
(Vol. 6) Yota's eyes on Fintech in Japan - Square started supporting PayPay for its Merchants. (SquareがPayPayのサポートを開始)


In this blog post series, I plan to share the latest news in the Fintech industry in Japan with my thoughts as frequently as possible.

Today's News

Today, I would like to share the article blow about "Square in Japan started to offer PayPay, QR payment".

Square Japanは、8月9日にSquare経由の支払い方法として、PayPay決済に対応すると発表しました。これで、クレジットカードに加えて日本ではSuica、PasmoなどのFelica電子マネーに続く決済手段の追加となります。今回のPayPay決済は加盟店側でQRコードを表示し、消費者(PayPayユーザー)にアプリで読み取ってもらい、金額を入力する方法でサポートされるようです。MPMは加盟店にとっての導入ハードルが低いことで知られています。

Square Japan announced in August 9, 2022, that they started to offer merchants to accept the PayPay QR payment. As a result, Square's merchants will be able to accept standard credit card (including debit and prepaid) payments, in addition to a local Felica enabled e-wallet/e-money such as Suica and Pasmo as well as PayPay. PayPay offers two types of acceptance. One is what it is called - Customer Presented Mode (CPM) and the other is what it is called - Merchant Presented Mode (MPM). MPM is what Square offers today in Japan where the merchants display the dynamic QR code to PayPay users and it is scanned by consumers' PayPay app and input the amount they want to pay. It is considered that MPM is much easier for merchants to start accepting PayPay from a system integration perspective.

Yota's Thoughts(ようたの感想)


If we can assume that the main target market for Square is the Card Present Market (CP Market), the move Square took seems very natural. PayPay recently announced that its customer base exceeded 50 million and its annual processing volume becomes 6 trillion yen. It is forecasted that the cashless transactions in Japan in the final consumption for 2021 was about 95 trillion yen. Therefore, PayPay may capture about 7-8% of the market in 2022. 


The payment market is expected to grow annually by 15-20% in 2022, especially due to the online segment growth. While its growth speed may be slower compared to the last few years, it will be still relatively the higher number. That being said,  many players are pretty much active in the offline segment as well. Square would need to see the competitors and their product like below going forward.  

三井住友カードが提供するステラ (Stera by Mitsu Sumitomo Card)

リクルートが提供するエアペイ (Air Pay by Recruit)

GMOフィナンシャルゲートが提供するマルチ決済端末 (Multi payment device by GMO Financial Gate)


These products already offer the QR code payments including PayPay so we could see this news just as "Square just caught up."

Squareはもともと、iPhoneなどの携帯端末にドングルを挿すだけで使えることが強みでした。その意味では当時あったPayPal Hereなどの競合には勝ったわけですが、日本においてはまだまだこれからの動きが気になるところです。

Square originally made it different and strong in the market by introducing a dongle that enabled merchants to accept credit cards. In this context, Square won the battle with PayPal / PayPal here, but we still need to pay attention in the market trend and moves of players further.

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