July 28th 2

This is second one for July 28th.  I have something more that I want to write about.  

The reason why I could not write this for as long as 5 months until now,  it is a long story.  I was too tired from the work which turned out to be not a good job for me because of my tendency of developmental disorder.  I was actually diagnosed as adjustment disorder and took a few months break.  I was feeling tension about the relationship with my boyfriend who was too kind for me.  He made me feel like I'm not  good enough for him (and it was right.)  He takes care of me a lot so I tried to be like his daughter or his cat to keep our strange relationship, but it didn't work. 

I took a break from work so I'm not working now.  I stay home and just wait until mom come back from work every day.  I spend a lot of time on YouTube and Netflix.  

One day I watched horror movie and felt like watch another movie right after that.  I like Mamma Mia movie, so I started watching it.  I once watched it when I was a teenager.  This time as 25year-old adult woman, I found a lot of new things from Mamma Mia.  One of them is that I love the word "spontaneous."  The story of the movie is that a girl who doesn't know who her dad is tries to find his dad.  In the end three men who might have been her dad comes to her.  One of them is asked by her why he came to her, he answers "spontaneously."  Actually he was invited by Amanda Seyfried, but he said he came to her spontaneously.  It was a spontaneous trip.  I thought that all trip should be "spontaneous."  I don't know if Japanese people understand the sense of the word "spontaneous."  I want this diary to be a spontaneous one too,  so I don't really care that I didn't write this for 5 months.  I just write about whatever I want to whenever I want to. 

When I was in high school, my American teacher read my diary really patiently and corrected my English.  This time my writing was quite spontaneous so I don't think this is easy to read.  I don't have a patient teacher anymore.  

This time I don't feel like choosing a photo so I don't do that.

