
やいづのびんづめ vinegar味噌さば Mackerel pickled in vinegar seasoned with miso and Japanese mustard


Mackerel pickled in vinegar seasoned with miso and Japanese mustard – Binzume of Yaizu Binzume," meaning "bottle" or "jar" in Japanese, encapsulates the unique essence of presenting and preserving Mackerel pickled in vinegar seasoned with miso and Japanese mustard. This gastronomic delight is intricately sealed within a specialized bottle, adding a touch of tradition that enriches and elevates your dining experience
酢漬けしたさばに 味噌と和からしでアクセントを加えました

Yaizu sea port 昔懐か しい港町の風景と地元の食文化を残し伝えていきたい

Product Features
This "fish jelly" applies the traditional tsukudani cooking technique, using various local ingredients. The fourth-generation developer created "Yaizu no Binzume" with the hope of preserving and conveying the nostalgic scenery of the port city where he visited with his grandfather, as well as the local food culture .Yaizu Kogawa's mackerel fish is softened to the bone and seasoned. Please savor the delightful fusion of Shizuoka's aijiro miso and locally sourced chili peppers from Yaizu City.

伝統の佃煮製法を応用し地元素材をふんだんに使用したお魚ジャム。開発者の 4 代目がかつて祖父と通った昔懐か しい港町の風景と地元の食文化を残し伝えていきたいという願いを込めておつくりする「やいづのびんづめ」。
焼津 小川産のさばを骨まで柔らかくし調味しました。焼津市内で製造された静岡あいじろ味噌と辛子の相性をお楽しみ ください。

Usage Suggestions「How to eat, prepare, etc」
Perfect for the weekend when hardworking women just want to breathe and relax. The hot sandwiches and mackerel sandwiches to which I've developed a recent addiction have been rated as "recommended". For that weekend party with friends, use it as a side dish along with potato salad generously topped with cream cheese.

働く女子がほっと一息つく週末の昼下がり。最近はまってるホットサンド、さばサンドが「おすすめ」って書いてある。 週末の女子会にはクリームチーズたっぷりのポテサラの付け合わせにしよう。お気に入りの味を見つけて、あなた だけのとっておきのアレンジを楽しんでください。

3種のギフトセット 3,000円税込

