






The number of followers on instagram, where I upload my textile works, has exceeded 100. Thank you very much for following me and seeing my works. (*For those of you who met me at VRC, I have an instagram account where I post my textile works and other embroideries I've done since I was in college.

I have been embroidering and knitting since I was a child, but I haven't done much in the way of independently showing my work to anyone. This is the first time I've made an account on Fonte (temporary) to show my work on the Internet in earnest.

Creating this account reminded me of how fun it is to have someone look at my work. I haven't created anything in years since I graduated from university, but now I realize once again that creating things is a good thing. This would not be possible without the people who see my work. Thank you very much.

I would like to continue to send out my works in the future. I would like to have a solo exhibition someday. I would like to go to various places (all over Japan, maybe even overseas!). I would like to go to various places (all over Japan, maybe even overseas!). Thank you for your continued support!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
