
(Vol. 18) Yota's eyes on Fintech in Japan - How is MyNumber Card relevant to Fintech?(マイナンバーカード とフィンテック)


In this blog post series, I plan to share the latest news in the Fintech industry in Japan with my thoughts as frequently as possible.

Today's News

本日は、以下の記事を参考にして改めて、マイナンバーでできること、Fin Techとどのように関係があるのかについてまとめておきたいと思います。

Today, I would like to write about what MyNumber Card is by sharing the article below. I will also touch on why MyNumber Card is relevant to the FinTech industry and/or players.


MyNumber Card is similar to the Social Security Number in the US. It has a photo identification with a unique ID number. Since it started in 2019, as of June 2022, 45% of the entire population in Japan hold the cards. That said, it is still a long way to go to get to 100%.


In the article, the below are what you can do with MyNumber Card.


*You can use it as an ID.
*You can use it as an health insurance ID (and the history verification of prescribed medicines)
*You can issue your residential (address etc.) certificate at convenience stores.
*You can obtain the certificate of Covid vaccination through the app.
*You can complete the tax filing. 
*Some of the (administrative) paper work can be omitted.
*You can register the bank account where you will receive money from governments.
*You can get the MyNumber Points (this is relevant to FinTech)  

Yota's Thoughts(ようたの感想)


In this section, I would like to focus on talking about MyNumber Points.


Since 2019, the Japan Government spent or budgeted more than two trillion yen (For the first, it was 250B yen and for the second, it is budgeted 1.8 trillion yen)for MyNumber Points initiative. There are two reasons for this. One is to promote MyNumber Card itself, the other is to foster the Cashless Payment in Japan. In other words, the government wants to foster PayPay and Credit Card as way to improve cashless ratio in Japan, and this is where FinTech is relevant.


MyNubmer Points is the name of initiative and in reality, consumers can get points from cashless payment method operators. Currently, you can get points below if you take actions like these.

*マイナンバーカードを作る (5000ポイント)
*マイナンバーカードと銀行口座を連携する(7500 ポイント)

*To create MyNumber Card (5000 points)
*To connect your MyNumber Card with your bank account (7500 points)
*To connect your MyNumber Card with your health insurance card (7500 points)


The Fintech/Cashless payment operators like PayPay are happy because they can promote their payment methods or services by using the government budget. Indeed, PayPay recently announced that it reached 50 million customer base but it also implied that the MyNubmer Points program is one of the biggest factors to contribute the recent increase.


I imagine that MyNumber Card, a similar to the Social Security ID in the US, keeps connecting with FinTech businesses and operators. 

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