
財務モデリング講座 第7回:生産性が向上するショートカット

1.6 Ninja Modelling tools: Productivity macros



If we think about what the building blocks of our financial model are, they are calculations. We are doing lots and lots and lots, many hundreds sometimes thousands of calculations in a model. So they are the smallest unit of analysis. 

私たちの財務モデルの構成要素は何かを考えてみると、それは計算です。私たちは、たくさん、たくさん、たくさんの計算をしています。 モデルの中で何百、時には何千もの計算をしています。つまり、計算は分析の最小単位なのです。

There are certain things that we do over and over and over again when we are building a financial model, certain operations that we do repeatedly. And so I am going to talk about three of those in this tutorial that we've automated to make them super quick. 


The first is whenever we write a formula we want to copy across our timeline. Now look. I am just focused on the keystroke right now and in later tutorials we're going to talk about the sheet structure. We're going to talk about why we build up calculations this way. We are going to get into all of that in depth.


 So I'm building this block of electricity generation I'm going to teach you about these concepts about P50 and degradation and seasonality adjustments. I am going to teach you about those later on. Right now focus on the keystrokes. 

ということで、この発電量の計算ブロックを作っていきます。P50と劣化と季節性調整の概念について教える予定ですが、 それらについては後ほどお教えします 今はキーストロークに集中してください。 

So in our sheet we’ve got specific calling for constants and then we have our timeline and I am going to explain the rationale for all of that later. But for now we take a year one production, multiply it by our availability and multiply it by our degradation, and multiply it by seasonality adjustment and we hit enter.


Because we change our Excel environment settings we do not move down when we hit enter. We stay where we are. Because the next thing we want to and do is copy the formula across. And that is what we created the keystroke for. so Ctrl+Shift+a is just going to shoot that formula all the way over.


So just to see that again, after we’ve written a formula we hit enter, we stay where we are. And then the next thing you want to do is copy stuff across, Ctrl+Shift+a. Because every time we write a formula at the start of the timeline, the first time series and then copying that across. Ctrl+Shift+a just becomes a muscle memory keystroke that just fires that formula across the timelines every time.





「Ctrl + Shift + a」を押せば、スタート地点に数式を作成後、その数式の上でを押せば、数式が行き止まりになるまでコピーしてくれます。
