
Future direction of NFT work


Hello, my name is Yagime.

I would like to describe here the direction of my future NFT works as I am getting settled.

In the first half, I wrote about the "conclusion of the direction in which I am heading. In the second half, I wrote about "how I came to that conclusion," including some of my failures.

Future direction of NFT works

Plans for mainstay collection of anime-related products

Let me speak from the conclusion. We are currently planning to produce a large scale mainstay collection that is quite different in direction from our existing collection.

Specifically, the style is more anime-oriented, as in the following tweet. (The quoted example is fan art.)

It will take me several months to plan this NFT collection, including the creation of the website. I will put all of my creativity and skills into this collection.

This collection will be more serious than ever.

For those who have been supporting existing collections

I am very sorry to the holders of the existing collection, as well as to those who have been supporting us and consulting with us. I am very sorry that my naivete has come out. I am considering offering some kind of consideration to the current holders, such as offering the next main collection at a preferential price.

※I have sent a DM to each of the holders regarding this matter. Thank you once again for your support. I am a lucky person.

How we came to this conclusion

On the mindset of the existing collection

The existing collection was, of course, serious. We were going to create the following article and promote it with a bang.

What I noticed when discussing my work

However, I received these words when we were discussing advertising methods at Firan's space.

'I think it would make all the difference if you spoke with more confidence when you advertise.

. . it was actually a shock like being struck by lightning. I thought, "That's right. I am still deeply grateful for your true words. Thank you, Mr. Phelan. (Space advertising worries consultation Firan Salon, held every Saturday from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.! Highly recommended!!!)

I have always lacked confidence in my work. At first I thought this was a mindset problem with my personality. At that time, I thought it was important to have confidence.

When I went up to this space, one person welcomed me with two pieces and I felt encouraged. However, it was hard for me to get motivated to promote the next one. I thought it was a mind problem, so I studied and observed people whose minds were wonderful.

But actually, it wasn't the mind that needed to be fixed.

The problem was that I was not producing work that I could have real confidence in.

It was the following words that made me realize this.

The world is looking for serious works.

These were the words of Mr. Yamaken when we first approached him for marketing advice.

I received these other words.

'The work so far has not been representative, but it has developed horizontally. It's like Pokemon without Pikachu.

Why don't you produce your own serious representative work? I think you have art that you can enchant with your drawings' (Words I want to keep as heirlooms!!!)

It was there that I realized for the first time that I had not been able to produce what I could seriously call my best work at NFT.

After this consultation, I decided to always be serious. The two fan art pieces in the tweet I posted at the top are serious works.

I realized after drawing these two. I felt that I could confidently recommend these, as I did the people I was observing to study their minds.

For the Mugendai Collection, I put my thoughts into the artwork. I was certainly serious about that. But was the quality of the work itself serious? I had my doubts. At first, I thought, "I'll try to exhibit my work in the NFT Collection! I think my main focus was to exhibit my work. I think I was also in a hurry to exhibit my work as soon as possible.

I think the main focus of the Icon Family Collection by Yagime was to enjoy NFT more with everyone. I also wanted to try my hand at generative art.

I enjoyed the fact that I could make some strange and cool combinations that I couldn't do by myself. However, I found this out after I tried it, and I realized how difficult generative art is. You can do cool things, and you can also do things with some subtle coloring. I tried to create a good combination by separating the folders and adding the background later, but now I still feel that I didn't make it right.

Even if it was 10KMINT, I could have made all the pieces even better.

Both collections were seriously made at the time. But to be honest, I think I was a little rushed. That impatience showed in my work.

I wanted to make friends with people in the NFT area as soon as possible. I don't want to miss the chance.

I am ashamed to say that I think this feeling was reflected in my works.

Animated character illustrations that I had almost given up on

I also thought that my skills would be buried by the saturation of anime character illustrations that I did before I started NFT, because I am sure they were saturated.

But going back to the original, actually, I wanted to design anime, game, and Vtuber type characters. I gave up on that from the very beginning, thinking that it would be a bad idea.

But let's make NFT a serious piece of work! Let's make our next masterpiece! When I thought about it, I knew it had to be a character-based project.

Because there is only one answer. Because I love it.

If you want to challenge us with a serious work for the next and main collection

The answer was that if I were to take on a serious challenge, it would be to illustrate an animated character-based work.

In fact, there is an original story work that has been in the works for a year.

It is a detailed character setting, worldview setting, and story. I can't say much about it yet, but I want to give birth to this world. I want to breathe life into the characters.

I want people all over the world to know and be fascinated by my work. I dream big!

I am not sure about Web2 or Web3, but I would like to develop this work into something worth everyone's participation. I will do my best to make it happen. I am open to ideas. I will also try to get other people to cooperate with me.

First of all, I will work hard to create a website so that you can share my view of the world.

From now on, I will always create my best NFT work. I will never compromise again.

Thank you for reading this far. I will always keep you updated on my next major collection on Twitter here. Please stay tuned for further developments.
