
What does "Nōsha" [能遮] mean?

The word Nōsha is a Buddhist terminology related to another term called Darani [陀羅尼] and it means "(to) memorize and remember every Teachings" as well as "setting oneself free from worldly or worthless thoughts". Meanwhile, the word Japanese Buddhist loanword Darani derives from the Sanskrit term Dhāraī which roughly means "(to) preserve". In Buddhist context, however, Darani means "the ability to gather and preserve every details by memorizing them perfectly". 

While the exact methods and qualities of Darani varies depending on the Buddhist sect, etymology of the term Nōsha embedded within Darani derives from "identifying and avoiding various bad laws (i.e.: acts and beliefs which goes against the Lotus Sūtra's Dharma)". This can be interpreted as "perfecting Darani = protecting oneself from bad laws". Now, how should we Buddhists perfect Darani? 

In "Daranihon" [陀羅尼品] (Chapter 26) in Lotus Sūtra [法華経] (or Saddharma-puṇḍarīka-sūtra), there's a parable depicting an interaction between Buddha and Bhaiṣajyarāja where Buddha answeres Bhaiṣajyarāja's question regarding the magnitude of benefit one can accumulate from embracing the Dharma in which Buddha concludes: "if one could embrace, read, recite, comprehend, and train according to the verses mentioned in the Lotus Sūtra, they would gain unmeasurable amounts of blessings." Alas, Bhaiṣajyarāja and many other Enlightened Beings swore to Buddha to protect anyone who follows the Dharma of Lotus Sūtra. 

As referenced in this parable parable, thorough understanding of the Lotus Sūtra would lead to obtaining Nōsha, perfecting the Darani, embracing the Dharma, and attaining Buddhahood at last! This is why I became a student of Nichiren-daiseijin [日蓮大聖人] (or Saint Nichiren) as I study/train according to the Teachings not only of Saint Nichiren, but the Lotus Sūtra and other Japanese Buddhist sects based off of the sūtra in hopes of reaching the core of Dharma thus, attaining Buddhahood in the end.

That's the reason why I created this account because I wanted the share the joy of obtaining knowledge from the Lotus Sūtra; hoping for some of you to gain enough interest to study with me! 

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