

とりあえず情報量の多いThe Guardianから読んでみる。

Twitter has appointed one of the world’s most respected hackers as its new head of security in the wake of a humiliating mass attack in July. The company has placed Peiter Zatko in charge of protecting its platform from threats of all varieties, poaching him from the payments startup Stripe. Zatko is better known as Mudge, his handle for more than 20 years of operation on both sides of the information security arena.

「世界で最も尊敬されているハッカーの一人」として紹介されているMudgeことPeiter Zatko氏。Stripeというオンライン決済の会社にいたが、そこからPoaching(密猟)されてTwitterのセキュリティの責任者となった。


Mudge made his name in the 1990s as a member of the notorious hacker collectives Cult of the Dead Cow and L0pht Heavy Industries. The groups were notorious for making and distributing hacking tools such as Back Orifice, which could allow a hacker to take over an infected machine, and L0phtCrack, a tool for cracking passwords. But they were also drivers of the unique culture of the hacker community, distributing music and zines, running conventions, and engaging in pranks and activism online.

90年代にCult of the Dead CowとL0pht Heavy Industriesという有名なハッカーのcollectives(集団)のメンバーとして有名になった。彼らはBack OfificeやL0ptCrackというツールを公開することでも有名だった。


Hacker News Network is one of the side projects of the Boston-based hacker collective known as L0pht Heavy Industries. They're the guys who famously told the U.S. Congress that they could take down the Internet in about 30 minutes, and who helped invent the way that security bugs are reported to computer companies.

L0pht Heavy IndustriesのサイドプロジェクトであるHacker News Networkは米国の議会で「インターネットは30分でテイクダウンできる」と語り、セキュリティに関するバグを製造元の企業に提供する、現在で言うBug Bountyを広めた。

The L0pht's eight members were hacker gods back in the '90s, but most of them have faded from the limelight, even as they've watched a cottage industry of security research firms sprout up based on many of the disclosure techniques they pioneered.

L0phtの8人のメンバーは90年代はハッカーの「神」だった。彼らがバグに関してdisclosure(開示)する技術を開拓し、それを元にセキュリティのcottage industory(家内工業)が広がった。

Mudge describes the L0pht's early security advisories as "very much a Rachel Carson-meets-Consumer Reports sort of attempt." (Carson was a biologist who advanced the environmentalist movement in the '60s.) Initially, the group tried to apply that neutral Consumer Reports model to its @stake work, refusing to take money or free products from vendors. "It drove the venture capitalists nuts because we'd be turning down the money," he said.




現在、49歳のMudgeが、どれぐらい現代のSNSの脅威をコントロールできるかは未知数だったが、TwitterのCEOで現在45歳のJack Dorseyにとっては憧れの存在だったのかもしれない。MicrosoftもWindows NTを開発するために「闘うプログラマー」という本で有名なデビット・カトラーをDECから引き抜いたり、40代の経営者がここぞというときは憧れの人を呼びたくなるのかなぁと想像したりしました。
