Wataru Matsuno

Wataru Matsuno



#3 to be coach

Last week end, I participated in the event which theme is "coaching" Actually, I've studying coaching for 4 years and contiuning gradually this two years. I'll talk about coaching next time. Coachingi is really difficult but on the oth

    • #2 the mystery of TAIPA

      Recently, I'm working for social media, especially for Instagram, TikTok. while doing that, I feel that it's really curious and interesting. but it makes me feel little nervous. in these platform, a huge number of contents are created ever

      • #1 while running (extreamly personal use)

        Hi, guys my hobby is to train body and always go to gym every week. as usual when I was running with watching some English video to study, I was inspired with her advice. you know, it's really important to output what you learn rather tha

        • EC業界で働きたい人におすすめの書籍をまとめとく(随時更新)

          どうもどうも。 「WorldShopping BIZ」という越境ECソリューションを提供している 株式会社ジグザグの松野と言います。 私がどういう人間かはまたおいおい説明しますが、 とりあえずEC業界で働いてるとですね、、、 「EC業界で働く際にこれ読んどけって本なんですか?」 って質問、よく聞かれません?面接とかやると特に。 僕も本読むの好きなんで、わかるよー、実に。 で、毎回それに対して一つずつ答えてたんですが、 もはや聞かれすぎるから、noteにでもまとめとけ


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