
Blog in English

Here are some thoughts to share from the daily life of a translator...


The Right Footware for Interperters

Following my New Year’s resolution to hit the road more often as an #interpreter, I bought a new pair of shoes for #business #travel. The picture here shows my purchase – what I call “hybrid” shoes - hybrid because they suit both business

Watch Out for Fire - Habet acht auf Feuer - 火の用心

Mission Complete! After finishing a week-long #interpreting assignment, I opted for a night stroll through the Old Quarter. A nightwatch in the snowy cityscape greeted me.

Fully Armed as an Interpreter

👷 In the last few days I've been heavily equipped - with a helmet, a safety vest, goggles, safety shoes and … a #tour #guide #system. Fully armed, I took part in a tour of a heavy industry plant to interpret for #Japanese visitors. I also

First In-Person Assignment with Guests from Japan

Finally! Interpreting for newly arrived guests from Japan! Yesterday, I travelled to a nearby city to take care of a face-to-face interpreting assignment. While Japanese travelling restrictions are not lifted altogether, businessmen are ca