
【Koyomi】February 29, 2024

72 Kou|Soumoku-menar-izuru

The Significance of Early March

The period between March 1st and 4th annually marks a special time in Japan, symbolizing the beginning of Sōmoku Mebae Izuru. As the spring warmth seeps into the air, it invites the hidden life within the earth and the branches to awaken. The lengthening daylight plays a crucial role, showering the earth with life-giving light, signaling the shift towards a vibrant spring.



The Emergence of Life

As the soft sunlight of spring bathes the earth, we witness the emergence of moegi-colored sprouts from the moist soil and trees. This period allows us to see the tender buds of grass and flowers start to color the landscape in light green. The swelling buds on trees and the sprouting grass blades herald the birth of new life, a testament to the enduring cycle of nature.



Cultural Significance and Colors of Spring

The sprouting of plants is often described with phrases such as "moetatsu," "moedezu," and "moewataru," all conveying the vivid emergence of life. "Moegi," referring to young sprouting trees, and "moegiiro," a color that embodies the fresh green of new shoots, are traditional expressions of this season. The use of moegiiro in the Kabuki stage curtain, along with the traditional color "moegiiro," highlights the deep cultural appreciation of this vibrant season.


