
(Vol. 22) Yota's eyes on Fintech in Japan - How PayPay will grow?(PayPayは儲かるのか?)


In this blog post series, I plan to share the latest news in the Fintech industry in Japan with my thoughts as frequently as possible. Furthermore, to learn more about English and to study TOEIC, I will add my English translation as well.

Today's News


Today, I would like to share the news about Z Holdings made PayPay a subsidiary. PayPay is the company you cannot ignore when talking about Fintech in Japan so it will be beneficial to understand how it is owned in terms of capital relationships. 


It is so complex to capture the capital relationship for the companies owned by "SoftBank". First, SoftBank Group is the primary holding company. Under it (while there might be some middle equity-holding-company), Z Holdings is located. Z Holdings owns companies listed in the diagram below.  



PayPay had been a company invested by SoftBank Group and Yahoo but from October 2022, it will be owned by Z Holding (vs. Yahoo) with the share of 35%. In addition to the synergy with Yahoo, it will pursue synergies with other group companies of Z Holdings. PayPay owns the card issuing company named PayPay Card which owns the issuing licenses from Visa, MC and JCB. PayPay Card is 100% owned by PayPay.


For your information, SoftBank (telecommunication) owns the payment service company named SB Payment Service. The company also owns the issuing license from Visa.  

Furthermore, the points below are shared in the article.


*The market is still uncertain about synergies PayPay can consider with other Z Holdings company.
*As the net loss for March 2022 was 60 billion JPY, the consolidated outcome will be negative for the short term.
*Accumulated net loss has been 250 billion JPY.
*Stock price of Z holding remains low.

Yota's Thoughts(ようたの感想)

PayPayの収益化までの道のりはまだまだ長いと思いますが、 5000万人の顧客ベースが既にあり、日本のQRコード決済、ウォレットアプリの最大手になっている点はZホールディングスやソフトバンクグループには大きな強みだと思います。LINE9200万人やヤフー5500万人とのシナジーを作ることができれば圧倒的No.1を獲得できるかと思います。

While the timeline for PayPay to be profitable would be long, the fact that it has more than 50 million user base in Japan, which has made it a No.1 Wallet app (QR Payment provider), is a strong differentiator and strengths. If they can consider new synergies with Line (92 million users) and Yahoo (55 million users), their strengths will be more solid.  

とはいうものの、フィンテック、特に決済領域での収益化はかなり大変です。PayPayの年間取扱高が6兆円、テイクレイト0.3% 取れたとしても、300億円程度の利益です。しかもPayPayの主な加盟店は中小企業が多いため、入れ替わりも激しく、常に新しい加盟店を獲得し続けなければいけないコストがかかります。キャンペーン費用も引き続き発生するでしょう。

That being said, it is generally getting harder and harder to make a profit in Fintech business, especially in payment area. PayPay processes more than 6 trillion yen annually. If we can assume the take rate is 0.3%, their operating income will (only) be 30 billion yen. Furthermore, the merchants of PayPay are mainly SMEs, they need to keep acquiring new merchants because SMEs don't survive longer with a lot of promotions. 


If they wan to be bigger (in terms of profit), it will be a loan business or ad/marketing business. PayPay provides a kind of BNPL service called PayPay pay later. At this moment, they don't charge any interest, however, if they start providing a type of loan and we can can assume that the take rate is around 10%, the profit may become huge. In addition, the marketing, promotion related solution will have potentially a positive impact for the company if these solutions are accepted by merchants. Yahoo's original business is advertisement/marketing, if PayPay can pursue an effective solution and synergies, there is a big potential for them to grow further. 

I will update more about PayPay when I hear a new news. 

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