
(Vol. 4) Yota's eyes on Fintech in Japan - eWallet Services such as PayPay, and auPay are used as a Covid stimulus package by local governments (PayPayなどのウォレットはコロナ対策に有効?)


In this blog post series, I plan to share the latest news in the Fintech industry in Japan with my thoughts as frequently as possible.

Today's News

本日時点での国内の主要なウォレット(●●Pay)は、PayPay、 d払い、auPay、楽天Payです。これらのウォレットは軒並み地方自治体と提携して、コロナ対策の刺激策として使われています。概ね、利用額の20%から30%などがそれぞれのサービスのポイントとして還元されます。また、コンビニや大手外食チェーンなどで利用できないなどの制約をしているケースもあります。

As of today, the major e-wallet services in Japan (these are called xxxPay) are PayPay (by Softbank), d-barai (by docomo), auPay (by KDDI) and RakutenPay. These wallets are used as a stimulus method to support local merchants who are affected by Covid economic slow down. In general, users of these wallets can obtain 20% to 30% of the purchased amount as a point of each service, which is subsidized by a local government. To support a local economy, some local governments only allow providing such additional points at small and medium sized merchants/stores (by excluding large convenience stores and chains etc.)

PayPay supports 36 local governments in August, 2022. 

Miyagi prefecture, where I live, finally will starts the promotion from September 1, 2022. 

Yota's Thoughts(ようたの感想)


These package are promoted in line with the trend of "cashless" in Japan, which the METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) fosters. While the No.1 method of cashless payment method is a credit card, there are some reasons why local governments wants to do this with e-wallet operators. 

  1. 導入したい加盟店のコストが少なくや手間が少ない(手数料は1.6%程度、端末の必要もない)

  2. 全てがオンアストランズアクション(加盟店開拓をするのも消費者向けウォレットを提供するの同一企業)となるので、対象加盟店、業種などを正確に把握しやすい

  3. 携帯各社が提供するサービスのため、各地にある携帯電話ショップで利用方法などのサポートが受けられる(細かいサポートができる)(楽天以外)

  1. the cost for merchants is very low and merchants do not need to purchase a device. The MDR is considered 1.6% or so and they can accept it just by displaying a QR code.

  2. Because all transactions are On-Us transactions where a same operator acquires both a merchant and consumer, it is easy to manage/handle merchants, what business (MCC) they are in.

  3. As you can see, all services are provided by big mobile operators in Japan. They have many local shops/stores everywhere, at which people who don't know how to use these wallets can ask questions in person. (other than Rakuten Mobile)


In 2021, the cashless ratio in Japan's final consumption is reported to be about 32%. Along with the stimulus package, we may want to pay attention how the cashless mix will move in the near future. 

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