
【Koyomi】March 8, 2024

Seasonal Vegetables|Yomogi

The Culinary Delights of Mugwort

The herb known as yomogi in Japan is a versatile plant that heralds the arrival of spring. It is harvested for its young and tender shoots during the peak season from March to May and is used in various Japanese dishes. These shoots, which are almost devoid of bitterness, are incorporated into delicious tempura and aromatic, flavorful kusamochi among other dishes.



The medicinal effects of yomogi

Yomogi, also known as the "Queen of Herbs," has been utilized as a panacea since ancient times. Its medicinal properties have been cherished through many cultures, not just in cooking. Tracing the origins of kusamochi reveals that it was originally made by mixing "Gogyo" (one of the seven herbs of spring) into mochi. The health benefits of yomogi include improving digestion and boosting energy.



How to Make Kusamochi (Mugwort Mochi)


  • 100g glutinous rice flour (mochiko)

  • 30g sugar

  • 80ml water

  • 10-15 fresh yomogi leaves

  • Anko (sweet red bean paste) for filling


  1. Prepare the Mugwort: Rinse the yomogi leaves thoroughly. Blanch them in boiling water for about 1-2 minutes to soften. Drain and cool them down with cold water. Squeeze out the excess water and finely chop the leaves.

  2. Make the Dough: In a bowl, mix the glutinous rice flour and sugar. Gradually add water to the mixture and stir until smooth. Incorporate the chopped yomogi leaves into the dough, ensuring it’s evenly distributed.

  3. Steam the Dough: Place the dough in a steamer lined with parchment paper. Steam over medium heat for about 20 minutes or until the dough becomes translucent and cooked through.

  4. Shape the Mochi: Once the dough is steamed and slightly cooled, divide it into small portions. Flatten each portion into a small disc. Place a small amount of anko in the center of each disc, then wrap the dough around the anko to form a ball. Make sure the anko is fully enclosed.

  5. Final Touch: Once all the mochi balls are formed, you can serve them as they are or dust them lightly with kinako (soybean flour) for an extra layer of flavor.

Enjoy your homemade Kusamochi, a traditional Japanese treat that beautifully embodies the essence of spring with its herbal freshness and sweet filling.



  • もち粉 100g

  • 砂糖 30g

  • 水 80ml

  • よもぎの葉 10-15枚

  • あんこ(餡子) 適量


  1. よもぎの準備: よもぎの葉をよく洗います。沸騰したお湯で1-2分茹でて柔らかくします。水で冷やしてから水気を絞り、細かく刻みます。

  2. 生地を作る: ボウルにもち粉と砂糖を入れ、徐々に水を加えながら滑らかになるまで混ぜます。刻んだよもぎの葉を生地に加え、均一に分布させます。

  3. 生地を蒸す: 蒸し器にクッキングペーパーを敷き、生地を入れます。中火で約20分、生地が透明になり十分に火が通るまで蒸します。

  4. 餅を形成: 蒸した生地が少し冷めたら、小分けにします。一つひとつを小さな円盤形に平らげ、中心にあんこを少量置きます。生地であんこを包み込んで球形にします。あんこが完全に閉じ込められるようにしてください。

  5. 仕上げ: 全ての餅が形成されたら、そのままでもよいですし、さらに風味を加えるためにきな粉(大豆粉)を軽くまぶしても良いでしょう。

