
【Koyomi】January 28, 2024

The Various Things of Seasons|Fuyubi and Mafuyubi

Defining Fuyubi and Mafuyubi

Fuyubi and Mafuyubi are terms defined by the Japan Meteorological Agency to describe different types of winter days. A "Fuyubi" day is when the lowest temperature of the day is below 0°C, whereas a "Mafuyubi" day is when the highest temperature of the day does not exceed 0°C. In my area, we sometimes often hear about 'Manatsubi' (hot days) in the news, but 'mafuyubi' is less commonly discussed, making it an intriguing aspect of Japan's winter weather."



Recent Trends in Fuyubi and Mafuyubi

Over the last decade, the frequency of Fuyubi days has varied across Japan. In Sapporo, there are typically between 100 to 130 Fuyubi days annually, while in cities like Tokyo and Osaka, the number is usually less than 10. Mafuyubi days, more prevalent in Sapporo, occurring 20 to 50 days a year, have not been observed in Tokyo since 1967. The decreasing trend of both Fuyubi and Mafuyubi days in places like Sapporo raises concerns about global warming.



Embracing the Cold: Enjoying Winter in Japan

Despite the chilling temperatures, winter in Japan offers unique opportunities for enjoyment. Activities like snow festivals, skiing, and visiting hot springs are popular. The beauty of snow-laden landscapes, the joy of snowball fights, and building snowmen contribute to the winter charm. In the past, skiing was the main activity for me in winter, but recently I have been going to hot springs more often. Whether it's a winter day, there are various ways for people to enjoy the Japanese winter, suited to their age.


