
【Koyomi】 May 21, 2024

Today, I felt a deep connection to the natural world as I observed the life cycle of silkworms. Their journey from egg to cocoon is a fascinating process that offers many lessons about patience, hard work, and the beauty of nature.


The Life Cycle of Silkworms

Silkworms, scientifically known as Bombyx mori, go through a complex life cycle consisting of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Each stage has its own unique characteristics and requirements. During the larva stage, silkworms consume large quantities of mulberry leaves, a process known as "蚕起食桑" or "silkworms waking up and eating mulberry leaves." This stage is crucial for their growth and the eventual production of silk.

Additionally, the term "蚕起食桑" refers to the 22nd solar term (Shōman, the initial period), from May 21st to June 5th. Shōman is the eighth solar term in the traditional East Asian lunisolar calendar, marking a time when all things begin to grow and flourish, and vegetation becomes lush.


蚕(Bombyx mori)は、卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫の4つの段階からなる複雑なライフサイクルを経ます。それぞれの段階には独自の特徴と必要条件があります。幼虫の段階では、蚕は大量の桑の葉を食べます。この過程は「蚕起食桑」として知られ、蚕が目を覚まし桑の葉を食べることを意味します。この段階は、成長と最終的な絹の生産にとって非常に重要です。


The Importance of Mulberry Leaves

Mulberry leaves are the primary diet of silkworms. The nutrients found in these leaves are essential for the silkworms' development. Without a steady supply of fresh mulberry leaves, silkworms cannot thrive or produce high-quality silk. The phrase "蚕起食桑" underscores the importance of this food source, as it symbolizes the beginning of the silkworms' active phase of growth.

Interestingly, silkworms are not counted as "one silkworm, two silkworms" in Japanese. Instead, they are counted as "one head, two heads," similar to livestock like cows and horses. This reflects the historical significance of silkworms in supporting human livelihoods.




Lessons We Can Learn from Silkworms

Observing the life cycle of silkworms teaches us valuable lessons aboutさ patience and diligence. Silkworms work tirelessly, consuming mulberry leaves to prepare for their transformation into cocoons. This process reminds us that hard work and dedication are necessary for growth and success. Additionally, the natural beauty of silk production highlights the wonders of nature and the intricate processes that occur within it.


蚕から学べる教訓 蚕のライフサイクルを観察することで、忍耐と勤勉について貴重な教訓を得ることができます。蚕は繭への変態の準備のために桑の葉を絶え間なく食べ続けます。この過程は、成長と成功には努力と献身が必要であることを思い出させてくれます。さらに、絹の生産の自然の美しさは、自然界の驚異とその中で起こる複雑な過程を強調しています。
