herself sane or insane. He/she decides never do I. Also, these 6 to 7 days have been full of seamlessly constant military brainwashing (subliminal weapon of MK Ultra Sonor of The Pentagon) day and night. Not what they tell, but what I write and tell with courage has of authenticity. 4:07 PM.
2:40 PM Drying of laundry.
3:00 PM Practicing Фортепиано Frédéric François Chopin «Revolutionary», [inter-mission] «Jane Wilhelmina Stirling» nocturnes Opus 55-1, 2, etude Opus 10-9; Schoenberg Opus 11-1, Bach Prelude BWV 846 (/2 = 423), Rachmaninoff Opus 32-12. Beethoven Sonata Opus 31-2 exposition, Opus 101-1, 2. Moderately played; result 2/5.
4:00 PM Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigiert Johann Sebastian Bach «Matthäus-Passion» Wien on April 9, 1952 (SWF 061, 2006).
9:00 PM Орган Live! в Томске.

Tokyo's Kriminalpolizei refuse to update this part, so that I am forced to clarify the point in this way. (Corrections: "I suspect that Chuck Hagel knew this, though".)

Orthodox Bible Практика Святого апостола Verse 19, 0:55 PM; Al Franken: Chapter 29 «Operation Chickenhawk: Episode One» to pp.229, 1:03 PM (Al was not forgetting to punish Pat Buchanan, a conspiracy theorist over 911 terror. Conspiracy and Conspiracy Theory is totally different, thus).
73.3 kg

Due to evil deeds by Tokyo's Kriminalpolizei or The Pentagon, I was forced to move to next chapter in order to escape interfering interceptions.
Due to evil deeds by Tokyo's Kriminalpolizei or The Pentagon, I was forced to move to next chapter in order to escape interfering interceptions.

(288,259 文字)

Дневник I : пятница 14 октября 2022 года - питница 3 марта 2023 года :
Дневник II : суббота 4 марта 2023 года - втроник 9 мая 2023 года :
Дневник III : среда 10 мая 2023 года - понедельник 25 октября 2023 года:

Дневник IV : четверг 26 октября 2023 года - понежельник 22 января 2024 года :
Дневник VI : втроник 23 апреля 2024 года - четверг 9 мая 2024 года :
Demands on the Japanese (Reconciliation Act)
Music at the Limits: Правда и Свидетельство III (Truths and Testimony; A Tribute to Edward Said: интервью с Йосиуки Мукудае)
高橋悠治に: 置き手紙
Newly revised Constitution of Japan (as of 23 декабря 2023 года : to be updated for the perfection: newest update as of четверг 11 января 2023 года: on the issue of Korean Peninsula and Unification of People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea)
Demands on the Japanese (Reconciliation Act)
Forbes Billiionaire Ranking in Humanity 2022-2023 Season

Special Bonus : Pentagon's and Tokyo's Nazi Deeds.
Record 1. Album for Note
Record 2. Elon Musk's X (Still Twitter) How the USA will strategically get default and confiscated; and. the reason why the USA can never escape from this troubles, quite cynically, invented by themselves for their profit making. The reason for uploading these screenshots files is quite simple. I found the other day that Pentagon and NSA-CIA led Twitter and Meta do hide my postings and comments if inconvenient for them the USA.)
Record 3.
Taro Nakayama and his Secret Police and Ministry of Foreign Affair's Deceptive deeds at Public Library of City of Fujiidera (my home town) by highjacking the Bookshelves of Good Will.

Special Bonus :
Eine Йосиуки Мукудай Fantasie: with his Historic Return on the world politics and music to theatre stages.
Studies on Numbers.

椋代 能行
