
埼玉酒蔵【地酒試飲会】@埼玉県春日部ふれあいキューブ/ Saitama Sake Brewery 【Local Sake Tasting】 @Kasukabe Fureai Cube, Saitama

On Saturday, October 7, 2023, I went to the Saitama Sake Tasting organized by Saitama Sake Brewers Association at Kasukabe Fureai Cube. Although I have lived in Saitama for more than 40 years, I have only passed through Kasukabe when using Route 16. This time, I went out for the first time as a destination. Although I am a resident of Saitama Prefecture, I realize that I do not know too much about the prefecture. In that sense, one of my purposes is to learn about the local area of Saitama Prefecture through learning about local sake, and it is interesting to see all the new things.

春日部ふれあいキューブ/ Kasukabe Fureai Cube

In the morning, I participated in the bean jam festival held by Kinoshita Seian, and in the afternoon, I attended this sake tasting event in Kasukabe.

Entrance to Kasukabe Fureai Cube.
At the entrance, there was a banner flag for the local sake tasting event.
入口には埼玉の地酒樽。A barrel of local sake from Saitama at the entrance.
This is a photo taken upon arrival, but there was already a line.... I was surprised.

13時少し前の状況ですが、既に行列になっていました。今回は、埼玉県酒造組合の事務局長の他、Miss SAKEの方々が埼玉地酒を注いでくれるブースと、石井酒造(幸手市)、寒梅酒造(久喜市)のブースの大きく2つに分かれての試飲の列になっていました。
It was a little before 1:00 p.m. and there was already a line of people waiting. This time, the line for tasting was divided into two main booths: the booths where Miss SAKE poured Saitama local sake in addition to the secretary general of the Saitama Sake Brewers Association, and the booths of Ishii Shuzo (Satte City) and Kanbai Sake Brewery (Kuki City).

寒梅酒造さん(久喜市)/ Kanbai Shuzo (Kuki City)

私は、早速、寒梅酒造さんの列に並びました。考えてみれば、酒蔵のChief Brewer である杜氏の方に直接説明いただき、直接注いで頂けるこのような機会は大変貴重ですよね。今回試飲会に参加された方々も、注いでくれた方がこれらのお酒を造っている杜氏の方、ということを知っている人は少ないかもしれません。
I quickly got in line at the Kanbai Shuzo booth. I was very impressed by the opportunity to have the Chief Brewer of the brewery explain and pour the sake directly from the brewery. Not many people who attended the tasting knew that the person who poured the sake for them was the Chief Brewer of the brewery.

The booth on the left is where the Saitama Sake Brewers Association pour the sake. The booth on the right is where Ishii Shuzo (president) and Kanbai Shuzo (chief brewer) pour the sake.
Kanbai Shuzo's booth. We tried Daiginjo.

At the time of the big tasting at Saitama Arena, the company did not sell any of their sake, so this time we were able to purchase their Kanbai Daiginjo. This sake is not junmai sake, but it is sweet and easy to drink as it is 40% polished rice.

大吟醸(寒梅)/ Daiginjo (Kanbai)

石井酒造さん(幸手市)/ Ishii Sake Brewery (Satte City)

続いて、石井酒造さん。今回の試飲酒は同社のいい奴 ”豊明” でした。大試飲会でいただかなかった ”IWCゴールドメダル受賞”の豊明純米吟醸 原酒をいただきました。こちらも購入させていただきました。
Next was Ishii Shuzo. The sake tasted this time was their "Houmei.” We tried a bottle of Houmei Junmai Ginjo Unprocessed Sake, which has received the "IWC Gold Medal Winner", that we did not have at the Grand Tasting. We also purchased this sake.

石井酒造さんのブース/ The booth of Ishi Sake Brewery
純米吟醸(原酒) 豊明 / Junmai-Ginjo (Unprocessed Sake) Houmei

It was a great opportunity to be poured directly by the president and chief brewer, and to see the two of them working together in spite of their busy schedules. I was impressed and wanted to support the Saitama sake brewery industry when I saw the president and the chief brewer doing their jobs.

In addition to the sake tasting, there was also a Saitama product exhibition, and kitchen cars were set up outside the entrance.

Booths selling Saitama products are lined up.
Many kitchen cars

あぶらび (aburabi)さん(蕨市)/ Aburabi (Warabi City)

There were booths selling various products, and we purchased a bottle of "Warabi-chan's Amazake (Sweet type of Sake)". We had heard about Warabi-chan through their SDGs-related activities, so we decided to stop by.


あぶらびさんのブースでは、埼玉県産のブランド柚子「桂木柚子」を使用した「ゆず あまざけ」等をいただきました。こちらはノンアルコールとのこと。何かの機会があれば、この”あまざけ”もストーリーがありそうで開発秘話等お話を伺えればと思っています。
At Aburabi's booth, we were served "Yuzu fruit Amazake" made from Katsuragi Yuzu, a brand of yuzu produced in Saitama Prefecture. The drink is non-alcoholic. If there is any chance, I would like to hear the story behind the development of this "amazake.”

I got it at Aburabi's booth. Warabi apple cider (first time) Warabi-chan's amazake (first time) Saika no Shizuku (first time)

The weather was fine on Saturday, October 7, and we were able to get to know Saitama Prefecture in a new way through our participation in the "Anfes" in the morning and the "Local Sake Tasting + Product Exhibition" in the afternoon at the Kasukabe Fureai Cube. The purpose of the event was originally to sample local sake, but I also stopped by Aburabi's booth and made new encounters. I am currently busy with various activities and my day job, but I was able to reconfirm the importance of going out by chance and planning.

I am sure the breweries will be getting busier and busier as the sake brewing process begins, but I am looking forward to another round of sake making and will continue to support them.

So, thank you again for supporting and reading this article.
