


For example, smart electricity meters need to connect to the cloud to report on usage, and building security systems need to communicate locally so that a door will unlock when you badge in. Microcontrollers have limited compute power and memory capacity and typically perform simple, functional tasks. Microcontrollers frequently run operating systems that do not have built-in functionality to connect to local networks or the cloud, making IoT applications a challenge.


Q. What minimum hardware specifications are required?
Amazon FreeRTOS is optimized for microcontrollers with >25MHz processing speed and >64KB RAM (assuming all available libraries, including TLS, are running on the application microcontroller). If the communication and crypto stack (except for MQTT) is offloaded onto the networking processor, your microcontroller will only need 10MHz processing speed and 16KB RAM.

AWS のFAQにはFreeRTOSの動作要件として25MHz(暗号処理をオフロードする場合は10MHz)と書かれている。単純比較はできないが現行のArduino Unoが20MHzのATmega328、1985年に発表されたIntel 80386(i386)が12MHzでWindows3.1が動くので、それより小さいOSということだろうか。

Q. Can I make changes to the Amazon FreeRTOS source code?
Yes. Amazon FreeRTOS is an open-source software distributed under the MIT license, so it can be modified to fit any specific needs of your application without the permission of AWS.


2016年に発表されたAmazon Dash ButtonがCortex-M4、2018年に発表されたAWS IoT 1-Clickはアーキテクチャは不明だが、こういった領域に使われていくのだろう。

そういえばソラコムのLTE-M Buttonがアマゾンで買えるようになってたので貼っておく。
