
I learned an evil word: British Thermal Unit. The unit means required energy to increase the temperature of a pond of water by a Ferenheit. They are commonly used to describe specs of air conditioners.

Yard, pond and Ferenheit are notorious for their difficulty to convert and their irrationality of definition. Their confusion with meter-gram based system even costs human lives.

 Decent adults thesedays deny this insane, crazy system. But  BTU uses two of this crazy unit to define it. I have never seen such a wicked concept in my life. Hopefully, all American abandon this silly concept as soon as possible, (in spite of the naming of British, British people scarcely use it by the way. )

I also read "The Vital Question". It was a bit boring part. The part explained how ATP synthesis works in detail and said the mechanism is common for almost all life on the earth. According to the book,  structed by the beauty of this complex mechanism, some people even say the mechanism is the proof of existence of God.
