




When a woman is pregnant and gives birth, of course, but after the child is born, she has to breastfeed it, clothe it, worry about the cold, heat, and day and night, and go through many other hardships unknown to others. If circumstances permit, he may take time off to help raise the child and give his wife a rest. There are those who are afraid of being seen and do not care about their wives, and there are those who pretend on the surface that they do not care about their wives, even though they really do. It is a harmless behavior. Not only is it a crime of human ethics and shameful for a husband to look away from his wife's hardships, but it is also a fool who has no courage to pretend to be something he is not.

一 婦人の妊娠出産は勿論もちろん、出産後小児に乳を授け衣服を着せ寒暑昼夜の注意心配、他人の知らぬ所に苦労多く、身体も為めに瘠やせ衰おとろうる程の次第なれば、父たる者は其苦労を分ち、仮令たとい戸外の業務あるも事情の許す限りは時を偸ぬすんで小児の養育に助力し、暫くにても妻を休息せしむ可し。世間或は人目を憚はばかりて態と妻を顧みず、又或は内実これを顧みても表面に疏外そがいの風を装よそおう者あり。たわいもなき挙動なり。夫が妻の辛苦を余処よそに見て安閑あんかんたるこそ人倫の罪にして恥ず可きのみならず、其表面を装うが如きは勇気なき痴漢バカモノと言う可し。


福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. 林望監修. 講談社学術文庫. 講談社. P89

福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. 慶應義塾大学メディアセンター Keio University Libraries. <https://dcollections.lib.keio.ac.jp/sites/all/libraries/uv/uv.php?archive=FKZ&id=F7-A53#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=10&r=0&z=-24.8506%2C0%2C3645.7011%2C2952>. Accessed on June 29th, 2024.

福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. < https://books.google.co.jp/books/about/女大學評論.html?id=ehhKAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y >. Accessed on June 29th, 2024.

青空文庫. 2006. 福澤諭吉「女大学評論・新女大学」. < https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000296/files/43064_24679.html>. Accessed on June 26th , 2024. 親本:「福澤諭吉全集 第六巻」. 1959. 岩波書店、初出:「時事新報」1899から連載. 時事新報社

Translation performed using Deepl.com. Order of translation, in the order of the original (old Japanese)→English→standard Japanese (since 1946). Edited by a “note” writer.)
