
財務モデリング講座 第20回:コピー & ペーストの留意点


動画2.9 Links Part I: When to create, when to copy

Ok let’s just quickly look at how we create these links again. I am now creating the electricity generation revenue block and I’ve got two placeholders here for things that I'm missing. One is electricity generation and one is operating period flag.


For electricity generation I have right here, so I am going to create a link. “Ctrl+C”, come down here and “Ctrl+Shift+Q”, “Ctrl+Shift+A”. and I am going to clear out shading with “Ctrl+Shift+C”. Ok that is the act of creating a link and bringing down the electricity generation number into the next block.


The next step, I need the operating period flag. Here is where things get really efficient. Once I create a link already, I don't have to keep doing that over and over again. I don't have to go to the time sheet and do it again. because I already have a link to the operating period flag here.


So I can just copy that link. So Shift+Space Bar, Ctrl+C, come down to this new block and Shift+Space Bar, Enter. If I recalculate, my block is going to work.


And so the principle here is that if we already have a link, we can just copy it. And so for example, if I was doing a new block now that needs electricity generation again, I can just copy the link and drop it down.


If I need operating period flag, I can copy that and drop it down. And that's going to work really well. Be careful though because you might when you are used to this process, electricity generation I need that again and copy the calculation. If you do that, Shift+Spacer Bar, Ctrl+c, Shift+Space Bar, Enter, and when you recalculate, you get crazy results. Here it works well because we are linking, but here we have copied a calculation.

操業期間フラグが必要な場合は それをコピーしてドロップダウンすることができます。うまくいくでしょう。ただし、この処理に慣れていると、発電量が必要になったときに、もう一度それをリンクではない、リンク元を参照してしまうことがあるので注意が必要です。そうすると、「Shift+Space」、「Ctrl+C」、「Shift+Space」、Enterで再計算すると、とんでもない結果になります。リンクを作成してればうまくいきますが、リンクを作成していなければ、ただ計算をコピーしてしまうのでうまくいきません。

So the calculation structure is this and we just copy it down there, but there’s nothing in these cells. So that’s not going to work.



