
財務モデリング講座 第5回:高速ショートカットの紹介


動画:1.4 Introducing our Ninja modelling tools

Hey it’s Kenny here. Just wanted to give you some additional guidance on setting up macros. I’ve got nothing opened right now, and when I open this macro file, here is what happens in my machine. Just so you can compare with yours. When we open it, it looks like nothing has happened. It looks like it hasn’t worked. That’s deliberate. What we want is macros to be working in the background.


So whenever you open Excel they always work. But if you go to the View menu, Alt+w, and the “u” for unhide, you can see that it is here. They are working. If I was to do Ctrl+n, and open a new workbook, if I do Ctrl+Shift+i, I get input shade. Ctrl+Shift+c, shade clears. I have my macros in this macros file right on the route of my C drive. 


If I go to options, Alt+f, and then “t” for options, if you go to advanced, and then scroll down, what you can see is that I got this setup “at startup, open all files in macros”. That’s the only file that I have in in there on my keyboard shortcut. I don’t put anything in there because should other stuff in there, Excel is going to load lots of stuff and it will create lots of problems. So you just want to put that shortcut file in there. 

オプションでAlt+fを押して、オプションの "t "を押し、詳細設定を下にスクロールすると、"起動時にマクロですべてのファイルを開く "という設定になっているのが分かります。これがキーボードのショートカットにある唯一のファイルです。何も入れていないのは、他のファイルが入っていると、Excelにたくさんのファイルが読み込まれてしまい、多くの問題が発生してしまうためです。だから、そのショートカットファイルだけを入れておくのです。 

The result of that is, whatever file I open, I always have my keystrokes working. Ctrl+Shift+i, Ctrl+Shift+c, right? So I don’t have to think about that anymore. It is just working in the background. That’s why we save it as a hidden file. Whenever you open up a workbook that you are working in, macros boot up in the background and they are giving you keystrokes and you don’t have to think about that anymore. So that screen you get you think it hasn’t worked, that’s actually intentional. They open as a hidden workbook.



Windows Shortcut
Alt + w: 表示メニュー
Alt + w + u: 再表示
Macro Shortcut
Ctrl + Shift + i: インプット入力用の色に色分け ( i for input )
Ctrl + Shift + c: 書式をクリア(c for clear)


