疫病後の世界をどうするか 鋭い論評


中東情勢についての鋭い論評で知られる Marwan Bishara 氏の ”What would and should a post-pandemic world look like?” April 20, 2020




国連は沈黙し、G20も力がない。「グローバル化しているのはウィルスだけ Only the virus is globalized.」(元スウェーデン首相)



The way I see it, the world is at a crossroad, and has a choice to make - to turn right or left. Continuing straight down the same path that led to the present disaster is not a realistic or attractive option.


Both turns involve more of the same state and global actors, but the real change will come from bottom-up popular movements and pressure not top-down political directives and machination.


But if history is any guide, people could also turn left.

The recognition that the virus affects the poor and disenfranchised more than the richer and more privileged and that any person regardless of their nationality, religion, class, gender, or race could contract and transmit the virus may push people to insist on greater human rights and solidarity.


This means reforming, democratising and expanding the social "welfare state" at the expense of the increasingly privatised "market state", perhaps taking as a model the much-touted Scandinavian model, where everyone fares well at some basic level, without impeding private enterprise.


Simply put, we need visions that take into account individual, community, state and international needs and find win-win strategies to implement them. These strategies must combine private and public capacities that generate local solutions to global problems and universal answers to human rights.


This means the change must be bottom-up, leading to less authoritarian, more transparent, accountable and democratic governments.


It also means more humane economy that focuses not only on statistical growth, but also on greener, fairer, more civilised enterprises that put citizens' needs above corporate greed.

それは武器増強や株取引ではなく、仲買人、サッカー選手、俳優と並ぶくらいに、看護師、教師、科学者の待遇を改善し、「人間という資源 human capital」を重視することでもある。

It means policies that focus less on arms stockpiles and stock markets and more on human capital, rewarding nurses, teachers and scientists as much as brokers, footballers and actors.

要は、みんなが生きられる世界をつくること sustainability であり、それには、何が目標なのかについて、合意が必要である。

That is called sustainability. And it requires unity of purpose.
