
【Koyomi】 May 8, 2024

To all soba enthusiasts, did you know that the choice of soba flour greatly affects the taste of your noodles? In this article, we'll explore the different types of soba flour and their unique characteristics, focusing on the distinct flavors and textures they bring.


Sarashina Flour

Sarashina flour is a very fine, white flour known for its refined taste. It is made from only the core of the buckwheat seed, resulting in its pale color. This flour offers a very smooth mouthfeel and a delicate flavor that is highly prized.



Inaka Flour

Inaka flour is milled from the entire buckwheat seed, including the hull, giving it a darker color and a robust flavor. Noodles made with this flour are richly flavored and have a hearty texture. It's also nutritionally rich, making it a great choice for health-conscious individuals.



Medium-ground Flour

Medium-ground flour is a balance between Sarashina and Inaka flour, providing a moderate flavor and color. It is well-balanced and easy to handle, making it ideal for beginners in home soba making.



Blend with Bread Flour

If soba flour alone is difficult to work with, mixing in a small amount of bread flour can make it more manageable. This technique helps balance ease of handling with flavor, although the soba's distinct taste might be slightly diluted depending on the proportion of bread flour used.



Choosing Soba Flour

When choosing soba flour, consider the type of noodles you want to make. If you prefer a delicate taste, Sarashina flour is recommended, whereas Inaka flour is better for those seeking flavorful noodles. Beginners might find medium-ground flour easier to start with.




Each type of soba flour has unique characteristics and is suited for specific uses. With this information, you can choose the right flour for your needs and enjoy delicious homemade soba noodles!


