


★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第780号


散歩のときに、公園で可憐に咲いてた 「かんひざくら」と「ユキヤナギ」

日本のファンも多いらしい、ロシア人指揮者 ユーリ・シモノフ氏
笑い声が漏れるほどである。楽屋口でのいわゆる「出待ち」にも気軽に応じ、 ファン・サービスの精神が旺盛な指揮者」とのこと。
最後まで視聴してしまった↓ (^^)d




TIME Feb. 26, 2024号 第二弾 World/ US Edition Cover Story

◆ "The War Lab" By Vera Bergengruen
How TECH companies joined forces with Zelensky's government to turn
Ukraine's battlefields into a testing ground fro military AI.






In June 2022, Alex Karp, the CEO of the data-analytics firm Palantir Technologies was escorted into the fortified bunker of the presidential palace, becoming the first leader of a major Western company to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky since Russia's invasion three months earlier.

米国のデータ解析企業のPalantir Technologies(パランティア)のCEO、Alex Karp氏は大手欧米企業でロシア侵攻後、ゼレンスキー大統領と最初に会った民間企業のリーダー。

Karp told Zelensky that he was ready to open an office in Kyiv and deploy Palantir's data and artificial-intelligence software to support Ukraine's defense.

Palantir Kyivオフィスを開設して、同社のデータ&AIソフトで、ウクライナの防衛を支援を約束できる、と話をもちかけた。 (-_-)ウーム

■ The AI arms dealer of the 21st century(21世紀のAI兵器ディーラー)

Named after the mystical seeing stones in The Lord of the Rings, Palantir sells the same aura of omniscience.

Seeded in part by an investment from the CIA's venture-capital arm, it built its business providing data-analytics software to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the FBI, the Department of Defense, and a host of foreign-intelligence agencies.


In Ukraine, Karp saw the opportunity to fulfill Palantir's mission to "defend the West" and to "scare the f-ck out of our enemies."


More than half a dozen Ukrainian agencies, including its Ministries of Defense, Economy, and Education, are using the company's products. Palantir's software, which uses AI to analyze satellite imagery, open-source data, drone footage, and reports from the ground to present commanders with military options, is "responsible for most of the targeting in Ukraine," according to Karp.

現在、ウクライナの半分以上の政府機関(防衛、経済、教育省など)でPalantir製品、ソフトウエアが使用されています。 (・o・;)

Ukrainian officials told me they are using the company's data analytics for projects that go far beyond battlefield intelligence, including collecting evidence of war crimes, clearing land mines, resettling displaced refugees, and rooting out corruption.

ウクライナでは、戦場での活用を超えて、戦争犯罪の証拠収集、地雷除去、難民の再定住、汚職撲滅 にも、Palantirのデータ解析技術を利用するようになったといいます。(-_-)ウーム

Palantir was so keen to showcase its capabilities that it provided them to Ukraine free of charge.

同社は、自社製品、ソフトウェアの可能性を世界に「宣伝」するべく、それら技術をウクライナに無償で 提供しています!(ここがすごい★ 戦争を長期的ビジネス戦略の機会と明確にとらえてるところが!)

■ Mil-Tech Valley (キーウのコワーキングスペース)& Military AI (AIの軍事活用)

Giants like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and Starlink have worked to protect Ukraine from Russian cyberattacks, migrate critical government data to the cloud, and keep the country connected, committing hundreds of millions of dollars to the nation's defense.


The controversial U.S. facial-recognition company Clearview AI has provided its tools to more than 1,500 Ukrainian officials, who have used it to identify more than 230,000 Russians on their soil as well as Ukrainian collaborators.

Palantirと同じく、論争にはなっていますが、米国の顔認証テクノロジー企業 のClearview AIもウクライナに多大な貢献をしてきています。

Smaller American and European companies, many focused on autonomous drones, have set up shop in Kyiv too, leading young Ukrainians to dub some of the city's crowded co-working spaces "Mil-Tech Valley."

その他、欧米の中小企業(多くは、自立飛行型ドローンの会社)たちもキーウに販売店を出してきました。若者の間では、キーウのコワーキングスペースをMil-Tech Valleyと呼ぶ人もいるようです。(^o^)

The collaboration between foreign tech companies and the Ukrainian armed forces, who say they have a software engineer deployed with each battalion, is driving a new kind of experimentation in military AI.


Ukraine and its private-sector allies say they are playing a longer game:
creating a war lab for the future. Ukraine "is the best test ground for all the newest tech."

War labなんて...怖い話です。新技術を試すうってつけの試験場(best test ground)。(でも...戦争の試験場にされた国でなんか、暮らしたくないです) (-_-;)

■ "It's not about donations. The best way to help Ukraine is to invest in Ukraine."

Foreign investors attracted to the nascent promise of Ukraine's tech sector.


German drone manufacturer Quantum Systems recently announced it would open a research and development center in Kyiv. ドイツも!
The Japanese tech giant Rakuten also announced its plan to open an office in the capital.(楽天も、ウクライナで通信、エネルギーのインフラなど再建事業に携わる予定です!)
Turkish drone maker Baykar has invested nearly $100 million to build a research and manufacturing center in Ukraine by 2025. トルコも!
At a recent European defense conference, "no one would even look at a product unless it had Tested in Ukraine stamped on it," Deborah Fairlamb, the co-founder of Green Flag Ventures,a new fund dedicated to investing in Ukrainian startups, told me.

At Web Summit, the world's largest tech conference, which took place in Lisbon in November, Ukraine's pavilion loomed over other exhibits in the cavernous arena. 25 Ukrainian startups had set up kiosks, and dozens of young workers in yellow Team Ukraine shirts handed out promotional booklets. "The best time to invest in Ukraine is NOW, not after the war," its marketing materials read.

去年11月にリスボンで開催されたWeb Summitでのウクライナのスタートアップ企業による謳い文句:
「今、ウクライナに投資を!戦争後じゃなくて!」 (+_+)

"This is the first time ever, in a war, that most of the critical technologies are not coming from federally funded research labs but commercial technologies off the shelf."


今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)

