
[Part 1] My interpretation of SECRET NUMBER - LIKE IT LIKE IT

First of all, let me congratulate my SECRET NUMBER girls on their Japan major debut! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I think saying I'm so proud of you all is an UNDERSTATEMENT! Well, enough with that or I might end up crying.😭

According to Jinny during SECRET NUMBER’s interview with Kanstapress, LIKE IT LIKE IT is a song about a thrilling love affair using a card game metaphor. You need to be bolder in expressing your feeling to someone you like. Interesting, huh?

Now let me give you my interpretation of the whole lyrics, wait… not everything, I guess, just certain lyrics. I read some comments that they didn't really understand the lyrics even after reading the english translations. But I don't really blame them for that, sometimes art can be really subtle and doesn't really make sense if we take it too literally. That’s why it's called art. So here I am to make it make sense hopefully…tehee😁

Disclaimer. This is my free and wild interpretation, so these lyrics are not the fixed meaning. This is just how I interpreted it in a non-poetic way. Each person can interpret the lyrics very differently. That's why art is exciting stuff.

Let’s start with LIKE IT LIKE IT verse 1.

Bet on (Oh)
You choose BLACK or RED which like? (Mm)
Bet on

Which one do you LIKE?
Black or Red.

You need to be clear on defining the relationship.
Either you wanna be a LOVER or something else.

Let's go ALL IN CHIP so, bet on
もっと大胆に攻めてみて show you A to Z

You have to go ALL OUT if you want me
You have to be bold
I'll show you how to do it from A to Z.

Like a maze ほらトラップかわして
Like a snake すり抜けてきな, ayy

Love is like a maze, see? it can become a trap
So you need to move like a SNAKE, so you can slip through my heart.

Want you, chose you, waiting for you
こっちおいで crazy on best

I Want you, I chose you and I'm waiting for you
So come here, I'm crazy good at everything
(I’m the best here)

Finally, we get to the pre-chorus, I hope you're still with me💦

So, next 愛は poker face
More play 内緒の heart ace, my babe
Why don't you making, making hot?

Love is something you can't really predict just like someone's poker face. So you have to try harder. So you get to know my heart babe. Why don't you make it more passionate?

I will end it here now your girl needs to stream LIKE IT LIKE IT MV on Youtube haha. No punchline. See you in part 2. -xin
