Benevolent Dictator For Life引退後のPython(後編)

昨日の続きで、Guido van RossumがBDFLを引退してからのPEP1の動きを追ってみる。801Xと呼ばれる6つのガバナンスモデルの案に対して、どれを選ぶかという投票が行われたのだが、PEPを管理するGithubを見ると8016が採択されたようだ。

PEP1のhistoryを見ると、PEP8016に則ってSteering Councilの役割が追加され、BDFLにも修正が加わっている。

There are several references in this PEP to the "Steering Council" or "Council". This refers to the current members of the elected Steering Council described in PEP 13 [5]_, in their role as the final authorities on whether or not PEPs will be accepted or rejected.

Steering Council(運営評議会)はPEPが承認されるか避妊されるかの最終的な権限を保つ役割。

This PEP still uses the title "BDFL-Delegate" for PEP decision makers. This is a historical reference to Python's previous governance model, where all design authority ultimately derived from Guido van Rossum, the original creator of the Python programming language. By contrast, the Steering Council's design authority derives from their election by the currently active core developers.

Delegateは委譲と約される。従来はBDFLが決定してきたものがSteering Councilに移されるが、BDFLという名前は残す。


This document describes the schedule and other details of the January 2019 election for the Python steering council, as specified in PEP 13. This is the first steering council election.
In future elections, the returns officer will be appointed by the outgoing steering council. Since this is the first election, we have no outgoing steering council, and PEP 13 says that the returns officer is instead appointed by the PSF Executive Director, Ewa Jodlowska. She appointed Ernest W. Durbin III.

returns officer(選挙管理人)は前任のsteering councilに指名されることとなっているが、今回がsteering councilの最初の選挙なのでPSF Exective DirectorがErnest W. Durbin IIIを指名した。

結果としてGuido van Rossumを含む5人が選ばれた。
