
財務モデリング講座 第12回:モデルが分かりにくくなってしまう3つの理由


動画: 2.2 What makes models easy to read

議事録: 2.2 What makes models easy to read

Hey it’s Kenny. I want to talk about few things that really drive me crazy when I'm reviewing somebody else’s financial model.

ケニーです。他の人の財務モデルを見直す時に 気が狂いそうになることを 話したいと思います。

And these are things that we try our very best to avoid at all costs in our model and it's really simple and you see it all the time.


Most of us are self-taught in building financial models and I certainly started by doing these exact things in my models, until I kind of was educated of a better way of doing things.


One of the things is really long formulas. It's just really difficult to decode super-long formulas.


Look at this.


This is a real formula, from a real model. Really hard for anybody to take out a part and figure out what's going on.


When we take that long formula and then we add in a whole bunch of off sheet references. So now this formula is not only long and difficult to understand, it's also pointing stuff from all over the model.

この長い計算式にシート外の参照を追加すると そのため、この式は長くて理解しにくいだけでなく、モデルのあちこちにあるものを指し示すことになります。

Good luck. Trying to understand that formula. Because normally you are going to have to decode the syntax of it and you are paging around the model to figure out where things are coming from. These two things like long formulas and off-sheet references.


They really impede the readability of a model. So we make it an absolute standard in our models and we keep the formulas short and we avoid off-sheet references in the middle of calculations.


It’s always done with links so you can see where everything is coming from. It really helps to make a model much more readable.


If we add into that mix, what we call "Daisy Chains" and they make it even worse.So those off-sheet links and long formula, when you get there to find out what it is driving that formula, you discover it's a link somewhere else.


And you get there and it's a link to somewhere else and we have this series of what we call Daisy chains in a model. But that's awful.

そこにたどると、どこかにリンクしていて 、モデルがこういったデイジーチェーンと呼ばれるものの連続になっている。こういったモデルは本当にひどいモデルです。

It's also awful when you come to perhaps want to delete bits from the model. Because you have this sequence of things are links to links to links when you want to delete something from the model, the whole thing's going to blow up. It's awful.


So we want to avoid long formulas, we want to avoid off-sheet references in calculations and we want to avoid Daisy chains.



