
【Koyomi】 May 28, 2024

The Appeal and Uses of Purple Onions

Features and Appeal of Purple Onions

Purple onions, also known as red onions, are distinguished by their vibrant red-purple hue. Beyond their striking appearance, they are known for their sweetness and are ideal for raw consumption, making them perfect for salads, pickles, and sandwich toppings. Using them raw allows you to enjoy their vivid color and crisp texture.



Differences Between Purple Onions and Regular Onions

Color: Purple onions are red-purple, while regular onions are yellow or brown.
Taste: Purple onions are sweet with a mild pungency, often used raw. Regular onions have a stronger pungency and become sweeter when cooked.
Texture: Purple onions are tender and crisp, while regular onions are firmer and soften when cooked.
Nutritional Value: Purple onions are rich in anthocyanins, an antioxidant, whereas regular onions contain more quercetin.


色: 紫タマネギは赤紫色、普通のタマネギは黄色または茶色。
味: 紫タマネギは甘くて辛みが少ないため、生での利用が多いです。普通のタマネギは辛みが強く、加熱すると甘みが増します。
食感: 紫タマネギは柔らかくシャキシャキ、普通のタマネギはしっかりして加熱すると柔らかくなります。
栄養価: 紫タマネギにはアントシアニンという抗酸化物質が豊富で、黄タマネギにはケルセチンが多く含まれています。

Nutritional Value of Purple Onions

Purple onions are rich in anthocyanins, which have antioxidant properties. These compounds help remove reactive oxygen species from the body, contributing to anti-aging and the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. Purple onions also contain high levels of vitamin C and dietary fiber.



Color Changes Due to Cooking

Purple onions can change color when heated because anthocyanins are sensitive to heat and acidity. Specific changes include:

Heat: The vibrant purple color can fade to brown or reddish-brown when heated, especially with prolonged or high-temperature cooking.
Acidity and Alkalinity: Adding acidic ingredients like vinegar or lemon juice can turn the color redder, while alkaline conditions can make it blue or green. However, it often turns brown when cooked.



熱による変化: 加熱すると鮮やかな紫色が薄れ、褐色や赤褐色に変わることがあります。特に長時間の加熱や高温での調理ではこの傾向が顕著です。
酸やアルカリによる変化: 酢やレモン汁などの酸性の食材を加えると、色が赤っぽくなることがあります。アルカリ性の環境では青や緑っぽくなることがありますが、加熱すると褐色になりやすいです。

Recommended Uses for Purple Onions

Salads: Slice raw and add to salads for a colorful, sweet, and crunchy addition.

Pickles: Pickling with vinegar preserves their vibrant color and enhances their flavor.

Sandwiches and Burgers: Use as a topping to add visual appeal and flavor.

Lightly Sautéed: Short cooking times maintain color and increase sweetness.


サラダ: 生のままスライスしてサラダに加えると、彩りも美しく、甘みとシャキシャキ感が楽しめます。

ピクルス: 酢を使ったピクルスにすると、鮮やかな色が保たれ、味も引き立ちます。

サンドイッチやバーガー: スライスしてトッピングに使うと、見た目も華やかで風味も増します。

軽く炒める: 短時間の加熱であれば、色の変化は少なく、甘みが増します。

Purple onions are a delightful addition to many dishes due to their beauty and rich nutritional value. Enjoy incorporating them into your meals, especially during this season.

