
【Koyomi】March 29, 2024

Seasonal food|Udo

The Seasonal Charm of Udo

Udo, a wild vegetable native to Japan, flourishes from March to May, marking the transition from spring to early summer. Its availability during this period highlights its status as a seasonal delicacy, embodying the essence of spring in its taste and aroma. There are two main types of Udo: "Yama Udo," cultivated by covering the root stock with soil, which gives it a slightly greenish hue, and "Nanba Udo," grown in darkness to maintain its pure white color. Each type offers a unique flavor profile that is cherished in Japanese cuisine.



Culinary Uses and Preparation

Udo's slightly bitter taste and unique aroma can evoke a sense of "spring has arrived." The vegetable's bitterness requires a particular preparation method to soften its intensity. It is commonly soaked in vinegar water after cutting to reduce its acridity before cooking. This process enhances Udo's natural flavors, making it a versatile ingredient in various dishes, from salads to stir-fries.



A Glimpse into Udo's History

Udo's roots run deep in Japanese culture, with a history that stretches back to the Heian period. It was considered a delicacy among the nobility, indicating its esteemed status. Today, it's celebrated as one of Japan's native vegetables, growing wild from Hokkaido to Kyushu alongside other indigenous plants like Fuki, Myoga, and Mitsuba. The Kanto region is known for its Udo production, contributing significantly to the culinary landscape of Japan.


